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  纪念红军长征胜利八十周年网上党史知识竞赛1.( C),红一军第二师第四团遵照党中央关于打开进军甘肃通路的指示,发起进攻腊子口的战斗。A、1935年9月12日?B、1935年9月15日C、1935年9月16日?2.1935年6月中旬,红一方面军克服了重重困难,翻过几座大雪山,到达(A ),与红四方面军胜利会师。A、四川懋功?B、四川安顺场C、四川甘孜?3.遵义会议取消了(B )的最高军事指挥权。A、王明、博古?B、李德、王明C、李德、博古?4.从1930年10月到1933年9月,蒋介石先后(C)次调集176万兵力围剿中央根据地。?A、3?B、4C、5?5.( B)为甘肃会宁红军会师塔题写:中国工农红军一、二、四方面军会师纪念塔。A、毛泽东?B、邓小平C、徐向前?6.红军长征跳出敌人的包围是在( B)?A、四渡赤水河?B、渡过金沙江C、强渡大渡河?7.红军长征开始后最惨烈的一仗是(B )。A、瑞金战役?B、湘江战役C、平型关战役?8.( B)在长征途中创作了24幅写生,成为记录长征唯一的形象史料和珍贵的艺术品。A、廖承志?B、黄镇C、舒同?9.长征到达陕甘根据地的第一支红军是(A )。A、红一方面军?B、红四方面军C、红二十五军?10.“长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机”出自毛泽东的(A )一文。A、《论反对日本帝国主义的策略》?B、《关心群众生活,注意工作方法》C、《关于纠正党内的错误思想》?11.为扩大抗日根据地,1936年2月至5月,红一方面军以中国人民红军抗日先锋军的名义进行了(A )。A、东征?B、西征C、北征?12.1935年12月17日至25日,中共中央在陕西(B )召开政治局扩大会议,讨论全国的政治形势和党的策略路线、军事战略问题。A、延安?B、安定(今子长)瓦窑堡?C、吴起?13.1935年9月20日,在( B)主持下,中共中央在哈达铺义和昌药店召开政治局常委会议。A、毛泽东?B、张闻天C、周恩来?14.《为抗日救国告全体同胞书》是以( B)和中国共产党中央委员会的名义发表的。A、中央人民政府?B、中华苏维埃共和国中央政府C、中央革命军事委员会?15.1935年1月至3月,毛泽东等指挥的(A ),根据实际情况,灵活机动,迂回穿插于敌人重兵之间,成为我军战史上的光辉典范。A、四渡赤水?B、湘江之战?C、娄山关之战?16.指挥红军粉碎国民党对中央苏区第四次“围剿”的是( A)。?A、周恩来 朱德?B、毛泽东 朱德C、毛泽东 周恩来?17.江泽民同志在纪念红军长征胜利60周年大会上讲到:长征的胜利,实现了我们党北上抗日的战略方针,红军主力转移到抗日的前进阵地,为建立( A),为红军担负起抗日战争的中坚力量的使命,奠定了坚实的基础。A、抗日民族统一战线?B、抗日统一战线C、抗日民族战线?18.《八一宣言》最早刊载于1935年10月1日中共在( C)出版的中文《救国报》第十期上。A、纽约?B、莫斯科C、巴黎?19.经过娄山关时,被山势的雄浑和红军将士的英勇所感动,( B)赋词述怀:“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。从头越,苍山如海,残阳如血。”A、周恩来?B、毛泽东?C、王明?20.2016年7月19日是《西行漫记》(《红星照耀中国》)的作者埃德加·斯诺诞辰( A)周年。A、101?B、95C、90?21.二万五千里是( A)所走的长征路程。A、红一方面军?B、红四方面军?C、红二方面军?22.1934年10月中旬,(B)和红一方面军撤离江西瑞金开始长征。A、红二方面军?B、中共中央机关C、中央红军?23.1936年9月7日,为执行中共中央的战略方针,红二方面军总指挥部制定了(A )。A、《成(县)徽(县)两(当)康(县)战役/Article/" \t "_blank计划》?B、《徽(县)成(县)两(当)康(县)战役/Article/" \t "_blank计划》C、《两(当)康(县)成(县)徽(县)战役计划》?24.1936年5月18日,中央革命军事委员会发布(A ),以红一方面军的红一、红十五军团和红八十一师、骑兵团等共13000余人,组成中国工农红军西方野战军开始西征。A、《西征战役计划》?B、《西北战役计划》C、《宁夏战役计划》?25.1935年9月22日,陕甘支队召开团以上干部会议,毛泽东代表党中央在会上作了关于形势和任务的政治/Article/" \t "_blank报告,正式宣布:( A)。A、陕甘支队将向陕北进发?B、陕甘支队将向陕甘宁边区进发C、陕甘支队将向陕甘革命根据地进发?26.1935年8月2日,红二十五军从陕甘交界处的双石铺出发后抵达( A),进入甘肃境内。A、两当灵官殿?B、两当西堡山C、两当七里坪?27.长征途中,红军(B )跳出了蒋介石几十万大军的围追堵截,变被动为主动。A、强渡乌江?B、巧渡金沙江C、四渡赤水?28.在第五次反“围剿”斗争中,博古、李德推行王明“左”倾错误路线,提出的口号是( A)。?A、“御敌于国门外”,“不丧失守土”?B、“稳扎稳打,步步为营”C、“逐次转移,各个击破”?29.胡锦涛同志在纪念红军长征胜利70周年大会上讲到:在新长征的征途上,我们一定要把长征精神作为加强社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,作为在全体人民特别是(A )中进行理想信念和思想道德教育的重要内容,坚持不懈地发扬光大,把长征精神一代一代传下去。A、青少年?B、党员C、干部?30.1934年2月25日,陕甘边区第二次工农兵代表大会在甘肃华池南梁小河沟四合台村召开,成立了(B )。A、陕甘边革命委员会?B、陕甘边区革命委员会C、陕甘革命委员会?31.中央红军北渡金沙江后,在( A)地区进行了休整,并召开了会议。A、会理?B、上海C、瑞金?32.抗日战争开始后,根据国共合作协议,中国工农红军改编为( A)第八路军。A、国民革命军?B、抗日先遣队C、抗日先锋军?33.中央红军长征共经过全国(B )个省区。A、10?B、11C、12?34.1935年10月19日,中共中央率领中国工农红军陕甘支队到达( C),至此,中共中央和红一方面军主力历时一年的长征结束。A、陕西延安?B、四川甘孜C、吴起镇?35.1936年9月,红二方面军成立了由甘泗淇任书记,以徽县为中心活动地区的( C),下辖中共两当县工委。A、陕甘川省工委?B、川陕甘省工委C、甘陕川省工委?36.1936年5月,中共中央为配合红军西征,撤销陕甘省,设立(B )、陕北省、关中、神府特区。A、陕甘宁边区?B、陕甘宁省?C、陕甘宁苏维埃政府?37.1935年9月27日,中共中央在( A)召开政治局常委会议。会议将中共中央和红军的落脚点确定在陕甘革命根据地。A、榜罗镇?B、通渭县城C、铁边城?38.1935年6月,(B )指挥红26军、红27军主力取得了粉碎国民党军对陕甘根据地发动的第二次“围剿”的胜利。A、徐海东?B、刘志丹?C、程子华?39.红军长征时经过大凉山彝族地区时,根据党的民族政策,与当地部落首领小叶丹歃血为盟的将领是(C )。A、朱德?B、彭德怀C、刘伯承?40.党内( A)在第五次反“围剿”中的错误指挥,是造成中央红军被迫撤离中央苏区,进行长征的主要原因。A、“左”倾冒险主义?B、经验主义C、主观主义?41.2016年7月18日,习近平总书记在宁夏西吉县将台堡参观会师纪念馆时指出,推进中国特色社会主义事业的新长征要( A )、长期进行,我们每代人都要走好自己的长征路。A、持续接力?B、永续接力C、不忘初心?42.第一次反“围剿”胜利后,红二十五军发展到三干七百人,开辟了(A )游击根据地。A、鄂豫陕?B、晋察冀C、陕甘宁?43.1934年2月,国民党调集8个团的正规军及各地方民团,总兵力达1万余人,对陕甘边根据地发动了(A )反革命“围剿”。A、第一次?B、第二次C、第三次?44.中央红军长征翻越的最后一座高山是( C)A、棋盘山?B、岷山C、六盘山?45.参加过长征的共和国元帅有(B )人。A、10?B、9C、8?46.(B )战役是军事史上以弱胜强、出奇制胜的著名战役,也是红军长征进入甘肃境内最关键的一仗,这次战役胜利粉碎了国民党阻止红军北上抗日的图谋。A、两当之战?B、腊子口战役C、永昌战役?47.1936年9月16日至18日,为统一思想,执行中央指示,中共中央西北局在(C )召开会议,主要讨论目前政治形势和红军北上问题。A、岷县?B、岷州三十里铺C、三十里铺?48.1936年6月,在中共中央劝导和督促下,经过( B)及红四方面军广大指战员的斗争,张国焘被迫接受了中共中央北上的战略方针。