
来源:商务英语 发布时间:2020-10-10 点击:

 Unit 1 Traits of Chinese Culture Warm-up Activity

 1.Appreciate the movie clips of different peoples’ talking about Chinese culture. 1) Speakers in the movie may be from the following places: Scotland, China, England, Europe, Russia based on their English speaking dialects and their facial features and even their hair etc. 2) Cultural traditions, the artistic aspects, so lantern making, kite making, Zodiac, New Year celebrations, the wishing tree,

 a dramatic experience, a musical experience, a historical experience, some aspects of modern studies, some aspects of business education, The Chinese lanterns, chopsticks, Tai Chi, the calligraphy, the art, the Beijing opera masks.

 2. Discuss the question after reading the following story. Reference for the discussed questions:

 A Chinese would politely tell the waiter that it was immoral to put a fly in the coffee-cup and that it was against the doctrines of Confucius. Such are the expressions of the cultural characters of different nations. Section A. Cultural Treasures: Task1. Answer the following questions. a. The rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig. b. Because the cat got up so early that morning and he became sleepy on their way of swimming across the river by riding on top of the ox’s back. He was pushed into the water when crossing the river. Then the cat arrived dripping wet in 13th. c. The month, rather than the year, of one"s birth (referred to the following reading)

 Task2.Complete the following tasks after eading the passage brackets. 1):十天干:

 甲 jia 乙 yi 丙 bing 丁 ding 戊 wu 乙 ji 庚 geng, 辛 xin 壬 ren 癸 kui

  十二地支:子 zi 丑 chou 寅 yin 卯 mao 辰 chen 巳 si 午 wu 未 wei 申 shen 酉 you戌 xu 亥 hai

  2):丙戌, 丁亥,汉族, 彝族, 黎族, 傣族, 维吾尔,吉尔吉斯, 图腾


 Rat: 23:00 ~ 1:00 named Zishi, when rats are most active in seeking food. Ox: 01:00 ~ 03:00 named Choushi, when oxen begin to crush the food, regurgitating to the mouth slowly and comfortably. Tiger: 03:00 ~ 05:00 named Yinshi, when tigers hurt their prey more and show their ferocity. Rabbit: 05:00 ~ 07:00 named Maoshi, when the jade rabbit is busy pounding herbal medicine on the Moon according to the tale. Dragon: 07:00 ~ 09:00 named Chenshi, when dragons are hovering in the sky to give rain. Snake: 09:00 ~ 11:00 named Sishi, when snakes are leaving their caves. Horse: 11:00 ~ 13:00 named Wushi, when the sun is high above and other animals are lying down for a rest, while the horses are still standing. Goat: 13:00 ~ 15:00 named Weishi, when goats urinate frequently. Monkey: 15:00 ~ 17:00 named Shenshi, when the monkeys are lively.

 Rooster: 17:00 ~ 19:00 named Youshi, when roosters begin to go back to their coops. Dog: 19:00 ~ 21:00 named Xushi, when dogs begin to carry out their duty of guarding the houses. Pig: 21:00 ~ 23:00 named Haishi, when pigs are sleeping sweetly e. The task of filing the appropriate terms in the blank can be of great help to this question.


 Section B. Cultural Knowledge Carding Task 1. Try to guess the Chinese equivalents for the following words or terms underlined in the passage below. a. plateau, plain and basin 高原丘陵和盆地

  b. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

 青藏高原 c. the Roof of the World 世界屋脊 d. highlands 高地 e. Sino-Nepalese border 中国-尼泊尔边境 f. the Kunlun and Qilian Ranges 昆仑山和祁连山脉 g. Hengduan Mountains

 横断山脉 h. Yuannan-Guizhou, Loess and Inner Mongolian Plateaus 云贵高原,黄土高原和内蒙古高原 i. Tarim, Junggar and Sichuan Basins 塔里木盆地,准格尔盆地和四川盆地 j. the Continental Shelf 大陆架 k. unfathomable seas 深不可测的大海 l.impassable valleys and jungle

 难以翻越的大山深谷和难以穿越的丛林 m. continental culture 大陆文化 o. subcultures and unintelligent dialects 子文化和难以理解的方言 p. an uneventful life of the simple rhythmical pulse of nature

