
来源:初三 发布时间:2020-09-02 点击:

  国电云南新能源有限公司2012届大学生招聘表 专业 人数 招聘要求 工程造价 1人 工程造价专业本科或本科以上学历的应届毕业生,具有工程造价方面的基本理论和技术知识;能熟练运用工程造价软件及办公软件等专业领域的多种计算软件,具有出色计算能力;做人实在,做事认真;有较好的沟通协调能力;具有良好的服务意识、团队合作精神和亲和力;有学位证和毕业证,在校成绩优异。 土木工程 1人 土木建筑专业本科或本科以上学历的应届毕业生,能熟练使用AutoCAD制图软件 1人 工业与民用建筑专业本科或本科以上学历的应届毕业生,具备工业与民用建筑电气设计的理论知识;有较好的沟通协调能力;具有良好的服务意识、团队合作精神和亲和力;有学位证和毕业证,在校成绩优异。 电气工程及其自动化 2人 电气工程及其自动化专业(电力系统及自动化)本科或本科以上学历的应届毕业生;有较好的沟通协调能力;具有良好的服务意识、团队合作精神和亲和力;有学位证和毕业证,在校成绩优秀。

 一、公司简介 随着公司建设和生产规模的不断壮大,我们热烈欢迎2012届毕业生加入我们的队伍,共创高原风电辉煌的明天。二、招聘程序 (一)报名 1、填报《表》,填写个人信息。

 2、以电子邮箱的方式邮寄个人资料。应聘人员须将本人身份证、学历和学位证书、1寸免冠照片以及专业证书、获奖证书和发表文章等能够证明本人能力、学识水平的其他资料的原件扫描后,用电子邮件邮寄至有限公司招聘邮箱。为了便于接收、筛选,提高工作效率,对发送电子简历做出如下要求: (1)、所有应聘材料放置在一个文件夹内,以压缩文件的形式发送(在保证清楚的前提下,请尽量缩小各类图片的大小) (2)、邮件和压缩文件夹命名:本人姓名 专业+院校应聘材料(3)、要把成绩单附上(二)资格审查:公司负责对应聘人员进行资格审查,确定参加面试的人选。(三)组织面试:面试成绩优异者,确定为拟聘用人选。


 三、报名截止时间 2012年月日 四、聘用后的待遇福利待遇,按照国电集团及公司相关规定执行五、联系方式 招聘公司名称:有限公司通讯地址:云南省邮编:。联系人:我单位现诚聘英才,请聘通过系统投上您宝贵的简历谢谢合作!


 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith

 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith

 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith

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