
来源:软件水平 发布时间:2020-09-17 点击:




  第一条 为了规范事业单位的财务行为,加强事业单位财务管理,提高资金使用效益,保障事业单位健康发展,制定本规则。

  第二条 本规则适用于各级各类国有事业单位(以下简称事业单位)的财务活动。

  第三条 事业单位财务管理的基本原则是:执行国家有关法律、法规和财务规章制度;坚持勤俭办事业的方针;正确处理事业发展需要和资金供给的关系,社会效益和经济效益的关系,国家、集体和个人三者利益的关系。

  第四条 事业单位财务管理的主要任务是:合理编制单位预算,如实反映单位财务状况;依法组织收入,努力节约支出;建立健全财务制度,加强经济核算,提高资金使用效益;加强国有资产管理,防止国有资产流失;对单位经济活动进行财务控制和监督。

  第五条 事业单位的财务活动在单位负责人的领导下,由单位财务部门统一管理。

  第二章 单位预算管理

  第六条 事业单位预算是指事业单位根据事业发展计划和任务编制的年度财务收支计划。


  第七条 国家对事业单位实行核定收支、定额或者定项补助、超支不补、结余留用的预算管理办法。



  第八条 事业单位参考以前年度预算执行情况,根据预算年度的收入增减因素和措施,测算编制收入预算;根据事业发展需要与财力可能,测算编制支出预算。


  第九条 事业单位根据年度事业计划,提出预算建议数,经主管部门审核汇总报财政部门核定(一级预算单位直接报财政部门,下同)。事业单位根据财政部门下达的预算控制数编制预算,由主管部门汇总报财政部门审核批复后执行。

  第十条 事业单位预算在执行过程中,国家对财政补助收入和从财政专户核拨的预算外资金一般不予调整。但是,上级下达的事业计划有较大调整,或者根据国家有关政策增加或者减少支出,对预算执行影响较大时,事业单位可以报请主管部门或者财政部门调整预算;非财政补助收入部分需要调增或者调减的,由单位自行调整并报主管部门和财政部门备案。


  第三章 收入管理

  第十一条 收入是指事业单位为开展业务及其他活动依法取得的非偿还性资金。

  第十二条 事业单位收入包括:







  第十三条 事业单位的各项收入全部纳入单位预算,统一核算,统一管理。

  第四章 支出管理

  第十四条 支出是指事业单位开展业务及其他活动发生的资金耗费和损失。

  第十五条 事业单位支出包括:





  第十六条 事业单位在开展非独立核算经营活动中,应当正确归集实际发生的各项费用数;不能归集的,应当按照规定的比例合理分摊。


  第十七条 事业单位从财政部门和主管部门取得的有指定项目和用途并且要求单独核算的专项资金,应当按照要求定期向财政部门或者主管部门报送专项资金使用情况;项目完成后,应当报送专项资金支出决算和使用效果的书面报告,接受财政部门或者主管部门的检查、验收。

  第十八条 事业单位可以根据开展业务活动及其他活动的实际需要,实行内部成本核算办法。

  第十九条 事业单位的支出应当严格执行国家有关财务规章制度规定的开支范围及开支标准;国家有关财务规章制度没有统一规定的,由事业单位规定,报主管部门和财政部门备案。事业单位的规定违反法律和国家政策的,主管部门和财政部门应当责令改正。

  第五章 结余及其分配

  第二十条 结余是指事业单位年度收入与支出相抵后的余额。


  第二十一条 事业单位的结余(不含实行预算外资金结余上缴办法的预算外资金结余),除专项资金按照国家规定结转下一年度继续使用外,可以按照国家有关规定提取职工福利基金,剩余部分作为事业基金用于弥补以后年度单位收支差额;国家另有规定的,从其规定。

  第六章 专用基金管理

  第二十二条 专用基金是指事业单位按照规定提取或者设置的有专门用途的资金。






  第二十四条 各项基金的提取比例和管理办法,国家有统一规定的,按照统一规定执行;没有统一规定的,由主管部门会同同级财政部门确定。

  第七章 资产管理

  第二十五条 资产是指事业单位占有或者使用的能以货币计量的经济资源,包括各种资产、债权和其他权利。

  第二十六条 事业单位的资产包括流动资产、固定资产、无形资产和对外投资等。




  第二十八条 固定资产是指一般设备单位价值在500元以上、专用设备单位价值在800元以上,使用期限在一年以上,并在使用过程中基本保持原有物质形态的资产。单位价值虽未达到规定标准,但是耐用时间在一年以上的大批同类物资,作为固定资产管理。


