
来源:税务师 发布时间:2021-03-22 点击:

1....so that when he retired he would be able to look back on his life with satisfaction. ……这样当他退休时,他就可以满意地回顾自己的人生了。

考点:retire vi. 退休;
离开 阅读下列句子,归纳retire的用法 ①Some of the workers want to retire early. 有一些工人想提前退休。


②After retiring from the army,he had nothing to do. 从军队退役后,他无所事事。


即学即用 语法填空 1)Mary said that she would retire ______ the army the next year. 翻译句子 2)她在55岁就退休了。

________________________________________________________________________ 答案:1)from 2)She retired at the age of 55. 2.However,the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered scientists. 但是,它后来得了严重的肺病,这个问题让科学家们感到烦恼。

that she later developed a serious lung disease是同位语从句。

Don't bother your father.He's thinking about something important. 不要打扰你的爸爸。他正在考虑重要的事情。

阅读下列句子,归纳bother的用法 ①She did not bother to reply. 她没有回复。

归纳:bother to do sth意为费心做某事,等于bother doing sth。

②He comes bothering me day after day. 他天天来打扰我。

归纳:bother用作及物动词,bother sb/sth意为烦扰/打扰某人/某物。

③Don't bother about me any more. 不要再为我操心了。


④I'm afraid I am causing you too much bother. 我担心我给你增添太多的麻烦。


⑤I hope I haven't been a bother. 我希望我没有烦扰到你。


⑥In fact,I don't want to bother her with/about my problems all the time. 事实上,我不想为了我的一些问题一直麻烦她。

归纳:bother sb with/about sth,意为为/用某事打扰或麻烦某人。

考点延伸 辨析bother,disturb与interrupt ①bother指扰乱某人心绪而使之不安,强调动作而不是心理,它表示暂时的、无关紧要的“困扰”“烦恼”或者是向别人请教或请求帮忙,须表示客气时,其主语多为人。例如:
Don't bother!I can do it myself. 不用麻烦!我自己来做。

Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighbourhood. 重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。

He interrupted to state that he had seen no evidence of this. 他插话说,他没有见到过这方面的证据。

即学即用 语法填空 1)—Shall I pick you up tonight? —No,thanks.Don't bother ______ (come);
I can take a taxi. 2)I'm so sorry to have bothered you ______ so many questions on such an occasion. 单句改错 3)We had a lot of bothers in repairing the press machine. ________________________________________________________________________ 选词填空 4)I can't ______him with my little affairs. 5)The child continually ______the class. 6)Please don't______ me when I am speaking. 答案:1)to come/coming 2)with/about 3)bothers→bother 4)bother 5)disturbed 6)interrupt 3.Dolly's death,like her birth,was bound to raise worries. 多莉之死,正如它的出世一样,注定要带来焦虑。

You've done so much work that you're bound to pass the exam. 你已经做了这么多努力,因此你一定能通过考试。

阅读下列句子,指出bound构成的短语及含义 ①He is bound to succeed in his enterprise. 他在事业上一定会成功。

短语:be_bound_to_do_sth 含义:一定或注定做某事,必须做某事 ②He is bound up in his research work. 他忙于自己的研究工作。

短语:be_bound_up_in 含义:忙于某事;
热衷于某事 ③His future is closely bound up with that of his company. 他的前途与公司的前途息息相关。

短语:be_bound_up_with_sth 含义:与某事物关系密切 ④The plane is bound for Tokyo. 这架飞机飞往东京。

短语:be_bound_for... 含义:去……,准备前往…… 即学即用 完成句子 1)She ______ ______ ______ leave the United States because she was a Chinese. 她注定要离开美国,因为她是中国人。

2)The train ______ ______ ______ Chicago. 这列火车是开往芝加哥的。

3)From that moment my life ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ hers. 从那一刻起,我的生命就与她的紧密相连。

4)He is too ______ ______ ______ his work to have much time for his children. 他工作太忙,没有很多时间陪孩子们。

单句改错 5)She felt she was bound to telling the whole affair to us. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:1)was bound to 2)is bound for 3)is closely bound up with 4)bound up in 5)telling→tell 4.Grammar复习同位语 一、同位语概述 对句子中某一成分作进一步解释、说明,与前面名词在语法上处于同等地位的句子成分叫同位语。同位语常放在被说明的词之后,说明它们的内容、性质和情况等,有时有逗号隔开。例如:
Mr Wang,my_child's_teacher,will be visiting us on Tuesday. 王先生,我孩子的老师,星期二要来看我们。

(Mr Wang是句子的主语,而my child's teacher说明主语的身份,是同位语。)
But now the question comes to their minds,“Did_she_die_young_because_she_was_a_ clone?” 但是现在他们不得不思考这样的问题:“她(多莉)早死是因为它是一只克隆羊吗?” (句尾的直接引语说明the question的内容,是同位语)
二、同位语高考考点 阅读下列句子,画出句中的同位语,并指出是什么成分担当了同位语 ①Mr Robson,our head teacher,is from Canada. 罗布森先生,我们的校长,来自加拿大。

在该句中名词担当同位语 答案:Mr Robson,our_head_teacher,is from Canada. ②They each put forward a proposal. 他们每个人提出了一个建议。

