来源:事业单位 发布时间:2020-09-15 点击:


 作用和目的Throughout the nation and history, it has emphasized public education as a means of transmitting democratic values, creating equality of opportunity and preparing new generations of citizens in society.

 Life skills—logical thinking, analysis, creative problem solving

 Education should aim at improvement of both one’s morals and faculties.

 We should want all students to know and to make their own: honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love of a country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality and the freedom to practice one’s faith.道德教育

 Economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure 大学生压力

 The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics—an ability to synthesize and relate, to weigh cause and effect, to see events in perspective—are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field. 人文教育的意义

 Liberal art teaches you how to think, how to read, write, and speak intelligently, get along with others, and conceptualize problems. 人文教育的意义

 He was being so stuffed with an indigestible mass of material that he has no time to draw on his own resources, to use his own mind for analyzing and synthesizing, and evaluating this material填鸭式教育的缺点


 1. 培根认为知识就是力量,反对中世纪经院哲学对人们思想的禁锢,鼓励人们推倒偶像,

 2. 笛卡儿认为要清除由传统得来的偏见,办法就是怀疑,提出我思故我在

 3. 哥白尼日星说

 Bacon advocated the idea of testing the authority in order to gain real knowledge. Cause knowledge acquires certain skepticism to whatever we study even since the dawn of our civilization. Human beings have paid tribute to Copernicus for the first step he took in ignoring established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumption of astronomy for publishing his Heliocentric conjecture that the earth and other planets revolves around the sun. Same thought have also preoccupied Descartes who considered holding little suspicions to the wholly spread religions is the only way to expunge prejudice from our mundane life.


 作用和目的According to what Freud has said art, in essence, is a kind of release (discharge) of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. From this we can see, art is therefore, first and foremost, concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one as a whole.

 Pleasure; beauty(music, painting,-color, form, sound, melody)(娱乐)

 present us with insight into what is eternal and universal. Behind the profound work of art is a set of principles of humanity that always prevail.(理解人性)

  Renaissance painting of a Madonna and Angels, for many viewers, is somehow a revelation of transcendent spirituality;

 a Beethoven symphony is the last word on human endurance.

 Some narrative arts (novel, film) instruct us to some extent. This works with moral reflect the human character.(反映人性)

  Shakespeare's Macbeth, for instance, teaches us that inordinate ambition is pernicious.

 This function of the arts can be denoted as "expressionism" -- the artist's use of a medium to express unique passion and insight.(作为表达方式)

  The pianist Franz Liszt, for instance, in the 1830s and 40s created a public personality as the great piano virtuoso of the era

 19th century, art at the service of leaders—the Church, the government, and the aristocracy.(艺术为政府服务)

 The expression of private feelings and the criticism of society


 Beethoven, one of the greatest composers and musicians, created many symphonies. Astonishingly, he produced his most famous symphony, Chorus, with complete deafness. How could he manage it? It must be the prominent imagination that stimulated him to struggle and thrive, thus he can even listen in spite of no hearings.

 作品--The Fifth Symphony, the Finale of the Ninth Symphony and the "Moonlight" Sonata

 A Beethoven symphony is the last word on human endurance.


 Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance architect, musician, anatomist, inventor, engineer, sculptor, geometer, and painter. He has been described as the archetype of the "Renaissance man" and as a universal genius. Leonardo is famous for his masterly paintings, such as The Last Supper and Mona Lisa. He is also known for designing many inventions that anticipated modern technology, although few of these designs were constructed in his lifetime. In addition, he helped advance the study of anatomy, astronomy, and civil engineering.

 生前作品没有被认可(Monet, Van Gogh)

 Monet did not find acclaim and wealth to later in his life and at times suffered through extreme poverty. Success also allowed him some degree of freedom in his work.

 Van Gogh, two of whose still life paintings have recently broken all records in selling for $50 million, sold only one of his paintings in his entire career.

 Emily Bronte was a British novelist and poet, best remembered for her one novel Wuthering Heights, an acknowledged classic of English literature. But it received mixed reviews when it first came out, the book did not become an English literary classic until forty years later.

 Emily Dickinson has since come to be regarded as one of the two great American poets of the 19th century. Though almost unknown and nearly unpublished in her own lifetime, Dickinson


 Monet's famous work "Impression: Sunrise" was not understood initially, since it seems peculiar for a large amount of blue was used as the major color for sunlight. However, this work eventually earned its reputation and had led to the name for impressionism

 作品反映社会(Van Gogh, Picasso)

 Van Gogh--“potato eaters”: Dark and somber, sometimes crude, these early works evidence van Gogh's intense desire to express the misery and poverty of humanity as he saw it among the miners in Belgium.

