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  [摘要]目的:比较两种仪器Chromameter CM2500d 和Maxmeter MX18在客观测量正常皮肤颜色及紫外线照射后皮肤颜色时的异同。方法:Chromameter CM2500d 的输出结果为L*a*,Maxmeter MX18的输出结果为M和E。其中L*和M反映皮肤黑素的变化,而a*和E则反映皮肤红斑的变化。测量正常皮肤曝光和非曝光部位的皮肤颜色,比较两种仪器的异同;分别以最小红斑剂量(MED)、即时黑化量(IPD)和最小持续黑化量(MPPD)的紫外线照射皮肤及反复多次紫外线照射皮肤,比较两种仪器在测量不同形式紫外线照射后皮肤颜色变化的异同。结果:在测量正常皮肤颜色时,两种仪器的检测指标具有很好的相关性;当紫外线照射后,反映色素变化的指标L*比M更易受皮肤红斑的影响;在测量IPD和MPPD产生的色素以及色素变化规律时两者具有很好的相关性;a*与E作为反映红斑的指标,在测量MED诱导的红斑时两者有很好的相关性,但反复紫外线照射红斑产生过强时,两者的相关性却明显的下降。在记录红斑随时间的变化过程中,两者始终保持较好的相关性。结论:两种仪器在不同情况下测量皮肤颜色时相关性不同,要根据具体情况分析检测结果。
  [中图分类号]R334.5[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2008)07-1038-03
  Physical measurement and evaluation for the skin color of normal and UV-irradiated skin
  --Comparing study of Chromameter CM 2500d and Maxmeter MX18
  TIAN Yan,LIU Wei,XIN Xu-ya,ZHANG Ping
  (Department of Dermatology,the General Hospital of Air Force,Beijing,100036,China)
  Abstract:ObjectiveTo compare the correlation of two kinds of instrument-- Chromameter CM2500d and Maxmeter MX18-in skin color measurement of normal and UV irradiated skin. Methods The result of Chromameter CM2500d is showed as L*a* and Maxmeter MX18 is M and E value. L* and M represent the skin pigmentation, while a* and E represent erythema of skin. We compared the correlation of the two kinds of instrument in skin color measurement of unexposed and exposed sites. And also evaluate their correlation after UV irradiation. Four different UV irradiations were measured, that is, MED, IPD, MPPD and repeated UV irradiation as follows:Day1=1.0 MED, Day2=0.5 MED, Day3=0.5 MED. ResultsWhen measuring the normal skin color, two kinds of instrument showed good correlation. While measuring the skin color after UV irradiation, the L* was more easily affected by erythema than M value. When measuring pigmentation of IPD, MPPD and the pigmentation change course, their correlation are good. a* appeared to be equally effective in measuring the skin erythema response of MED as E. However, when the erythema response was too strong by repeated UV irradiation, the correlation of a* and E decreased. a* and E showed equally effective in measuring the erythema change course. Conclusion The findings of this research showed that the correlation of the two kinds of instrument are different in different measurement conditions. So the results should be evaluated according to different measurement conditons.
  Key words:physical measurement; skin color; ultraviolet
  皮肤颜色、红斑和色素是皮肤科医生在描述皮损及记录皮损变化时常用的指标,但肉眼观察带有一定的主观性,并且不宜进行准确的描述,因此需要一些客观的指标进行定量。近几年来皮肤科和激光美容科常用的测量肤色的仪器是CIE推荐的测量颜色的反射三色刺激比色计(如Chromameter CM2500d)。另外,比较常用的是针对测量红斑和色素设计的窄波段反射分光光度计(如Mexameter MX18)[1-5],但是哪种仪器能够更准确地记录皮肤颜色的变化,以帮助我们更好地来量化皮肤的红斑和色素反应是我们需要解决的问题。在本次研究中,我们分别用两种仪器测量了正常皮肤的颜色及紫外线照射后产生的红斑和黑素的情况,以评价在不同测量条件下这两种仪器的异同。
  1.1受试对象:选定100名受试者进行皮肤颜色、最小红斑剂量(Minimal erythema dose,MED)、即时黑化量(Immediate pigmentation dose,IPD) 和最小持续黑化量(Minimal persistent pigmentation dose,MPPD)的皮肤颜色测定;另选定20名受试者进行多次紫外线照射后测量红斑和色素的变化规律。入选条件:健康女性志愿者,年龄18~60岁,测量和照射区域无皮肤疾患。
  1.2正常皮肤颜色的测量:选择手背和臀部为曝光部位和非曝光部位。分别采用Chromameter CM2500d (Minolta Camera Co,Japan) 和 Mexameter MX18 (C-K Electronic,Germany)测量皮肤颜色,每个部位测量三次取平均值。Chromameter CM2500d是CIE推荐的测量颜色的仪器,其结果输出以L*a*b*表示,其中L*代表从白到黑的亮度(0~100),a*代表红绿平衡,b*代表黄蓝平衡[1,3,5];Mexameter MX18是针对皮肤的两种主要色基黑素和血红蛋白而设计的,其结果输出以色素指数(M)和红斑指数(E)表示[1-2,5]。
  1.3.2 MED测定方法:选受试者臀部(非曝光部位)进行测试,紫外线曝光后(24h+2h)内读取皮肤出现红斑的最小剂量作为 MED值,并按照1.2的方法测量皮肤颜色。
  1.3.3 IPD和MPPD测定方法:选受试者臀部(非曝光部位)进行测试,紫外线曝光后立即读取皮肤出现黑素的最小剂量作为IPD值,紫外线曝光后2~4h读取皮肤出现黑素的最小剂量作为MPPD值,并按照1.2的方法测量皮肤颜色。
  1.3.3 红斑和黑素变化规律测定方法:选受试者臀部(非曝光部位)进行测试,按照1.3.2的方法先确定受试者的MED值,然后以紫外线反复照射三次,即第一天照射剂量为1MED,第二天0.5MED,第三天0.5MED。分别于照射前,第一次照射后的第3天、7天、9天、13天和20天测量肤色。
  2.1曝光部位和非曝光部位的正常肤色:以相关系数(r)表示L*与M值,a*与E值的相关性。曝光部位和非曝光部位的L*与M值,a*与E值都有很好的相关性(见表1),并且都有统计学意义(P   [2]Byung Soon Park,Jai I1 Youn.Topographic measurement of skin color by narrow-band reflectance spectrophotometer and minimal erythema dose(MED) in Koreans[J].Skin Res Technol,1998,4:14-17.
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推荐访问:皮肤 紫外线 照射 测量

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