【教你“正牌吃货”N种英语表达】 N表达什么

来源:一级建造师 发布时间:2019-01-11 点击:

【导语】人们在观看电视纪录片《舌尖上的中国》时,自然会想到“吃货”这个词。“吃货”指“喜欢吃各类美食的人”。英语可以译为 foodie或 foody,人们用不同表述来定义 foodie。以下内容由大范文网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注大范文网!

  1. A foodie/foody refers to someone who has an ardent and enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food.


  2. A foodie/foody is a person who has a refined interest in good food and drink. A foodie seeks new food experiences as a hobby.


  3. Numerous restaurants in this area offer foodies a choice of Chinese food, Indian food and Korean food.


  “吃货”是个通俗词,汉语另有高雅的同义词,例如“美食爱好者”“美食客”“美食家”“美食达人”等。英语的 foodie或 foody也是通俗词,另有不少高雅的同义词,像 gourmet, gastronome, gastronomist, bon vivant, connoisseur, epicure, epicurean等,例如:

  4. A gourmet is someone who not only enjoys good food, but also knows a lot about food and wine.


  5. The fish dish my mother cooks is so delicacies that beguiles even the mostdiscerning gourmet.


  gourmet还可以用作定语,修饰 food,wine,cuisine,cooking,dinner等与饮食有关的名词,例如:

  6. John is a committed party-goer, and loves gourmet food and wine.


  7. This restaurant serves authentic gourmet Sichuan-style cuisine for lunch and dinner.


  gastronome和 gastronomist都是“美食家”,但有细微区别,前者注重烹调术,而后者更关心饮食文化,例如:

  8. A gastronome looks at how fresh the food is, how it is prepared, which flavours are used, and how it is presented.


  9. A gastronome is well versed in gastronomy, while a gastronomist unites theory and practice in the study of gastronomy.

  gastronome精通烹调术,而 gastronomist在研究烹调术时将理论与实践结合。

  bon vivant源自法语,直译为 good liver,即“快乐生活的人”,相当于“锦衣玉食者”。法国人也是以食为天,讲究饮食,故 bon vivant具有“美食家”的内涵,例如:

  10. A bon vivant is a person with cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes, especially with respect to food and drink.


  connoisseur也源自法语,是鉴赏艺术的行家。法国人将享受美食美酒作为饮食文化。如果 connoisseur解释为“美食家”,则强调鉴赏美食美酒的能力,例如:

  11. A connoisseur is an expert in a particular subject, knowing a lot about art, or food and wine.



  12. An epicure cultivates a refined taste, especially in food and wine.



  13. An epicurean is devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, especially to the enjoyment of good food and comfort.


  上述表示“美食家”意思的英语词汇,着重点不同。 gourmet强调喜爱美食; gastronome强调美食烹饪过程; gastronomist强调美食烹饪知识; bon vivant强调享受生活,享受美食; connoisseur强调美食鉴赏; epicure强调享受稀奇美食; epicurean强调享受奢侈美食。

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