
来源:新加坡移民 发布时间:2020-09-23 点击:

  农民专业合作社形成视角下的研究评述摘要:本文针对之前学者对于农民专业合作社的研究,主要基于西方和国内理论、动因、组织、影响因素四个方面,最后作出简要评述。我国对于农民专业合作社的研究较多反应政策、性质、地位与作用、影响因素等方面,应注重合作社制度变迁与安排、经济效益、国外形式与国内实践结合、具有前瞻性和创新性等方面的研究。关键词:农民专业合作社 理论 影响因素 简要评述 自农民专业合作社20世纪早期在美国出现后,国内外针对其形成了大量的研究和实践经验。根据美国商业组织的基本法律形式的表述, 农民专业合作社是“生产者合作社”的一种形式,主要包括营销合作社、服务合作社和供应合作社。我国20世纪末期针对农民专业合作社的研究逐渐大规模增加,也形成一些理论和成就。针对其定义我国最普遍公认的是2006年颁布的《农民专业合作社法》中的解释,即:“在农村家庭承包经营的基础上,由同类产品的生产经营者或者同类农业生产经营服务的提供者和利用者,资源结合、民主管理的互助性经济组织。农民专业合作社以其成员为主要服务对象,提供农业生产资料的购买,农产品的销售、加工、运输、贮藏以及与农业生产经营有关的技术、信息等服务”。本文就国内外关于农民专业合作社的研究进行简要的分类总结和评述。农民专业合作社理论研究视角西方农民专业合作社理论研究20世纪早期学术界影响力最高的农业合作社理论是美国的加利福尼亚学派和市场竞争标尺学派。前者的主要代表人物萨皮诺(Aaron Sapiro)主张按照产品类别来组建专业合作社,并使其成为合法的单一产品垄断组织,这样便会更好地维护市场秩序和纠正不公平贸易条件;后者的主要代表人物艾德温·G·诺斯(Edwin G·Nourse)认为合作社具有充当“市场竞争标尺”的功能,生产者可以依据这一功能来衡量其它从事销售行业企业的竞争程度如何。西方对于农业合作社的规模研究出现在20世纪40年代以后,但对于农业合作社一直存在着争议,主要存在三种观点:一是认为农业合作社是对“农场的延伸”(即纵向一体化模式);二是认为农业合作社是一种独立的投资所有者企业变体(即(Investor一owed Firms,简写为IOFs);三是认为农业合作社是由生产者的联合行动而存在的一种联盟形式(即横向联合模式)。针对三种具体模式研究本文借鉴刘洁(2011)对20世纪40-80年代末农业合作社研究的理论整理(见表1)。表1 20世纪40-80年代农民合作社研究的三个主要理论视角主要作者视角理论方法主要观点优/缺点Emelianoff(1942)、Robotka(1957)、Phillips(1953)农场的延伸(纵向协调)合作社理论框架、均衡分析和边际分析成员企业为从纵向协调中获益的一种联合缺点:个别模型缺陷Enke(1945)、Helmberger &Hoos(1962)独立的企业(IOFs的变体)新古典理论、合作社模型构建追求成员利益最大化的企业缺点:缺少稳态均衡Kaarlehto(1955)、Ohm(1956)、Trifon(1961)农场主的联盟(横向联合)新古典理论、均衡分析和边际分析存在成员间利益冲突的一种横向联合优点:假设更加贴近实际资料来源:对刘洁(2011),《农民合作社契约选择与运营绩效的理论分析和实证研究》中的文献资料整理所得。在20世纪90年代以后,针对农民专业合作社的理论研究更加深入化、多元化,形成了把合作社视为“企业观点”的延伸,“联盟观点”的延伸,以及“契约集观点”的延伸,本文借鉴刘洁(2011)对20世纪90年代后农业合作社研究的理论整理(见表2)。表220世纪90年代后农业合作社研究的理论拓展主要作者视角理论方法主要观点优/缺点Sexton(1990)、 Feinerman etc.(l991)、 Tennbakk(l995)“企业观点”的延伸新古典理论、产业组织理论合作社的目标是社会福利最大化;能够促进市场竞争缺点:模型假设条件的限制Zusman(1992)、Fulton & Vercammen(l995)、 Alback & Schultz(1998)、 Hendrikse(1998)“联盟观点”的延伸新古典理论、博弈理论合作社是成员非同质性,其行为是不同参与者讨价还价的过程,而非单纯的目标最优化过程缺点:忽略了组织内部结构和决策特征Eilers & Hanf(l999)、Hendrikse & Veerman(2001)、Hendrikse & Bijman(2002)“契约集观点”的延伸代理理论、交易成本理论、不完全契约理论合作社是一组契约关系的集合,治理结构和投资决策方面有其独特性优点:治理结构的研究—打开“黑箱”之谜资料来源:对刘洁(2011),《农民合作社契约选择与运营绩效的理论分析和实证研究》中的文献整理所得。中国农民专业合作社理论研究民国时期,孙中山倡导三民主义,民族、民权、民生,而民生主义之实现则是依靠建立合作社,当时的合作社是三民主义之“民生”主张需要,是基于“平均地权,节制资本”的基础。陈岩松(1953)先生对民国合作研究所得,基于工资制度的弊端,需发扬工农民主制,促使劳资合作,惟有合作社能解决问题。他认为合作社分为两类:区域性及专业性,区域性应与行政组织合一,专业性合作社对于城市专一经营一种业务,对于农村则是多种经营。陈果夫(1952)对三民主义与合作社关系的论述,“民生主义的内涵,为节制资本和平均地权,欲求达到这两项目的阶梯,胥惟合作是赖。故合作运动,亦可以说是革命运动。”建国后到1955年,我国合作社发展相对稳定,之后开始进入大跃进,形成农村供销合作社、城市消费合作社、手工业生产合作社。信用合作社、渔业合作社、运输合作社等,针对农业合作社来看,其演进过程经历了互助组、初级社、高级社和人民公社四个阶段(见表3)。表3 我国人民公社的演进名称时间成因特点创新互助组1952年个体分散经营与社会化大生产不能接轨,出现生产资料与劳动同时闲置劳烦情况四个或五个农户组成,以自愿互利原则结成劳动、农具和耕畜等生产资料要素互助关系,生产决策由农户独立做出出现新的形式:季节性和常年性互助形式初级社1953年末农业生产合作社日益变成互助合作运动继续前进的重要环节建立在私有基础上,土地归成员所有,只作价入股,统一经营,归私有的耕畜和大中农具归合作社有偿使用初级社将总收入扣除生产费用、税金、公积金和公益金之后,剩余以劳动报酬和土地等生产资料报酬的形式分给成员高级社1956年初初级社和互助组基础上形成以公有、集中经营为特征,除自留地其他土地归集体无偿使用,农民靠统一身份的劳动取得收入虽然扩大和深化了合作社规模,但是失去了自愿原则和退社自由人民公社1958年政府组建人民公社体制,为推进重工业发展提供资金是政权的基层组织和农村基层单位,实现“政社合一”,公社为农村全部财产的主人,政府直接参与经营与统购、统销由于按照出勤次数以公分制分配,但效率低下,农业增长缓慢,存在较大波动资料来源:仵希亮(2010),《中国农民专业合作社发展研究:历史变迁、利益分析与空间扩展》中文献整理所得。20世纪80年代小岗村“大包干”之后,我国掀起农村集体经济改革热潮。林毅夫(1988,1990)分析了家庭联产承包责任制改革给中国农业带来的变革,并进行了经验研究。邓小平(1993)称家庭联产承包责任制为中国农业发展的第一次飞跃,至于第二次飞跃,从长期来看,他认为仍然是集体化、集约化。接着形成了股份合作制,进一步完善合作社的内涵和拓宽了外延。康德琯和卢晓媚(1994)认为股份合作制是中国历史变迁的产物,呈现一种混合经济形态,兼具有集体所有制、股份制和合作制三重属性。2006年颁布了《农民专业合作社法》,之后形成了针对农民合作社的多个法律法规文件,集中体现了当前我国农民专业合作社的经验和理论。从国内外对农民专业合作社的理论发展研究发现,国外研究比较早期和完善,主要是以经济学理论为基础进行研究,更多偏重于理论,在实践中研究其经济效果,比较具有说服性和推广型。而我国农民专业合作社的研究还主要是从政策发展角度进行分析,是一种政府主导型的研究过程,且起步较晚,研究处于初级阶段。