
来源:经济师 发布时间:2020-09-07 点击:






  第一章 总 则

  第一条 为了加强人口与计划生育工作,稳定低生育水平,维护公民的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》,结合本省实际,制定本条例。

  第二条 户籍在本省和户籍不在本省而在本省居住的公民,以及本省行政区域内的国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位和其他组织都应当遵守本条例。

  第三条 开展人口与计划生育工作,应当加强综合管理和提供优质服务,依靠科技进步,建立健全奖励和社会保障制度,坚持宣传教育为主、避孕为主、经常性工作为主的方针,控制人口数量,提高人口素质。

  第四条 各级人民政府领导本行政区域内的人口与计划生育工作,实行主要领导负责的目标管理责任制度。



  第五条 实行计划生育是每个公民和全社会的共同责任。公民实行计划生育的合法权益受法律保护。夫妻双方在实行计划生育中负有共同责任。

  第六条 各级人民政府应当按照国家有关规定安排落实人口与计划生育工作经费,并保障其随着财政经常性收入的增加同比例增长,确保人口与计划生育工作的需要。对贫困地区、少数民族地区的人口与计划生育工作应当给予重点扶持。


  第七条 县级以上人民政府应当根据上一级人民政府制定的人口发展规划,结合当地人口发展状况,编制本行政区域的人口发展规划,将其纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。县级以上计划生育行政部门在本级人民政府的领导下,制定和组织实施本行政区域人口与计划生育实施方案,并落实人口与计划生育工作目标管理责任制,定期进行考核。凡年度考核未达到人口与计划生育工作责任制考核目标的,当年不得评为先进、授予荣誉称号,主要负责人和直接责任人当年不得晋升职务。


  第八条 人口与计划生育工作实行属地管理。乡 镇 人民政府和城市街道办事处负责管辖区域内的人口与计划生育工作。村 居 民委员会应当将人口与计划生育纳入村 居 民自治内容,通过适合村 居 民自治的形式,落实计划生育各项制度和措施。国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位和其他组织应当协助、配合所在地乡 镇 人民政府和城市街道办事处的人口与计划生育工作,并实行单位法定代表人负责制。乡 镇 人民政府、城市街道办事处、村 居 民委员会,以及国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位和其他组织应当根据实际情况,配备专 兼 职计划生育工作人员,并安排必要的工作经费。

  第九条 各级人民政府及其计划生育行政部门应当按照法定职责,加强流动人口计划生育管理。


  第十条 加强人口与计划生育基础知识的宜传教育。人口与计划生育宜传教育要有针对性,重点向农村村民和城市社区居民开展形式多样的宣传教育。学校应当结合教学实际,逐步开设人口与计划生育课程。


 第三章 生育调节

  第十一条 鼓励公民晚婚、晚育。男女双方按法定婚龄推迟三年以上依法登记结婚 系初婚 的为晚婚;已婚妇女年满二十三周岁后怀孕生育第一个子女的为晚育。第十二条提倡一对夫妻只生育一个子女。符合本条例规定条件的,经批准,可以再生育一个子女。禁止违法生育。

  第十三条 夫妻双方属城镇居民,符合下列条件之一的,可以申请生育第二个子女: 一 第一个子女为残疾人,不能成长为正常劳动力,但医学上认为可以再生育的; 二 依法收养一个子女后又怀孕的; 三 夫妻双方系归国华侨韵; 四 夫妻双方均为独生子女的。

 第十四条 夫妻双方属农村村民,除适用本条例第十三条规定外,符合下列条件之一的可以申请生育第二个子女: 一 夫妻一方两代以上是独生子女的; 二 夫妻一方是二等乙级以上伤残军人的; 三 男到独生女家结婚落户的; 四 夫妻只有独生女的; 五 夫妻双方均为少数民族的。

  第十五条 再婚的夫妻,一方只有一个子女,另一方无子女的,可以申请再生育一个子女。再婚夫妻一方已生育两个子女并丧偶,另一方无子女的,可以申请再生育一个子女。

  第十六条 夫妻一方属城镇居民,另一方属农村村民的,适用本条例关于城镇居民的生育规定。由城镇居民转为农村村民的夫妻,适用本条例关于城镇居民的生育规定。


  第十七条 夫妻一方为外国人或者香港特别行政区居民、澳门特别行政区居民、台湾同胞,以及华侨、归国华侨、出国留学人员的生育,按国家有关规定执行。

 第十八条 夫妻生育第一个子女的,生育前应当到所在单位或者村 居 民委员会领取《生育服务证》,凭《生育服务证》享受生殖保健服务和免费基本项目的计划生育技术服务。符合本条例第十三条、第十四条、第十五条规定要求生育的,由夫妻双方共同申请,乡 镇 人民政府、城市街道办事处计划生育管理机构应当在10日内予以审查,并报县级计划生育行政部门。县级计划生育行政部门应当在收到申请之日起30日内作出是否批准生育的决定,批准生育的,应当发给《生育证》;

