
来源:澳大利亚 发布时间:2021-04-20 点击:

Section Ⅱ Using language 1.Etenesh Diro had almost completed two thirds of the 3000m steeplechase, when disaster struck.当不幸发生时,Etenesh Diro几乎完成了3000米障碍赛的三分之二。(教材P29) 语言点1 strike v.(雷电、暴风雨、灾难等)发生(袭击);击打;突然想到(想法);打动 情境探究 ①(鲜活例句) COVID-19 struck the city of Wuhan months ago.几个月前,武汉突发新冠肺炎。

②An awful thought has just struck me. 刚才我脑子里突然闪过一个可怕的念头。

③His father struck him in the face.父亲打了他的脸。

④He was struck by the beauty of her.他被她的美丽迷住了。

归纳拓展 (1)sth. strikes sb.某人突然想到某事 It strikes sb. that...某人一下子想到…… (2)be struck by...被……打动;迷恋…… (3)strike sb. in/on+the+身体部位 打某人某部位 学以致用 (1)赏句猜义 ①She was practicing surfing when a shark struck.v.袭击 ②The visitors were struck by the beauty of the country.v.打动;迷恋…… ③I was just about to give it up when a good idea struck me.v.使突然想起 (2)句式升级 ④They were struck by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,so they decided to visit the small old town again. →Struck by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,they decided to visit the small old town again.(过去分词短语作状语)  2.Luckily,she was later given a chance to compete in the final.幸运的是,她后来获得了参加决赛的机会。(教材P29) 语言点2 a chance to do sth. 做某事的机会 情境探究 ①Steve, as usual, was the last to arrive. 史蒂夫照例来得最晚。

②Do you have the ability to read and write English? 你具备读写英语的能力吗? ③He made a promise to come here on time tomorrow. 他许诺明天按时来这儿。

归纳拓展 用动词不定式作定语的情况: (1)当修饰的名词是ability、ambition、attempt、chance、courage、desire、decision、effort、failure、promise等一些表示企图、努力、愿望、打算、能力等意义的名词时; (2)当中心词为序数词、最高级、the last、the only等或中心词被这类词修饰时,常用不定式作定语; (3)当修饰的词为something、nothing、anything等不定代词时; (4)当定语表示未来的还没做的动作时。

学以致用 (1)单句填空 ①Those who are most benefited are often the first to complain(complain).  ②She had the ability to suit(suit) her performance to the audience.  (2)单句写作 ③(2019课标全国Ⅰ)很高兴有机会给外国朋友介绍中国画。

→I am very pleased to have an opportunity to introduce Chinese paintings to foreigners.  3....because it helps them keep their muscles toned... ……因为它帮助他们保持肌肉强健……(教材P30) 语言点3 句型公式:“keep+宾语+宾补”结构 情境探究 ①While you are sleeping, you'd better not keep all the windows open. 你睡觉的时候最好不要让所有的窗户都开着。

②I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. 实在不好意思,让你久等了。

③He always kept his dog in the house when he was away on business. 当他出差时,他总是将狗关在房子里。

归纳拓展 keep+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语/名词过去分词(表示被动或动作已完成)现在分词(表示主动或动作正在进行) 学以致用 (1)单句填空 ①The Internet provides us with various forms of entertainment. It also keeps us informed(inform) of the latest news all over the world. ②The long stick that the tubes were attached to helped keep the old-fashioned rocket moving(move) in a straight direction. (2)单句写作 ③它可以防止我们变得近视,还可以让我们保持身体健康。

It can prevent us from becoming shortsighted and keep us physically healthy.  4....even at such advanced ages. ……即使在如此高龄。(教材P30) 语言点4 advanced adj.高龄的;先进的;高级的 情境探究 ①Our school brought in some advanced equipment in 2019. 我们学校在2019年引进了一些先进设备。

②The boy is good at advanced mathematics,not to mention such an easy problem. 这男孩连高等数学都擅长,更不用说这么简单的问题了。