 Picasso—“Pigeon”, he was a pacifist,


 Take the enormity of Pablo Picasso’s artistic output for an illustration, which connotes an unrealistic interpretation of its original creature, exists as unrivalled tributes to an artist whose influence remain unequalled in quality and longevity. It is simply because of the innovative approach towards objects he applied to his work-- full of variety in its kind for individual to predict in their fragment--which people desperately needed


 1938:Painting And Sculpture--Art in the United States:In 1938 the United States Government continued to act as chief patron of the arts in America. The art projects of the Works Progress Administration and of the Treasury Department continued their programs, employing several thousand artists and bringing art before an increasingly large public all over the country.

 政府资助对艺术有影响(Soviet Union)

 However, if the government extraordinarily funds arts, it would harm the integrity of them. The typical instance is U.S.S.R.(=Soviet Union) In the 1950s to the 1990s, the U.S.S.R. Soviet Union government always funded the arts. In order to get the funding from the government, many artists in U.S.S.R. chose to create some arty works, which the government preferred to. After several decades' development, the integrity of the arts in U.S.S.R. has been heavily threatened. Many kinds of arts have disappeared and many people thought that due to the funding of government, the integrity of arts had been harmed.

 民间力量的资助(也很重要但不稳定,The Medici)

 1951: Art :In the Western countries sentiment was rising for systematic and sustained government patronage of art, as private patronage collapsed under inflationary pressuresulture--by which I chiefly mean the fine arts--has always depended primarily on the patronage of private individuals and businesses, and not on the government. The Medici, a powerful banking family of Renaissance Italy, supported artists Michelangelo and Raphael. During the 20th Century the primary source of cultural support were private funds established by industrial magnates Carnegie, Mellon, Rockefeller and Getty.



 In the field of science, according to empiricism and positivism, “science” theories are objective, empirically testable and “predictive”- they predict results that can be checked objectively.

 To say “the apple fell” is to state a fact, whereas Newton’s theory of universal gravitation is a body of ideas that is based on the observation and allows other scientists to explain why the apple fell and make prediction about other falling objects.


 Overflowing Landfill with outdated devices, discarded chemicals, and plastic packaging, landfills are a testament to the sobering side effects of technological advance. An average city dweller may produce a ton of refuse in a year, a volume that rapidly overflows local dumps. Cities running out of space for landfill often turn to incinerating their waste or transporting it to other areas, although up to 90 percent of the material might have been recycled.


 Automation Trade-Off Technological advancement has both positive and ill effects on a society. Take, for example, advances in automation technology. Automation has improved production efficiency and quality control, and has reduced the need to have workers perform potentially dangerous tasks. On the other hand, automation has made many jobs unnecessary, putting employees out of work, or forcing them to retrain.


  Reassessments of Technology


 World War I and the Great Depression forced a sobering reassessment of this rapid technological explosion. The development of submarines, machine guns, battleships, and chemical warfare made increasingly clear the destructive side of technological change. In addition, worldwide mass unemployment and the disasters met by capitalistic institutions in the 1930s initiated a further strong critique of the benefits that result from technological progress.

 Then, with World War II, came the development of the weapon that has since become a general threat to life on earth: the atomic bomb. Although national leaders often speak of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, nuclear power can never be discussed without referring to its dangers as well. Another technological outgrowth of World War II—the development of computers and transistors and the accompanying trend toward miniaturization—is having equally profound effects on society as well (see Microprocessor). The possibilities it offers are enormous, but so are the possibilities for invasion of privacy and for workforce displacement by automated systems (see Automation).

 During the 1950s some observers began to warn that many other products of technology also had harmful or destructive aspects. Automobile exhausts, they pointed out, were polluting the atmosphere, pesticides such as DDT were threatening the food chain, and mineral wastes from a wide variety of industrial sources were polluting large reservoirs of groundwater. Indeed, the physical environment has become so jammed with technological processes that one of the major challenges of modern society is the search for places to dump the wastes that have been produced.

 Precocious wizard 尚未成熟的新奇产品 affluent inventor才思泉涌的发明家 latest brainstorm 最新的发明

 Competition is a way of life in today's world. The capitalist society encourages competition. Individuals and companies alike, for the sake of survival in competition, must continue to improve their services and products, and as a result, the entire society prospers, at least economically.

 竞争好处:加快发展(电脑更先进,通讯更发达,价格更低)---in business

 In the past decade, we have seen computers shrinking in size, increasing in power, and declining in price. We have also seen a rapid expansion of telecommunications networking at a reducing price. All of these good things happen only because of competition.