  不予批准的,应当书面通知当事人并说明理由。符合本条例第十三条第 一 项规定要求生育的,还应当由市 州 计划生育技术鉴定组织进行医学鉴定。

  村 居 民委员会或者其他组织应当及时将《生育证》发放情况进行公示,接受群众监督。本条例所规定的《生育服务证》、《生育证》,应当使用统一印制的规范文本,发放上述证件按物价部门核定的标准收取工本费。

  第十九条 经批准生育第二个子女或者再生育一个子女的,生育间隔期必须在四年以上;女方年龄超过二十八周岁的,不受生育间隔期规定限制。

  第二十条 符合本条例规定可以再生育一个子女,但有下列情形之一的,不得再生育: 一 屑非医学需要鉴定胎儿性别并选择性别人工终止妊娠的; 二 故意致婴儿死亡的; 三 自报婴儿死亡,但没有死亡证据、证明的; 四 遗弃子女的。

  第二十一条 经具有法定鉴定资格的组织按照规定程序鉴定确认,育龄夫妻患有严重的遗传性精神病、先天智能残疾和医学上认为不应当生育的疾病的,由其父母或者其他监护人负责落实其节育或者绝育措施。

  第二十二条 禁止歧视、虐待生育女婴的妇女和不育的妇女。禁止歧视、虐待、遗弃女婴。

  第四章 计划生育技术服务

  第二十三条 计划生育技术服务实行国家指导与个人自愿选择相结合的原则。各级人民政府应当积极创造条件,保障公民接受计划生育技术服务,通过对育龄妇女避孕节育、妊娠情况的检查,帮助其选择安全有效的避孕节育措施,为其提供生殖健康服务。育龄夫妻应当自觉落实计划生育避孕节育措施,接受计划生育技术服务指导;预防和减少非意愿妊娠。提倡和鼓励已生育子女的夫妻选择长效避孕措施。不符合法定生育条件妊娠的,应当终止妊娠。


  第二十五条 农村实行计划生育的育龄夫妻,享受免费基本项目的计划生育技术服务,所需经费由各级财政安排专项经费予以保障。


  第二十六条 接受绝育措施的夫妻,因子女死亡等特殊情况,符合本条例规定条件要求再生育一个子女的,由夫妻双方申请,经县级计划生育行政部门批准后,可以施行复通手术。

  第二十七条 实施避孕节育手术的计划生育技术服务机构或者医疗保健机构,必须具备相应的施行手术的条件;施行避孕节育手术的人员,须经县级以上主管部门考核合格,持证上岗。



  第二十八条 按照国家有关规定,建立健全避孕药具免费发放和市场零售经营管理制度。鼓励和支持计划生育新技术、新药具的研究、应用和推广。

  第二十九条 严禁任何机构和个人进行非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定或者选择性别的人工终止妊娠。第五章 奖励与社会保障

  第三十条 建立人口与计划生育奖励专项资金,专项资金通过政府拨款、社会捐助、社会抚养费、计划生育罚没收人等渠道筹措,主要用于奖励独生子女家庭。

  第三十一条 晚婚公民除享受国家规定的婚假外,增加婚假15天;已婚妇女晚育的,除享受国家规定的产假外,增加产假30天,并给予其配偶10天护理假。婚假、产假和护理假视同出勤,工资、奖金照发。接受节育手术的,其工作单位应当凭节育手术证明,按有关规定给予假期,并发给假期期间的工资、奖金。

  第三十二条 自愿终身只生育一个子女的夫妻,由夫妻双方申请,经乡 镇 人民政府或者城市街道办事处登记,发给《独生子女父母光荣证》,并享受以下优待: 一 从领证之月起至独生子女满十四周岁止,每月发给10元或者一次性发给不低于1500元的独生子女保健费,夫妻双方所在单位各负担百分之五十;属个体工商户的,由工商行政部门从个体工商管理费中解决;属农村村民或者城镇无业居民的,从村 居 民委员会收人中解决,不足部分,由当地人民政府从人口与计划生育奖励专项资金中列支。