③To catch the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early. 为了赶上早班飞机,我们提前约了出租车,而且起床很早。

④The troops were finally given the order to advance. 部队终于得到了前进的命令。

归纳拓展 advance n.前进;进展 v.前进,行进;发展;推动 in advance(=ahead of time)预先,事先 学以致用 (1)单句填空 ①The farmers use the advanced(advance) technology to increase their production. ②It is believed that this activity will help the students have a good knowledge of campus life in advance. (2)单句写作 ③如果你能提前让我知道你是否会来,我将感激不尽。

I'd appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.  5.In this spirit,the Laureus World Sports Awards is an annual ceremony to honour remarkable sportspeople.本着这种精神,劳伦斯世界体育奖是一个年度仪式,以表彰杰出的运动员。(教材P31) 语言点5 honour v.尊敬,敬重;授予荣誉 n.荣誉 情境探究 ①I'm glad to hear that you've decided to honour us with your presence! 很高兴听到您已决定大驾光临! ②I have the honour of making/feel honoured to make a speech to welcome the respected guests. 我有幸发表演说来欢迎尊贵的客人。

③Washington,a state in the United States,was named in honour of one of the greatest American presidents. 华盛顿,美国的一个州,是为了纪念美国最伟大的总统之一而命名的。

归纳拓展 (1)honour sb. with...授予某人……,奖励某人…… (2)in honour of为了纪念…… have the honour of doing sth.有幸做某事 (3)be honoured for 因……而受到尊敬 be/feel honoured to do sth.因做某事而感到荣幸 背景知识 劳伦斯世界体育奖(Laureus World Sports Awards),简称劳伦斯奖。劳伦斯在拉丁语中的意思是桂冠,象征着胜利。一年一度的劳伦斯奖对世界最杰出的男女运动员予以奖励,是世界体坛最具影响力的大奖之一,也是唯一全球性的体育颁奖仪式。

学以致用 (1)单句填空 ①A ceremony was held in honour of their heroic deeds. ②I feel greatly honoured(honour) to be given such a warm reception. ③I have the honour of informing(inform) you that you have got first prize.  (2)一句多译 我很荣幸在此与我们的朋友们分享这个时刻。