A、朱德、叶剑英?B、朱德、刘伯承C、陈昌浩、徐向前?49.1935年9月28日晚,陕甘支队在通渭县城东文庙街小学,毛泽东即兴朗诵了自翻越终年积雪的岷山后就酝酿在心中的诗篇(B )。A、《忆秦娥·娄山关》?B、《七律·长征》C、《清平乐·六盘山》?50.1935年8月15日,红二十五军到达静宁县城以北的单家集、兴隆镇(今属宁夏)等地时,对全军指战员进行了一次党的民族政策教育,并制定了(C )。A、《四大禁令三项注意》?B、《三大禁令五项注意》C、《三大禁令四项注意》?51.中央红军长征途中,蒋介石企图凭借天险大渡河,南攻北堵,围歼红军,妄图使中央红军成为(B )第二。?A、项羽?B、石达开C、李自成?52.长征到达陕甘革命根据地的第一支红军队伍是( B)。A、红四方面军?B、红25军C、红一方面军?53.1928年4月,朱德、陈毅率领南昌起义保存下来的部队转战来到井冈山,和毛泽东/Article/" \t "_blank领导的秋收起义部队胜利会师,成立了中国工农革命军第(C )军。A、一?B、二C、四?54.陕甘边革命根据地成为土地革命战争后期全国“硕果仅存”的完整革命根据地,为党中央和各路长征红军提供了(C ), 为后来八路军主力奔赴抗日前线提供了出发点。A、根据地?B、苏区C、落脚点?55.1935年9月,随红二十五军长征的中共鄂豫陕省委和中共西北工委在延川县永坪镇召开联席会议,宣布成立(B )。A、中国工农红军第十四军团?B、中国工农红军第十五军团C、中国工农红军第十六军团?56.毛儿盖会议后,红军进入了( B)大草原A、桑科?B、毛儿盖C、漠北?57.1933年9月起,中共满州省委把党/Article/" \t "_blank领导的各抗日游击队相继改编为(C )A、东北抗日联军?B、东北人民军C、东北人民革命军?58.诗词(C )是毛泽东在中央红军胜利完成了长征后,行至陕北清涧县袁家沟时写的。A、《七律·长征》?B、《念奴娇·昆仑》C、《沁园春·雪》?59.1935年8月1日,中共驻共产国际代表团以中华苏维埃共和国和中共中央名义,起草并发表了(B )(通常称《八一宣言》)。A、《停战议和一致抗日通电》?B、《为抗日救国告全体同胞书》C、《抗日救国宣言》?60.1936年9月27日,中共中央西北局在(C )召开会议。这次会议是一次扭转形势的重要会议。会议否决了张国焘西进的错误,重新肯定了岷州会议所做出的重要决定。A、临洮?B、岷州C、洮州(今临潭)新城?61.1936年7月5日,根据中央命令,红二军团、红六军团、红三十二军组成中国工农红军第二方面军,( C)任总指挥。A、任弼时?B、关向应C、贺龙?62.1935年10月3日,陕甘支队控制了西兰公路静宁、会宁段数十公里,毛泽东等中央领导同志及支队司令部夜宿(C )。A、界石铺?B、老君坡C、将台堡?63.1935年9月8日,红二十五军从华池豹子川出发,向陕北(B )挺进。A、吴起镇?B、保安县(今志丹县)C、延安?64.1932年2月12日,(B )成立大会在甘肃正宁县三嘉塬细嘴子锦章村隆重召开。A、西北红军陕甘游击队?B、中国工农红军陕甘游击队C、陕甘游击队?65.1935年1月,中央红军主力强渡(A )天险,占领了遵义。?A、乌江?B、湘江C、大渡河?66.(C)后,将党的支部建在连上,是党领导和建设新型人民军队的重要开端。A、古田会议?B、遵义会议C、三湾改编?67.从1935年8月至1936年10月,中国工农红军第二十五军,第一、二、四方面军先后过境甘肃(B )县。A、30余?B、40余C、50余?68.1936年10月5日,毛泽东、周恩来给( C)致书,再次申明中国共产党“停止内战,一致抗日”的主张。A、蒋介石?B、杨虎城C、张学良?69.红军进入甘南的关键一战是(C )A、徐州会战?B、四渡赤水河C、突破腊子口?70.1932年2月12日,西北反帝同盟军在正宁锦章村改编为(C ),在西北地区第一次公开打出了中国工农红军的旗帜。A、A.中国工农红军陕北游击队?B、B.中国工农红军陇东游击队C、中国工农红军陕甘游击队?71.“不到长城非好汉,屈指行程二万。”是毛泽东登上(B )时的咏怀之作。?A、长城?B、六盘山C、娄山关?72. 1936年5月初,东征红军回师陕北。5月11日到17日,中共中央在陕北延川(A )召开团以上干部会议,/Article/" \t "_blank总结了东征,部署了西征。A、太相寺?B、大象寺C、大相国寺?73.1936年10月10日,红一方面军第一师与红四方面军各部队代表和会宁广大群众,在县城文庙大成殿举行了规模盛大的庆祝会师联欢大会。大会上,红军总司令朱德宣读了中国共产党中央委员会、中华苏维埃中央政府、中央革命军事委员会于10日联合发表的(A )。A、《为庆祝一、二、四方面军大会合通电》?B、《为庆祝一、二、四方面军大会师通电》C、《为庆祝一、四方面军大会师通电》?74.为加强对正在北上的红二、四方面军行动的统一领导,中央于1936年7月27日,批准成立(A )。A、中共中央西北局?B、中共中央北方局?C、中共中央西南局?75.从1935年9月4日红一军先头部队进入甘肃迭部境内起,到( C)陕甘支队从环县、华池离开甘肃止,中共中央率陕甘支队在甘肃境内艰苦转战40余天。A、10月10日?B、10月12日C、10月16日?76.1935年9月12日,中共中央政治局扩大会议在甘肃( C )召开。A、腊子口?B、迭部C、俄界?77.1935年5月下旬,中央红军主力飞夺(A ),越过了被敌人视为不可逾越的天险大渡河。?A、泸定桥?B、赵州桥C、卢沟桥?78.1935年1月,遵义会议解决了当时最为紧迫的( C)。?A、政治和军事问题?B、政治和思想问题C、军事和组织问题?79.1931年11月,在中央苏区成立了苏维埃共和国临时中央政府,主席是(C )。A、周恩来?B、王稼祥C、毛泽东?80.1933年11月8日,陕甘边特委和红军临时总指挥部在合水县莲花寺对红军进行整编,正式恢复( B),并成立第四十二师,这是甘肃最早的红军师。A、红二十五军?B、红二十六军C、红二十七军?81.长征是土地革命战争时期中国工农红军主力从长江南北各苏区向( A)进行的战略转移。A、陕甘根据地?B、陕北地区C、陕甘宁地区?82.毛泽东同志曾说过:"(A )一仗,给党中央把全国革命大本营放在西北的任务,举行了一个奠基礼。"?A、直罗镇?B、太原C、徐州?83.1933年3月8日,陕甘边区特委在照金兔儿梁成立,金理科任特委书记,(C )任特委军委书记。A、刘志丹?B、谢子长C、习仲勋?84.在红军长征中,( A)是党中央、中央革命军事委员会出版报纸之一。A、《红星报》?B、《拂晓报》C、《先锋报》?85.1932年12月,根据陕西省委决定,将中国工农红军陕甘游击队改编为(C )。A、红军第二十五军?B、中国工农红军第二十五军第二团C、中国工农红军第二十六军第二团?86.1936年10月20日,红四方面军五军奉命在会宁华家岭地区阻击敌军,激战至23日,给敌以大量杀伤,在敌机轰炸、大炮助阵及敌军的反复进攻下,红五军付出巨大牺牲,副军长(B )等800余名指战员壮烈牺牲。A、左权?B、罗南辉C、张辉?87.1936年8月5日,中共中央西北局在四川若尔盖县求吉寺(今救济寺)召开会议,对进入甘肃南部的作战方针进行讨论。会议通过了( A)。A、《岷洮西战役计划》?B、《甘南战役计划》C、《岷洮西固战役计划》?88.1935年11月,(B )和省苏维埃政府在甘泉县下寺湾正式成立。A、关中特区?B、中共陕甘省委C、中共陕北省委?89.俄界会议是党中央为了扭转由于张国焘分裂党和红军的错误造成的严重局面,确定下一步行动的战略方针而召开的扩大会议。会议通过了( A ) 。A、《关于张国焘同志的错误的决定》?B、由毛泽东、周恩来、王稼祥、彭德怀、林彪组成“五人团”C、《中央关于一、四方面军号会合后的政治形式与任务的决议》?90.长征途中中央红军翻越的第一座大雪山是(C )。?A、长板山?B、梦笔山C、夹金山?91.( B)会议确立了以毛泽东为代表的中共中央的正确领导,成为中国共产党和中国革命历史的转折点。A、榜罗镇?B、遵义?C、瓦窑堡?92.1931年11月,中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府成立,首府是(B)。A、福建长汀?B、江西瑞金C、江西于都?93.《长征组歌——红军不怕远征难》的词作者是(B ) ,他选择长征中具有典型意义的12个事件,对长征的伟大壮举和精神进行了歌颂。A、聂耳?B、肖华C、冼星海?94.中国工农红军长征的三大主力是(A )?A、红一、二、四方面军?B、红一、二方面军和红二十五军C、红二十五军、红二、六军团?95.1935年6月,陕甘边革命根据地第二次反“围剿”斗争取得胜利,陕甘边和(B )连成一片,根据地区域进一步扩大。