
来源:英国留学 发布时间:2020-10-10 点击:

  第 85 篇

 文化-体育-艺术 篇

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 电影- 戏剧- 娱乐- 艺术 1.1

 show business;

 showbiz 【英语解释】the entertainment industry 【中文解释】娱乐圈,演艺界,娱乐性行业 She got a start in show business in Cincinnati. Do you have any experience in show business?

 Some of the biggest names in show business will be at the gala.

 1. horse opera,

 cowboy movie [AmE] 【英语解释】a film about life in the American west in the past, especially about cowboys 【中文解释】美国西部电影,西部牛仔影片 There’s a horse opera on at the Orion. I want to see a good Western, not just any old horse opera. All westerns are horse operas to me. The Joneses have two television sets because she likes soap operas and he likes horse operas.

  2. soap opera 【英语解释】a television or radio progamme about the continuing in daily life

 【中文解释】肥皂剧,连续剧 Japanese and American women are much alike in that both are fond of soap operas.

 Some American daytime soap operas have been running for years and still the heroine hasn’t gotten married. Does the public never tire of the nightly soap operas on commercial TV?

 3. a blue movie/ film

 【英语解释】a film about sex;

 a pornographic film 【中文解释】色情影片 Our club shows a blue movie every Thursday night. That studio specializes in blue movies.

 4. tear-jerker 【英语解释】a film, book, story etc that makes you feel very sad 【中文解释】使人流泪的戏剧/电影/电视片/l 图书/故事等 Most housewives like tear-jerkers. That’s why TV soap operas are so popular. The play was such a tear-jerker that the audience was soon afloat in a sea of handkerchiefs.

 The movie Love Story was a real tear-jerker. I didn’t enjoy that movie very much because it was a real tear-jerker. The picture of a poor little girl begging for food on the streets was a real tear-jerker, so we readily agreed to donate some money to the relief organization.

 5. the big screen 【英语解释】the cinema 【中文解释】电影,大银幕 Her career took off when she transferred her talents to the big screen.

 6. the silver screen 【英语解释】the film industry 【中文解释】电影业,电影界 The heroes and heroines of the silver screen. Yet if he orated on the silver screen he would be faintly ridiculous. She is my favourite heroine of the silver screen.

 7. the small screen [BrE] 【英语解释】(the) television

 【中文解释】小银幕,电视 Cinema films reach the small screen very quickly these days.

 8. in the can [AmE] 【英语解释】(of films) competed and ready for showing 【中文解释】(影片)已拍摄好准备放映的,摄制完成即可放映的,已录制好准备播送的 All of that new movie has now been shot and is in the can. There are already five new full-length motion pictures “in the can” and ready for release.

  9. on celluloid 【英语解释】on cinema film 【中文解释】在电影里,在电影胶片上,拍成电影 Her marvellous acting talent is preserved on celluloid. Chaplin’s comic genius is preserved on celluloid. The story was on celluloid in a year.

 10. director’s cut 【英语解释】a film that contains all the parts that director wanted to include, when the film was originally sown in cinemas without those parts 【中文解释】(未经剪辑的)足本电影 The director’s cut of The Godfather part Ⅲ has nine minutes of film not included in the theatrical release.

 11. close-up 【英语解释】a photograph or picture in a film/ movie taken from very near 【中文解释】特写照片,近景照片,特写镜头 It was strange to see her own face in close-up on the screen.

 12. one-night stand 【英语解释】a performance of music or a play that is given only once in each of number places 【中文解释】在各地令表演一次的/巡回演出 The rock group played a series of one-night stands in the North. He left the band because he got tired of one-night stands. It’s not much fun moving from form place to place all the time.

 13. go on the stage 【英语解释】become an actor in the theatre as a job 【中文解释】登台演出/表演,当演员 Jane’s parents didn’t want her to go on the stage. If he had gone on the stage he would have made a good actor. Would you like to go on the stage? Maria has always wanted to go on the stage.