→④It's an/my honour to be here,sharing the moment with our friends. (honour n.)  →⑤I feel honoured to be here,sharing the moment with our friends. (honoured)  Ⅰ.语境填词 1.Although every one of us worked hard, the sudden success was far beyond our expectations(预料). 2.The mechanic (机械师), who wishes to do his work well, must first sharpen(使变得锋利) his tools. 3.When Tom got home, he changed his muddy(沾满泥的) shoes. 4.The teacher often tells us that in no case can we cheat (作弊) in the exams. 5.Once you have confidence in yourself, you are sure to make remarkable (非凡的)progress in your study. 6.He took part in a contest held by a calligraphy association(协会) and won an award. 7.He worked hard and was always a great example to his teammates(队友). 8.Romans took over from the Greeks not only their philosophy(哲学) but their arts. 9.Who marked the first human footstep(足迹) on the moon? 10.The ball bounced(弹起)off the wall and he caught it. Ⅱ.语境选词 do me good;participate in;in advance;refer to;in honour of;more importantly;get tangled up with;in an instant 1.She did not hesitate but answered the question in an instant.  2.Your vocabulary refers tothe words in a language you are familiar with. We should learn some ways to expand it.  3.The monument was built in honour of the soldiers who died for the country.  4.It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.  5.Think twice before you get tangled up with someone you don't know well.  6.I decide to make use of every opportunity to practise my spoken English, and surely it will do me good.  7.I am confident, independent, optimistic and enthusiastic. More importantly, I'm very patient.  8.I've pushed myself to participate in various kinds of activities, enjoying my time to the fullest extent.  Ⅲ.语法专练 Lang Ping and Michael Jordan are masters in their sports and also set good examples to others. Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination 1.was tested(test). Two players had to leave. 2.Losing(lose) two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She knew her young players could win 3.if they worked together 4.as a team. Two weeks later, they were world champions!  Michael Jordan who became 5.known(know) as “Air Jordan” changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. His skills were 6.impressive(impress), but the mental strength that he showed made him unique. He always seemed to find a way 7.to win(win). Jordan says 8.learning(learn) from his failure is the secret to his success. Losing games taught him to practice even 9.harder(hard) than before. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his success with others. The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago 10.has been helping(help) young people since 1996.  They are our pride and their legends continue. Ⅰ.单句填空 1.In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win(win) the Nobel Peace Prize.  2.It's a great honour for me to make a speech at the graduation ceremony. 3.I'm honored to stand(stand) here to tell you something about my school life in the past two months.  4.With advancedtechnology, more advancesin the robot technology will be made by scientists. (advance) 5.It is really a comfort to be kept informed(inform) of the relevant information. 6.The ability to keep(keep) calm is one of her many strengths.  7.His house was struck(strike) by lightning last night.  8.I have an English speech contest to participate in, so I can't attend your party. 9.More importantly(important), we can share the information with all of you. 10.When you are unhappy, listening(listen) to music sounds like a good idea. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.至少他们的确有找到工作的机会。(chance) At least they have a real chance to find work.  2.我们要始终保持教室整洁干净。(keep) We should always keep our classroom tidy and clean.  3.开会时间如有变,请提前告诉我们。(advance) If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please inform us in advance.  4.能被邀请到这里给你们上课,我深感荣幸。(honoured) I feel honoured to be invited here to give you a lecture.  5.长时间盯着陌生人看被认为是不礼貌的。(动名词作主语) Staring at strangers for a long time is considered impolite.  Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2020河北唐山一中期中) Perhaps there is no sport in the world more connected to sneakers than basketball. Many NBA players wear them to send important messages and show their personalities on court. And now, thanks to a new policy, the NBA will strengthen its status as the most stylish sports league in the world. When the 2018—2019 NBA season kicked off in October, the NBA lifted its color restrictions on players' sneakers. It is the first time in the league's 72-year history that it has allowed shoes to be of any color a player likes, as long as no reflective (反光的) material is included. In the past, the NBA required “uniformity (一致性) of uniform”, meaning each player's shoes had to match those worn by the rest of the team. Their sneakers had to be at least 51 percent black or white, with an element of team color. This landmark rule change is part of the NBA's collective effort to support players' “statements” on and off the court. “More and more people realize that limitation of the color of players' shoes actually constrains (限制) their personal expression and storytelling,” CNN News noted. Sometimes a shoe was worn in a memorable game, or the design of a shoe has meaning for the player. Before Los Angeles Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant, nicknamed “the Black Mamba”, retired, it was said that he wore a new pair of sneakers to each game and stored his used sneakers. Bryant brought the low-top style of sneakers with a Mamba print to the forefront in 2008 to symbolize the spirit of perseverance and bravery. In 2013, Bryant added nine red stitches (缝针) to the back of his shoe to represent the nine stitches from his Achilles tendon surgery. “It has become an attitude. That is my Mamba personality,” Bryant told Sports Illustrated. Kyrie Irving wears probably the most famous signature sneakers. Inspired by his mother, who died when he was four, he has a rose on one side of his shoe to represent her. All of his sneakers are also inscribed (刻) with the words, “JBY (Just Be You)”. “Just Be You is the motto I live by every single day, because I'm happy to be an individual. It's a beautiful thing,” Irving told UK media site GiveMeSport. There is no end to the stories about sneakers in basketball. It's certain that they will remain a platform for players who want to use them to express their ideas and personalities. 1.According to the new policy, the NBA players
 .  A.may choose sneakers they like without restrictions B.should wear sneakers in their own team color C.have to choose sneakers either in black or in white D.have more freedom in choosing personal sneakers 2.What can we infer from Paragraph 4? A.Uniformity guarantees better results. B.The new rule leads to controversy. C.The NBA cares little about players' statements. D.Players' personal expression also counts. 3.Which of the following is used to express family value? A.A rose.   B.JBY. C.A Mamba print.   D.Nine red stitches. 4.What's the best title of the passage? A.The NBA lifts color restrictions. B.Our shoes have stories. C.Bryant has a unique dress style. D.The NBA players are particular about the colors of their sneakers. 答案 [语篇解读] 这是一篇说明文。主要说明了NBA取消了对球员球鞋颜色的限制,因为越来越多的人意识到球鞋颜色的限制实际上限制了他们的个人表达和讲故事的能力,同时列举了一些球员鞋子图案背后的故事。

