
来源:银行从业 发布时间:2021-01-05 点击:


 Abstract .................................................................................................................. II 摘

 要 ................................................................................................................ II Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1 1 Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning ......................................... 3 1.1 Introduction to Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning 错误! 未定义书签。

 1.2 Importance to Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning .......... 3 2 Problems in Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning .................... 4 2.1 Problems of Primary English Vocabulary Teaching ................................... 4 2.2 Problems of Primary English Vocabulary Learning .................................... 5 3 Effective Means for Solving Teaching Problems ............................................... 7 3.1 Talking and Singing Method for Adding Flexibility ................................... 7 3.2 Situational Teaching Method for Increasing Intuition ................................. 7 3.3 Game Teaching Method for Making Interest ............................................... 8 4 Effective Means for Solving Learning Problems ................................................ 9 4.1 Preview Before Class ................................................................................... 9 4.2 Improving Initiative Awareness ................................................................... 9 4.3 Review After Class........................................................ 错误! 未定义书签。

 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 11 Bibliography ......................................................................................................... 12 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................ 15



 As internationalization developed, English gradually became an important language for communication between different countries. By learning our language, we can speak to people from a variety of cultures and languages.Currently, in most countries of the country, the primary classes of English are open. The elementary school of English is the initial stage of instruction in English and a key stage of instruction. In this stage, vocabulary is the basic element of English learning, and student’s vocabulary will largely determine their language expression ability. Terminology is an important part of learning English, but this task is too often missed by teachers and students. Thus, the question of how to effectively conduct lexical education, how to make students love lexical education, how to get more lexical teaching methods, is a question that modern English teachers should focus on and study.

 This article shares the situation in 4 parts based on a single article. The first part of the barrel explains the meaning and concept of English teaching in elementary school. In the second part, the state of English teaching in elementary school is analyzed and questions are asked. Part 3 describes the appropriate approach to teacher survival. The fourth part proposes the corresponding solution according to the problem of students. Vocabulary is the main factor of English learning in primary school. and one of how primary education most essential duties gives the student a certain amount of word. The paper carefully designed the present elementary school English education current issue and subject, as well as English learning methodology and method.


 Primary English; Vocabulary teaching; learning method







  关键词:小学英语; 词汇教学; 学习方法



  The primary school English is the key stage of the whole English subject teaching, also is the teaching beginning stage, students’ The glossary is the smooth English foundation of the curriculum, in today"s elementary school, elementary student glossary and the question of the existence of study behavior, has hindered English quality of teaching enhancement. Therefore, how to let primary school English teachers master good English vocabulary teaching methods, so that primary school students like to memorize words, and then like the subject of English, is the purpose of this paper. Vocabulary plays a very important role in the process of primary school English teaching [2] . How much vocabulary a student master will greatly determine their ability to speak and write in English. [3]

 Therefore, we can study from the perspective of English vocabulary teaching in primary schools, find out the problems in vocabulary teaching, and put forward corresponding solutions. This paper is presented in the form of recording lessons, the full text is divided into four parts. The first part mainly expounds the concept teaching in primary schools. The second part mainly analyzes the present situation of English vocabulary teaching in primary schools and finds out the problems. Evaluation revealed that, elementary school English teaching has a nimble teacher curriculum, the student needs a desire to study. The third part of the resolution of the issue provides appropriate language teaching. For example, teachers can use talking and singing teaching method, situational teaching methods, game teaching methods for vocabulary teaching. The fourth part deals with the problems of word learning. For example, they pay attention to preparation, learning activity and repetition. The aim is to expand the students’ English vocabulary by combining the word “school” of the teacher with the “lessons” of the students. The quality of the vocabulary is decided in a positive way by the teacher, in a positive teaching way, by an effective surveillance method, as well as by positively pondered and practice student numbers increase [4] . This topic consummate point out the education strategy of an English primary school teacher, a practical and affordable education method, an optimized system


 vocabulary learning theory, consummation learning elementary school English will further develop [5] .


 1 Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning English vocabulary teaching plays a very important role in English teaching. At the same time, English vocabulary teaching in primary school is the basic stage of English teaching and the indispensable stage of English teaching [6] . Therefore, the following are the basic concepts of English vocabulary teaching and English vocabulary teaching in primary schools [7] . 1.1 Introduction to Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Primary English vocabulary can be defined as: the teaching process and the design of teaching activities based on the rules of teaching in English and the age characteristics of elementary school students are based on the English language that students need to learn and on the preliminary achievements made by students in terms of their understanding and linguistic use [8] . 1.2 Importance to Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning

 English glossary is the basis of English exchange, does not have language exchange. The study dictionary has become English to teach the important component.The accumulation of vocabulary is a prerequisite and basis for improving students’ reading skills, is the key to improving students’ hearing. Phonetics, reading , letter. As a result, in English teaching, language instruction holds the momentous position at elementary school.


