
来源:雅思 发布时间:2020-09-08 点击:

  德育渗透课堂课例Unit 4 When was it invented ? 栖霞市连家庄中学 周燕 一、教材分析: 初四学生的学习有它本身的特点,即:边学习新课程边复习归纳旧知识;而且学生个体学情和思想等差异很大。本案例选材为五四制新目标英语鲁教版初四年级的unit4(Section A)部分。在初三年级已学被动语态的基础上,要让学生熟练使用句型“--- When was …… invented ? --- It was invented in…… ”来讨论各项发明创造。同时扩充学生知识面,了解更多关于各项发明的特点及用途等,从而更好地穿插渗透爱祖国、爱生活、爱学习的良好品质,为将来做对社会有用人才奠定坚实的科学理论基础。二、学情分析: 本案例所教育对象为普通农村中学的初四学生。他们所处的环境及其知识面相对较窄,因此,我把导入部分设计成视、听、说的多种形式,从学生较为熟悉的电脑发展史入手,慢慢地让他们产生临其境的感觉,渐渐减少其心理压力,增强其自信心。然后,通过听说、讨论和讲解,使学生通过多说多练等形式培养他们其他方面的能力,最终达到综合能力的全面提高。希望能通过本案例的实施引导学生、帮助学生获取更多的学科知识,并培养学生热爱生活、乐观向上、开创进取的勇气和决心。

 三、教学目标:(一)、语言知识目标 学生能够根据音标正确读出并记住下列词汇,invent, calculator, scoop, adjustable, heel, battery, operate, slipper, heat, style, helpful等,并了解它们的词性及衍生的不同词性的单词。(二)、语言技能目标 听:能基本听懂课文录音,并能完成听力要求。

 说:能流利地运用句型进行Pairwork练习。读:能读懂难易程度与本单元Section A部分相当的短文。写:针对各项发明的用处及特点,发表自己的看法,并说明理由。(三)、情感态度目标 培养学生积极上进的学习态度,乐于参与小组合作,团结互助,积极思考,能提出并探究问题,不断提高学习英语的兴趣,增强主动学习的自信心和主动性。(四)、学习策略 积极利用多媒体、资料、网络资源等辅助材料进行课前预习,并能在课堂内积极参与,合作探究,开拓视野,拓宽知识面,掌握自主学习本领和技能。四、教学理念:爱是春雷,能惊醒迷途的孩子;爱如夏雨,能沁入学生的心脾;爱是秋风,能拂去孩子心灵的尘垢;爱如冬日,能温暖学生的心灵。只要用“心”执著地去爱我们的学生,就能开垦出一片学生们得以成长的沃土,就能为学生们创造出一种积极向上的氛围,就能激发出他们的潜能和创造力。英语新课程标准提出“将学生的发展作为英语课程的出发点和归宿”,制定了“知识与技能、过程与方法、情感与价值观三位一体”的课程功能,旨在培养学生学习英语的积极心态,帮助学生掌握学习英语的正确方法,培养学生终身学习英语的自主能力,这充分体现了“以人为本”的教育理念。英语教学应创设一种互动的、开放创新的、和谐高效的教学模式。教师不仅仅是传授语言知识的传授者,更是学生学习语言技能的培养者,个性发展的辅助者,自主学习的指导者。师生共享信息,共同欣赏文章,共同了解古今文化,彼此交流观念与感受,实现教学相长,共同发展。在教学中教师要关注学生的情感态度,要激发学生学习英语的兴趣和探究精神,要帮助学生形成有效的学习方法,关注学生的个体差异,帮助学生构建和谐的人际关系和良好的文化意识,从中体验学习的快乐,感受成功的喜悦。五、教学重点与难点: (一)、词汇:invent, invention, inventor;operate, operation; adjustable, adjust; change the style of等. (二)、句型: be used for ……, be used as ……, be used by …… 等。六、教学策略:通过个人预习,小组讨论,配合以教师协调讲解的方法,使之达到听、说、读、写相结合的目的。让学生在整个学习过程中处于主体地位,是学习的参与者,通过感知、体验、实践,参与合作与交流,从而实现学习任务目标。七、课时安排:2课时。八、教前准备:1.学生通过上网、查书籍等形式,查找相关资料,并组内汇总整理。2.教师利用Power point准备多媒体课件。九、教学过程:(课前播放英文歌曲:You and me. 营造气氛,培养学生热爱和平、精诚合作的团结意识。)Step 1. 自由对话,导入正课:图片展示电脑的创造及发展史。T: When was the computer invented? Class repeat. When was the computer invented?S: When was the computer invented?T: Good. Now, answer my question-----when was the computer invented according to the picture?S: The computer was invented in 1944.T: Great. Which pair can repeat it?S1: When was the computer invented?S2: The computer was invented in 1944.Step 2. 学习词汇:1.介绍课题,利用幻灯出示本课的学习任务。2.根据形象生动、魔幻多彩的幻灯片感知、认识、学习新单词。3.反复播放几遍,请学生轮流当翻译,用简洁的语言作简短的介绍。这样不断地趣味性地循环巩固生词,有利于学生快速记忆词汇,起到了事半功倍的效果。Step3. 学习第25页课本内容:1.以小组间游戏的形式,轻松地完成1a.2. Listen to the recorder and match the inventions with dates. 为了提高听力水平,此环节可再播放一遍录音,以便于学生充分地获取相关信息,做到部分重要语句的跟读。3.Groupwork: 四人为一个小组,大量反复练习“When was …… invented?”和“I think it was invented in ……”并让每个小组派出两名组员到台前表演。对表现积极的学生给予表扬,对胆怯不积极的学生进行恰如其分的鼓励。4.继续听录音,按要求完成2a,2b。必要时,可再播放第三遍,利于学生核对答案并适当跟读,保证中游以上的学生准确无误。Step4. 质疑并解惑:1. 经小组讨论后,相互质疑并彼此解答。最后教师给以适当的归纳总结(图片展示)。如:(1)be used for …… 相当于be used to do …… 意为“被用来做……”请区别be used to doing …… 意为“习惯于做……”eg: ①The battery-operated slippers are used for seeing in the dark.②The battery-operated slippers are used to see in the dark.①和②为同义句,“电子拖鞋是用来在黑暗中看路的。”③My father is used to reading newspapers after supper. 意为“我父亲习惯于晚饭后看报纸。”(2)类似的用法还有 be used by …… 意为“被……使用”;be used as ……意为“被用做……”eg. Chinese is used by more and more foreigners now. 意为“现在汉语被越来越多的外国人使用。”English is used as our second language. 意为“英语被用作我们的第二语言。”2.模仿2c进行组内巩固练习。Step5. 图片展示随堂练习:(一)用be used for ……,be used by ……,be used as …… 填空。1. The knife __________ cutting things. 2. The red car ______________ my father. 3. The word “run” can ___________ a verb. 4. Japanese _______________ a foreign language in China. 5. The big key ________________ opening and locking her front door. (二)Read, judge and write T(True) or F(False): What amazing things the Chinese have come up with! There they are! Paper making A Chinese legend tells us that paper was invented in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun. The archeological study, however, shows that paper was in use two hundred years before then. Anyway, the Chinese were ahead of the rest of the word. PrintingPrinting of moveable type was invented by Bi Sheng in the year 1045 AD, but it did not have too much influence over the Chinese society. Why? The Chinese language uses 3,000 to 5,000 characters in an average newspaper. Clearly, manipulating 5,000 characters on a printing press took too much time. However, three hundred years later in Europe, Gutenberg’s moveable type was widely used because the English language uses only 26 characters in an average newspaper.FireworksFireworks were invented by the Chinese as entertainment, but were later used to scare off enemies in times of war. Today, we use fireworks to celebrate. It is cool that this seventeenth century BC technique is still practiced and enjoyed today. CompassThe compass is one of the most useful inventions made by the Chinese. It is used widely in planes, boats, and in the wilderness to find directions. When you lose your bearings, just go to the compass for help and then you’re on your way. Its invention date is unknown. ( ) 6. Fireworks were invented in the seventeenth century BC. ( ) 7. Gutenberg’s printing of moveable type was used before Bi Sheng’s. ( ) 8. The underlined phrase “scare off” means “to make someone feel afraid and then go”. (Keys: 1. is used for. 2. is used by. 3. be used as. 4. is used as. 5. is used for. 6. T. 7. F. 8. T. )Step6. 十分钟写作训练:小组内根据课前查找的相关资料和信息,针对各项发明的用处及特点,发表自己的看法,可适当地说明几点理由,并在全班范围内交流。下面是3组霞同学的一篇代表习作:I think one of the most useful inventions is the TV set. It was invented in 1972. And it was used for learning some important information about all over the world, such as Chinese Cultures, Sports News, Animal World and so on.I love TV very much, I also like watching TV programs. I used to spend too much time on it. But now I am only allowed to watch it on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I think I must miss many interesting programs. What a pity!请各小组当评委来指正并打分。Step7. 小结:由各组代表总结本课所学的重要内容,群策群力。Step8. 作业: A: Recite the important words and phrases. B: Recite all of the important words and phrases, and make sentences with them; then complete your own writing. C: Discuss the importance of the knowledge.十. 板书设计:

 When was …… invented ?It was invented in……be used for doing ……be used to do ……“被用来做……”请区别 be used to doing ……“习惯于做……”类似的用法还有:be used by…… “被……使用”be used as …… “被用做……”3. change the style of ……“改变……的型号” 十一、课后反思: 通过学生上网、查书籍等多种形式查阅资料,培养了学生的科研精神,激发了学生的自主学习兴趣,并为后面的即兴写作做足了铺垫。课前展示预习过的词汇,提高了学生识记单词及短语的速度,同时亦满足了学生展现自我的欲望。本课的设计主线以“When was…… invented ?”为中心话题,课堂上通过师生共同活动,反复听、说,顺利完成1a到2c的全部任务。学生小组讨论问题及难点时,形成了互助互动的学习环境,增加了口语练习机会。学生主动参与,身心处于积极活跃状态,对于接受新知识很有好处。难点被讲解之后,配以适当的配套练习,使师生得以及时了解自己的教与学的情况,巩固了所学的知识点;但口头作文部分的评点不够详尽。课件图片形象生动地介绍了中国的四大发明,更是掀起了一个学生主动学习英语的高潮,不但提升了他们的民族自豪感,而且增加了阅读兴趣,加深了学生对中国古代文化历史的了解。再是借助多媒体上课,能实现“空手”上课所不能实现的视、听等美感,并能加大课的容量,也能采用一些小技巧吸引住学生的注意力,从而降低了课堂上注意力不集中、走神等不良现象,提高了课堂上的整体效果,并推动整堂课有序、高效地进行。用我们真诚的爱心,去敲开学生们紧闭的心门;每一扇门的后面,都可能是一个不可估量的宇宙;每一扇门的开启,都可能是一个无法预知的未来;用我们浓浓的师爱,给他们充足的阳光和雨露,去激励他们健康茁壮地成长!

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