
来源:商务英语 发布时间:2021-03-18 点击:

第195组 broad 英音:/brɔːd/美音:/brɔd/ 1. adj. 宽的, 阔的; 广的 2. 宽宏的, 胸襟开阔的 3. 清楚的, 明显的 4. 大概的, 不详细的 比较级: broader, broadest  副 词: broadly 名 词: broadness 词组 | 习惯用语 broader adj. 广大的;
一片的比较级 broadness n. 宽阔;
宽宏大量 broadest adj. 宽广的 broad leaves 阔叶(broad leave的复数)
broad concept 初步概念稿 broad axe 宽刃斧; [木] 阔斧; broaden business 扩大业务 broad bean 蚕豆 broad shoulders 宽阔的肩膀 broad heading 大项目, 大类 网络短语: broads 布罗兹 broad valley 宽谷 broad beam 宽射束; 宽束; 大光斑; 宽光束; broadest sense 最广泛意义上; 从最广泛的意义上; broad rifling 多点式拉削法 broad ligament 阔韧带; 子宫阔韧带; 宽韧带; 翻译; Broad money 广义货币; 广义货泉; 狭义货币; 广义货币量; 英语例句库 1.He has a broad outlook on life. 1.他的人生观十分豁达。

2.He stated his views in broad outline. 2.他粗略地讲了自己的观点。

3.The road broadens out at this point. 3.这条马路在这里开始变宽。

4.Her job is broadly similar to mine. 4.她的工作和我的大体相似。

5.Gay broad leaves shone and swung in rhyme. 5.轻盈的宽叶子有节奏地闪烁摇摆。

6.Quickstep allegretto of China , with needfire shining broadness. 6.快哉中国,燃篝照阔。

7.My headlights shone over a broad ditch of water. 7.我的汽车前灯照亮了一道很宽的水沟。

8.They agreed on the broad outlines of a wage settlement. 8.他们就工资解决的办法达成框架协议。

9.Fibrocartilage, with wispy, broad collagenic fibers predominating in the matrix. 9.纤维软骨,基质中大量的胶原纤维。

10.The broad run of voters want the candidate to win. 10.投票的大多数普通人希望所选的竞选者获胜 11.He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight. 11.他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。

12.The magazine changed its format to appeal to a broader constituency. 12.这本杂志为了迎合更广泛读者的口味而改变版式 13.The candidate had broad support from the lower ranges of the party. 13.该候选人在党内下层党员中有很多支持者 14.For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook. 14.打工使大学生开阔了眼界。

15.Let’s broaden out the discussion to talk about education as a whole. 15.我们来扩大一下讨论范围,全面谈谈桝育问题。

16.Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations. 16.我国一直在努力扩大与其他国家的贸易往来。

17.Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 17.名誉如江河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔。

18.Fiche regards the turn of events as an opportunity to broaden his horizons. 18.但在华尔街的崩溃之后,就业前景枯萎。

19.I’m reasonably broad across the shoulders. 19.我的肩膀相当宽。

20.He’s got a broad Scotch accent. 20.他说话带有浓重的苏格兰口音。

21.We broaden in experiences by traveling. 21.旅行增长我们的经验。

22.18(17) Inflorescence subtended by a broad, 2-keeled prophyll; rachilla internodes usually distinct and disarticulating. 22.花序被包着以一宽阔的部分,2龙骨状;

23.The government has broadly endorsed a research paper proposing new educational targets for 14-year-olds. 23.政府基本上支持建议对14 岁少年实行新教育目标的研究报告

24.He spoke broad Scots. 24.他说话带有很重的苏格兰口音。

25.Travel broadens the mind. 25.旅行可以使人胸襟开阔。

26.Traveling broadens the mind. 26.旅行使人心胸开阔。

27.The river broadens here. 27.河流在这里变宽了。

28.A sidewalk three feet broad. 28.三英尺宽的人行道 29.Praziquantel is a broad spectrum antiparasitic drug and has remarkable activity against all species of schistosomas. 29.吡喹酮是广谱抗寄生虫药物,对各类血吸虫均有杀灭作用。

