
来源:优秀文章 发布时间:2023-01-16 点击:


卢嫩纪念公墓是近4 000名荷兰士兵和平民最后的安息之地,他们在第二次世界大战、随后的其他暴力冲突(如荷兰东印度群岛战役)及国际维和任务等战火和纷争中丧生。

费吕沃自然保护区内有大片的森林和荒野,卢嫩纪念公墓就位于这片自然保护区内。1949年,荷兰战争墓地基金会(Dutch War Graves Foundation, OGS)提议建造卢嫩纪念公墓,根据OGS规程被认定为战争受害者的荷兰人都可以葬于此地,因此墓地的需求量将不断增长。为了以后容纳更多的可能出现的战争受害者,OGS购买了现有墓地附近的土地,并对其进行扩建。这片新购的土地是一个树木繁茂的三角形区域,计划安置约5 000座坟墓。2009—2010年,卡尔·布兰德景观事务所提出了扩建战争公墓的总体设计方案:设计了一条长约1.5 km的蜿蜒道路,连接着8块墓地,分阶段进行开发建设。2015—2017年,OGS先建成了2个墓地。2020—2021年,受卢嫩国家退伍军人公墓(Loenen National Veterans Cemetery,NVBL)委托,第3个墓地建为退伍军人公墓。此外,纪念和教育中心现已完工,墓地的新入口也已经建成。







项目规模:16.8 hm2









Loenen Memorial Cemetery is the final resting place of nearly 4,000 Dutch soldiers and civilians.They lost their lives during World War II and in other violent conflicts that followed, such as the Dutch East Indies campaign, and in international peacekeeping missions.

Loenen Cemetery is located in a nature reserve on the Veluwe, consisting of forest and heath. The cemetery was built in 1949 on the initiative of the Dutch War Graves Foundation(OGS). Every Dutch national who is deemed a war victim according to the statutes of the OGS can be buried at Loenen. The number of graves will never be thinned. To accommodate possible additional war victims in the future, OGS purchased land adjacent to the existing cemetery. It is a triangular area with a wooded character that must provide space for a total of approximately 5,000 graves.In 2009—2010, Karres en Brands designed a master plan for the new war cemetery that will be developed in different stages over time. The design involves a 1.5 km winding path linking eight burial chambers. The OGS installed the first two burial chambers in 2015—2017, while the third was commissioned by the Loenen National Veterans Cemetery (NVBL) in 2020—2021 and set up as a cemetery for veterans. The memorial and education centre has also been built, as has a new entrance to the cemetery.

The original war cemetery designed by D.Haspels is modest but powerful. At the entrance you"ll find a small wooden chapel, and behind it is a star-shaped space with a cross in the middle.The strength of the design lies in the organization of open spaces enclosed by forest, and in the contrast between light and dark. In keeping with these qualities, it was decided not to continue with the original plan, but to allow the extension to be an independent design. The extension consists of a long footpath connecting the main routes of the original cemetery to the new second entrance along Groenendaalseweg. There are eight elliptical open spaces along the path. The path is a beautiful winding line cut out into the forest with heather vegetation. The open spaces act as separate burial chambers, and each has its own character. The position and layout of these rooms is related to the topography, the environment, and the existing war cemetery.

Although the design language differs from the current cemetery, certain characteristics are reflected in the new design. The contrast between open and closed spaces, for example, the contrast between light and dark, the simple and modest interior, the use of white, and built elements that form a clear contrast against the forest. The parklike burial chambers are serene spaces that can offer comfort to relatives and form a beautiful backdrop for visitors. The memorial and education centre sits at one of the axes of the star and faces the cross. It forms a connecting link between the Netherlands War Graves Foundation and the Loenen National Veterans Cemetery. The building has a unique spatial relationship to the surrounding landscape with striking sight lines and layered transitions from the outside to the inside.

In the future, the burial chambers still to be placed can offer space to other specified groups.

(Editor / LIU Yufei)

Location:Loenen, The Netherlands

Assignment:Design cemetery extension

Size:16.8 hm2

Year of Design:2009—2017

Year of Construction:2015—2017 (first phase)2020—2021 (second phase)

Status:Phase 1 and 2 implemented

Client:Dutch War Graves Foundation (OGS)

In Collaboration with:Smits Rinsma, Bureau Waardenburg;KAAN Architects (Design memorial and education center)

Translator:Ding Yao

Proofreader:Wu Danzi

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