 14. tread / walk the boards/ stage 【英语解释】be an actor 【中文解释】当演员,上台演出 He has recently been treading the boards in a new play at the National. His success in amateur theatricals led him on to think he could tread the boards for a living.

 15. play the lead 【英语解释】act the most important part in a play or film 【中文解释】扮演主角 He got an unexpected chance to play the lead after the film’s or9ginal star fell ill.

 16. play up to 【英语解释】act the most unimportant part in a play or film 【中文解释】同…配戏,充当配角 Your job as a supporting actor is to play up to the leading character. A: Who plays up to the pretty girl? B: It’s me. I am very lucky, right?

 17. walk on 【英语解释】have a very minor part in a film, play, etc often with no words 【中文解释】当配角,跑龙套 She didn’t have much to do in the film; she just walked on at the very beginning. walk-on (part)—n. a small part (跑龙套角色,无台词的小角色,跑龙套演员)

 18. bit player/ part 【英语解释】an actor with a small part in a film/ movie 【中文解释】饰演小角色的演员,跑龙套者,配角 She was a bit player in a couple of movies. He got a bit part in ‘Coronation Street’.

 19. star turn

 【英语解释】the main or best performer or event in a performance 【中文解释】

 主角,主要演员,最佳演员;主要/最精彩节目 Our star turn was a fire-eating act.

 20. leading lady/ man 【英语解释】the woman or man who acts the most important female or male part in a film, play etc 【中文解释】饰演女/男主角的演员

 21. your party piece [BrE] 【英语解释】the same song, poem, trick, etc. that you often do in order to entertain people at parties 【中文解释】(在社交聚会上的)拿手戏,娱乐节目,保留节目 His party piece is to stand on his head and drink a glass of water. James hasn’t done his party piece yet. Com on, James, we can’t let our visitors go without letting them hear a real Scots song!

 22. swan song 【英语解释】the last work or performance of a playwright, musician, actor, etc., before death or retirement 【中文解释】天鹅之歌,绝唱,最后的作品,告别演出 His portrayal of Lear was the actor’s swan song. We didn’t know that the singer’s performance last night was her swan song. His last book, his swan song, proved to be his best.

 23. play (sth) by ear 【英语解释】play (music) which you have heard or remembered;

  play music without having to read written music. 【中文解释】不看乐谱弹奏,凭记忆演奏,即席演奏,凭记忆演奏出,未经正规训练而能演奏乐器 Some people can play Chopin’s music by ear. John can play the piano by ear.

 If I could play by ear, I wouldn’t have to take lessons—or practice! He never took piano lessons—he just plays by ear. With the Suzuki method, a child is trained to play by ear at an early age without any written music. She can’t read music very well, so she plays all the tunes by ear. When the videotape failed at the beginning of the training session, the presenter was forced to play the rest of it by ear.

 24. hammer/ pound out 【英语解释】play sth. loudly on the piano 【中文解释】使劲弹出(钢琴曲调),敲奏出(曲调)

 She hammered the song out loudly and without feeling.

 Listen to John hammer out that song on the piano. I can hear Jan form here, hamming out a tune on the piano; I do wish she could learn to play the instrument gently. I hate to hear such an insensitive player pounding out a tune on the piano like that. Don’t pound the music out! Just play it.

 Listen to her pound out that song.

  25. set/put sth to music 【英语解释】write music so that the words of a poem, play etc can be sung 【中文解释】为…谱曲 The Greek tragedy ‘Elektra’ was set to music by Richard Strauss. She sat at the piano for hours, putting one of her poems to music.

 26. put on 【英语解释】arrange or perform a show, concert, play etc 【中文解释】上演(戏剧等),表演(节目);举行(音乐会等)

 The students are putting on an end of term concert. A special show is being put on to raise money for famine victims in Africa. We’re putting on a concert to raise money for famine victims.