 一种无戏剧性大事的、平和的、自然纯朴的生活,一种顺应大自然节律的生活 q. this self-contained and self-sufficient farming culture 这种自给自足的农耕文化

 r. China’s arable land 中国的可耕地 s. god-forsaken

 被上帝遗弃的或老天没有惠顾的 Task 2. Questions for thought and discussion based on the passage above. 1)




 Physical environment helps shape culture. Man environment and culture interact in a triangle. Man is conscious, dynamic and intelligent. He is raised above the environment, “dominating the non-human world”. He works on the environment to create culture, but he is never completely free from it. On the contrary, he is just a miserable part of the biosphere, bound up to a certain extent. He has to follow nature and work within its possible limits. The culture he created likewise has to be conditioned by the physical world.

 c. Answers can be referred to the supplementary readings

  d. open Task 3. What are the Chinese versions for the following sentences? Do you know the

 origination of these sayings? What may be implied in each of them? Are they still practical in today’s life?

  1)Rise with the sun to work, retire with the sun to rest. Farm the land for food, sink a well for water. What has heaven got for me? Chinese version: “日出而作,日落(入)而息。凿井而饮,耕田而食。帝力何有于我哉!” It is from a prehistory rhyme striking a clay musical instrument entitled Ji Fou Ge, the father of Chinese song 《击壤歌》, 中国歌曲之祖) It eulogizes the daily cycle of the farmer, who is indulging in an uneventful life of the simple rhythmical pulse of nature…. 2)At least there are two Chinese versions. Version 1: 子曰:知者乐,水;仁者乐,山。知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。” 2005 年 南怀瑾《论语别裁(上下)》上海:复旦大学出版社。

 Version 2: 子曰:

 “ 智者乐水,仁者乐山;智者动,仁者静;智者乐,仁者寿。” 1999 年丁往道编译 《孔子语录一百则》北京:中国对外翻译公司 选自《论语.雍也篇》Analects of Confucius

 This is a saying by Confucius. It implies that he prefers continental life to maritime live. Actually, he never thinks of going to the sea in spite of the closeness of his home to the seacoast. He only thinks of drifting to the sea if he should feel desperate to bring peace to the troubled and war-torn world (p.6 He Daokuan 2004). 3) All land under heaven belongs to the King, all people within the seas are subjects of the King

 Chinese version: “溥天之下,莫非王土;率土之滨莫非王臣。(from 《诗·小雅·北山》)

 This is a folk song from the Poetry 3,000 years ago. The geographical isolation of China coaxed Chinese into the misbelief of the world: The world is China, China is the world.

 This implies a misconception, which was later blown into ignorance of self-imposed enclosure and containment in early modern times against all communication with the outside world. 4)The gentleman seeks everything from himself; the samll man seeks everything from others. 君子求诸己,小人求诸人。《论语》论君子与小人(15.21)

 Section C

  Legend Time: Yu the Great, the Flood Tamer

 Task1. Task2. Task3. Reference for the questions 1)to punish man for his evils;

 2)Heaven was finally convinced by Yu’s eloquence and ambition and agreed to assign him to tame the flood. 3)Yu the Great, the flood tamer:used the Magic Earth and help from other lesser gods. Yu’s strategies were the most effective and powerful.

 Section D:Some traits of Traditional Chinese Culture Task. Read the following passage and finish the following tasks. 批注 [s1]: Why not Gi Rang Ge?

 1) Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese. (1)中国文化指产生发展于中国地域内的一种富有鲜明的民族特色的文化体系。我们这里讲的主要是精神文化和行为文化,以及这些精神文化和行为文化的某些物化的文化形式。


  (3)The economic structure 位于北方的游牧或渔猎民族曾多次凭借着强盛的武力大举南下,并先后在黄河中下游地区建立了政权,但都被中原地区的农业文明所驯服同化,融入到华夏族和汉族中去,最终还原于以汉族为主体的,以农业经济为基础的传统社会模式。

 (4)The traditional worldview 偶然为之,也采取了实用主义的态度,仅仅局限于消灾祈福,“急来抱佛脚”是形象的譬喻。


 (6)Unique collectivism and patriotism 孟子将“人伦”归结为“父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇有别,长幼有序,朋友有信” (7)传统社会宗法关系强有力的纽带作用和强调集权统一的观念文化与制度文化,培养出中华民族注重整体利益的价值观念。

 (8)Mode of thinking of the Chinese people



 2) Can you get a summary about the basic characteristics of Chinese culture? Unit 2 A Hundred School of Thoughts

