
来源:二年级 发布时间:2020-10-15 点击:


  尊敬的 xx 高尔夫别墅养犬户:



 2006 年 3 月 1 日起实施的《中华人民国和国治安处罚法》亦明确规定:饲养动物,干扰他人正常生活的,处警告;警告后不改正的,或者放任动物恐吓他人的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款。驱使动物伤害他人的,处五日以上十日以下拘留,并处二百元以上五百元以下罚款;情节较轻的,处五日以下拘留或者五百元以下罚款。





 阁下若有任何疑问,可致电管理处,电话号码:54221661 或 64014953(英语热线)



 2006 年 5 月 30 日

 Date:May 30th,2006

 No:06 虹管字第 060504 号

 To:All the owners and tenants who breed the dogs

 Cc:Hong Qiao Golf Villa Owners" Committee

 Notice about Dog Management Training

 Dear owners and tenants:

 Children were attacked by dogs recently in our compound.

 According to Shanghai Management Methods for Dogs: "Even if people hold the "Dog Keeping Certification", except the certificate getting, illness checking and bacterin inoculation, the dogs are strictly prohibited to enter the roads, squares and other public areas as well as the dogs shall not disturb the normal life of the neighbors around!

 The has been on Mar. 1st, 2006, warn the person who breeds the animals always bother the others. Who still refused to correct or let-alone the animal will get away with penalty R.M.B. 200.00 to 500.00. Who push the animals hurt others will be under arrest between 5 and 10 days and penalty R.M.B. 200.00 TO 500.00. For the less severe one will be under arrest not more than five days of penalty R.M.B. 500.00

 The Management Office has already reminded each resident who keep the dogs for many times as well to feed dogs according to relevant rule and order, but dogs are often hurt person. As the owner, should control and train your dog, avoid similar affairs happened again and again.

 We just remind those residents who breed the dog, if we find dogs hurting and springing on person, we will cooperate the government department to deal with. Meanwhile, we just remind that you can send your dog to training organization to accept the relevant course.

 Now we recommend two well-known training organizations for you. (Enclosed attachment)

 We hope that NO hurting accident by dogs happened in our compound a

 gain and let every resident feel comfortable and safe.

  For any inquiry, please contact us 54221661 or 64014953(English Hot Line).

 We are sincerely in your service!

 Hong Qiao Golf Villa Property Management Office

 May 30th,2006

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