  第二十九条 事业单位固定资产报废和转让,一般经单位负责人批准后核销。大型、精密贵重的设备、仪器报废和转让,应当经过有关部门鉴定,报主管部门或者国有资产管理部门、财政部门批准。具体审批权限由财政部门会同国有资产管理部门规定。


  第三十条 事业单位应当定期或者不定期地对固定资产清查盘点。年度终了前应当进行一次全面清查盘点。

  第三十一条 无形资产是指不具有实物形态而能为使用者提供某种权利的资产,包括专利权、商标权、著作权、土地使用权、非专利技术、商誉以及其他财产权利。


  第三十二条 对外投资是指事业单位利用货币资金、实物、无形资产等方面向其他单位的投资。



  第八章 负债管理

  第三十三条 负债是指事业单位所承担的能以货币计量,需要以资产或者劳务偿还的债务。

  第三十四条 事业单位的负债包括借入款项、应付款项、暂存款项、应缴款项等。


  第三十五条 事业单位应当对不同性质的负债分别管理,及时清理并按照规定办理结算,保证各项负债在规定期限内归还。

  第九章 事业单位清算

  第三十六条 事业单位发生划转撤并时,应当进行清算。

  第三十七条 事业单位清算,应当在主管部门和财政部门、国有资产管理部门的监督指导下,对单位的财产、债权、债务等进行全面清理,编制财产目录和债权、债务清单,提出财产作价依据和债权,债务处理办法,做好国有资产的移交、接收、划转和管理工作,并妥善处理各项遗留问题。

  第三十八条 划转撤并的事业单位清算结束后,经主管部门审核并报国有资产管理部门和财政部门批准,其资产分别按照下列办法处理:





  第十章 财务报告和财务分析

  第三十九条 财务报告是反映事业单位一定时期财务状况和经营成果的总结性书面文件。


  第四十条 事业单位报送的年度财务报告包括资产负债表、收支情况表、有关附表以及财务情况说明书。

  第四十一条 财务情况说明书,主要说明事业单位收入及其支出、结余及其分配、资产负债变动的情况,对本期或者下期财务状况发生重大影响的事项,以及需要说明的其他事项。

  第四十二条 财务分析的内容包括预算执行、资产使用、支出状况等。


  第十一章 附则

  第四十三条 国家对事业单位基本建设投资的财务管理,按照国家有关规定办理。

  第四十四条 接受国家经常性资助的非国有事业单位和社会团体,依照本规则执行;其他非国有事业单位和社会团体,可以参照本规则执行。

  第四十五条 下列事业单位或者事业单位的特定项目,执行《企业财务通则》和同行业或者相近行业企业财务制度,不执行本规则:




  第四十六条 行业特点突出,需要制定行业事业单位财务管理办法的,由国务院财政部门会同有关主管部门根据本规则制定。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以根据本规则结合本地区实际情况制定具体财务管理办法。

  第四十七条 本规则自1997年1月1日起施行。1989年1月5日国务院批准,1989年1月26日财政部发布的《关于事业单位财务管理的若干规定》同时废止。?


















