
来源:造价师 发布时间:2020-11-14 点击:

人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Part A同步练习B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 单选题 (共5题;
共10分) 1. (2分)
—Did you fall off your bike? —No,______. A . I didn't     B . I don't     C . I did     2. (2分)
I can give you three ____. A . wishs     B . wishes     C . wish     3. (2分)
—Good night! —________ A . Good night!     B . OK.     4. (2分)
I _______ a brother and he _______ a sister. A . have/have     B . has/has     C . have/has     5. (2分)
—________ is it? —It's twenty yuan. A . How many     B . How     C . How much     二、 补全对话 (共1题;
共3分) 6. (3分)
选择正确的问句或答语 A. Why are you sad? B. Because I got a kitten. C. Because I did my homework very slowly. (1)
—Why are you excited? —________ (2)
—Why did you stay up late? —________ (3)
—________ —I lost my key. 三、 匹配题 (共1题;
共5分) 7. (5分)
我是小小翻译官 ⑴Sit down,please.________    A.你叫什么名字? ⑵I'm Miss Zhang.________     B.我是一只鸟。

⑶What's your name?________  C.我是张老师。

⑷My name is Lele.________      D.我叫乐乐。

⑸I'm a bird.________            E.请坐下。

四、 阅读理解 (共1题;
共10分) 8. (10分)
阅读理解 I have a pretty pet. Her name is Polly Bird. When Polly was young,she lived in a birdhouse. Now she lives in a birdcage. When Polly was young,she couldn't sing. Now she sings all day long. When Polly was young,she couldn't eat birdseed. Now she can eat birdseed. When Polly was young,she couldn't fly. Now she flies out of the birdcage every morning. She flies back into the birdcage every evening. When Polly was young,she didn't like our pet rabbit Lulu. Now she plays with Lulu every day. When I am sad,Polly sings to me. She makes me happy. I love Polly very much. (1)
What is the best title(标题)for this story? A . Peppa Pig     B . Polly Bird     C . Lulu Rabbit     (2)
Where does Polly live now? A . In a birdhouse.     B . In a birdcage.     C . In a bird nest.     (3)
What does Polly do every morning? A .      B .      C .      (4)
Does Polly like Lulu now? A . Yes,she does.     B . No,she doesn't.     C . No,she didn't.     (5)
Why does the writer love Polly very much? A . Because Polly can fly.     B . Because Polly can eat birdseed.     C . Because Polly can make her happy.     五、 选词填空(词汇运用)
共4分) 9. (4分)

don't ,Do ,are ,doesn't ,is (1)
—________you like flying kites? —Yes,I do. (2)
These are my cats. They________so lovely. (3)
A kite________ flying in the sky. (4)
I ________like robots. (5)
He________like ducks. 六、 单词拼写(词汇运用)
共25分) 10. (5分)
s h i b l o u s e 11. (5分)
Peter comes to school by bus. He ________ home at seven o'clock and ________ at school at a quarter to eight. (填上与划线单词属于同类的单词)
12. (5分)
He is w________ TV. 13. (5分)
(2015·丽水模拟) Look,I have a________. 14. (5分)
________ the children like playing football. They are happy. 参考答案 一、 单选题 (共5题;
共10分) 1-1、 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 二、 补全对话 (共1题;
共3分) 6-1、 6-2、 6-3、 三、 匹配题 (共1题;
共5分) 7-1、 四、 阅读理解 (共1题;
共10分) 8-1、 8-2、 8-3、 8-4、 8-5、 五、 选词填空(词汇运用)
共4分) 9-1、 9-2、 9-3、 9-4、 9-5、 六、 单词拼写(词汇运用)
共25分) 10-1、 11-1、 12-1、 13-1、 14-1、

推荐访问:2.ABC会计师事务所接受委托,承办甲公 2.根据文意,补写空白处的语句,句式与上 3三期白阳会考证《龙华经》 2苯基丙酸 2质点动力学习题详解 3在承包的荒山上建房必须依法办理建设用 3讨论瑞芬太尼是×种超短效选择性激动 2月营销方案 2月销售工作总结 2极电机

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