 27. come on 【英语解释】(of a film, play, etc) be shown or performed 【中文解释】上演 There is a new play coming on at the local theatre next week. I’m really exhausted. But I don’t want to miss the film that comes on at 8 o’clock. The big film doesn’t come on until nine o’clock, so there’s plenty of time for us to get to the cinema.

 28. act out

 【英语解释】show how sth happened 【中文解释】将…表演出来,表演,扮演 The children started to act out the whole incident.

 29. bang out 【英语解释】play a tune or song loudly and badly on a piano 【中文解释】在钢琴上响亮而拙劣地弹奏出,砰砰地弹出乐曲 Bob is at the piano again, banging out the latest popular tunes.

 30. curtain call 【英语解释】actor’s appearance in front of the curtain at the end of a play to receive applause 【中文解释】(演出后的)谢幕 The performers took their curtain call. After the play the actors took ten curtain calls. Almost no one left before the end. Indeed, the people remained in their seats for all the curtain calls.

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 比赛- 名次- 体育 2.1

 come in (first / second etc);

 come first/finish first 【英语解释】finish first, second etc in a race or competition 【中文解释】得(第一名/第二名等);取得(名次)

 I came in a long way behind everyone else. I’m a fast runner and I often come in first in running race. Andre Etienne came in first, having completed the course in record time. An Australian runner came first in the marathon. Not only did Jill come in first in the race but she also had her best running time of the season. Jones came first in the 200 metres. Jim came first in the race, and the two younger boys came next. Krzystof finished first among the 147 professional cyclists. Who do you think will finish first? Sue finished first in two races—the 50m backstroke and the 100m front crawl. Our school always comes in last in the regional competition. Bakatin cames in last with just 3.4% of the vote. My horse came in last. The horse I put my money on came in last. Despite finishing last of six, he was only beaten by two lengths.

 31. look out for number one 【英语解释】

 【中文解释】争取得第一 Kevin is always looking out for number one.

 In the 1980s, the message was clear—look out for number one and give no thought to the rest of society.

 32. the last but one 【英语解释】next to last 【中文解释】倒数第二名 I came last but one in the race.

 33. lie (first / second etc) [BrE] 【英语解释】be in first, second etc position in a race or competition 【中文解释】名列(第一/第二等)

 Liverpool are lying third in the football championship.

 34. in first/ second etc place;

 be placed first/ second etc;

 won the first/ second etc place 【英语解释】first, second etc position in a race or competition 【中文解释】得第一名/第二名等 I finished in fifth place. He was placed first in last Saturday’s race. My horse has been placed several times.(得名次)

 No. 164 in Lane 3 achieved 11’16 in the 100 meter dash. He won the first place! Johnson finished in first place, narrowly ahead of Green. My greatest achievement was winning first place in the Young Artist competition. England came off second best in the big football match.

 John came off second best in the race. Why do I always come off second best in an argument with you?

 35. runner(s)-up 【英语解释】the person or team that comes second in a race or competition 【中文解释】(比赛/竞赛中的)第二名,亚军 100 lucky runners-up will receive a boxed set of CDs. Gordon was also presented with a cheque as runner-up of the closely fought contest.

 36. get/ win/ take etc the wooden spoon 【英语解释】come last in a race or competition 【中文解释】获得最后一名,成为未名 England must win this match if they are to avoid taking the wooden spoon.

 37. be/ become a poor second/ third etc 【英语解释】finish a long way behind the winner in a race, competition, etc 【中文解释】(在体育比赛中)远远落后,被人远远抛在后面的第二名/第三名等

 38. a booby prize 【英语解释】a prize given as a joke to the person who is last in a competition 【中文解释】(出于善意的玩笑而发给的)末名奖 I’m no good at this game. I always get the booby prize. When it comes to manners, that guy takes the booby prize.