 One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staff's work principle is: "adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development." this is according to the temporary task and team members, facing the party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the party standard, and ensure the quality of new party members, and should help to gradually improve the structure by team members, all to improve the quality of Party members, improve the fighting capacity of the party, strengthen the party in the whole society and influence cohesion.The development of party work "sixteen words" policy, is an organic whole of dialectical unity, to fully understand and grasp the "Kennedy. Adhere to the standard" refers to the development of Party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the Party member standard, not lower standards or other standards. "Quality assurance", is to correctly handle the number of fingers with the quality of work, relationships, need and possibility, put quality first. "Improve structure", refers to the development of new party members to pay attention to reasonable structure, gradually improve the structure and distribution of Party members of the team, and to better play the role. "The party carefully". Is a must adhere to the individual absorption The principle of the development of a mature one, and strictly perform in the admission procedure, to prevent the Party member does not have the conditions of the people absorbed into the party. In the development of party work, it must understand correctly and comprehensively implement the "twenty-six words" policy, and avoid one sidedness and blindness, to ensure that work normally.The Communist Party is the working class with communist consciousness of the vanguard fighters are materialists and no atheists. The Communist Party only faith Ma Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiao Xiaoping theory and "Three Represents" important thought, not religion. On religion or have a strong religious feelings of the people can not develop to join the party.China is a multi-ethnic country, the common belief on ethnic minority areas, to participate in some people with ethnic customs and religious activities. In order not to distinguish from the masses, and just respect the national custom, in addition to some traditional funeral ceremony and the masses festival activities, should not be regarded as a religious faith to participate in religious activitiesThe chapter states: over 18 years old China workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals and sub sub advanced elements of other social strata China can apply to join the Communist Party.This is because: stating that 18 is the age limit for the party, because of a general, one to 18 weeks old to adult, can have a really determined political judgment, have the ability to force established their political beliefs and personal life ambition. At the same time, the provisions of the constitution apply please join the party people must have Chinese nationality citizens, foreigners will not be workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals and knowledge of other social strata to the advanced elements.The condition is applied to join the party constitution first stipulation: "over the age of eighteen China workers, farmers, soldiers, intellectuals and other advanced elements of his class, that program and constitution of the party, the party is willing to participate in an organization and in which work actively, carry out party resolutions and schedule accept pay Party membership dues, may join the Communist Party of China China application." this is the minimum requirement of Party members.The "recognition of the party's program and constitution" for the party. Please condition because the Communist Party is to China is the creed of the party and the constitution as the basis, in accordance with the unified organization of democratic centralism woven together, is highly consistent. On the thought political revolutionaries from the composition of the combat team may not. Is a simple combination of individual members.The party's program and regulations stipulate the nature of the party, the guiding ideology of the party, the party in the basic line in the primary stage of socialism, the ultimate goal of the party and the party's self construction of the basic requirements, it is the highest standards of ideological unity in the party's actions. At the same time, the party's program and chapter charter regulate the political life of the party, the unity of the whole Party action and the handling of personal and group organization, the basic norms of the relationship between the organization and the organization. This platform, the nature and function of the party constitution, the party is decided it is established, the foundation of survival and development. The recognition program, the party is in the mind, politics, organization, action. The premise of the same height. If the party does not recognize the awakening and abide by the party's program and constitution, each line is the party will, from the ideological, political and organizational collapse. So the Party Constitution stipulates that each joining the party everyone must admit the party program and constitution.In an organization of the party, the Communist Party members must refer to a branch of the Department into the party, group or a specific organization, and the organizational life in which, accept supervision of the party. In this issue, Lenin Martov launched a fierce struggle to fight. Martov advocated just admit party Manifesto and constitution don't have to attend a party organization, Party members can do, what each of the strikers can even put forward the "name" party. Lenin firmly opposed to this claim, he believes the party members should not only admit party principle, constitution, an organization and must participate in the party. Only in this way can the party become free the production of advanced class The organization of the army team, formed a strong fighting collective body, shoulder the great historical mission. If the party that does not participate in the program, the chapter of the party organization, the party will become a distraction for the club.The party has the obligation to undertake allocation, party organization work, and try to do it well. The party organization work assigned, including the political work of the party and the party's mass work. For example, in Party organizations at all levels of leadership, participation in Party education, contact the Department in the work of the masses and the promotion of the mass transfer work, participate in the development of party work, participate in various mass organizations work and social work. The party organization should root according to the specific circumstances, to each party member assigned to suitable jobs, and to inspect and guide. Each party must consciously accept the party organization and complete the assigned tasks. Active play Exemplary vanguard role of Party members.The party's decision, is the achievement of the overall objectives of the party, the general task, in a certain period of time, for a job or something, or by Party Congress Party Congress or the Party committee collective discussion, all members must carry out the party's decisions are matters. The collective wisdom of the Communist party, reflects the party and the interests of the vast majority of Party members, party the success of the party's cause. If there is a different meaning for the party's resolution can be retained or to higher Party organizations until the central reflect, but the action will not have to perform take the required attitude. And each one takes what he needs but if Each party can go their own way, so party unity would suffer bad, there would be no party fighting. So, applicant for Party membership to carry out the party's resolution is necessary. It does not follow the party's resolution are not allowed to become party members.Because party members pay membership dues are party members care for the career of the party, the party's economic aid, is also a party has organized logo ideas. At the same time, according to pay membership dues, not just party organizations to pay some money, but also cultivate a sense of organization of various means of Party members, and more is the party with strong strong party spirit and strict performance requirements. The organization, Party comrades should fully understand the importance of pay membership dues, was approved as a probationary member, consciously according to certain standard pay dues.The Constitution also stipulates that if the party fails to pay dues, should be subject to serious criticism and education, even to give disciplinary action necessary. Party member if there is no legitimate reason not to pay dues for 66 consecutive months, is considered to be self defections, should make the decision of branch congress and approved by the higher Party organizations must this guidance, Party members removed.The requirements of each party membership will must be given to the party. Please apply for applicants for Party membership application please book is written into the party, in order to show that the political party organizations choose their solemn party organization, to learn about your own beliefs and requirements, to facilitate the party organization investigation to self consciousness land, education and training.Is the party application form to the applicant for Party membership to the party organizations to express their wishes, strictly speaking, no fixed format. But the general should include the following basic contents: why do you want to join the party, mainly write about their own understanding of the party and the motivation of joining the party machine; their political beliefs, grow through experience and thought, work, study, work style and other aspects of the situation. The Party of the party. His attitude towards how to actively seek to join the party organization, the expression of determination and future work have the requirements to join the party, learning, life and other aspects of the plan.In general, the party should join the party request by the applicant to the Party Organization formally submit a written application to join the party. So the