 二 对独生子女家庭,在发放扶贫贷款、社会救济款物以及提供项目、技术、培训等方面给予优先照顾。农村在分配集体福利、宅基地,调整责任田、自留山、自留地时,独生子女按两个孩子计算份额。

 三 独生子女父母属国家机关和事业单位工作人员的,退休时加发百分之五的退休金,但不得超过退休前本人的基本工资;独生子女死亡,不再生育也不收养子女的国家工作人员,退休时加发百分之十的退休金。


 四 农村独女户领取《独生子女父母光荣证》的,除享受独生子女的优待外,从人口与计划生育奖励专项资金中,另发给一次性奖金。

  第六章 法律责任

  第三十三条 违反本条例规定生育的,按照下列规定对当事人双方进行处理: 一 城镇居民违反本条例规定生育第二个子女的,按所在县 市、区 上一年度城镇居民年人均可支配收入的三倍分别征收社会抚养费。属国家工作人员的,除按城镇居民征收社会抚养费外,妊娠、分娩、产褥期的一切费用自理,不得享受托幼补助和困难补助,从孩子出生之月起连续三年不得晋升职务,并应当依法给予行政处分;其他人员应当由其所在单位或者组织给予纪律处分。

 二 农村村民违反本条例规定生育第二个子女的,按所在县 市、区 上一年度农村村民年人均纯收入的三倍征收社会抚养费。

 三 符合再生育一个子女的条件,但未达到法定间隔期生育的,每提前一年,征收当事人双方各500元社会抚养费,不满一年按一年计算。

 四 未履行婚姻登记手续生育第一个子女的,征收当事人双方各500元社会抚养费。第 一 项、第 二 项中当事人的实际年收入高于城镇居民年人均可支配收入或者农村年人均纯收入,并经县级计划生育行政部门核实的,按其年实际收入的三倍征收社会抚养费。

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 reform results, economy, and political system, and culture system, and social system, and discipline check system, and party of construction system reform solid advance, tax, and financial, and price, and administrative approval, and State-owned enterprises, and ecological civilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration in the of decisive role significantly enhanced, Unprecedented burst of momentum and vitality of economic and social development. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the reform only when there is no complete, the notes on the 18 session of ideas into the party's spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasing use of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics such as the ability to run the country. 4. with regard to promoting sustained and healthy economic development. Face complex changeable of international situation and difficult heavy of domestic reform development stable task, XI General Secretary made China economic development into new normal of science judge, proposed innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept, implementation macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing five big pillar sex policy, vigorously advance supply side structural reform, new concept, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domestic production total annual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier world economic 2.3% of annual growth, on world economic growth of contribution over 25%, tertiary industry accounted for domestic production total share over 50%, eventually consumption on economic growth of contribution rate reached 66%, economic structure adjustment made important progress, development of quality and benefits significantly upgrade, China economic show out huge of swing room and broad of development prospects. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including economic growth must is real and no water of growth improve open type economic level "see missing of hand" and "see have see of hand" are to with good speed up from elements drive, and investment scale drive development mainly to to innovation drive development mainly of change active promoted China energy production and consumption revolution,. 5. with regard to building the rule of law in China. 18 big yilai, Central tightly around full advance law ruling, put party of led, and people masters, and law ruling organic unified up, insisted law ruling, and law ruling, and law administrative common advance, insisted rule of law national, and rule of law Government, and rule of law social one construction, full advance science legislation, and strictly law enforcement, and just judicial, and universal law-abiding, China features socialist legal system further sound perfect, leaders at all levels cadres using rule of law thinking and rule of law way deepening reform, and