农民专业合作社产生动因在国外研究方面,形成新古典经济学和制度经济学两个学派。新古典经济学家是从如何应对市场失灵的层面来解释合作社的产生。其中Veerman(2001)认为由于农产品投资的专用性一般较高,在生产过程中对于季节、气候、自然灾害等条件比较依赖,容易出现机会主义行为,或者买卖双方信息不对称和相对力量不均,交易对方会利用这些专用性资产来谋利,此时农民专业合作社就会容易出现形成。新制度经济学家则是从交易成本的角度来分析合作社产生动因。Ollila和Nilsson(1997)指出相对于独立的农户来说,合作社不仅有较强的规模经济和竞争力,同时还能够降低生产成本和交易风险,克服了外部环境的不确定性,降低交易频率,从而获得更大、更稳定的收益,这样形成利益诱导模式的农民合作社。在国内方面,大多研究都是从合作社主体农户的角度进行分析动因。学者黄祖辉(2000)从理论上说明了农民合作的必然性和普遍性在于农业生产的自然性、分散性和分散经营的家庭特征,在农村家庭联产经营承包基础上,政府和市场引导和推动农民的合作,形成一种合作制度和组织体系,这样可以有效降低交易和管理成本。马彦丽(2007)考虑农户生产规模小、存在普遍兼业现象,以及农户间的异质性强等特征,她利用新制度经济学的相关理论分析中国农民专业合作社的发展实践。应若平(2006)通过研究农民专业合作经济组织的交易协调机制、自主治理机制、利益集团机制,描述我国农民专业合作组织的生发机制,从而把握我国农民专业合作经济组织产生和发展的客观规律。有学者从农民专业合作社形成路径进行探析,其中刘婷(2011)应用行动者网络理论(ANT)分析内生和外生力量如何联结起来共同促进农民专业合作社的形成,指出不同区域环境造就了不同的行动者,使得农民专业合作社具有不同的形成路径。对于农民专业合作社产生成因的研究,国外两个学派分别从市场失灵和交易成本来研究,是从本质成因来解释其原因的。国内则是主要从农业制度和政策的变迁,以及主体农户追求利益和降低风险的角度进行分析,更多是从实践中总结原因的逆推方法来研究成因。我国农民专业合作社组织研究我国农民专业合作社组织发展研究较多,大多从形成模式、组织程度、规模大小等方面进行研究。一是针对农民专业合作模式的研究。李瑛(2011)按不同标准对农业合作模式进行分类,按合作主体分类,分城市产业资本与土地的结合、农民互助合作社、城市消费资金与土地的联合;按组织形式分类,分契约式合作、会员型合作、入股型合作;按发起主体分类,分龙头企业带动型、农村精英带动型、专家学者带动型、政府带动型。生秀东(2007)运用事前交易费用和事后交易费用概念,通过交易费用的仔细划分,重新解释了“公司+农户”向“公司+合作社+农户”不断演进的现象。二是针对农民专业合作社组织的研究。张晓山(2006)分析中指出由于受到宏观经济政策和经济全球化的影响,发展中国现代农业需要创新基本经营制度,发育多元化的组织形式和契约联结方式。在特色农产品流通中农民专业合作组织模式研究,胡云涛(2009)指出外部企业组织与农民合作组织是对等关系,目前农民合作组织在特色农产品流通过程中实施农产品可追溯性方面有重要作用。三是针对农民合作社的经济效益和规模的研究。刘婧(2012)从农民专业合作社的规模经济和范围经济进行研究,指出合作社资产规模大于200万元的样本存在显著规模经济,最佳社员规模为150~176人;小于200万元的样本不存在规模经济,最佳社员规模为68~100人;样本合作社均具有总体范围经济和特定产品范围经济,特定产品规模经济和产品互补性各不相同。伊藤顺一等(2011)对合作社的经济效果进行分析,用日均劳动收入测算,得出合作社对小规模农户效果明显,对大规模农户效果不显著。四是关于农民合作社组织范围的研究。应瑞瑶(2004)认为合作社变革有其内部问题,也有其外部因素,合作社外延在扩大而内涵在减少。我国针对农业各产业的专业合作社研究近些年较多,也不断形成一些理论和经验,一些结合我国具体实际情况进行案例分析,为我国农民专业合作社的推进形成了实证性分析。我国农民专业合作社影响因素的研究20世纪90年代后期,我国学者对于我国农民专业合作社的影响因素进行了大量的研究。一种是定性理论分析。夏英(1999)把影响农民合作经济组织的主要因素归纳为:制度因素、利益因素、权利因素、业缘因素(即产业和技术因素)以及地缘和情缘因素五个方面。张晓山等(2001)认为导致农民专业合作社效率低下的原因是部门垄断、激励机制不完善、缺乏体制创新等。黄祖辉等(2002)指出影响农民合作组织发展的因素分为产品特性因素、生产集群因素、合作成员因素和制度环境因素,尤其是制度环境因素对于农民专业合作组织的创建和发展具有较强的重要性。寇平君等(2004)认为制约我国农业合作经济组织发展有八个原因:小规模家庭生产经营方式与观念的制约、农业的弱质性、农产品流通体系、政府管理行为失当、乡镇企业产生与发展过程中的偏差、土地制度、人民公社运动的影响及政策制度管理的约束。另一种是定量模型分析。石敏俊等(2004)、郭红东等(2004)张广胜等(2007)都用Logistic模型进行影响因素分析,他们认为农户参与专业合作社受到户主的文化水平、生产的商品化程度和政府支持等多方面因素的影响,张广胜指出农户文化程度和农村贫富差距与农民对专业合作社的需求呈负相关关系,而有关部门提供的服务以及现有的各种合作经济组织,对农民的需求产生了积极的影响。。三是有些学者从合作社需求的角度进行分析。朱红根等(2008)基于对江西省385户稻作经营大户的调查数据进行统计分析,运用Logistic模型实证研究,认为户主文化程度、经营规模、农产品价格感知情况、稻作经营过程中面临的困难程度、农田低于自然风险能力等对农户专业合作社需求的影响显著;户主年龄、家庭人口数、种植历史、有无借贷、地理位置、当地农产品流通渠道发育程度对农户专业合作社需求的影响不显著。郭红东(2009)等对农民专业合作社成长的影响因素进行分析,针对浙江省农民专业社的调查数据,他们认为物质资本资源对合作社成长的影响最大,组织资本资源也有较大影响,而人力资本资源对当前合作社成长的影响并不明显。归纳起来,朱艳(2009)认为影响农民专业合作社发展的因素可以分为内部因素和外部因素,内部因素主要有产业因素、社员因素、合作社内部组织结构和制度因素;外部因素主要包括合作社的制度环境因素、政府因素和宏观经济体制因素。简要评述从规模和质量上看,我国对于农民专业合作组织的研究尚处于初级阶段。国外研究是基于成熟经济学基础很早形成了农民专业合作理论,现在这些理论成为研究农民专业合作组织的基础,国外的农民专业合作社发展已比较完善,针对合作社的经济效果实证研究较多,对于我国具有很好的借鉴意义和研究价值。国内研究主要集中在农民合作社的性质、发展历程、合作社在农业产业化发展中的地位和作用、合作社的影响因素等方面。因此,国内研究还存在一些不足:一是针对农民合作社的制度变迁、制度安排等问题的研究比较薄弱;二是对具体合作社的经济性效益研究较少,这样就不能更直观反映合作社的经济作用;三是目前较多地介绍国外农民合作社的经验和做法,但与我国实践相结合方面尚显不足;四是大多集中于政策和法规制度上讨论,缺乏理论深层次分析和创新性研究。参考文献〔1〕陈岩松.合作讲话〔M〕.台北:正中书局,1953.〔2〕陈果夫.陈果夫先生文集(第二册)〔M〕.政治经济,台北:近代中国出版社,1952:344.〔3〕邓小平.邓小平文选〔M〕.北京:人民出版社,1993:355.〔4〕郭红东,楼栋,胡卓红,林迪.影响农民专业合作社成长的因素分析——基于浙江省部门农民专业合作社的调查〔J〕.中国农村经济,2009,(08):24-31.〔5〕郭红东,蒋文华.影响农户参与专业合作社行为的因素分析〔J〕.中国农村经济,2004,(05):10-16.〔6〕黄祖辉,徐旭初,冯冠胜.农民专业合作组织发展的影响因素分析一对浙江省农民专业合作组织发展现状的探讨〔J〕.中国农村经济,2002(03):13-21.