request, because Chinese is the Communist Party is the realization of communism will be as a political group for their ultimate goal. Each of the group members, should consciously to do whatever on when and where to take the interests of the individual to obey the party and the people's interests, not out of difficulties and hardships, not afraid of bloodshed, as for the implementation of the party's programme of work actively to establish a life-long struggle for the cause of communism. The Party comrades, is a very serious matter. Apply to join the party meaning A well prepared for a member of the Communist Party's responsibility, in the time of the party and the people need, can hesitate to sacrifice yourself everything. It is not a constant emotional impulse, also no half little force and force, must adhere to the principle of completely Kennedy. Only willing to applicant for Party membership after serious consideration into account, directly apply to the party organization, in order to truly express their political pursue and determination. On the other hand, with the continuous progress of the society, people's cultural level unceasing enhancement, the general situations, party people have written our party wishes to Ability. Therefore, applicants for Party membership to submit a written application to the party organization, as well as Zhuang serious, is fully able to do that.Write an application to join the party, please apply for Party membership to the party that he has joined the party's desire and determination. On this very serious one thing, write the party application Shen people should pay attention to the following questions: (1): to seriously study the party constitution and relevant basic knowledge of the party, to truly understand the solution party. Based on the full understanding of the party, a comprehensive understanding of the party, solemnly made his political choice, establish the correct motivation to join the party party. On this basis, to contact the Department of actual thinking about their understanding of the party, to the party organization to heart, should not just copy the copy books, not to talk about real thoughts ((2). To be honest and loyal to the party, truthfully report to the party since. Has the political calendar history, I experience, social relations and its impact on their own on the situation, may not conceal or falsify. ((3) applications from the writing I. As a result of low level of education or other special reasons can not personally write to write, by my dictation, please others to write, but to explain himself to self written reasons, and signed by the applicant by stamp or thumbprint to Party organization.Apply to join the party should submit a written application to the general Party organization. This is because in a peaceful environment, the party application please people who generally have certain cultural knowledge, have the ability to write an application to join the party. Membership is a very strict and serious thing, unless you do not have the necessary conditions and ability, the applicant shall be required in the party to the party as written expression of their own will.The man was seriously ill because of membership, low cultural level, residual disability and other reasons, it is difficult to write an application to join the party, either by themselves, please help dictate the other comrades to write. But from writing applications to real expression of the applicant's understanding and attitude toward, and that the applicant can not personally self writing the reason, finally by applicants signature stamp or by hand.An application to join the party is the applicant for Party membership to the party organization to express their requirements to join the party's desire to express their political pursuit and determination for a form. One party is required, after serious consideration into account, is willing, is a serious political choice. Write the party for Shen the book is a very serious matter. Therefore, most of the requirements of the party who everyone write applications look very heavy, in addition to the content to reflect their true thoughts, to express their requirements into the desire to join the party, in the form of think of as beautiful, neat, clear, consistent with this applicants with psychological. In addition, With the continuous improvement of the level of science and technology, office automation degree is more and more high, many units have been the real implementation of the paperless office, document processing are operated by computer is. In this case, the party who write requirements in applications with computer printing, should should be allowed to be clear. Is a print, the party application, the applicant must be a signature stamp or thumbprint India. The Party branch must take this off at the receiving party application. This book is both responsible for the party organization, is also responsible for the party in the applicant.The Constitution clearly pointed out that the Communist Party members to "the party faithful honest and consistent". This not only is for every member of the requirements, also apply to join the Party comrades on each request. The so-called "honest", is to be open-minded, bright and Lei, loyal to the party and the people, loyal to the socialist society and the cause of communism, not to resort to deceit, not to conceal their problems, reflect the situation to the party, don't hide their shortcomings and mistakes. This is the basic requirement of each member to join their team Wuwu party.Honesty is decided by the nature of party loyalty to the party. The party except for the workers class and the broad masses of the people's interests, no special interests of their own. For each party comrades must be honest and loyal to the party, this is the new stage of the new century, need economic and strategic objectives the development of the society. The construction of socialist Chinese to each application to join the Party comrades can faithfully faithfully implement the party's line, principles and policies on the needle, thought in politics, the height of the party, consistent action. The party is not one of the table, is not for the party say in words, words and deeds are not A, even playing double faced style. This phenomenon must be resolutely overcome and correct decision, must from the application into the Party comrades. Only the start each party and each application to join the party with Comrade can follow the party will really improve the will of one heart and one mind, the combat effectiveness of the party organization.Be honest and loyal to the party: (11) to conscientiously study Marxism Leninism, Mao Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", study the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience, establish a correct outlook on life, overcoming the "honest people suffer" thought Comrade Zhou Enlai once said: "the most intelligent smart people in the world is the most honest people, because only the honest people can have it real and historical test. Only a set of wholehearted service to the people life outlook on life, be willing to tell the truth, do honestly, honest people do consciously, for the realization of communism Righteousness and selfless work. (2) to adhere to the principle, according to Party policy. For a request for the Party comrades, can adhere to the principle, according to the party's policy, is an important symbol to measure him honest and loyal to the party is the party. Therefore, in the matter of principle that is the party's line, principles, policies and other major issues, we must proceed from reality in everything, selfless and fearless, adhere to the principles, and be impartial and, no matter what the circumstances, have been tested, do not damage the party's interests. To dare not tell the truth. Do not tell lies. Truthfully report to the Party Organization Department in all aspects of their situation. Don't be on their own shortcomings, mistakes, but also to take the initiative to speak clearly to the party organizations, consciously put themselves in the supervision and help of the party organization.The party is a dynamic motivation, individual party the subjective reasons, that is to say his inner heart is not what want to join the party.All striving for and actively participate in the molecular China of the Communist Party, must correct motives are correctly solve the problem.. why constitution stipulates that the second party: "China were members of the Communist Party of the working class is Chinese with communist consciousness of the vanguard fighters. China Communist Party members must fully serve the people whole heart. All at the expense of personal sacrifice, for the realization of Communist struggle for life. China forever is a member of the Communist Party of the working people. In addition to laws and regulations within the scope of personal interests and the authority to work at all, Communist Party members must not seek any personal interests and privileges." the provisions of And for all people to volunteer for the party team, must establish a scientific outlook of communism, there must be for the realization of communism struggle to fight, even at the expense of all their determination to have the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly for the people, we must consciously obey the party and the people's interests with a personal interest, suffer first, enjoy, G has been dedication, not the name, not for profit, and definitely not. In all the difficulties and danger, can stand out the heroic struggle. Only with this motivation and persistence to everyone, only may be a true communist. Who do not like people, can not become a member of the Communist Party. To establish the correct motivation of joining the party, and the party organizations and Party members rely on help education, but mainly rely on their own subjective effort.The development of the Party member of the Communist Party of Chinese "work rules (Trial)" provisions: Party activists called through training and education for more than a year later, it can be classified as the development object. The reason is because in such requirements, apply to join the partycredit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the customer agreed to process the business