 2 Problems in Primary English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning

 Teaching English has improved, vocabulary has gained great success, in the process of teaching, teachers have acquired specific teaching methods, and the training course has received specific teaching methods. However, watching this, vocabulary training is also problematic. Next, the author will explain the problems that appear from both teachers and students. 2.1 Problems of Primary English Vocabulary Teaching Teachers play a leading role in vocabulary learning, but many questions also arise in the process of lexical learning, and the authors will talk about the problems of teachers from three sides. 2.1.1 Inflexible Vocabulary Teaching Process In the process of vocabulary teaching, the teacher’s teaching mode is unitary. Teachers always adopts the mode of reading words alone, in groups or together to let students learn the words [10] . If teachers use this way to teach words for a long time, students will find learning English boring, which will lead to students to lose their concentration, and the learning content is not only easy to forget, but also boring for students.In addition, many teachers accept the influence of traditional teaching mode, most teachers still can’t get rid of the influence of examination-oriented education, they regard the examination and score very important, so they ignore the quality education of students. Put too much time on the learning and consolidation of knowledge points, word memory and other aspects. As a result, students’ ability of language use and oral expression have not been trained. 2.1.2 Vocabulary Teaching Without Context Words have different meanings in different contexts, teachers blindly teach the meaning and usage of vocabulary in the process of teaching vocabulary, leaving the context will lead to students to blur on the way of life-long English learning, and the words will be forget faster. In addition, teachers use traditional teaching methods. The most prominent feature of the traditional teaching method is the use of spoon-feeding and backward teaching methods, which are simple and convenient, can be taught without using any advanced equipment, or


 can be used to apply the knowledge learned in the situation, so that students in the lack of advanced teaching equipment passive indoctrination. 2.1.3 Uninteresting Vocabulary Teaching Process

  Some teachers only pay attention to teaching classroom knowledge, writing words on the blackboard for students to read and recite, students keep taking notes. Teachers speak too much, the less opportunities he can provide students with independent knowledge, active training ability, students often in a passive position, no time to think, digest, absorb, of course, the knowledge can not be consolidated. Again, talk too much, the focus is not prominent, students can not grasp the essentials, the classroom atmosphere is dull, students are prone to fatigue. In addition, some teachers stay in the original teaching state, no voice room, no slides, no computer and other modern means to assist teaching, Even the tape recorder is seldom used. From beginning to end, it is only told by the teacher. The psychology of primary school students is not yet mature, which is suitable for active classroom teaching. Teachers blindly explain knowledge in the course of vocabulary education, if students do not participate in interesting activities in class, it will cause students to object to English, learning English will also feel boring, so hate English. 2.2 Problems of Primary English Vocabulary Learning The following two aspects will explain the students’ problems in vocabulary learning. 2.2.1 Poor Receptivity During the learning of English vocabulary, due to inadequate memorization methods, students tend to memorize mechanically. The number of students who memorize words according to the rules of pronunciation or combination of letters is small. Improper memory directly affects students’ ability to accept English words. Most pupils do not develop good study habits and lack the necessary consolidation and review of vocabulary. Accustomed to the test before the surprise of English review, so that the vocabulary only stay in the short-term memory of students, but to enter the long-term memory. When primary school students memorize the word meaning, they only memorize the lexical interpretation presented in the word table, and know little about the other meanings of the vocabulary. To understand a single word, not to integrate the


 different interpretations of the vocabulary you have learned, which give rise to pupils cannot use it effectively in the real situations, students can remember vocabulary well, but they can not use it correctly in real language environment. In the concrete use of vocabulary, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of improper use of words. Many students also feel frustrated. 2.2.2 Strong Passivity

 In the process of vocabulary learning, Many primary school students say they don"t like learning English words, especially students with weak English foundation, and they have a negative attitude towards learning English words. They think it is difficult to learn words, even if they study hard, the effect is very little, have no confidence in learning words, do not take the initiative to participate in vocabulary practice activities, afraid of making mistakes in vocabulary practice activities. In the process of vocabulary learning, many students learn words passively and lack the initiative to read relevant extracurricular books to consolidate and use the vocabulary they have learned. 2.2.3 Bad Memory

 For most students, the key to learning vocabulary is how to memorize words quickly and effectively. However, students often think that in class is the time to learn words, do not lay emphasis on the time after class. This state is maintained for a long time, students’ vocabulary will never get a qualitative leap.In the study dictionary process, the student only pays attention to the study time, but is not the study time of vocabulary after class, do not review the contents of the class in time, which will lead to the students’ vocabulary memory is not reliable and easy to forget. Because students do not master the scientific method of memorizing words, students often spend a lot of time memorizing words, but the effect is not good. For a long time, students’ motivation to learn vocabulary will be exhausted, and their confidence in learning vocabulary will be lost.