A、晋西北革命根据地?B、陕北革命根据地C、照金革命根据地?96.由于叛徒告密被捕的红军领导人(B )在狱中坚贞不屈,写下了《可爱的中国》、《清贫》等闪耀着共产主义思想光辉的著作。A、叶挺?B、方志敏C、夏明翰?97.红军长征后,项英、(A )等领导的八省游击战争,在长江南北与敌人进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争,保存了革命火种。A、陈毅?B、杨靖宇C、刘志丹?98.(B )战役是红军三大主力会师后打的第一个歼灭战,在中国革命战争史上占有重要地位。A、直罗镇?B、山城堡C、宁夏?99.1936年9月,根据党中央有关指示,红四方面军开辟了以岷县地区为中心的甘肃南部临时革命根据地。相继成立了( A)和甘肃省苏维埃政府。A、中共甘肃省工委?B、甘肃南部苏维埃政府C、中共西北地区临时革命政权?100.1935年11月,中共中央决定在陕甘边南区建立关中特区党委和苏维埃政府,并决定派遣贾拓夫、(A )负责关中特区的工作。A、习仲勋?B、李富春C、朱理治?staff and workers' representativesThe representatives of the staff and workers from the unit or away from retirement, on behalf of automatically disqualified, on behalf of the delegation to the original vacancy shall be in accordance with the provisions of the election.Replace the fourteenth representatives of the staff and workersThere are the representatives of the employees, who have the right to change the unit:1, due to illegal law and discipline punishment;2, often without reason not to participate in the activities of the staff representatives of the staff and the organization of the work of the organization, a serious dereliction of duty;3, because of unpaid leave, sick leave and long-term, full-time study and so on, not to participate in the activities of the post of the staff and workers' congress;4, removed from the unit, from the original delegation.The rights of the representatives of the fifteenth employeesFirst, the incumbent will have the right to vote in the election, the right to vote and the right to vote.Two, have the right to participate in the Congress and its working mechanism in the company. Check all relevant departments to carry out the workers congress resolution and proposal to implement the situation, have the right to the right to participate in the personnel of the company leadership question.Three, to participate in the organization of the staff and workers' Congress of the activities of the organization and occupy production or work hours, according to the normal attendance to enjoy the treatment of the case.Four, the exercise of democratic rights of workers' representatives. Any organization or individual person shall stop, obstruct and take revenge complex.Five, during the term of office workers, in addition to personal serious negligence, enterprises may not perform their duties on behalf of the reasons for the lifting of the labor contract or employment changes.Obligations of the sixteenth employees' representativesOne, to study the principles, policies, laws and regulations of the party and the state, and constantly improve the political consciousness, technical and technical level and the ability to participate in the management.Two, in close contact with the masses, representing the legitimate rights and interests of workers, truthfully reflect the opinions and demands of the masses, workers, seriously implement the Congress resolution. To do good work, Congress gave the patience to do ideological education of the masses education work.Three, adhere to the basic principles of the four basic principles, and abide by the national laws, regulations and rules and regulations, labor discipline, do their own work.Four, do a business owner, actively participate in the democratic management of enterprises, as well as to their own political obligations, really play the role of staff representatives.The fourth chapter organization systemThe twenty-seventh Congress Chairman presided over the meeting. All the members of the presidium shall have the workers, technical staff, management staff and leading cadres. The technical workers, technical personnel, management personnel should be more than Banbanshu.The eighteenth