 One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staff's work principle is: "adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development." this is according to the temporary task and team members, facing the party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the party standard, and ensure the quality of new party members, and should help to gradually improve the structure by team members, all to improve the quality of Party members, improve the fighting capacity of the party, strengthen the party in the whole society and influence cohesion.The development of party work "sixteen words" policy, is an organic whole of dialectical unity, to fully understand and grasp the "Kennedy. Adhere to the standard" refers to the development of Party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the Party member standard, not lower standards or other standards. "Quality assurance", is to correctly handle the number of fingers with the quality of work, relationships, need and possibility, put quality first. "Improve structure", refers to the development of new party members to pay attention to reasonable structure, gradually improve the structure and distribution of Party members of the team, and to better play the role. "The party carefully". Is a must adhere to the individual absorption The principle of the development of a mature one, and strictly perform in the admission procedure, to prevent the Party member does not have the conditions of the people absorbed into the party. In the development of party work, it must understand correctly and comprehensively implement the "twenty-six words" policy, and avoid one sidedness and blindness, to ensure that work normally.The Communist Party is the working class with communist consciousness of the vanguard fighters are materialists and no atheists. The Communist Party only faith Ma Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiao Xiaoping theory and "Three Represents" important thought, not religion. On religion or have a strong religious feelings of the people can not develop to join the party.China is a multi-ethnic country, the common belief on ethnic minority areas, to participate in some people with ethnic customs and religious activities. In order not to distinguish from the masses, and just respect the national custom, in addition to some traditional funeral ceremony and the masses festival activities, should not be regarded as a religious faith to participate in religious activitiesThe chapter states: over 18

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