 Warm-up activity Watch the video clip about “Shang Yang” and discuss the following questions with your partners. 1) Do you know who Shang Yang is? Of which period did he live in Chinese history? Shang Yang (390B.C.~338B.C.) was an important Chinese statesman of Qin in the Warring States Period of ancient China. With the support of Duke Xiao of Qin, Yang enacted numerous reforms in the state of Qin that helped to change Qin from a peripheral state into a militarily powerful and strongly centralized kingdom, changing the administration by emphasizing meritocracy and devolving power from the nobility. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shang_Yang ) 2) Do you know the famous story told in the video clip? Can you tell it in English? After the decree (incorporating his whole set of sweeping reforms) was drawn up Shang Yang did not at once publish it, fearing that the people did not have confidence in him. He therefore had a pole thirty feet long placed near the south gate of the capital. Assembling the people, he said that he would give ten measures of gold to anyone who could move it to the north gate. The people marveled at this, but no one ventured to move it. Shang Yang then said, “I will give fifty measures

 of gold to anyone who can move it.” One man then moved it, and Shang Yang immediately gave him fifty measures of gold, to demonstrate that he did not practice deception. (This translation is from H.G. Creel, Chinese Thought from Confucius to Mao Tse-tung, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1954, pp. 153-54.) 3) Do you understand why Shang Yang did sth. as the story told us? Do you think it effective in reaching Shang Yang’s purpose? Open. 4) What do you learn from this story? Does it have any implication for modern society? Open.

 Section A

  Cultural Treasures Task 1: Try to interpret the following parts picked in the passage in your own words. Do you know the Chinese versions for these statements? 1. 道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。(论语∙为政)

 Reference for English interpretation: It reflects the political view of Confucianism that advocates the rule of rites and virtuous character. 2. 今弃是度也,而为刑鼎,民在鼎矣,何以尊贵?贵何业之守?贵贱无序,何以为国? Reference for English interpretation: A feature of this objection is the classic “rule-of-man” assumption that an elite group of “authorities” has cultivated intuitive, normative insights which are more accurate and reliable than those of “the people.” The objection notes that reforms introduced via penal codes undercuts respect for this traditional moral elite, it undermines their authority. 3. 人们都知道应该避免什么,应该努力做什么:他们会尽量避免灾祸,为幸福而努力,从而实现自我管理。

 Reference for English interpretation: By saying this, Shang Yang showed his confidence in having people follow the law. If there are strict laws, people will naturally obey them in order to avoid punishment, thus law being followed and happiness achieved. 4. 无论是官员或者百姓,如果想知道规定是依照什么标准设定的,都可以询问熟知标准的官员。这些官员除了详细解说这些标准还要执行他们。既然官员们知道老百姓们熟知法律和规则,他们就不敢不依法而胡乱处置百姓。

 Reference for English interpretation: Everyone has the right to know how the laws are set and what they are. In this way, no matter people with high status or low-rank, they will have an equal footing before law and rules. Task 2. Skim the whole passage again and try to answer the following questions, using the fewest words as possible. 1. School of law 2. Duke Xiao of Qin 3. According to the service rendered to the state, especially the bravery in battle. 4. Promotion of agriculture over commerce to compensate for the shortage of agricultural manpower, and the putting into cultivation of unsettled lands and wastelands. 5. Li Kui’s Book of Law 6. He encouraged active immigration of peasants from other states into Qin as a replacement workforce. 7. The Book of the Lord of Shang

 8. Ding fa and yi min 9. King Huiwen, ordered the execution of Yang and his family, on grounds of rebellion; Yang had previously humiliated the new Duke “by causing him to be punished for an offense as though he were an ordinary citizen.” 10. He was fastened to five chariots and pulled apart. 11. No. Task 3.

 Questions for discussion. 1. Shang Yang’s notion of yimin or “treating the people as one” meant that no one should escape punishment for violating the law, regardless of his rank or position. His notion of dingfa or “fixing the standards” meant that ordinary people as well as officials had complete knowledge of the law. 2. Confucius argued against rule by law and punishment, and argued that social order can be achieved more successfully through moral education to instill good character in people. Shang Yang believed that the principle that motivated all human beings was self-interest, and that a legal code was necessary in order to achieve a society that was in the best interests of all, by showing people exactly how they should act. Such a code would replace the arbitrary personal judgments of autocratic rulers who might or might not understand what was best for society. No one was exempted from following the law, regardless of position or social status. 3. Open.