〔7〕胡云涛,贺盛瑜,杨晗.特色农产品流通过程中的农业合作组织〔J〕.农村经济,2009,(12):127-129.〔8〕康德琯,卢晓媚.股份合作制论述〔J〕.农村经济与社会,1994,(02):28-34,41.〔9〕寇平君.制约我国农业合作经济组织发展的八大原因〔J〕.农业经济,2004,(02):7-8.〔10〕李瑛.论不同农业合作模式的比较与选择〔J〕.中国乡镇企业会计,2011,(11):255-256.〔11〕林毅夫.中国的奇迹:发展战略与经济改革〔M〕.上海:上海三联书店,上海人民出版社,1999.〔12〕刘洁.农民专业合作社契约选择与运营绩效的理论分析与实证研究〔D〕.武汉:华中农业大学,2011:13-19.〔13〕刘婷.不同环境下农民专业合作社的形成路径探析——基于ANT视角的实证研究〔J〕.农业经济问题,2011,(02):16-25.〔14〕刘婧.农民专业合作社的规模经济和范围经济研究〔D〕.西安:西北农林科技大学,2012:69-114.〔15〕生秀东.订单农业的契约困境和组织形式的演进〔J〕.中国农村经济,2007,(12):35-40.〔16〕石敏俊,金少胜.中国农民需要合作组织吗?〔J〕.浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2004,(05):35-44. 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According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central Committee really, opinions and advice > < < >, < party implementing the guiding ideology of opinions to determine the objectives and requirements, step method, in accordance with the "" look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "for the people pragmatic honest people as the theme, in carrying forward the spirit of Zhuanglang Zhuang, improve their work style, service to the masses of the people, the foundation of consolidating grassroots, promote transformation across efforts, to further implement the central eight regulations and < The opposition party and government austerity waste regulations "," double section "provincial regulations, municipal provisions of the" twelve "plan and the implementation measures for < on improving the work style of close ties with the masses law, highlight style building, carry out the whole wind spirit, resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful extravagance to solve the problems, Party members and cadres of the style and the masses of people strong, the Ministry of Party members and cadres to further improve their thinking and understanding, to further change the style of the wind, the masses to close, honest and pragmatic people honest image to further establish the foundation to further reinforce the basic level. Style of the building of the new results to promote the construction of a powerful force of the county and the ecological culture of the county and county construction.In educational practice activities of the unit is mainly: the county and below county departments under the organs, enterprises and institutions directly under the township, street, and community, village, non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations. Agencies and branches, each single unit, follow the rules on internal institutions. Educational practice with step by step.To adhere to the county leadership, leadership and leading cadres to focus on outstanding catch to directly contact the service of the masses of law supervision departments and window units, service industry, educational practice, pay attention to grasp the heavy towns, streets and villages, community education activities and the masses of grassroots groups in close contact to strengthen, and the majority of Party members, cadres and the mass line line Marx doctrine view of the masses and the party's education.Always speak seriously as a basic attitude, adhere to positive education, to carry out criticism and self criticism group, adhere to the pragmatic, more emphasis on leadership, pay more attention to the layers of the demonstration, more focus on the four winds, solve the problem, pay