
来源:四六级 发布时间:2020-10-21 点击:


  导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《交通专业岗位英文自荐信》的内容,具体内容:在有些用人单位的招聘广告中,他们需要你提交中英文简历,因此英文简历也是求职所需的资料之一,下面为你介绍一下的写法。Dear leaders:Hello!X...


  Dear leaders:


 XX I XX University College Campus XX Automotive Engineering XX-class use of a student, now graduate about to face, to work!

 Since the school day into the University, I determined on the dark, we must cherish the four years of university life, to take advantage of opportunities to improve and better themselves, and never wasted time per inch, so that the full development of their own!

 In order to achieve their goals in learning, I never after, hard work, positive thinking, year after year receive scholarships; in extra-curricular time, I actively participated in various cultural activities and useful social practice. For example: xxxxxxxxxx are often participate in the activities of their own, as a result of their performance in every respect relatively prominent, and

 therefore the College has been repeatedly commended!

 In the past four years through a solid university life, I feel that they have been in all respects a very good exercise, have a certain capacity. In the basic course, as their special emphasis on English and computer learning, computer in English and has a high level, has a strong understanding of spoken English ability and capacity to learn a variety of software and computer languages; in the specialized area through the disciplines of the trunk and main courses as well as a large number of social practice, I think they have the basic ability to have the following: to master the use of modern automotive testing, fault diagnosis, maintenance, technical management of the basic theory and skills; with transport Special Purpose Vehicle loading and unloading of vehicles and mechanical design of the initial knowledge and ability; with the use of modern scientific methods to carry out the transport system planning and design with the initial capacity of the organization and management; with auto insurance and claims and marketing capacity.

 My life motto is: +100% of self-confidence to pay + opportunity = success, would like to join a very positive, solidarity and cooperation, the spirit of collective struggle ahead. Ask your company (unit) give me a life of self-realization of the value of the opportunity, I will use their collective wisdom and sweat to

 create the greatest benefits!


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