 39. bring up the rear 【英语解释】be at the back of in a race 【中文解释】处于比赛中的最后位置,最后达到终点 Bringing up the rear is the smallest yacht in the race. Smith finished in 2nd place, Warren in 3rd, with poor Davis bringing up the rear in 12th place.

 40. the sport of kings;

  a racing form 【英语解释】horse racing 【中文解释】赛马 Almost everyone on the train last Saturday was buried in a racing form.

 41. a drag race [AmE] 【英语解释】a car race that is won by the car that can increase its speed fastest over a very short distance 【中文解释】短程汽车加速赛 The dragsters were lined up on the drag strip waiting for the start of the drag race. Let’s have a drag race.

  42. get your name on the score sheet 【英语解释】score a goal, etc 【中文解释】有一球/一分记入名下

 43. under starter’s orders 【英语解释】about to begin the race 【中文解释】准备/待令起跑;待比赛开始的命令

 44. the state of play 【英语解释】the score points that have been gained at one time in a sports game 【中文解释】(体育比赛在…时刻的)得分情况,比分

 45. goal-keeper 【英语解释】a person in a football or other sports team who is responsible for preventing the ball from getting into his or team’s goal 【中文解释】守门员 The goalkeeper made a marvellous save.

 46. match…against 【英语解释】cause to compete against 【中文解释】使…互相比赛 Ann will be matched against Jane in the semi-final.

 47. needle match 【英语解释】a match which each team wants to win very much because of bad feeling between them 【中文解释】一场拼搏,充满十足火药味的比赛 The game between the tow old rivals is always a real needle match.

 48. out of play 【英语解释】not in a position where the rules of the game allow it to be played 【中文解释】死球,界外球 The defender kicked the ball out of play.

 49. play off 【英语解释】play another match in order to decide who wins 【中文解释】再赛以决定胜负 The losing semi-finalists will play off for third place. play-off—an additional game played to decide who will win after a game has ended with no winner(因不分胜负而进行的)加时赛/延长赛/附加赛 They lost to Chicago in the play-offs.

 50. play out 【英语解释】continue ( a game or struggle) until a result is gained 【中文解释】把(比赛/斗争)进行到分出胜负 Shall we call it a draw, or play it out?

 51. go the (full) distance 【英语解释】continue playing in a competition or sports contest until the end 【中文解释】(比赛)打完全场,比足回合 Nobody thought he would last 15 rounds but he went the full distance. That horse runs fast. I hope it can go the distance.

 This is going to be a long, hard project. I hope I can go the distance.

 52. get off the mark 【英语解释】start scoring, especially in cricket 【中文解释】(尤指在板球运动中)开始得分 Stewart got off the mark with a four.

  53. a hole in one 【英语解释】an instance of hitting a golf ball into a hole in only one try 【中文解释】(高尔夫)一杆进洞 John made a hole in one yesterday.

 I’ve never gotten a hole in one.

 Many golfers play for years before they get a hole in one.

 54. play-by-play [AmE] 【英语解释】

 a report on which what is happening in a game of sport, given at the same time as the game is being played 【中文解释】(体育比赛的)实况报道 And now here is Bill Jones with a play-by-play description of the baseball game.

 John was giving me a play-by-play description of the argument going on next door.

 55. skip rope 【英语解释】jump over an arc of rope that is passed beneath your feet then over your head, repeatedly 【中文解释】跳绳 The children skipped rope on the playground.

 The boxer skipped rope while training.

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 锻炼 3.1

 daily dozen 【英语解释】physical exercises done every day 【中文解释】(每天的)身体锻炼 My brother always feels better after his daily dozen. She would rather do a daily dozen than go on a diet.