 3 Effective Means for Solving Teaching Problems In response to the problems that teachers face in the teaching process, the author proposes a strategy of pedagogical proposals to solve the existing problems in the teaching process and proposes the following measures. 3.1 Talking and Singing Method for Adding Flexibility

 Influenced by the traditional educational concept, teachers are the dominant position in English teaching in primary schools.The teaching form is single, the teaching is divided into boring, the students’ interest in learning is low, and the teaching effect is flat. And English songs into English teaching, this problem to solve. As a new teaching method, some developed countries have been popularized, but in our education, it needs to be further popularized.The teacher teaches the vocabulary, lets the student remember the vocabulary, needs to read unceasingly, the different way reads, this may enable the student to have the clear understanding to the word pronunciation, remembers the word correct pronunciation [11] , but this method is boring, the student is easy to wander then the ballad plays the very good function, the ballad is long mouth, the rhythm is cheerful, the student is particularly interested in this kind of rap [12] . Students like the song form with strong melody, fine short and beautiful. If teachers want to improve teaching efficiency, they should pay attention to the application of teaching methods. First, the song appreciation into the language content. The integration of English songs, not only let students sing, but also skillfully use songs to carry out language learning. On the other hand, the teacher can let the students in the process of singing songs into the corresponding action, hand and brain use, so that students devote themselves to teaching. Second, learn to create songs, improve practical ability. Teachers can develop their interests through infectious songs. Guide students to learn to adapt songs, so that students feel the magic of song learning.

 3.2 Situational Teaching Method for Increasing Intuition

 Bring the words into the situation, students can easily understand, digest, absorb! In the new vocabulary, create a real scene, let primary school students into the role to master the new words, and memorize recitation, this is more effective than the direct boring words spelling memory [13] , students are more interested, active participation. In the glossary aspect, the teacher can create a


 more accurate life the environment, allows every student to study use, and uses more words, the nature and expresses nimbly in the living atmosphere. For example, when learning the vocabulary of stationery in Unit 1 of Grade 3, As the author teach “knife”the word, pick up a student’s knife, say “This is a knife” A few more times, the students heard the pronunciation of the word “knife”, but also understand the meaning of the word expression. 3.3 Game Teaching Method for Making Interest Pupils are lively and active, like to play games, and the new English curriculum also emphasizes that English teaching should include teach through lively activities [14] . It’s a simple game of guessing, and it’s very interesting for students to think positively, start their brains, and speak enthusiastically [15] , which is enough to attract their attention and improve the efficiency of the class.

 Teachers can hold some games in their own teaching activities. For example, 1. Loud and low. This game is mainly to train students to read words, and when the teacher reads the words loudly, the students read them in a low voice. When the teacher reads the words in a low voice, the students read the words aloud. This game can not only let the teacher and students do together, but also can be done between different groups, through this game students can repeatedly read the words at the same time in this and the game, using the student’s competitive heart, can mobilize their activity. 2. Touch and say. For example, when people teach the words about stationery in the first book of the third grade, the teacher can read the words and let the students touch the corresponding stationery. The same game can also be played between the students. Through this game, the students can correspond the pronunciation and meaning of the words. 3. Look at the mouth type and guess the words. After learning a number of words, the teacher does not pronounce, only do oral, ask students to judge what words the teacher says through oral form. More than one of the fastest response, at this time the classroom was silent, the whole class eyes closely staring at the teacher’s mouth, lest missed a small detail, once know the answer, immediately raise their hands, enthusiasm. Through these fun little games, our vocabulary teaching becomes more interesting and efficient instead of giving some pictures directly, it’s boring to teach words, read them over and over, memorize them, But after these little games, it’s big increased students’ interest in English class [16] .