Congress will be held once a year. Each meeting will be there must be more than 2/3 of workers' representatives.In case of major events, the proposal by the general manager, a trade union or more than one of the staff representatives of three points, cocoa held a provisional meeting.Behalf of the general assembly of the representatives of the general assembly to elect and make a resolution, must be approved by the majority of all representatives of the staff and workers.The nineteenth Congress should focus on enhancing enterprise vitality, promote technological progress, improve the economic benefit for enterprise management, an important problem of the distribution system and other aspects of the life of workers to determine the issue.Twentieth items will function in its decision within the scope of its powers, not by the workers' Congress agrees not to repair.Twenty-first post Congress may according to the needs, set up a number of dry matters related to the special committee, complete the staff assigned by clubs.Article Erershier a Congress session, an important issue to be a temporary solution, by the trade union congress convened the meeting on behalf of the table, the head of a negotiation process, and a downward, the workers' congress report confirmed.Joint conference may be based on the contents of the meeting to invite Party and government officials or other relevant personnel to participate.The fifth chapter Congress and trade unionArticle twenty-third the trade union committee of the public company shall, as the working organization of the staff and workers' representative assembly, undertake the following work:One, the organization staff elected representatives;Two, the proposal on the issue of the staff and workers' Congress is put forward, and the main task is to organize the work of the preparatory work of the staff and workers' Congress and to organize the work of the conference.33, presided over the meeting, the representatives of the employees association;Four, the special committee of the organization will carry out investigation and study, to make recommendations to the Congress on behalf of the general assembly, inspection and supervision to promote the implementation of the resolution of the general assembly, the implementation of the staff and workers to implement the decision of the general assembly;Five, to promote the democratic management of the staff and workers of the publicity and education, the organization of staff and workers on behalf of the study policy, business and management knowledge, improve the quality of staff representatives;Six, to accept and deal with the complaints and suggestions of workers and staff representatives, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the representatives of the staff and workers;77, the organization of democratic management of other work.The sixth chapter, the democratic management of teams and groupsPrinciple of democratic management of the thirty-fourth departments, basically presided over by the branch to carry out. And should take leadership of the Department for the nuclear core absorption of employee representatives and branch Chairman chairman and members to participate in democratic management organization into the core management, carry out democratic management in enterprises and the work.Twenty-fifth actively carry out the democratic management team management, should be the administrative team as a unit, the absorption and absorption of trade unions and representatives of the small group of staff to participate in, to carry out the work of democratic management team.The seventh chapter supplementary provisionsThe twenty-sixth Congress and the special