
来源:建设工程网 发布时间:2020-11-02 点击:

小学六年级下英语教学质量评估检测试卷 时间:60分钟 满分:100分 听力部分(共40分)
( )1.A.washed B.watched C.wanted ( )2.A.slept B.saw C.rode ( )3.A.mule B.metre C.show ( )4.A.bigger B.stronger C.longer ( )5.A.go camping B.take pictures C.have a cold B)小朋友,下面你将听到五个句子,请你在每小题三个选项中选出你所听到的那一个单词。(5分)
( )6.A.last B.night C.before ( )7.A.slept B.sleep C.wanted ( )8.A.size B.shoe C.you ( )9.A.fixed B.cleaned C.cooked ( )10.A.stayed B.sad C.played C)小朋友,下面你将听到五个句子,请在两个答案中选出你所听到的那一个。(10分)
( )11.A.It’s taller than both of us together. B.That’s the tallest dinosaur in the hall. ( )12.A.Your feet are bigger than mine. B.Your hands are bigger than mine. ( )13.A.I watched some children’s shows on TV. B.I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. ( )14.A.Where did you go over the winter holiday? B.Where did you go over the summer holiday? ( )15.A.He went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. B.He went swimming every weekend and took some pictures. D)小朋友,下面你将听到五个问句,请在两个选项中选出能回答该问题的正确答案。(10分)
( )16.A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,she did. ( )17.A.I wear size 37 shoes. B.I’m 45 kilograms. ( )18.A.I watched TV. B.I went there by bus. ( )19.A.She’s angry. B.She’s taller. ( )20.A.She went there by bus. B.He went to Hainan. E)小朋友,下面你将听到五段小对话,请判断下列图片与录音内容是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(10分)
21.( ) 22.( ) 23.( ) 24.( ) 25.( ) 笔试部分(共60分)
( )26.A.fun B.cute C.under ( )27.A.both B.body C.hot ( )28.A.thin B.hiking C.fish ( )29.A.cow B.brown C.window ( )30.A.season B.breakfast C.sweater B)请在ABC三个选项中选择正确的答案,完成句子或对话,并将其序号填在前面的括号内。(10分)
( )31.What Amy last weekend? A.did,do B.do,do C.does,do ( )32.Mike his clothes every day. A.wash B.washes C.washed ( )33.We have a football match tomorrow. A.are going B.are go to C.are going to ( )34.—What did you do yesterday? —I some gifts. A.buy B.bought C.went ( )35.—How are you? —I’m 160cm tall. A.old B.tall C.heavy C)下面有一段对话,请你根据上下文,从方框中选择最佳答案,将对话补充完整,并将序号填在横线上。(10分)
36. 37. 38. 39. 40. A.What was wrong with you? B.Can I go with you? C.Where did you go last weekend? D.Were you sick? E.Let’s play basketball tomorrow,OK? Zhang Peng:Hi,Chen Jie. 36 Chen Jie:I went to the hospital. Zhang Peng: 37 Chen Jie:Yes,I was sick. Zhang Peng: 38 Chen Jie:I had a headache.I got the flu. Zhang Peng:You should do sports and make yourself stronger. Chen Jie:You are right. 39 Zhang Peng:Good idea.But I will play basketball this afternoon. Chen Jie: 40 Zhang Peng:Sure!Let’s go together. D)请根据短文内容,选出适当的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内,使短文意思完整正确。(10分)
Yesterday was a sunny day.In the morning,we 41 a bike for three people.Max sat 42 a basket on the front of the bike.That was fun!We took 43 of the beautiful countryside.We bought some gifts and 44 some delicious food.In the afternoon,Mum ate some bad fruit and 45 feel well.So we stayed in the hotel.Dad and I wanted to make her happy. ( )41.A.ride B.rode C.buy ( )42.A.on B.under C.in ( )43.A.picture B.pictures C.some picture ( )44.A.eat B.have C.ate ( )45.A.didn’t B.don’t C.did E)请仔细阅读下面的短文,并判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)
Nancy is reading an email from her American friend,Jack.Jack writes about his new school and his weekend. Jack’s new school is not very big,but it’s very beautiful.There are two tall school buildings and a garden with colourful flowers.Their classrooms are big and clean.Jack likes his new school very much. Last Saturday,Jack had no class.In the morning,he had a picnic with his friends in the park.They ate good food and played word puzzles.They sang and danced together.They were very happy.In the afternoon,he did his homework and helped his mother do housework. ( )46.Nancy had a picnic with her friends last Saturday. ( )47.Jack’s new school is very big. ( )48.Jack did his homework in the morning. ( )49.They sang and danced at the picnic. ( )50.Jack had a good time last weekend. F)请你根据下面的信息,完成下面的邮件,不得少于40词。(文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)(10分)
Hi,Stella! Thanks for your email.It is spring here in China. Please visit me someday and I am sure you will have a good time! Best wishes, Sarah 六年级英语参考答案 听力部分 A) 1-5 CABBC B) 6-10 CBABA C) 11-15 ABABB D) 16-20 ABAAA E) 21-25 TFFFF 笔试部分 A) 26-30 BABCA B) 31-35 ABCBB C) 36-40 CDAEB D) 41-45 BCBCA E) 46-50 FFFTT F) 略

推荐访问:小学英语外研版六年级下期中试卷带听力 期中英语试卷分析 八下英语期中试卷及答案解析 广州版六年级下册英语期中测试卷 人教pep六年级下册英语期中试卷 小学教学质量检测试卷分析统计表 5B英语期中试卷 岳楼小学教学质量评价与检测机制 人教版英语下册五年级期中测试卷及答案 人教版2016初二下册英语期中试卷及答案

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