more attention to open the door, the participation of the masses, pay more attention to the classification guidance. Orderly, pay more attention to the cooperation and cohesion driven, more strict requirements on injection, really supervision practice, ensure education practice is not empty is not empty is not partial, not as a mere formality.Two, the key point of the taskThe main task of the county's education practice is to seize against "four wind" this focus on centralized solve outstanding problems asked County, township leadership and leading cadres of the four winds, the disadvantages of the style, scale behavior to a large scale investigation, overhaul, cleaning greatly. At the same time, respond to the concerns of the masses, safeguard the interests of the masses, pay attention to solve practical problems, solve the people around the unwholesome tendencies especially on eat, take the card, Yong lazy luxury, extravagance and waste fees, privileges and other issues, timely and effective, without any discount to solve, to improve the style of real implementation of the requirements of real to the grassroots, real let group Benefit the public.(a) focus on solving the "four winds" outstanding issuesThe central and provincial requirements, the county leadership and leading cadres of key performance concept is not correct, do not dare to play, to engage in "image project", "political project", a leadership guide, a set of ideas, orders and prohibitions, and a policy, there are countermeasures county. The units directly under the heavy focus on solving Yung lazy drag, buck passing skin, work is not implemented, the service is not active. The dynamic problem of law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry mainly solve the door hard, ugly face, something difficult, and arbitrary charges, fines, levies, and breach of privilege, chinakayao, not the problem of law. The township, street The collar of leading bodies and leading cadres to solve key does not care about the well-being of the masses, the sense of responsibility is not strong, go to implement the policy of benefiting shrink, work style is simple and crude, falsifying false fraud and other issues. The village, community based organizations at the grass-roots level is mainly to solve the weak and feeble, and awareness and ability to serve the people is not strong, unjustly and other issues.Municipal Party committee, county leadership and leadership cadres targeted solution to stem from generation to generation theory of learning and learning, thinking and understanding of low low, non boundary is not clear, father-in-law private is not divided, the inner world of emptiness, ginseng in feudal superstition, values dislocation, justice back; keen to on the run, do not pay attention to down and down to earth, and improve the people's livelihood and not enough attention; the use of policy research, promote the development plan of thought is not clear, do not respect the objective laws of law, not to contact the local reality, to work on, Dianmianjiege, solve complex problems, a lot of ways; organization sense lax discipline Chi, eat Eat and drink, or hold, as the style is not enough to listen to the views of democracy, is not sufficient. The problems in county units directly under the needle to solve all departments, regardless of the immediate, regardless of