  Section B

 Cultural Knowledge Carding Skimming and scanning the following passage so as to finish task 1 and 2. Task 1. Try to guess the meaning of the underlined terms in the passage. Table 2.1.


 English Terms Chinese Equivalents Hundred Schools of Thought 诸子百家 the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period 春秋战国 Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought 百家争鸣 itinerant scholars 游方文人学士 purge of dissent 清除异己 Confucian Classics 儒家经典 Master Kong 孔夫子 social stratification 社会阶层 accretions to 添加 philosophical core 哲学核心 preserve the social order 维持社会秩序 martial prowess 军事能力 Taoist recluse 道家遁世者 primitive materialist empiricism 原始的唯物经验主义 human cognition 人类的认知 ritual and music 礼乐 Pacifism 和平相处 meritocracy 能者居上

 Five Elements 五行 epistemological theories 认识论 sophists or dialecticians 辩证家 lobbying skill 游说 orators, debaters and tacticians 演讲家和策士 Yi Wen Zhi 艺文志 the Book of Han 汉书,又称前汉书 Ministry of Education 掌教育者(周朝称事务官)

 Ministry of Justice 掌刑罚者(周朝称司寇)

 Ministry of Rituals 掌祭祀礼仪者(周朝称太宗)

 Guardians of the Temple 寺人(周朝)

 Ministry of Embassies 监国(周朝派到诸侯国的使臣)

 government counselors 谋士 Ministry of the Soil and Wheat 掌土地农事者(周朝称司徒)

 Burning of Books and Burying of Scholars 焚书坑儒 Notes: 1. Book of Han is a classical Chinese history finished in 111 AD, covering the history of China under the Western Han from 206 BC to 25 AD. It is also sometimes called the Book of Former Han. The work was composed by Ban Biao, Ban Gu, and Ban Zhao. A second work, the History of the Later Han Dynasty covers the Eastern Han period from 25 to 220, and was composed in the fifth century by Fan Ye (398–445). Various scholars have estimated that the earliest material covered in the book dates back to between 206 and 202 BCE. The book also contains the first written historical mention of Japan. 2. Yi Wen Zhi or Treatise on Literature is a bibliography based on Imperial Library catalog compiled by Liu Xiang. Task 2: Try to give the Chinese equivalents for the Schools of thought and then match each School with their corresponding representative figures. 1. School of Scholars (儒家) 2. School of Law (法家) 3. School of the Way (道家) 4. School of Mo (墨家) 5. School of Yin-yang (阴阳家) 6. School of Names (名家) 7. School of Agriculture (农家) 8. School of Vertical and Horizontal Alliances (纵横家) 9. Miscellaneous School (杂家) 10. School of “Minor-talks” (小说家) Xunzi Lü Buwei Zhuang Zi Mencius Sunzi Han Fei Confucius Mo Di Li Si Su Qin Shang Yang Lao Zi Gongsun Long

 11. School of the Military (兵家) Sun Bin Tao Qian Xu Xing Zhang Yi

 Zou Yan Task 3. Tell whether the following statements are true or false according to your understanding of the above passage. If it’s false, tell why. 1. F It has profoundly influenced lifestyles and social consciousness up to the present day in East Asian countries. 2. T 3. F Rituals in early Zhou Dynast was the foundation for Confucius’ thought about ideal socio-political order. 4. T 5. F To impose discipline from above, and to see to a strict enforcement of laws are the only way to preserve the social order according to Legalism. 6. F The most practical elements of Confucianism and Legalism were taken to form a sort of synthesis, marking the creation of a new form of government in Han Dynasty that would remain largely intact until the late 19th century. 7. F Taoism was for many of its adherents a complement to their ordered daily lives. A scholar serving as an official would usually follow Confucian teachings, but at leisure or in retirement might seek harmony with nature as a Taoist recluse. 8. F School of Yin-yang attempted to explain the universe in terms of basic forces in nature: the complementary agents of yin (dark, cold, female, negative) and yang (light, hot, male, positive) and the Five Elements or Five Phases (water, fire, wood, metal, and earth). 9. F