30.The discussion centres round the problems the broad masses of the people are concerned about most. 30.讨论集中在广大群众最关心的问题上。

31.The rivers and brooks reticulated the broad plains of the valley, as thickly as veins in marble. 31.在这山谷的广大平原上河流织成了网状, 密密麻麻如同大理石上的纹。

32.Climatically,it lies in the middle subtropical zone,and the basic belt of vegetation is evergreen broad leaved forests. 32.气候处于中亚热带,植被基带为常绿阔叶林。

33.All of us believe in that the road will be longer, the sky will be broader for Gauger! 33.高格人的路将会更长,高格人的天空也将会更加广阔! 34.The flower is bisexual, hypogynous, and with protandrous, tubular androecium whose anther are fused in a broad ring. 34.花朵为两性花,子房上位,雄蕊先熟,呈筒状环绕之雄蕊筒,靠近顶端具环带状的花药。

35.And it has broad prospect in chemical industry, light industry, energy saving, apparatus, medicine, textile, litholine and so on. 35.在化工、轻工、节能、仪器、医药、纺织、石油等方面有广泛的应用前景。

36.Based on the above classifications, we classify speech acts broadly into two types: non-conflictive and conflictive. 36.在此分类基础上,我们将言行为大致分为非冲突类和冲突类。

37.Externally, the broad, smooth surfaces of stuccoed walls and the great unconcealed masses of vaults and domes pile up impressively. 37.外表上,宽阔的,平滑的粉刷墙表面和巨大的,公开的各个拱顶和圆屋顶堆积了令人难忘的回忆。

38.Quinolone is known as broad antibacterial spectrum,high potency,no crossing drugresistance with other antibacterial drugs,and easy and low cost to administer. 38.喹诺酮类药物具有抗菌谱广、抗菌活性强、给药方便,与常用抗菌药物无交叉耐药性、价格低等特点。

39.As forecasted by the Method, the book I found (entitled Hadal) was surrounded by broad concentric rings of similar pseudobooks. 39.正如“方法”所料,我找到的这本书(书名为Hadal)周围是类似的伪书籍所形成的巨大的层层同心环。

40.Furthermore, he added, the combination of mezlocillin and sulbactam were selected because of their broad spectrum, rapid onset, and low cost. 40.此外,他补充,联合使用美洛西林和舒巴坦是经过挑选的因为它们为广谱、快速起效和低的花费。

41.This one false information not only misdirect does broad netizen with I, still have actually “ lapidation Jing fish “ negative effect. 41.这一虚假消息不仅误导和愚弄广大网民,实际还有“投石惊鱼”的负面效果。

42.Broad spectrum antibiotics. Effective in gram positive and gram negitive bacteria. Mainly used in the infections such sa pyocyanic, staphylococcic and colibcillus. 42.本品为光谱抗菌素。对革兰氏阳性菌盒革兰氏阴性杆菌都有抗菌作用,主要用于绿脓杆菌葡萄球菌及大肠杆菌的感染。

43.The combination of iodinated resins, an extremely effective broad spectrum bactericide and virucide, is now in use as a disinfectant for water. 43.载碘树脂是一种高效、新型的消毒灭菌剂,可用于水的净化。

44.Advocate is a fully integrated business papers range of the highest quality, offering a co-ordinated choice of unwatermarked paper , broads and envelopes. 44.「雅乐基」纯白印刷纸的质量是全面性及多用途的高级商业用文房纸、名片及信封纸。

45.A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal(Ornithorhynchus anatinus) of Australia and Tasmania, having a broad flat tail, webbed feet, and a snout resembling a duck's bill. 45.鸭嘴兽产于澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚的一种半水生产卵的哺乳动物(鸭嘴兽鸭嘴兽属),尾宽阔而扁平,脚有蹼,鼻子类似于鸭嘴 46.Argiope has the typical circular vertical web, with some broad white zig-zag stitching forming a stabilimentum on which the spiders rests, head down. 46.这类蛛常织圆形垂直网,在中心附近会有明显粗大的支持带,形成一个大交叉。而牠休息时,姿态亦像十字一样,十分有趣。