the overall care, long far, problems encountered around, interests struggle, work obstruction, objective reasons to find on the level assigned by the office the task of top do not do, for people to do things for various reasons do not drag on the business policy; eat out, are not allowed to grasp the situation of grass-roots work, the standard is not high, but had to go, not for the hard life, I wish you work; accustomed to when the second pass hand, to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents, Mechanically, and mechanical operation, inspection and assessment of excessive and indiscriminate procedures too cumbersome, the service efficiency is not high; back to work late and leave early, off-site their labor does not contribute, work, play games, go to Taobao, do private affairs. Law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry for the solution of departmental interests first, set up the trap of consumption, and increase their cost, making things difficult for the masses, yuminzhengli; engage in selective enforcement, arbitrary enforcement, and does not give the benefits do not work, give the benefits of out of work, do human case, relations case, money case. Township. Street leadership and leading cadres have needle To solve the service consciousness is not strong, and waiting for the door, need to take the initiative to ask less, "day" phenomenon is serious, the masses who can not find work; don't respect people meaning will not pay attention to do ideological work, administrative work force, attitude toward the masses evil bad rebuked; awareness of the law and policy ideas is not strong, not in accordance with the law and legal procedures, arbitrary misappropriate by taking of project funds, to deceive the masses, and fool superior; the masses deduction of property, and the masses of money owed, on account, a bunch of problems depend, against the interests of the masses. The village, community organizations and so on have a needle to solve the ability to lead the masses out of poverty to get rich The policy is not strong, and is not in place, excellent affectionate friends and other issues.According to our actual County, county led the leadership and leading cadres to solve outstanding neglect of theoretical study, relaxed ideological uplifting, the transformation of the subjective world is not enough; the development of consciousness is not strong, the lack of a pioneering spirit of innovation and development of extension and planning work style, the starting point is not high; the work style of the wind drift, work strength is insufficient promote the working poor, pointing problem. Agatanoatae departments (units) to solve the conflict outstanding overall awareness is not strong, a unit of interests, to push and push, can avoid to be avoided, "buck" style of play; the wind is not practical, formalism, take office remote command, issue orders left and right; the development of service ability; On the higher level policy is not strong, don't eat thoroughly, grasp the information held to get large projects, good projects, not many democratic consciousness; indifferent Bo, autocratic, project implementation and financial management policy is not strict, not according to the provisions of the compression three funds, private, a "small exchequer" work, reception and public service vehicles to exceed