committee of the fund and paid by the administrative and incentive fund.The twenty-seventh article of this Ordinance by Congress through the implementation, by the company responsible for the interpretation of trade unions.The Ershibaba Ordinance such as inconsistent with the provisions of relevant provisions and closed to superiors concerned shall prevail.Twenty-ninth all roads lead to the implementation of the regulations from the date of promulgation.The system of joint meeting of the workers' Congress,According to the relevant provisions of the implementation of rules and regulations of the workers' Congress is ". To enable the company to post the workers' congress system of joint conference system, programmed and standardized. Important problems need to be solved with the provisional Congress and timely and effective, making books system.Two, consideration (discussion) is determined by the question of the authority and scope of theThe joint meeting of the workers' Congress is an important question consultation workers congress during the meeting will need a temporary solution, which includes two aspects: one is the important problem of fan of employees within the scope of Congress; two is an important problem for workers congress in the daily work.1, the trial scheme of distribution system and the important rules and regulations. The collective contract enterprise modification and involving important reform involves the vital interests of the workers and wage adjustment scheme, bonus allocation, insurance industry, labor protection measures, rules and regulations.2, the use of some of the benefits of the program, and other important matters of life and welfare of workers.3, according to the General Assembly authorized by the staff and workers, to deal with the principle of the General Assembly on behalf of the staff agreed, but also need to step by step to supplement the major issues of the decision and the resolution of the program.4, to discuss the study of corporate governance in the work of the democratic management of the question, to consider the work of the union president on behalf of the General Assembly on behalf of the General Assembly on the work of the democratic management of the report.5, the company and the union that need to submit administrative staff on behalf of the joint meeting agreed will.6, the major decisions of the above-mentioned enterprises, the problem should be submitted to the representative assembly of the workers' Congress.Three, issues raised and identified by the programThere are about 1, involving the vital interests of workers is an important problem and important enterprise reform and important rules and regulations, according to the relevant provisions of the Congress will act by the general manager, and brought the company Party branch Department of soliciting opinions, the union office to send completion, submitted to the Congress for deliberation and decision or joint meeting through the discussion.In 2, the union office received the general manager of company submitted bill (draft draft), pay the Congress to discuss special door working group responsible for the organization, the on-the-job generation will held a joint meeting of 100 days prior to the representatives of the employees or post staff representatives and special working group for long discussion, such as the motion involved workers the immediate personal interests, should be sent to the various departments, teams, extensive collection, take to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the employees, and employees will post comments and suggestions feedback to the company general manager or the person in charge of the proposed