 Take Philadelphia for example, in 1847, With a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office to get their mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express business developed, and thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail.


 The Olympic Games is a form of competition (players continuingly break up records to challenge human limits,there is only one tallest podium for the gold medal and two shorter ones for the silver and bronze.)挑战人类极限, and so are college or university entrance examinations 促进学习and presidential elections.民主社会


 The cost of competition is very high. Competition in the form of arms race among powers is a waste of limited resources that we have on this planet, and will bring massive destruction to humankind.军备竞赛:找例子!

 Competition is to separate winners from losers. 无法达到win-win situation(双赢) On the other hand, cooperation is the only driving force that will make every participant a winner.


 In this super-modern world, tasks are more complex and there are more specialists:

 In an orchestra, in the workplace, in the creation of a film, on many jobs, we know that we have to work in teams. ?

 There is another side to relationships called cooperation. Call it family, call it friendship, call it mutual support. We get together in groups to do those things that are larger than one person. We design airplanes, build roads and play basketball in teams.

 过度合作和坏处 (垄断)

 Cooperation in the form of monopoly or price-fixing is illegal in the capitalist world as it kills the spirit of competition. American people do not allow their governments to operate any business as they believe that the government-run business will be ineffective due to lack of competition.


 It's a combination of cooperation and competition that offers the possibility for rivals to benefit from each other's seemingly competitive activities. In short, there are circumstances where having more players to cut the pie means bigger pieces of pie for everyone. (把蛋糕做大)That's co-opetition.

 Co-opetition is the delicate balance of cooperation and competition that describes many business relationships. A value network, or Value Net, is a map that helps visualize the tangled web of interconnections in the game of business.

 Telephone and cable TV companies have been complementors in sharing the cost of poles to run wires to the same houses.

 Coke and Pepsi go head to head.

 Relationships, personal or business, can be hard to sort out and often are not so clearly defined as complementary or competitive. They are both. It's war and peace at the same time. That's the strange world of co-opetition.



 Poverty is an outcome of longstanding conflict between haves and have-nots;(有产和无产之间的矛盾) structural arrangements, such as official unemployment and the stipulation of a poverty line, have the effect of limiting opportunities and justifying social inequality. Thus, poverty is perpetuated through class discrimination and unequal opportunities for upward mobility. (阶级歧视,不平等机会)Programs and policies for addressing problems of poverty and work, such as the social welfare system and affirmative action, are themselves problems.(社会福利等制度)


 Imbalances in the distribution of power---- the loss of personal freedoms and civil liberties, and abuses of authority, of which genocide is an extreme example 权利不均

 Imbalances in the distribution of wealth--- the loss of economic opportunity and social mobility, the creation of a permanent underclass, and conditions of illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, and disease财富不均

 The social problems caused by economic and political inequality are a threat to global security威胁全球安全

 Racial and ethnic prejudice and discrimination are sources of grave social problems--- racial purity or superiority, stereotyping and labeling, physical and social segregation, institutionalized inequality种族纯化,种族隔离,制度不平等

 Crime, Violence, Drugs, and the Criminal Justice System(antisocial behavior)

 Juvenile delinquency and street crime may be linked to youth gang and organized crime activities(犯罪团伙); the availability of guns, alcohol, and drugs(枪支,酒精,毒品); poverty, unemployment, and lack of economic opportunity(贫穷、失业); racism(种族主义); family instability and domestic violence(家庭暴力); school failure(学业不好); and the influence of mass media(媒体影响).


 family instability, divorce and child custody(离婚,家庭不合,儿童监护), spouse and child abuse(虐待儿童), gender issues, gay and lesbian families(同性恋家庭), reproductive technology, adoption, and abortion(领养、堕胎)


 sex discrimination---the workplace, occupations, wages, education,

 feminist movement---gender inequality still persist in problems of sexual violence…but insignificant


 The bioethics of transplants, genetic screening, gene therapies(基因治疗), reproductive technologies, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia(安乐死)

 In the U.S. health care increasingly is provided on a for-profit basis by the health maintenance organizations, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies


 Relate to funding, teacher quality and the status of the teaching profession, student academic performance and standardized testing, racial imbalances and equal educational opportunity,teacher shortages, overcrowded and unsafe schools, and unequal access to educational technology


 Overpopulation of an area can contribute to food shortages. Migrations between areas can lead to inter-group conflicts.