the standard, Gongjusiyong, gongsibufen; discipline loose, fine depressed, apathetic, baggy collapse. Problems of law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry to solve the standard process prominent light weight rights bureau, light duty, light service charge, regardless of weight, the global and the interests of the masses, not As slow as, as the chaos; are keen to shout slogans, slogans, really not good in service, and do practical things. Problems of Rural Township, street leading bodies and leading cadres to solve outstanding stem development consciousness is not strong, unclear thinking, with the current situation, progress, innovation consciousness is not strong. The work did not pick up, appearance change is the sense of purpose; desalination, not understanding of public opinion, not good at doing all the work of the masses, reflect some problems of setting aside, long failed; style is not democracy, serious paternalism, listen to different views, "What I say goes. Tang; hhrrc idle away in seeking pleasure and so on village. Community organizations and so on, but also highlight the fabric to solve the ideological concept of old concept, weak, lazy, too and, fighting force is not enough to play enough; lack of respect for the masses, work without principles, they enforced the policy breach of privilege, engage in "shrink aliasing," local policies, damage the interests of the masses;; the lack of sense of responsibility, avoid everything to hide things timid, occupied the position of secretary, shape useless work method; rough simple, engage in coercion, resort to deceit, and abuse of power, lawlessness and other issues. The school to highlight the occupation belief to solve read shake, the spirit of dedication is not enough, the lack of a noble. Desalination, realm, the status of the student body, the spirit of unremitting slack, satisfied with the existing level and achievement; school administrative management, value orientation of utilitarianism, than the performance to be better than the treatment, than fame, accepted by the parents a gift, education and teaching quality is not high, the reform of teaching and research ability is not strong; school behavior is not standardized, weight should try, light quality, disorderly enrollment, charges fees, arbitrary subscription supplementary information, not before class preparation, classroom lecture class disorderly mess, makeup, do not read homework, "" day "phenomenon. The problems in medical and health institutions to solve the outstanding health ethics is not high Yifeng is, dedication is not enough, The lack of a sense of responsibility, minor illnesses Dazhi, prescription; service, cumbersome procedures, registration fees, and the time of taking the medicine, long treatment time is short, efficiency is not high; treat patients face cold tone, gas blunt, arrogant, buck passing skin, the doctor-patient relationship is not harmonious; professional ability is not strong, service quality is not high, climbing competition prevailed; the spirit of low-spirited vibration, lax discipline, and post their income by kickbacks and envelopes, patients receiving home family banquets and other issues. The non-public economic group organization to resolve outstanding overall concept, social responsibility is not strong, law-abiding integrity consciousness about the