在该句中代词担当同位语 答案:They each put forward a proposal. ③Are you three ready to start out? 你们三个都准备好出发了吗? 在该句中数词担当同位语 答案:Are you three ready to start out? ④Soon came the order to start the general attack. 很快下达了发起总攻的命令。

在该句中动词不定式担当同位语 答案:Soon came the order to_start_the_general_attack. ⑤He enjoys the exercise,swimming in winter. 他喜欢冬泳这种锻炼。

在该句中动词­ing担当同位语 答案:He enjoys the exercise,swimming_in_winter. ⑥All the countries,big or small,are equal. 所有的国家,无论大小,都是平等的。

在该句中形容词担当同位语,这类词后省略与前面相同的名词 答案:All the countries,big_or_small,are equal. ⑦You have yet to answer my question whether you can lend me your bike. 你仍然要回答我的问题:你能把自行车借给我吗? 在该句中句子/从句担当同位语 答案:You have yet to answer my question whether_you_can_lend_me_your_bike. 在主从复合句中,作同位语的从句称为同位语从句。同位语从句一般用that,whether等词引导,常放在fact,news,idea,truth,hope,problem,information等名词后面,说明该名词的具体内容。同位语从句和所修饰的名词在内容上为同一关系。

语法填空,并翻译成汉语 ①We all know the truth that the earth goes round the sun. 翻译:我们都知道地球绕着太阳转这个真理。

②There is some doubt whether he will come. 翻译:他是否会来还有疑问。

③There was little hope that they would survive. 翻译:他们几乎没有幸存的希望。

④The rumor spread that a new school would be built here. 翻译:这里要建造一所新学校的传言传播开来。

⑤He had no idea why she left. 翻译:他不知道她为什么离开。_ 归纳:同位语从句的引导词及用法特征。

引导词 从句特点 例句 分析 1.that 同位语从句意义完整时,用that引导同位语从句 The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school. 他们比赛获胜的消息很快传遍了整个学校。

they had won the game说明the news的全部内容,因此为同位语从句 2.whether 如同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“是否”的含义时,用whether引导同位语从句 We'll discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time. 我们将讨论运动会是否会如期举行的问题。

the sports meeting will be held on time意义不完整,应加“是否”的含义才能表达the problem的全部内容,因此用whether引导同位语从句 3.when 同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“什么时候”的含义时,用when等词引导同位语从句 I have no idea when he will be back. 我不知道他什么时候回来。

he will be back意义不完整,应加“什么时候”的含义才能表达idea的全部内容,因此用when引导同位语从句 4.where 同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“什么地点”的含义时,用where引导同位语从句 Our teacher gave us the suggestion where we should spend our summer holidays. 老师建议我们应在哪儿度暑假。

we should spend our summer holidays意义不完整,应加“在什么地方”的含义才能表达suggestion的全部内容,因此用where引导同位语从句 5.how 同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“什么方式”的含义时,用how引导同位语从句 I have no impression how he went home,perhaps by bike. 他是怎样回家的,我没有印象,也许是骑自行车。

he went home意义不完整,应加“如何”的含义才能表达impression的全部内容,因此用how引导同位语从句 6.why 同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“为什么”的含义时,用why引导同位语从句 Do you have an idea why he hasn't been accepted by Qingdao University? 你知道他为什么没有被青岛大学录取吗? 加why和do you have an idea连用,才能表达完整的意思 7.who 同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“谁”的含义时,用who引导同位语从句 The question who should do the work requires consideration.谁该干这项工作的问题需要考虑。

加who,从句中才有主语,句子的意义才完整 8.which 同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“哪一个”的含义时,用which引导同位语从句 She hasn't solved the problem which university she should choose. 她还没有解决好选择哪所大学的问题。

which在同位语从句中作定语,表示选择关系 9.what 同位语从句意义不完整,需增加“什么”的含义时,用what引导同位语从句 The general gave the order what the soldiers should carry across the river at once. 将军下达了战士们立即带着什么过河的命令。

the soldiers should carry across the river at once不是the order的全部内容,意义不完整,应用what引导同位语从句 考点延伸 同位语从句与定语从句的区别 判断下列句中从句的类型,并归纳其用法区别 ①The news that I have passed the exam is true.(同位语从句)
②The news that he told me just now is true.(定语从句)
③The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people.(同位语从句)
④The idea that came up to him is interesting.(定语从句)


即学即用 语法填空 1)When the news came ______ the war broke out,he decided to serve in the army. 2)Modern science has given clear evidence ______ smoking can lead to many diseases. 3)—Is there any possibility ______ you could pick me up at the airport? —No problem. 4)A decision has been made ______ anyone who cuts down one tall tree will have to plant two young ones. 5)The pupil didn't tell me the truth ______ broke the glass. 翻译句子(运用同位语、同位语从句)

________________________________________________________________________ 7)我不知道他是否来。

________________________________________________________________________ 8)汤姆将是我们的新英语老师这个消息是真的。

________________________________________________________________________ 9)老师们每人有一本词典。

________________________________________________________________________ 10)我的名字是玛丽,一个十二岁的女孩。

________________________________________________________________________ 答案:1)that 2)that 3)that 4)that 5)who 6)They were delighted at the news that their team had won. 7)I have no idea whether he'll come or not. 8)The news that Tom will be our new English teacher is true. 9)The teachers each have a dictionary. 10)My name is Mary,a girl of twelve.


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