bill ((Department), according to their opinions and advice on the bill, the formation of a further amendment The Congress, submitted to the joint meeting will be decided or through.3, the workers' Congress authorized matters, led by the labor union of the company, and the relevant administrative personnel called to convene, discuss on it, within the scope of authorization scheme changes, the formation of the bill, submitted to the joint decision or by the joint meeting.4, the company administrative or trade union congress should be required to submit a joint meeting agreed to decide the motion, proposed separately by the company general manager or trade union committee, submitted a joint meeting of Congress decided to consider or through.Four, the meeting held a time, to participate in personnel, host1, the joint meeting of Congress on principle to convene a quarterly, in case of a particular situation can be held temporarily, each meeting must have more than 2/3 members.2, the joint meeting of Congress involved in personnel: the company trade union committee committee member, the company employee congress represent each leader, company employee congress will the special work group leader.3, in order to make the Congress a joint meeting to discuss the problem to be solved properly, according to the meeting content can invite negative company party responsible person or concerned personnel to participate in.4, Congress joint meeting convened by the company trade union committee, company chairman of the trade union chair.Five, a joint meeting of the procedures and principles1, the consideration of the decision or the issue must be subject to compliance with state laws, regulations and superiors have the relevant provisions of the joint meeting of the democratic consultation system.2, the general manager of the company and the trade union shall not be allowed to move the provisional motion of the subject without prior to the meeting when the joint conference is held.3, when meeting, according to the motion of the case by clinging to the person in charge of the formulation of the bill, the main content and purpose, requirements, and serious discussion, each express express their views, on the basis of consensus on the formation of the resolution.4, a joint meeting to discuss the problem of disagreement from time to time, can be adjourned, the understanding of all aspects of general agreement, to submit joint meeting consultation.5, the company will be meeting with views of general manager and administrative aspects disagree, make a decision to suspend the cocoa, as far as possible by the sign of general manager of the company or the relevant administrative approval with consent, Party branch of company, make coordination, processing according to the coordination situation..Negotiate a joint meeting to deal with the problem of the general manager to the company by the general manager of the company, or the general manager instructed the relevant departments responsible for the implementation, and by the representative leader to convey to the representatives of the employees or position of the masses of workers.6, an important issue of the joint meeting of the consultative process, the company's trade union committee to report on behalf of the General Assembly on behalf of the general assembly, to be confirmed.Inspection and Implementation7, the joint meeting on the formation of a consensus proposal or motion case, the staff and workers on behalf of the group must be a consistent pace, strict implementation and seriously implement.8, in view of the relevant issues related to the formation of the program or the resolution, the relevant functional