47.In the WTO dispute settlement system, the specific dispute settlement methods include consultation, mediate, reconcilement, litigation and arbitration.Among these methods, arbitration is used broadly. 47.摘要在WTO争端解决机制中,具体的争端解决方式有协商、斡旋、调解、调停、诉讼和仲裁等,其中仲裁是常选的方式。

48.The LNA is designed for the SKA (Square Kilometer Array) project in ASTRON, which requires a very low noise figure and a broad bandwidth. 48.该低噪音放大器是为荷兰天文研究所(ASTRON, The Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)的平方公里天文望远镜阵(SKA,Square kilometer Array)项目而设计的。

49.The conclusion favism present non-permanent control method, favism patient or has favism family history。should fast the broad bean and the bean product, by against morbidity。

49.结论  蚕豆病目前无根治方法,蚕豆病患者或有蚕豆病家族史,应禁食蚕豆及豆制品,以防发病。

50.You see him, high stature, broad shoulder, upright and foursquare and the face with summary duskily belt, show the hale physique with our country peculiar northerner. 50.你看他,高高的个子,宽广的肩膀,方正而略带微黑的面庞,显示出我国北方人特有的健壮体魄。

51.TROX China provides training to staff, let them share experience and knowledge with other subsidiaries within TROX Group, which broaden their horizon and enrich their thinking.Mr. 51.妥思中国给员工提供了培训的机会,加强与妥思在国外子公司、兄弟公司的交流,分享他们的经验,开拓了视野,丰富了思想。

52.Our group of friends is enlarging by leaps and bounds. Toextend is to lengthen in space or time or to broaden in range, as of application 52.我们的朋友圈在飞速地扩大。

extend 指加大空间、加长时间或扩大范围, 如以下应用:
53.Except on the crown, which was raggedly bald, he had stiff black hair, standing jaggedly all over it, and growing down hill almost to his broad, blunt nose. 53.他的头顶已秃,只剩下几根乱发。秃得乱七八糟的头顶周围的头发却长得又黑又硬,向四面支棱开,又顺着前额往下长,几乎到了那宽阔扁平的鼻子面前。

54.The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings. 54.4车辆在街上〔或作城外〕急行、在宽阔处奔来奔去、形状如火把、飞跑如闪电。

55.From the analysis and the comparison of the obtained results, it is concluded that the proposed method is effective and it broads the application of the digital seismometry network. 55.处理结果的对比分析表明,该方法简单有效,拓宽了数字测震台网波形记录的服务应用范围。

56.The idea of HydroWire is to have a site on the World Wide Web that will function as an electronic newsletter and communication link for the broad aquatic sciences community. 56.本网站提供了一个水文科学的电子时事通讯和通信交流场所。

57.Out in the open in the fine snow of Hokkaido cluster the great white cranes, the black tertial plumes of their broadwings arranged over their rumps like elegant bustles. 57.在北海道的旷野上,丹顶鹤群聚在柔细的白雪上,双翅上醒目的黑色羽毛优雅地围在尾部,很像贵妇优雅的裙撑。

58.The Baritone is similar to the Euphonium in terms of shape, pitch and range, except that the larger bore of the Euphonium gives its lower notes a broader and mellower timbre. 58.上低音号及粗管上低音号的音域相同,唯前者的吹管口径较窄,音色较明亮;

59.May be used for highway , railroad , tunnel , aeroport , electric power plant , irrigation works , mine dock , rubbish broadly filling the building projects burying field , building to reach other. 59.可广泛用于公路、铁路、隧道、飞机场、电厂、水利工程、矿山码头、垃圾填埋场、建筑及其它土建工程。本公司在今后的生产和销售过程中将一如既往地把好产品质量关,为顾客提供热情优质的服务,欢迎各新老用户光临我公司并真诚合作。

60.Some guardians ask somebody in oneself plot and the peripheral plot to inquire that to post the adlet, but also has a guardian to-line to send the placard to seek help, casts a net broadly in order. 60.一些家长在自家小区和周边小区托人打听、张贴小广告,还有些家长到网上发帖求助,以求“广撒网”。


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