 4 Effective Means for Solving Learning Problems

 In the face of possible problems in the teaching process, the writer will come up with the corresponding effective means. The following measures are put forward according to the problems that appear in the process of pupils learning vocabulary. 4.1 Preview Before Class Preview is one of the important methods of learning English [17] . A planned preview is a prerequisite for effective learning and scientific learning. With a plan, there will be a comprehensive plan for future learning, can fully and reasonably arrange the time, properly allocate their energy. Once learning activities have a plan to follow, you can adjust yourself in time and go all out to work towards a set goal. Preview before class is also the basic premise and necessary preparation for a good class. If there is no good preparation habits do not carry out preview before class , class will be in mind countless, rushed into battle, it is possible to some problems, it is difficult to achieve the established purpose of learning. On the contrary, as If you preview before class, students will know what is doubtful and what is difficult, so that when the teacher lectures, your attention will be particularly focused, understanding the problem will be particularly profound. After preview, students can understand the important and difficult points of learning content and prepare for the next class study. Not only did the usable preparation increase the student’s interest in studying the dictionary, it also increases their memory. 4.2 Improving Initiative Awareness

 Pupils have their own characteristics: when there is enthusiasm and interest, it is easier and more natural to learn. Teachers teach them is also a pleasure. When they are not interested in learning, they are depressed and even tired of learning. Students’ interest in learning, intrinsic motivation and learners’ degree of autonomous learning are closely related. In the study English glossary process, the student must make a good habit of developing an autonomous study ability [18] . In class, they should concentrate on listening, take notes carefully, take the initiative to learn vocabulary, bring their vocabulary into their own life to learn, and have the consciousness of autonomous learning. Students’ English learning effect will also be greatly improved [19] . We should always cultivate and


 develop pupils’ autonomous learning ability. This is a major major in English language learning and teaching methods, and it is also necessary to cultivate students’ life long learning ability. The purpose of English teaching is not only to make students master the language itself, but also to cultivate students’ observation ability, imagination ability, communication ability and cooperative spirit through language learning. Therefore, in vocabulary teaching, we should give up the stage of teaching to students, and urge students to take the initiative to learn English and improve their learning skills. It is also necessary to set up a new teaching concept, break the traditional teaching mode, and strive to implement the teacher-centered to student-centered transformation, teaching Teachers should act as facilitator, guides and helpers, so that students can become the main body of the classroom and improve their ability. 4.3 Review After Class

 Review after class review is also an important part of English learning [20] , Learning is the process of forming a complete system, but in terms of students’ performance in the learning process, many students only pay attention to the listening in class, as well as the completion of homework after class, but ignore the work of reviewing after class. Believe that the main reason to do it is not because the students do not have time, but do not realize the importance of reviewing after class. In fact, after-class review is also an important part, through after-class review students can consolidate and digest the knowledge learned in class, develop English cognition is learning ability. Students in class to learn vocabulary knowledge is easy to be forgotten, so that after class review will play a long and important role, can let students deepen the memory of vocabulary, improve students’ vocabulary.



 In summary, vocabulary is an indispensable and central ingredient of learning English. However, by examining the content of teaching English vocabulary in primary schools in the country and examining the national and international literature on teaching English vocabulary in primary schools, it appeared that many problems remain in the teaching English vocabulary in primary schools, which creates many confusions and obstacles for teachers and students. Bibliographic observations and research helped identify problems encountered by teachers and students in learning vocabulary during English vocabulary teaching and suggested appropriate strategies and recommendations. Through observation, it is found that the problems of teachers in the process of teaching vocabulary are divorced from word context, teaching process is boring, and students’ attention is not focused. Through observation, it is also found that primary school students have two problems in learning English vocabulary: learning speed is poor, the effect is slow; the learning process lacks initiative. According to the issues of primary school students’ English vocabulary, the corresponding perfection strategies are put forward for teachers and students. Teachers’ teaching strategies include: Talking and singing method for adding flexibility; situation teaching method for increasing intuition; game teaching method for making interest. Students’ learning strategies include: paying attention to preview before class; improving initiative awareness; review after class.

 Much more needs to be done to improve the standard of teaching English in the initial school. Teachers should continue to study, develop vision points of view, and there are new ideas, to actively explore and improve teaching methods in vocabulary, to allow students to learn vocabulary in a relaxed teaching atmosphere, to improve vocabulary efficiency and to promote the common development of reading and writing skills. In addition, the student must find the study dictionary method, he is glad to study very much. The study dictionary is long one and the complex process, all quarters need joint effort. Teachers and students.Without these efforts, it will not be possible to achieve the expected results. Propose strategy and recommendations.


 The deficiency of this study: this observation object is less and lack of representative. Hence, in future investigations, in order to be more practical and representative, the scope of investigation will be expanded.




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 I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. First of all, I would like to sincerely thank my guidance teachers Zhou Junxi and Zhu Chunlei, every detail of this paper, can not be separated from your careful teaching, without your guidance, this paper can not reach the current form. Thanks again for the encouragement and guidance of the two teachers. Secondly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the teachers of the College of language and Culture for your guidance and help during the four years of college. At the same time, I would like to thank my friends for your advice and help in the process of writing my paper. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their love and teaching for me over the years.

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