 Technological change associated with industrialization and modernization has created vast challenges as well as benefits. 技术带来了好处,同时也带来了挑战

 挑战--- stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction(军备), genetic engineering and biotechnology(基因), robotics, and the globalization of electronic telecommunications(全球化)

 Unemployment and the loss of personal privacy and control, from ethical dilemmas to social inequality, and from cultural lag to cultural colonialism(失业,个人隐私,伦理,社会不平等,文化落后,文化殖民)

 GLOBAL WARMING-- an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate.影响--- The quality and quantity of drinking water, water availability for irrigation, industrial use, and electricity generation, and the health of fisheries

 A estimated 50 cm rise in sea level by the year 2100, could inundate more than 5,000 square miles of dry land and an additional 4000 square miles of wetlands in the U.S海平面上升

 臭氧洞 ozone hole--- absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun

 Love Canal, a small town in upstate New York near Niagara Falls, was destroyed by waste from chemical plants.----化学泄露

 Bhopal chemical leak--- killed 2,500 people; another 50,000-100,000 people became ill---化学泄露

 Chernobyl ---the reactor blew at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl,some 31 people were killed and nearly 300 people were treated for radiation poisoning.---核泄露


 One is that most of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels, including coal, petroleum, and natural gas,. These natural resources are not renewable目前的主要能源都是不能再生的带来的问题(污染)

 Combustion causes the release of various pollutants, such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, which pose health risks and may contribute to acid rain and global warming.

 renewable energy from the sun , the wind, and wate可生资源、nuclear energy

 Human cloning人类克隆--- not morally and ethically right

 Genetic engineering can be used to make many aspects of human life better

 reduce the amount of potentially dangerous chemical substances

 cure diseases at the DNA level.

 Worldwide famine and starvation could possibly end


 政治目的A politician’s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation; district, county, state or what have you.(政治的用途)


 Both morality and politics serve to regulate or direct human behavior. They differ, however, in the strength of their regulation and demand different, though related, personal qualities.区别在于强度不同

 As a regulator, morality is directed towards the other: it concerns interpersonal relations and interrelations between the person and group.(道德的特性人与人之间,人与团体之间)

 Politics regulates mainly relations between the groups and the state and between the different socio-political organizations; directly or indirectly these are connected with the function of state power.(政治的特性,团体与国家之间,社会政治团体之间,通过国家权利连接)

 The boundaries between the spheres of morality and politics are very flexible. In some periods particular relations can be regulated by moral mechanisms, which in other periods are ruled by political ones. The interaction between those mechanisms depends on the particular social contradictions and the objective possibilities of achieving class, national and state goals by acting in accordance with, or neglecting, respective moral values and norms.(政治和道德的界限模糊,取决于社会矛盾的程度,以及道德和政治目标间的差距)

 The moralization of politics(政治道德化:用道德去阐述政治目标,解决政治问题) consists in disregarding the specific character of the political sphere and the tendency to use morality to explain political goals and to solve political problems although this remains objectively impossible for a given historical stage or definite social group.

 The politization of morality(道德政治化:用政治原则约束人与人,人与团体之间关系) consists in the introduction of political principles and criteria for the regulation of the relations between persons and between groups and persons through a replacement of morality by politics.


 When political theory, ideology and practice come into sharp contradiction with the morality of the people, they lose their efficacy and in the end are doomed to failure. (政治违背道德就会导致失败)Therefore, every political theory, ideology and practice seeks moral justification and arguments in order to be accepted by the masses.


 It may be quite sensible to look at President Clinton and his predecessors — or for that matter, any people currently in public life — and distinguish between their public selves and their private selves, evaluating each independently. (对于公众身份和个人身份要分开考虑)

 人无完人nobody is utterly good or bad.

  The Watergate scandal (1972–1974) (or just "Watergate") was an American political scandal and constitutional crisis that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon水门事件?

  Yet even a cursory review of the private lives of past Presidents reveals substantial evidence that Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy had extramarital affairs. Thomas Jefferson, many believe, fathered children by one of his slaves. And Grover Cleveland confessed to having an illegitimate child.政治丑闻


 Privacy, after all, is vital to our essence. It comes with our humanity that we are entitled to a region where we can freely think, speak, and behave with confidence that we are, for that instant, on our own.


 A politician’s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation, district, county, state or what have you.?(政治的目标) This is his or her primary concern. Many more times than you and I would like to think, realizing those goals require them to make choices that are outside the bounds of morality.?