1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中It is the first time in the league's 72-year history that it has allowed shoes to be of any color a player likes, as long as no reflective material is included.可知根据新政策,NBA球员在选择个人球鞋方面有更多的自由,故选D。

2.D 推理判断题。根据第四段中“More and more people realize that limitation of the color of players' shoes actually constrains their personal expression and storytelling,” CNN News noted.可知球员的个人表达也很重要,故选D。

3.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Inspired by his mother, who died when he was four, he has a rose on one side of his shoe to represent her.可知玫瑰用来表达家庭的重要性,故选A。

4.B 主旨大意题。根据最后一段There is no end to the stories about sneakers in basketball. It's certain that they will remain a platform for players who want to use them to express their ideas and personalities.以及文章主要内容围绕着NBA球员鞋子上图案背后的故事展开,故B选项“我们的鞋子有故事。”符合文章标题,故选B。

Ⅱ.七选五 Most people have developed some hobbies at a point in their lives, such as doing sports, playing an instrument, painting, cooking and something else. There are many reasons and skills for taking up a hobby. Realize you have more time than you think. This is probably the first thing that keeps most people away from developing a hobby.  1  But we waste so much time on social media and television commercials and then worry about the life in which we have no time to develop a hobby. Spare some time for a hobby in your day. Plan ahead and just do it.  Involve other people. Why? Well, have you ever noticed that you stick to something longer when you feel that you cannot let another person down? Therefore, have someone jog with you, make music with you, or share recipes with you. Meanwhile, you will inspire them to stick to their hobby.  2   Put your money where your mouth is.  3  So give out a bit of your budget to the hobby you choose so that you cannot blame a lack of “materials” for not doing anything.   4   For me, this has been the most important step to stick to a hobby. If you jog, decide which race you want to enter this year. If you practice music, organize a concert. Find the pleasure in what you do. As with most things, the starting of only getting a few things ready can be difficult. But don't give up.  5   A.It is a total win-win situation. B.Work towards something. C.Think of a hobby that might interest you. D.Others' help will definitely do you good. E.You don't think that you have enough time to start it. F.The fact is that people put money where their heart is. G.Once you have started, you'll find the beauty and relaxation. 1.    2.    3.    4.    5.     答案 [语篇解读] 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了培养兴趣爱好的许多不同的原因和技巧。

1.E 考查段中句和逻辑关系。根据下文But we waste so much time on social media and television commercials and then worry about the life in which we have no time to develop a hobby.可知本句应该是说有些人认为自己没有足够的时间。故E选项符合上下文语境。

2.A 考查段尾总结句。根据上文Therefore, have someone jog with you, make music with you, or share recipes with you. Meanwhile, you will inspire them to stick to their hobby.(因此,找个人和你一起慢跑,一起做音乐,或者一起分享食谱。同时,你会激励他们坚持自己的爱好。)从两方面分析这是一个双赢的局面,故A选项符合上文语境。

3.F 考查段首句及逻辑关系。根据下文So give out a bit of your budget to the hobby you choose so that you cannot blame a lack of “materials” for not doing anything.可知此处是强调可以把钱花在自己感兴趣的爱好上,故F选项“事实上,人们花钱的地方就是他们的兴趣所在。”符合上下文语境。

4.B 考查段落小标题。根据下文For me, this has been the most important step to stick to a hobby. If you jog, decide which race you want to enter this year. If you practice music, organize a concert.可知是在说要想坚持一项爱好,你就必须为之努力,做一些实际的事情。故B选项“朝着某些东西努力”符合下文语境。