departments should be responsible for the implementation.9, the implementation of the plan or decision on the formation of consensus, the company's trade union office is responsible for the inspection, supervision and implementation, and by the company's trade union committee responsible for the implementation of the report to the staff representative assembly.Supplementary articles1, the system is responsible for the interpretation of the trade union committee of the company, the need for modification, supplement, must be discussed by the company's staff and workers on behalf of the general assembly.2, such as the system and the higher level of spiritual contrary to the higher level.This system has come into force since the workers' Congress passed.Democratic appraisal leading cadres committee work responsibilitiesThis is on the Democratic Working Committee of leading cadres is the job workers congress under the special committee, open to work in coordination with the union. Its duty is to:One, in the company's unified arrangements and leadership under the guidance of, with the democratic appraisal of leading cadres working group and the Ministry of personnel, organization, discipline discipline inspection departments of the company leading cadres, the Department is mainly responsible for the de, can, diligence, performance, low five aspects of democratic appraisal, put forward the corresponding table of praise or criticisms and suggestions, and serve as an important reference for our company. The appointment and dismissal of cadresTwo, through seminars, listen to the opinions of individual letters, visits and other forms of assistance to the cadre worker Association union collection work and cadres personal suggestions and reference for the company, appointment and dismissal of cadres.Three, with the relevant functional departments to do a good job related to the cadres involved in the evaluation of other work, such as the evaluation index system of cadres and so on.Four, do a good job in Congress and other tasks assigned by the union or commission. The work will be held regularly meeting to discuss the work plan and complete the situation, and the Executive Committee of trade unions and report to Congress.Proposal review committee work dutiesThe proposal review committee is a special working committee of the staff and workers' Congress under the coordination of the trade union:One, responsible for carrying out the work of the implementation of the proposal.Two, Congress will make generation plenary meetings of the working party proposal plan and the annual work plan.Three, around the company's policy, combined with the company's real concern, on the company's reform and the masses of the problem put forward proposals of group play, democratic supervision, participation in politics and political role.Four, the organization, collection set proposal, to provide the conditions for the representative writing proposal.Five, on behalf of the proposal into the review, put on record, put forward to deal with the views of the relevant departments to handle.Six, on behalf of the proposal for the situation to carry out inspection and supervision, to assist and promote the implementation of the unit to deal with the case, the implementation of the proposal.Seven, there is a choice to put forward the issue of the proposal, the organization of consultation and dialogue, coordination and handling of the relevant issues in handling cases.Eight, select the key proposals to enhance the pertinence of the proposal, timeliness, the masses.Nine, responsible for representing the proposal knowledge training, and according to the needs of the work of a regular meeting of