production and operation, and service quality is not high; reform Development and upgrading of the reform is not active, internal management institutions are not scientific, major issues in decision-making democracy is not high degree of democracy, disregard of the interests of workers, job consumption is not standardized and other issues.Authorities at all levels and their subordinate units and grassroots organizations should focus on solving it organization slack, slack discipline problems. To deepen and expand the effectiveness of the storm action as an important content of various organs to carry out educational practice activities, continue to play well to improve the style of work, the transformation of government functions, optimizing the administrative environment, standardize administrative law enforcement act, the implementation of major responsibility "55 big battle" to further improve the service quality and administrative efficiency, establish a good image of good.(two) focus on solving the problem of the vital interests of the massesAdhere to the people convenience, in trying to force, according to the principle of cutting to protect and improve people's livelihood work, perfecting the social security system, and strive to improve the level of basic public service equalization etc., so that the people share more to enjoy the fruits of reform and development. The group to meet the needs of the masses, increase investment, product positive measures to do a number of large audience, benefit benefit deep practical good, strive to solve the masses of medical school, medical treatment, road, housing, employment and other aspects. On the surface, safeguard the interests of the masses, improve the implementation of the constraint system, and improve the cost of illegal, increase accountability accountability force Degree, efforts to solve the ecological environment, food and drug safety, production safety, social security, law enforcement and judicial law, land acquisition and other aspects of public interests. The damage to people around the urban and rural integration, and accelerate the pace of construction of small towns, counties and small towns to improve the road, water, electricity, heating, gas, housing etc. infrastructure, continue to do a good job of urban management, focusing on remediation litter, chaotic pendulum stalls, the vehicle vehicle parked. Around the help do poverty alleviation, push the "double" action "and" 1236 "anti poverty crucial action, with Gai Shanji and infrastructure to increase the income of the farmers as the focus, vigorously implement the whole force village and easily Poverty alleviation moving relocation project, cultivation of fruit, potatoes, livestock, vegetables, and other special industries, grasp the dynamic training of rural social assistance work in labour, and efforts to solve the problem of production and life of the poor vulnerable groups. Around the body construction of harmonious society, strengthen the communication with the masses sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui's people's livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three class, public commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party shifangang" star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds saf

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