 School of Names or Logicians had parallels with ancient Greek dialecticians for both focused on logic and definition. 10. F School of Diplomacy focused on practical matters instead of any moral principle, so it stressed political and diplomatic tactics, and debate and lobbying skill. What’s more, scholars from this school were good orators, debaters and tacticians. 11. T 12. F Lushi Chunqiu that was compiled by Lu Buwei was the representative book of Miscellaneous School. It was written by a lot of scholars from different schools summoned by Lu Buwei. Task 4: Questions for discussion and reflection. 1) “Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought” refers to an era of great culture and intellectual expansion in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period in Chinese history. It’s a period in which a broad range of thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed freely. The intellectual society of this era was characterized by scholars wandering about, who were often employed by various state rulers as advisers on the methods of government, war, and diplomacy. The officials working for the government during the early Zhou Dynasty lost their position when the authority of the Zhou rulers began to break down in the Eastern Zhou period. In this way,

 the officials spread all over the country and started to teach their own field of knowledge as private teachers. In this way the schools of philosophy were born. 2) Unlike Mencius, who deems people as innately good, Xunzi preached that man is not innately good; he asserted that goodness is attainable only through training one’s desires and conduct. 3)The focus of Taoism is on the individual within the natural realm rather than the individual within society.

 The philosophical core for Confucianism is the fundamental system of modeled behavior. 4) Mohism. Its philosophy rested on the idea of universal love. Its philosophy reflects primitive empiricism by believing that human cognition ought to be based on one’s perceptions. Note: Reflections are open. Task 5: What are the Chinese versions for the following quotes? Which school’s ideas do they belong to? What may be implied in each of them? Are they still practical in today’s life? 1) 君君臣臣,父父子子。(论语∙颜渊篇)

 2) 君子谋道不谋食,君子忧道不忧贫。(论语∙卫灵公)

 3) 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。(论语∙述而)

 4) 若使天下兼相爱,国与国不相攻,家与家不相乱,盗贼无有,君臣父子皆能孝慈,若此则天下治。(墨子:卷四∙兼爱)

 5) 此木以不材得终其天年。(庄子∙山木)

 6) 与人和者,谓之人乐;与天和者,谓之天乐。(庄子∙天道)

 7) 上善若水。(道德经)

 Section C

  Legend Time Task 1: Vocabulary The words and phrases in the box are all picked up from above stories. Guess their meanings according to the context, then fill in the blanks with their appropriate forms. 1. plucked 2. unanimously 3. soak 4. magistrates 5. sneak 6. carp 7. full of glee 8. congee 9. trampled 10. onlookers 11. agape 12. pawned 13. at dusk 14. gazing Task 2.

 Questions for discussion. 1) Discuss with your partner and try to give a most appropriate title for the first and third stories. The first story: Fair Judgment The third story: Filial Piety

 2) Do you know who is the author for the second poem? Please write down the original Chinese lines in the brackets. The author for the poem is Tao Yuanming. The Chinese version of the poem is:




 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山, 山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。


 3) Story 1: People have the wisdom to tell whether the law and justice have been carried out. Story 2: One can enjoy the nature more and forget one’s troubles in recluse. Story 3: Being filial to one’s parents are highly valued in traditional Chinese moral system. 4) Open.

 Section D

  Supplementary Reading----The Ancient Chinese Thought Task 1. Translate the underlined parts into Chinese and make some comments on the underlined opinions. 1) 孔子告诫人们,“即使知道不会成功仍然要去做”;而荀子认为,“人是可以了解并且改变自然的”。

 2) 另一方面,道家主张天道,强调自然和无为,也就是说凡事应该顺其自然,这样人与自然才能和谐,而不是一方控制另一方。

 3) 圣人人在朝野,心却能云游四海。

 4) 中庸就是指处于极端中的相对平衡:这是一种动态的平衡,时刻随着时间和空间进行调整。

 5) 佛教是于汉朝时期传入中国的宗教体系,致力于追寻人们受苦的根源,希望脱离尘世的烦恼。

 Task 2.

 Fill in the following table about “comparison and contrast between Confucianism and Taoism” based on the passage you just read, and then present your opinions to the class in your own language.