the Committee held a proposal to make the relevant work matters.Ten, report to the staff and workers' Congress.Job duties of the representative qualification examination committeeThe qualification examination committee is a special work committee of the staff and workers' Congress under the coordination of the trade union::One, responsible for reviewing the representatives of the employees on behalf of the General Assembly elected representatives of the new staff on behalf of the eligibility of the legal provisions of the law, to the workers' Congress on behalf of the general assembly to report the results of the review.Two, responsible for the staff and workers' Congress for examination by the representative qualifications case is in conformity with the law, report on behalf of the qualification check results to the workers congress.Three, in charge of the final termination of the recognition of the staff and workers' Congress on behalf of the general assembly, and to report to the staff and workers' Congress on the qualifications of the individual representatives.Equal Consultative Committee dutiesThe equal Consultative Committee is a special working committee of representatives of the staff and workers:One, the collection of collective contract text drafted, entered into, revised, amended, lifted to negotiate, and reached a consensus.Two, the consultation system to develop and modify the interests of workers involved in the relevant rules and regulations.Three, the contents of the collective contract to carry out a comprehensive or individual items of consultation.Four, the labor employment system reform and the labor dispute prevention and treatment issues were discussed.Five, the annual consultations should be to post from generation to generation delegation (Group) meeting or post Congress a report.Collective body contract supervision and inspection leading group workThe leading group for the supervision and inspection of collective contract is a special working committee of the staff and workers' Congress, which is under the coordination of the trade union:First, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the state, the drafting of the collective contract, signed, changed, and the lifting of the whole process and the implementation of the whole process of regular or indefinite supervision and inspection.Two, in the process of the contract and the performance of the problem in a timely manner to supervise and coordinate the proper handling of the relevant aspects of the contract to ensure that the effective performance..Three, every year for the implementation of collective contracts to workers' Congress or the Congress on behalf of the delegation (Group) long will be reported.Four, the subordinate units of the collective contract to perform the right to conductShen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leavestaff and workers' representativesThe representatives of the staff and workers from the unit or away from retirement, on behalf of automatically disqualified, on behalf of the delegation to the original vacancy shall be in accordance with the provisions of the election.Replace the fourteenth representatives of the staff and workersThere are the representatives of the employees, who have the right to change the unit:1, due to illegal law and discipline punishment;2, often without reason not to participate in the activities of the staff representatives of the staff and the organization of the work of the organization, a serious dereliction of duty;3, because of unpaid leave, sick leave and long-term, full-time study and so on, not to participate in the activiti

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