 Moral leaders think in terms of a ideal approach to ethics and morals while the political leader thinks in terms of consequences or a utilitarian approaches to ethics and morality.


 values as a source of competitive advantage; values that underpin corporate reputation and reinforce risk management; values that are part of the intangible assets of the business;values boost the development of a society; increase the standing of a country


 What ethical conduct and socially responsible behavior have in common is they both start from values and, when applied effectively, both enhance the company's reputation and so contribute to performance and shareholder value.


 Company leaders are responsible for reputation management. They need to be inspiring role models of values-based leadership.(leader要作为道德榜样) such leadership is more likely to result in employees giving the company their loyalty and superior performance. (让员工更加忠诚,以企业为荣)Employees want to feel proud of the company they work for as well as comfortable with its culture and values.

 Increasingly, in knowledge based industries, the distinctive competitive factor will be the ability to attract and retain the most talented people. (企业文化也是吸引和留住人才的因素)There is a need to establish an organization culture (values, beliefs, behavior) which gives each employee the opportunity to obtain personal fulfillment.(让员工自我实现)

 The requirement for CEOs therefore is to establish a corporate culture which encourages responsible behavior while releasing the creative potential of the workforce.

 In every business, including small businesses, a focus on traditional ethical values will not only provide some stability and consistency, in the face of a world of accelerating change, but will also enable those businesses to command greater trust from their stakeholders and to become more successful. (好的企业文化能保证企业稳定,一致。更让人尊敬)

 A business that doesn't invest in building trust will, over time, be rejected by the markets, by investors, by its customers and above all by its own people - its employees


 The importance of history in explaining and understanding change in human behavior is no mere abstraction.

 History, then, provides the only extensive materials available to study the human condition. It also focuses attention on the complex processes of social change, including the factors that are causing change around us today.

 History as art and entertainment serves a real purpose, on aesthetic grounds but also on the level of human understanding.---历史也有美感Many of the historians who most appeal to the general reading public know the importance of dramatic and skillful writing—as well as of accuracy.

 "History teaching by example" is one phrase that describes this use of a study of the past—a study not only of certifiable heroes, the great men and women of history who successfully worked through moral dilemmas, but also of more ordinary people who provide lessons in courage, diligence, or constructive protest.历史用来学习前人


 Studying the Past

 未来和历史总是相似的In The Prince, 16th-century Italian philosopher Machiavelli wrote, “Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.” History, in other words, can tell us much about the future. The phrase “the history of the future” sounds like an paradox, but there is much to learn from looking at past visions of the shape of things to come—not to be amused or to feel superior, but rather to understand the innately human impulse to imagine and dream about tomorrow. As reliable prophecies, these past visions are patently useless. As artifacts of culture and belief, however, they are guideposts to a better understanding of our own future.

 Well before the considerable decline of beliefs in magic by the 18th century, however, human societies had also developed ways to think about the future in clearer relation to historical time. That is, they became aware that their societies had pasts, and they tried to relate those pasts to the future. Most of the forecasts we deal with today, such as those that inform military or business policy, actively use history because the forecasters assume a connection among past, present, and future events. As we will see, the types of connections on which predictions are based, as well as the success rate of those predictions, vary hugely. However, the need to assess predictions applies regardless.

 预测模式:历史的时间和模式是会重复的;historical disruption;未来的发展与历史对称,跟随历史的趋势

 Three major types of predictive modes, or history-to-future thinking, exist. The first mode to arise, and one that is still widely used today, is based on assumptions about the recurrence of historical events and patterns. Analysts who employ this predictive mode assume that certain types of past developments will happen again, and that by understanding history, they can better handle future recurrences. This thinking lies behind the familiar phrase, “Those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it.” The second predictive mode to develop, and by far the most dramatic, involves assumptions about a phenomenon called historical disruption. In this mode, prediction highlights the belief that some force is about to radically change the course of history, and therefore, the future. The third predictive mode, not necessarily the newest but certainly the one developed most systematically during the past century, involves looking to recent history for the trends that are likely to continue in the future. Although this is the most conservative approach to using history to predict the future, it is often the most accurate. However, each of these attempts to use history as a basis for predicting the future is inherently flawed. Therefore, they do not provide entirely accurate descriptions of the future. Perhaps this is why some people continue to prefer fortune-tellers and astrological charts to predictions based on historical events.


 The wall between public and private is an important one to maintain even if it means we will sometimes ignore personal traits or conduct that could well diminish our opinion of the overall person. We should maintain this wall not to protect public figures from the judgments that might naturally flow from their conduct but because we should prize and protect the idea of privacy. Privacy, after all, is vital to our essence. It comes with our humanity that we are entitled to a region where we can freely think, speak, and behave with confidence that we are, for that instant, on our own. This is not to deny the

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