5.G 考查段尾句和逻辑关系。根据上文As with most things, the starting of only getting a few things ready can be difficult. But don't give up. 可知本句承接上文,说明坚持的好处和结果。故G选项“一旦你开始,你就会发现它的美丽和放松”符合上文语境。

Ⅲ.完形填空 (2020山东潍坊高二期中)
As a child I once read an article about the Pacific Crest Trail (太平洋屋脊步道) in National Geographic. It was a  1  of two men who walked 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada with huge packs. It caught my eye, as I, too,  2  adventures in the wilderness. I've always remembered that story, but never believed I would actually  3  it. It was too far out of my comfort zone.  But then, at the age of 42, I hiked 88 temples through Japan. There, I experienced how  4  it could be to hike alone. What  5  me most were the fantastic mountains, grand temples and generous local people. And  6 , I managed to complete the trail in six weeks without any severe injuries. For the first time, I  7  that I could achieve my dream of travelling around America one day.  When I shared my plan with friends and colleagues, the news was welcomed with  8  reactions. From some I got enthusiastic  9 . But from others there were frowns and question marks. Half a year away from my family was a  10  for me. Yet it wouldn't defeat me. After all, six months is  11  a short period in a lifetime. After having worked hard for 20 years in shiny office buildings, I felt the need for more  12  in my life. I hoped to  13  and look within, as well as explore the unfamiliar things. I understood that I needed them both.  14  John Muir once put it, “Keep close to  15 ...and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”  1.A.news    B.report     C.story     D.photo 2.A.knew of    B.dreamed of    C.heard about    D.worried about 3.A.make    B.ignore     C.appreciate     D.reject 4.A.dull    B.difficult     C.attractive     D.crazy 5.A.confused    B.shocked 
C.affected   D.impressed 6.A.to my regret     B.to my surprise    C.to my sadness    D.to my disappointment 7.A.denied    B.pretended     C.realized    D.promised 8.A.mixed    B.positive    C.doubtful    D.strange 9.A.promise 
B.assistance     C.devotion    D.approval 10.A.relief    B.challenge   C.delight     D.comfort 11.A.finally    B.hardly    C.quickly    D.simply 12.A.adventure 
B.bravery     C.safety    D.knowledge 13.A.speed up    B.stand by     C.slow down    D.drop out 14.A.When    B.As    C.If    D.Unless 15.A.forest    B.desert    C.nature    D.valley 答案 [语篇解读] 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了作者在他人故事的鼓舞下,追寻自己的梦想,在42岁的时候,徒步穿越了日本的88座寺庙,并计划穿越美洲。对于这个计划作者的朋友和同事看法不一,但是作者始终觉得生活需要更多的冒险的故事。

1.C 结合下文I've always remembered that story可知是一个关于两个男人背着巨大的背包从墨西哥走了2,650英里到加拿大的故事。故选C。

2.B 结合下文adventures in the wilderness可知故事引起了作者的注意,因为作者也梦想(dream of)着野外探险。故选B。

3.A 句意:我一直记得那个故事,但从未相信我会真的做到。结合下文But then, at the age of 42, I hiked 88 temples through Japan.可知作者做到了亲自去进行探险,短语make it表示“成功;达到预定目标”。故选A。

4.C dull乏味的;difficult困难的;attractive吸引人的;crazy疯狂的。结合后文的表述the fantastic mountains, grand temples and generous local people可知作者觉得独自徒步旅行很有吸引力。故选C。

5.D confuse使困惑;shock使震惊;affect影响;impress使印象深刻。结合下文...most were the fantastic mountains, grand temples and generous local people可知奇异的山脉、宏伟的寺庙和慷慨的当地人给作者留下了深刻印象。故选D。

6.B to my regret令我后悔的是;to my surprise令我惊讶的是;to my sadness令我悲伤的是;to my disappointment让我失望的是。结合下文I managed to complete the trail in six weeks without any severe injuries.可知作者在六周内就完成了全程,还没有任何严重的伤病,这让作者为自己的能力感到惊讶,故选B。

