
来源:二级建造师 发布时间:2021-03-18 点击:

第188组 pretty 英音:/'prɪtɪ/美音:/'prɪti/  1. adj. 漂亮的;
优美的 2. adv. 相当地;
颇 3. n. 漂亮的 比较级: prettier, prettiest  副 词: prettily 名 词: prettiness 词组 | 习惯用语 prettiness n. 可爱,漂亮 prettier adj. 较美丽 pretty pass 尴尬,糟糕;
困境 Pretty Cure 光之美少女(日本动画)
pretty girl 漂亮女孩 pretty sure 相当肯定 pretty up 美化 pretty good 非常好 pretty soon 不久 pretty well 相当好;
几乎 网络短语: pret'tiness 名 pretty pretty boy 漂亮男孩; 标准; My Pretty Pretty Boy 我可爱可爱男孩 Oh pretty pretty boy 我的漂亮男孩 Pretty Ghost 我老婆唔系人; 我老婆不是人; 片; Jules Pretty 普雷蒂; 尔斯·普莱蒂; 普雷第; Pretty Horrible 异常恐怖 pretty loud 野玫瑰色 英语例句库 1.She is quite pretty, but unhealthy-looking. 1.她颇有几分姿色,但看起来并不健康。

2.I’m pretty well disgusted by your behaviour. 2.我对你的所作所为颇为反感。

3.They messed the thief up pretty badly. 3.他们狠揍了那贼一顿。

4.She seemed pretty satisfied with the result. 4.她对那结果似乎相当满意。

5.It’s worth pretty near a thousand dollars. 5.这差不多值一千美元。

6.Several pretty models ankled through the hall. 6.几个漂亮的模特儿从厅中走过。

7.That pretty girl rode astride the horse. 7.那位漂亮的小姑娘两腿叉开骑在马上。

8.Ted Dawson was a pretty good jackleg carpenter. 8.泰德道森是一个相当不错的业余木匠。

9.Pretty soon the lilacs would be in bloom. 9.紫丁香不久就要开花。

10.I paid a pretty penny for that ring. 10.我花了一大笔钱买了那个戒指 11.A girl, 22 years old, plumply pretty, blonde. 11.一个年轻姑娘,大约只有22岁,丰满可爱,满头金发。

12.The richer the better, the slimer the prettier!! 12.越有钱越好,越瘦越美! 13.There are many pretty walks in the park. 13.公园中有很多美好的散步处。

14.The weasel is a very pretty little creature. 14.黄鼬是一种很可爱的小动物。

15.The lines are pretty blurry at this point. 15.界线在这个时候是很模糊的。

16.We were all bewitched by the pretty dancer. 16.我们都为那美貌舞蹈者所陶醉。

17.He's got a pretty strange conception of friendship. 17.他对友谊有一种非常独特的见解。

18.Upon my word,the road’s pretty bumpy just here. 18.哎呀,这儿的路真不平。

19.Klippe pretty fun place Tingduo or worth a visit. 19.飞来峰好玩好看的地方挺多的,还是很值得一游。

20.The firm is stacking up pretty well these days. 20.公司近来情况相当不错。

21.If you're so pretty vacant, why do you smarm? 21.如果你是如此的相当空,你为什么掩饰? 22.Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face. 22.纳恩性格开朗,长相俊俏。

23.I calculate it's pretty difficult to git edication down there. 23.我相信很难在那里接受教育

24.I imagine she was pretty annoyed when she found out. 24.我想她发现此事后一定很生气。

25.He blushed when the pretty girl gave him the eye. 25.那位漂亮的女孩向他抛媚眼时, 他脸红了。

26.While this example is pretty lowbrow, psychobabble permeates all intellectual strata. 26.这种范例十分浅显,但心理呓语却充斥着整个学术界。

27.This nightclub is pretty much the best this town can offer. 27.这家夜总会算是城里最好的了。

28.The Pandaren are actually pretty cool if you disregard the Brewmaster. 28.如果你不注意酒仙,熊猫人实际上非常冷静。