 reform results, economy, and political system, and culture system, and social system, and discipline check system, and party of construction system reform solid advance, tax, and financial, and price, and administrative approval, and State-owned enterprises, and ecological civilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration in the of decisive role significantly enhanced, Unprecedented burst of momentum and vitality of economic and social development. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the reform only when there is no complete, the notes on the 18 session of ideas into the party's spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasing use of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics such as the ability to run the country. 4. with regard to promoting sustained and healthy economic development. Face complex changeable of international situation and difficult heavy of domestic reform development stable task, XI General Secretary made China economic development into new normal of science judge, proposed innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept, implementation macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing five big pillar sex policy, vigorously advance supply side structural reform, new concept, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domestic production total annual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier world economic 2.3% of annual growth, on world economic growth of contribution over 25%, tertiary industry accounted for domestic production total share over 50%, eventually consumption on economic growth of contribution rate reached 66%, economic structure adjustment made important progress, development of quality and benefits significantly upgrade, China economic show out huge of swing room and broad of development prospects. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including economic growth must is real and no water of growth improve open type economic level "see missing of hand" and "see have see of hand" are to with good speed up from elements drive, and investment scale drive development mainly to to innovation drive development mainly of change active promoted China energy production and consumption revolution,. 5. with regard to building the rule of law in China. 18 big yilai, Central tightly around full advance law ruling, put party of led, and people masters, and law ruling organic unified up, insisted law ruling, and law ruling, and law administrative common advance, insisted rule of law national, and rule of law Government, and rule of law social one construction, full advance science legislation, and strictly law enforcement, and just judicial, and universal law-abiding, China features socialist legal system further sound perfect, leaders at all levels cadres using rule of law thinking and rule of law way deepening reform, and

 promoted development, and The ability to resolve conflicts and constantly improve, our ... 6. on the building of Socialist culture in China. A country, a nation strong, always supported by culture flourished, the inheritance and development of civilization, without culture to develop and prosper, there will be no realization of the dream of China. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary around "foster and promote Socialist core values" "promote China excellent traditional culture" "firmly master ideology work led right and discourse right", aspects do has series important speech, main including put publicity thought work do have better for achieved China dream condensed powerful moral support improve national culture soft strength foster and promote Socialist core values youth to consciously practice line Socialist core values Childhood actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism and the party's important speech on the press conference. 7. promote the reform and development of social undertakings and social management. 18 big yilai, Central insisted put guarantees and improved livelihood as ruling acting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic solution masses most care most directly most reality of interests problem, 3 years cumulative reduction poverty more than 50 million people, equivalent to a medium national population of total, annual added town employment more than 10 million people, starts construction supportability housing engineering near 4 million sets, built world Shang scale maximum, and cover universal of basic medical guarantees network and pension guarantees network, urban and rural residents income continued growth, The lives of the people of all ethnic groups have more on both material and spiritual thriving. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including promoted poverty area poverty, and speed up development let 1.3 billion people enjoys better more fair of education speed up advance housing guarantees and supply system construction always put people life security put in first bit efforts put China construction became network power insisted general national security views, go China features national security road effective maintenance national security and social settled,. 8. with regard to comprehensive strictly administering the party. Party of 18 big yilai, Central station in party and national survival of height, firmly grasp strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced purity construction this article mainline, to style construction for breakthrough, to developed introduced eight items provides started start, put discipline and rules is in front, organization carried out has party of mass line education practice activities and "three strict three real" topic education, insisted "zero tolerance, and full cover, and no area", insisted "Tiger" "flies" with playing, style political wind society continued improved, More perfect system of laws within the party, discipline of authoritative seriousness increasing, for the history of winning has a lot of new features provide a strong political

 promoted development, and The ability to resolve conflicts and constantly improve, our ... 6. on the building of Socialist culture in China. A country, a nation strong, always supported by culture flourished, the inheritance and development of civilization, without culture to develop and prosper, there will be no realization of the dream of China. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary around "foster and promote Socialist core values" "promote China excellent traditional culture" "firmly master ideology work led right and discourse right", aspects do has series important speech, main including put publicity thought work do have better for achieved China dream condensed powerful moral support improve national culture soft strength foster and promote Socialist core values youth to consciously practice line Socialist core values Childhood actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism and the party's important speech on the press conference. 7. promote the reform and development of social undertakings and social management. 18 big yilai, Central insisted put guarantees and improved livelihood as ruling acting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic solution masses most care most directly most reality of interests problem, 3 years cumulative reduction poverty more than 50 million people, equivalent to a medium national population of total, annual added town employment more than 10 million people, starts construction supportability housing engineering near 4 million sets, built world Shang scale maximum, and cover universal of basic medical guarantees network and pension guarantees network, urban and rural residents income continued growth, The lives of the people of all ethnic groups have more on both material and spiritual thriving. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including promoted poverty area poverty, and speed up development let 1.3 billion people enjoys better more fair of education speed up advance housing guarantees and supply system construction always put people life security put in first bit efforts put China construction became network power insisted general national security views, go China features national security road effective maintenance national security and social settled,. 8. with regard to comprehensive strictly administering the party. Party of 18 big yilai, Central station in party and national survival of height, firmly grasp strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced purity construction this article mainline, to style construction for breakthrough, to developed introduced eight items provides started start, put discipline and rules is in front, organization carried out has party of mass line education practice activities and "three strict three real" topic education, insisted "zero tolerance, and full cover, and no area", insisted "Tiger" "flies" with playing, style political wind society continued improved, More perfect system of laws within the party, discipline of authoritative seriousness increasing, for the history of winning has a lot of new features provide a strong political