 56. work out

 【英语解释】train the body by physical exercise;

 do physical exercise, such as lifting weights 【中文解释】锻炼身体,健身,做身体运动 I work out regularly to keep fit. He works out with weights twice a week. Jeremy goes to the fitness centre three times a week to work out with a friend. Good news. I’m not going to need surgery after all. The doctor says I can start working out again soon, and maybe play soccer again in a few weeks. For the next half hour we will work out in the gym. I’ve been working out at the gym since January. I’ve been wanting to get in better shape. Professional footballers spend at least an hour every day working out in the gym. I go jogging every morning and work out with weights twice a week. Mrs. Lancaster gets a good workout by taking an aerobics class. I have to work out every day in order to keep healthy.

 Working out a lot gives me a big appetite. A: I’m so sore from working out.

  B: Yeah, me too. Let’s go again tomorrow. A: Your muscles are a spectacle! B: Thank you. That’s the result of exercise. By the way, do you work out? A: No, but I am starting working out from now on.

 57. warm up 【英语解释】loosen the body muscles before exercising;

 prepare for physical exercise or a performance by doing gentle exercises or practice 【中文解释】(为体育活动/表演)热身运动,做适应性练习,做准备活动/动作 The gymnast limbered his muscles up before doing a practice routine. The runners are now limbering up as they get ready for the race. I always do a few easy exercises to limber up before a match. It’s very important to warm up before doing physical exercise. The band’s just getting warmed up. Do you have to leave already? The runners are warming up before the race. Let’s warm up the car engine a bit before we start. He warmed up the audience by telling a few jokes before the show began. It’s important to warm up properly before you do any sport. There’s a substitute warming up on the sidelines. I wonder whose place he’s going to take. A: The young singer practiced for a short while to warm up for the concert. B: I like that young singer. He sings well. A: Are you ready to go jogging? B: Almost. I have to warm up first. warm-up—n. (准备活动;热身活动)

 There’ll be a warm-up of about five minutes before the game begins. The cars do a warm-up lap before the race.

 58. loosen up 【英语解释】exercise your muscles and joints to make them work more easily, especially before playing a sport or running;

 warm up 【中文解释】(在运动/跑步…前)活动(肌肉/关节),热身,放松 Dancers were loosening up before going on stage. The runners are just loosening up before the race.

 59. build up 【英语解释】increase muscle size and strength gradually 【中文解释】逐渐增长肌肉的大小和力量,增进健康,锻炼体质 Lenny is trying to build up his shoulders so that he can hit a baseball farther. Even older people can build their strength up by doing simple, regular exercise. Each exercise is designed to build up muscles in a different part of your body. Tom is eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to build himself up for basketball. Tom needs to build himself up.

 Must go carefully all the same. Not too much excitement. You must build yoursef up for the winter. You must build up your strength after your illness.

 60. have/ take a dip 【英语解释】have a quick swim 【中文解释】游一会儿泳 They’ve decided to take a dip in the lake before lunch.

 “I think I’ll take a dip,” said Nancy as she put on her bathing cap. Me, too” answered Ned. “Let’s all take another dip before we go home. Would you like to take a dip in the pool?

  61. chin up;

  pull up [AmE] 【英语解释】an exercise in which you hang on to a bar and pull up your body weight until your chin is above the bar 【中文解释】引体向上 He did ten chin ups in quick succession. How many pull-ups can you do?

 62. pump iron 【英语解释】do exercises in which you lift heavy weights in order to strengthen you muscles 【中文解释】举重锻炼 I should take more exercise, but I’m not interested in pumping iron at the local gym three evenings a week.

 63. keep fit 【英语解释】exercise in order to stay strong 【中文解释】锻炼身体,(使…)保持健康 She keeps fit by swimming every morning. Jim gave up drinking and took up tennis in an attempt to keep fit. I started doing keep fit a couple of years ago. Keep-fit [BrE]—n. a class in which you do exercises to keep yourself healthy (健身 0 Keep-fit classes for the over 60s. Many older people find that keeping fit can be fun as well as good for their health.

 64. go for a run/jog 【英语解释】for exercise or pleasure 【中文解释】跑步 Kari and I are going for a run—would you like to come?

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