  Comparison and Contrast between Confucianism and Taoism

 Confucianism Taoism Historical origins It was originated in the late Spring and Autumn Period with Confucius as the founder whose thought aimed to the preservation of a wealth of historical and cultural codes, records and a complete culture of rites and music. It was originated in the late Spring and Autumn Period with Lao Zi as the founder who was a court historian of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. This experience enabled him to master the “Heavenly Way”, focusing on astrology, and the “Human Way”, covering success or failure, fortune and misfortune as

 well as the rise and fall of dynasties during his study of history. Representative works The Five Classics, including The Book of Poetry, The Book of History, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes, and The Spring and Autumn Annals. Dao De Jing Core thought It concentrates on the human side, stressing the power of virtue in the human character. It focuses on the Heavenly Way, emphasizing naturalness and inaction, namely letting things take their own course. Political view It advocates the rule of rites and virtuous character and is characterized by moral teaching and rules and regulations. It stresses the rule of inaction, making light of righteousness and virtue, rites and punishments. Outlook on life The Confucian concept is very constructive, encouraging people to “go into the society”. The Taoist notion is very passive, asking people to “retire from the world”, and to be critical of the reality or society. Methodology It advocates the Golden Mean or the Middle of the Road, opposing both going beyond and falling short. It suggests that people stick to one end or extreme, namely the weak, the quiet, and the void, hoping to gain advantages by making concessions, to use inaction against action, to defeat the strong by the weak, and to cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle. Influence on Chinese culture Mohism and the Yin-Yang School derived from Confucianism

 The Military Strategists, the Legalists, and the Logicians were closely related with the Taoists. Jing Xue or the study of Confucian Canon or Classics in the Han Dynasty, Xuan Xue or Taoist metaphysics in the Wei and Jin dynasties, Dao Xue or Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties, and Shi Xue or Real Learning between the Ming and the Qing dynasties were in fact the combination, derivation and development of Confucianism and Taoism, which in turn provided many concepts, categories and propositions for the development of ancient Chinese thinking.

 Unit 3

 Harmony----The Fundamental Spirit of Chinese Culture

  Warm-up Activity

 1) Haibao.

 2) Better City, Better Life. Created from the Chinese character " 人," which means people, the mascot manifests the concept that a good life should be created by all the people. The world should be supported by "people," and people should have harmonious relationships with nature and society, so that the life in cities would be better. 3) The audio tapescript:

 Haibao: Mascot of Shanghai EXPO Like the mascots for huge worldwide events such as Olympics and World Cup, Haibao, the mascot of World Expo is very important for interpreting the theme and expressing the culture.

  Created from the Chinese character " 人," which means people, the mascot embodies the character of Chinese culture and echoes with theme of World Expo Shanghai "Better City, Better Life."

 The structure of Chinese character , in which two strokes support each other, manifests the concept that a good life should be created by all the people, the core to push the city development as well as the most creative part in the urbanization. The world should be supported by "people," and people should have harmonious relationships with nature and society, so that the life in cities would be better.

  Hair: the hair of the mascot is like the wave of the sea, which represents its open character and stated the character of its birth place Shanghai.

 Face: its cartoon expression shows its confidence and friendly character.

 Eye: big, round eyes show his anticipation of the city.

 Blue: the color shows its latitude and imagination, which represents the rising and potential China.

 Body: its round body represents a well-off life, which is also lovely and cute.

 Fist: he thumbs up to show the appreciation and warm welcome to the friends from all over the world.

 Big feet: he stands steadily on the big feet and embraces the world with big arms, which shows China have the ability and faith to host a successful Expo.

 Section A. Cultural Treasures Task. Answer the following quesations based on the passage below. Reference for the discussion questions: 1. 退避三舍。

 2. It happened during the Spring and Autumn Period. It is a story about Chong Er (重耳), the

 prince of the state of Jin (晋国), who was later known as Duke Wen of the state of Jin (晋文公). 3. The idiom is now often used when someone voluntarily give way to others in order to avoid conflict. 4. Read the following passage as quickly as you can, then discuss with your friend about the following questions: a) What spirit of traditional Chinese culture can be seen from this story? This is an open question. The students’ answer to this question may vary from “keeping one’s promise (践诺)”, “being righteous (重义)” to “harmony/peace enjoys priority (以和为贵)”。

 b) Would you do the same thing if you were Chong Er? Why or why not? The students’ response to this question may be of great variaty. SectionB

 Cultural Knowledge Carding Task 1. Finish the fllowing tasks based on reading the passage above. 1. (1) e, (2) f, (3) a, (4) g, (5) c, (6) d, (7) b. 2. 和而不同、和谐共生、和睦相处但不随便附和、多元一体…… 3.

 Five tones: 宫、商、角、徵(zhǐ)、羽

 Five colours: 青、黄、赤、白、黑 Five flavors: 甜、酸、苦、辣、咸

 4. Harmony in the area of administration, interpersonal relations, politics, economy, diplomacy, and relations between Man and Nature.