29.Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty. 29.女人往面颊上涂胭脂, 使脸更漂亮。

30.DBW helps saving lives and we thought that was pretty cool. 30.无国界医生组织协助拯救生命,我们觉得这很棒。

31.Her arched brows are like a quarter moon and very pretty. 31.她眉弯如月, 非常好看。

32.I said you look terrible in jest, actually, you look very pretty. 32.我说你看上去很糟糕是开玩笑, 其实你看上去很漂亮。

33.She wore her hair in the prevailing fashion and looked ever prettier. 33.“她梳了一个流行的发型,看起来越发标致了。“ 34.She didn't need any powder or lip rouge to make her pretty. 34.她天生漂亮, 不需要任何脂粉唇膏打扮自己。

35.We have driven this slusher before and think it's a pretty stout piece. 35.我们推动这个斯鲁施尔前,认为这是一个非常结实的一块。

36.Mr. Bosher, with his mouthful of biscuit, mumbled that it was sweetly pretty. 36.伯希尔先生满嘴塞着饼干,叽叽咕咕地说这真是美极了。

37.The cute lad did all he could to win the pretty girl's favour. 37.这个机灵的小伙子设法取得那个标致女孩的欢心。

38.There is a pretty portable pair of steps in one corner of the room. 38.屋角放着一架小巧玲珑的折梯。

39.I bought those new plates cheaply,and the pretty rose pattern has worn off already! 39.我买的那些新盘子倒是便宜,不过那美丽的玫瑰花花纹已经磨掉了! 40.Things have come to a pretty pass when children are begging in the streets. 40.情况变得很糟,孩子们只好沿街乞讨。

41.After his experience in jail, he has a pretty jaundiced view of the penal system. 41.经历了牢狱生活之后,他对刑罚制度颇有成见。

42.He had been pretty well liquored up by hisfriends by the time she found him. 42.她找到他时, 他已被朋友们灌了相当多的酒。

43.There the incidence of the cancer of the esophagus was suspected to be pretty high. 43.估计那里的食道癌发病率相当高。

44.It is hardly believable that such a pretty young lady is as bold as brass. 44.真是难以置信这样一位年青漂亮的太太竟然如此厚颜无耻。

45.The car is pretty nearly new. 45.这部汽车几乎是全新的。

46.Pretty! What say you, Hugh Rebeck? 46.说得好!休·利培克,你怎么说? 47.The company's prospects look pretty bleak. 47.这家公司的前景异常暗淡。

48.The girl was pretty and slender. 48.那姑娘长得美丽苗条。

49.I live a pretty solitary life. 49.我过着差不多是隐居的生活。

50.The system is pretty well foolproof. 50.这个系统相当容易使用。

51.A hat framed her pretty face. 51.帽子衬托出她那漂亮的脸。

52.They competed for a pretty girl. 52.他们曾为一个漂亮女孩而竞争。

53.Hammy the Squirrel: It's a pretty name. 53.多好听的名字。

54.Prettiness makes no pottage. 54.漂亮不能当饭吃。

55.It's pretty okay for me. 55.是啊,的确是有点力不从心。

56.Mercedes looked at them imploringly, untold repugnances at sight of pain written in her pretty face. 56.美茜子恳求地看着他们,不愿看见狗挨打的无法言表的表情呈现在她漂亮的脸上。

57.The tiny cottage with its leaded windows and thatched roof was as pretty as a picture. 57.这家有铅条窗户和草盖屋顶的小农舍美丽如画。

58.The interest quickly faded, and we rushed to gussy it up with pretty colors and animations. 58.兴趣很快已褪色,和我们向上以漂亮的颜色和动画对装饰冲了它。

59.Pretty soon I found a man out in the river with a skiff, setting a trotline. 59.不久我见到有一个人在河上驾着小船,正在水中下拦河钩绳。

60.Thank you, Natalie, for bringing some much needed color to the Red Carpet! She looked pretty, fresh, and angelically pink in this number. 60.娜塔莉的粉红扮相自然不做作,给今年略显单调的奥斯卡红毯带来了一抹亮色。


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