7.C 结合上文作者惊讶于自己在六周内就能完成全程,从而意识到自己有实现自己梦想的能力。故选C。

8.A mixed混杂的;positive积极的;doubtful怀疑的;strange陌生的。结合下文From some I got enthusiastic...But from others there were frowns and question marks.可知作者的朋友和同事有的支持,有的质疑,对作者的反应混杂不一。故选A。

9.D promise承诺;assistance援助;devotion奉献;approval赞成。结合上文I got enthusiastic...可知有的人对作者表示支持。故选D。

10.B relief解脱;challenge挑战;delight高兴;comfort安慰。结合下文Yet it wouldn't defeat me.可推知离家半年对作者来说是一次挑战。故选B。

11.D finally终于;hardly几乎不;quickly快地;simply只是。结合上下文可知作者认为离家半年并不会打败自己,因为毕竟六个月只是一生中很短的一段时间。故选D。

12.A adventure冒险;bravery勇敢;safety安全;knowledge知识。结合下文explore the unfamiliar things可知作者认为自己的生活需要更多的冒险。故选A。

13.C speed up加速;stand by准备;支持;slow down减速,放慢速度;drop out退学。根据下文and look within, as well as explore the unfamiliar things.可知作者想要审视内心,同时探索那些不熟悉的东西,因此是指希望放慢脚步,故选C。

14.B 句意:正如John Muir曾经说的:“亲近大自然……去爬山或者在树林里待上一周。洗净你的灵魂。”故选B。

15.C forest森林;desert沙漠;nature自然;valley山谷。结合下文climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods可知是指要亲近大自然。故选C。

Ⅳ.语法填空 (2020河北武邑月考) That Beijing, together with Zhangjiakou, succeeded in getting the chance to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, speeds up the development of Zhangjiakou City. Word came  1  the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway,  2 (locate) in North China, is currently under construction, and  3 (expect) to be completed by 2020 in preparation for the cities to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. Starting from Beijing North Railway Station, heading west through the Great Wall three times in the capital's territory, the project is a big challenge, but  4 (designer) say the explosions needed to dig the tunnels will not have an impact on the structure. The line has a  5 (long) of 174 km as a double tracked passenger dedicated line, with ten stations situated along its route. Having a  6 (totally) investment of 31.17 billion yuan ($5 billion), the trip between the two cities will only take 40 minutes, with the train  7 (travel) at an average of 250 km/h. According to the plan, the high-speed railway will build two branch lines—one is to Yanqing Station and the other  8  Taizicheng of Chongli,  9 the Olympic village lies. The full railway, which  10 (include) a 70-kilometer section through Beijing, will be completed in four and half years.  1.    2.    3.    4.    5.     6.    7.    8.    9.    10.     答案 [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。北京和张家口在2022年联手举办冬奥会,因此一条北京到张家口的高速铁路预计将在2020年竣工。

1.that 考查名词性从句。Word came that...消息传来……,此处是that引导的同位语从句,故答案为that。

2.located 考查非谓语动词。be located in坐落在……,此处是过去分词作定语,故答案为located。

3.is expected 考查被动语态。此处表示“北京到张家口的高速铁路有望在2020年完成”。根据句意可知用一般现在时的被动语态,故答案为is expected。

4.designers 考查名词复数。谓语动词say为原形,根据主谓一致原则,主语designer应用复数形式。

5.length 考查名词。冠词后跟名词,故答案为length。

6.total 考查形容词。


7.travel(l)ing 考查非谓语动词。

此处是with的复合结构,the train与travel是主动关系,故答案为travel(l)ing。

8.to 考查介词。

根据前面的one is to...可知答案为to。

9.where 考查定语从句。

此处Taizicheng of Chongli作先行词,where在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,故答案为where。

10.includes 考查主谓一致和时态。主语railway是单数形式,在介绍此项工程时短文用的是一般现在时,故答案为includes。


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