 reform results, economy, and political system, and culture system, and social system, and discipline check system, and party of construction system reform solid advance, tax, and financial, and price, and administrative approval, and State-owned enterprises, and ecological civilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration in the of decisive role significantly enhanced, Unprecedented burst of momentum and vitality of economic and social development. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the reform only when there is no complete, the notes on the 18 session of ideas into the party's spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasing use of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics such as the ability to run the country. 4. with regard to promoting sustained and healthy economic development. Face complex changeable of international situation and difficult heavy of domestic reform development stable task, XI General Secretary made China economic development into new normal of science judge, proposed innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept, implementation macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing five big pillar sex policy, vigorously advance supply side structural reform, new concept, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domestic production total annual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier world economic 2.3% of annual growth, on world economic growth of contribution over 25%, tertiary industry accounted for domestic production total share over 50%, eventually consumption on economic growth of contribution rate reached 66%, economic structure adjustment made important progress, development of quality and benefits significantly upgrade, China economic show out huge of swing room and broad of development prospects. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including economic growth must is real and no water of growth improve open type economic level "see missing of hand" and "see have see of hand" are to with good speed up from elements drive, and investment scale drive development mainly to to innovation drive development mainly of change active promoted China energy production and consumption revolution,. 5. with regard to building the rule of law in China. 18 big yilai, Central tightly around full advance law ruling, put party of led, and people masters, and law ruling organic unified up, insisted law ruling, and law ruling, and law administrative common advance, insisted rule of law national, and rule of law Government, and rule of law social one construction, full advance science legislation, and strictly law enforcement, and just judicial, and universal law-abiding, China features socialist legal system further sound perfect, leaders at all levels cadres using rule of law thinking and rule of law way deepening reform, and

 promoted development, and The ability to resolve conflicts and constantly improve, our ... 6. on the building of Socialist culture in China. A country, a nation strong, always supported by culture flourished, the inheritance and development of civilization, without culture to develop and prosper, there will be no realization of the dream of China. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary around "foster and promote Socialist core values" "promote China excellent traditional culture" "firmly master ideology work led right and discourse right", aspects do has series important speech, main including put publicity thought work do have better for achieved China dream condensed powerful moral support improve national culture soft strength foster and promote Socialist core values youth to consciously practice line Socialist core values Childhood actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism and the party's important speech on the press conference. 7. promote the reform and development of social undertakings and social management. 18 big yilai, Central insisted put guarantees and improved livelihood as ruling acting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic solution masses most care most directly most reality of interests problem, 3 years cumulative reduction poverty more than 50 million people, equivalent to a medium national population of total, annual added town employment more than 10 million people, starts construction supportability housing engineering near 4 million sets, built world Shang scale maximum, and cover universal of basic medical guarantees network and pension guarantees network, urban and rural residents income continued growth, The lives of the people of all ethnic groups have more on both material and spiritual thriving. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including promoted poverty area poverty, and speed up development let 1.3 billion people enjoys better more fair of education speed up advance housing guarantees and supply system construction always put people life security put in first bit efforts put China construction became network power insisted general national security views, go China features national security road effective maintenance national security and social settled,. 8. with regard to comprehensive strictly administering the party. Party of 18 big yilai, Central station in party and national survival of height, firmly grasp strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced purity construction this article mainline, to style construction for breakthrough, to developed introduced eight items provides started start, put discipline and rules is in front, organization carried out has party of mass line education practice activities and "three strict three real" topic education, insisted "zero tolerance, and full cover, and no area", insisted "Tiger" "flies" with playing, style political wind society continued improved, More perfect system of laws within the party, discipline of authoritative seriousness increasing, for the history of winning has a lot of new features provide a strong political

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