 5. This is an open question. The students’ answers may vary. Task 2. Read the passage below and find answers to the following questions. Theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements 1) The yin and yang represent all the opposite principles one finds in the universe. While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. / Under yang are the principles of maleness, the sun, creation, heat, light, Heaven, dominance, and so on, and under yin are the principles of femaleness, the moon, completion, cold, darkness, material forms, submission, and so on. 2) Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. 3) The yin and yang accomplish changes in the universe through the five material agents, or wu hsing, which both produce one another and overcome one another. All changes in the universe can be explained by the workings of yin and yang and the progress of the five material agents as they either produce one another or overcome one another. This production of yin from yang and yang from yin occurs cyclically and constantly, so that no one principle continually dominates the other or determines the other. Task 3.

 Answer the following questions according to the passage below. 1) The answers may vary. 2) The answers may vary. 3) When the balance between Yin and Yang is damaged, disease will produce. Section C

 Legend Time Task. Answer the following questions according to the passage below. 1) The students’ answers may be anything similar in meaning to “determination and perseverance in the face of seemingly impossible odds”.

 2) These stories reflect the strong wish of the ancient Chinese people to overcome drought. Section D

 Supplementary Reading Reference for translation: 1. 要保持其作为世界最具政治和文化影响力的国家的领先地位,美国就无法忽视由中国“和谐复兴”所倡导的 21 世纪“建设中国和谐社会、共建和谐世界”。

 2. 过去 20 多年经济、工业的快速增长使中国已经从一个农业大国发展成社会财富分配不均的国家,从一个自给自足的社会转变成一个和其他发达国家一样严重依赖于境外能源和其他资源的国家。

 3. 一个在范围和程度上都远远超过春秋论辩时期的、真正意义上的“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的时代也许正应运而生。

 4. 作为中国传统文化信仰的核心内容,“和谐”反映了人与人、人与自然、人与社会以及国家与国家之间和谐相处、均衡发展的理念。

 5. 这种(一直以来)对农业的依赖导致(中国民众)更倾向于追求与自然的和谐相处,而非向自然发起挑战。

 6. 君子和而不同,小人同而不和。(《论语·子路第十三》)

 7. 海纳百川,有容乃大。(林则徐自勉联上联,下联为“壁立千仞,无欲则刚”。)

 Unit 4 Traditional Ethics and Ten Aspects of Righteousness Warm-up Activity Task.

 Matching: WHO SAID IT? 1. Zhuangzi

 2. Laozi

 3. Mencius

 4. Confucius

 5. Mozi 6. Confucius

 7. Laozi

 8. Laozi

 9. Hanfeizi

 10. Confucius

 Section A

  Cultural Treasures Task 1 Matching Execrise. 1) h 2) k 3) i 4) e 5) f 6) b 7)g 8) n 9) j 10) c 11) o 12) 13) m 14) d 15) a

 Task 2 Answers to Quiz. 1) 学而时习之,不亦说乎? (《学而》)

 2) 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? (《学而》)

 3) 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。(《为政》)

 4) 三人行,必有我师焉。(《述而》)

 5) 人无远虑,必有近忧。(《卫灵公》)


 7) 后生可畏(《子罕》)

 8) 朽木不可雕也(《公治长》)

 9) 听其言而观其行(《公治长》)

 10) 敏而好学,不耻下问(《公治长》)

 11) 有教无类。(《卫灵公》)

 12) 道不同,不相为谋。(《卫灵公》)

 13) 小不忍,则乱大谋。(《卫灵公》)

 14) 人而无信,不知其可也。《为政》)

 15) 学而不厌,诲人不倦(《述而》)

 Section B Cultural Knowledge Carding

 Task 1. Answer the following questions based on the above passage. 1)Benevolence. In a broader sense “benevolence” covered respect, generosity, trustworthiness, kindness, intelligence, wisdom, courage, loyalty, consideration and filialness. 2) The reason why Confucianism was dominant was it conformed to needs of the ruling class. It presented a utopian world for both the ruling class and the common people. 3) Confucianism stressed five constant virtues, namely benevolence (ren), righteousness (yi), propriety (li), wisdom (zhi) and fidelity (xin) as basic ethical codes. 4) According to Confucianism, women had to obey absolutely their fathers when they were not married, to obey their husbands absolutely after in the wedlock and to obey absolutely their sons in...

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