
来源:加拿大移民 发布时间:2021-02-06 点击:

 新课标必修 5 5 第三 单元阅读课(第一课时)


 Unit3life in the future ---- First impressions


 新课标高二年级第一学期 Module5 Unit3 Reading:First impressions 教材分析: :

 本课为高二第一学期第五册第三单元内容,单元主题为 life in the future。这个话题是学生比较感兴趣的,学生也或多或少在影视、文学作品中接触到时间旅行的内容。本文文体属于科幻类型的记叙文,需要学生发挥一定的想象力,教师可以多使用一些图片来引导学生的思维。


  本文篇幅较长,是以邮件的格式写成,采用的是游记的写作手法。文章中生词较多,部分生词从字面上不易理解,如 time lag 和 jet lag 等,即使学生在单词表中查到生词意义也不太明白,所以需要教师加以解释。再如文章中提到的swing gently sideways,也需要教师利用多媒体或手势直观地解释给学生。本文只有四个段落,各段落相对独立。第一段介绍出发前作者的感觉以及准备;第二段介绍曾做时间旅行机器(time capsule)感受和体验;第三段最切合标题first impressions,描述了作者初到未来的一些感受和体验,如对稀薄的空气的适应和驾驶气垫车(hovering carriage),第四段描述作者来到一座演示奇怪的房间的所见所闻。文章内容信息较多,所以必须适当作出取舍,教师主要是引导学生理出大致的结构,使学生能够在突破词汇障碍的基础上对文章能较深的理解。








 文章主要描述作者通过乘坐 time capsule 到达 1000 年以后,看到未来的第一印象,文中细节较多,在有限的时间内不可能做到面面俱到和解决词汇、句型难点,所以这节课的重点是放在让学生抓住作者对未来一些变化的体验,主要是旅行方式、空气、交通以及房屋的变化,让学生能够感受这些变化的优点和缺点。难点在于在有限时间内,引领学生抓关键信息,引导学生思维并展开想象从整体上理解文章内容。


 这次参加校外比赛的一节课,学校校情、学情有较大不同。高二学生之前学习过不同题材、内容的文章,包括 Jorney down the Mekong 这样的游记性文章,针对不同题材、篇幅的文章,已经有一定阅读策略和技巧的积累,在对学生不甚了解的情况下,教师应尽量降低问题设置难度和阅读深度,引领学生达到目的。



 1. To get students to read and understand the passage, to let students open minds to imagine the life in the future; 2. To allow students to practice their reading abilities (skimming, scanning,etc);to make students to practice team-work spirit; 3. To arouse students interest in future life and let students realize the importance of environment protection..

 教学活动设计: :

 1. 教学环节流程图。

 Warming up

 pre- - reading

 while- - reading


  Review& & discussion

 A A fter- - reading

 2. 教学环节设定 和目标 ( 附 教师及学生活动表)。

 教学各个环节的设定都是为了达成本课的目标,而每一项教学活动的设定又是为了能够做到层层推进。本文篇幅较长,细节又多,所以我将文章的重点内容放在了未来生活的变化上。因为学生在阅读中不是能够很直观的感受到这种变化,所以在 warming-up 阶段,我引入了千年前古人的生活与今天的对比,再让学生想象未来的生活,并且将这种对比集中在交通方式、居住和环境上,这也契合了文章里所包含的变化,这使得之后学生在阅读时能够有的放矢。阅读分为skimming 和 scanning 两个阶段,在快速阅读阶段为了降低难度,我给出了一定信息,让学生找到主题大意,目的是使学生能够先从整体上把握文章脉络,细读时进行分段阅读,通过设问,引领学生找出重点。阅读后,让学生对文章所提到的一些变化进行总结和分类,学生能够更全面的了解未来生活的变化。此时,再次引出空气质量变化的话题,使学生能够深化环境保护的重要性。

 Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Durationminutes Purposes Warming up Introduce myself and show a video of Su shi and let students compare the life in the past,present and future. Along with the teacher talk about the diffenrece of life in the past,present and future. 5 Warm up the class and lead into the topic—life in the future Pre-reading 1.Conclude from the warming up that the life in the future will see big changes. Follow the teacher to conclude the changes:

 transport,housing,environment and many more. 3 To make students know the changes of life with time and imagine the future.

 2.show students the pictures of Einstein and his Theory of relativity.

 See the pictues of Einstein and his theory of relativity 2 To lead the students’ mind from imagination into the passage of the lesson. While- Ask students to read Students read the 6-7 To make students

 Reading Fast reading:

 the passage in 3 minutes and give the main idea with the given information. passage quickly in 3 minutes and try to give the main idea. grasp the main idea and know the important points . Careful reading:

 Ask students to read the 1 st

 and 2 nd

 paragraphs and answer two questions: (1.what did Liqiang Suffer from? (2.How was the trip by the time capsule? Students read the 1 st

 and 2 nd

 paragraph and answer the two questions. 5-6 To get students to know the time capsule and the travel by it.

 Ask students to read the 3 rd

 paragraph and find out the changes of air and transport. Ask students to discuss why the air changed. Students read the 3 rd

 paragraph and talk about the change of air and transport. Students discuss the cause of the change of the air. 6 To let students know the change of air and transport in the future.

 Ask students to read the last paragraph and find out why the house is strange: the green wall made of trees and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor Students read the last paragraph and figure out the strange things of the house. 5-6 To let students know the advantages of the strange house.

 Post- reading 1.Ask students to review the changes mentioned in the Students review the changes mentioned in the passage and talk 3-4 To let stduents review the important points

 passage. about them. of this passage.

  2.Ask students to talk about the changes are good bad. Ask students to discuss whether they want to stay in AD3008 if they were Li Qiang. Students talk about the changes and discuss the question: Would you like to stay in AD3008 if you were LI Qiang? Why or wh not? 4 To make students understand the passage furtherly and know the importance of environment. Conclusion Share my idea of the future and present. Encourage students to protect the environment. Give homework. Students listen and set the homework. 2 To share the idea and leave homework. 作业: :

 1.Please read the passage carefully for at least twice.

 2.Mark out the words and sentences that you do not understand.

 3.Write a short passage talking about your imagination of the future. 附:板书设计

  Fist i mpressions


  Life in the future

 Li Qiang















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