
来源:小学作文 发布时间:2021-02-05 点击:

毕业设计 题 目 三轴五档手动变速器设计 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号 学 生 指导教师 答辩日期 2014 摘 要 本设计的任务是设计一台用于轿车上的五档手动变速器。合理的设计和布置变速器能使发动机功率得到最合理的利用,从而提高汽车动力性和经济性。变速传动机构的主要作用是改变转距和转速的数值和方向;


关键词 齿轮、同步器、变速器 Abstract This design task is to design a car for five manual shift transmission. Reasonable design and decorate transmission can make the engine power to get the most reasonable use of, so as to improve the dynamic performance and fuel economy cars. Variable speed transmission's main function is to change the torque and speed of numerical and direction; Operation is the main purpose of control transmission mechanism, realize the transmission ratio of the gearbox change, which realize the shift, in order to achieve the change from the speed. This article refer to the domestic and foreign many papers, and first simply describes the mechanical transmission of the history, the status and effect of the transmission, and discussed its present situation and future development trend. And then we study the basic structure of the mechanical transmission and variable speed principle, which focus on the transmission mechanism (mainly shaft and gear) the basic structure, characteristic and work principle, mechanical transmission of each block transmission line are briefly analyzed. The articles included a large amount of calculation process, and the specific contents: the layout of transmission analysis, the transmission structure paramete determination of turning a synchronizer, the structure and the working principle, each block of the gear axis strength check, the intensity, the service life of the bearings calculations, etc. Keywords Gear, Shaft, Synchronizer, Three axis five gear 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 本设计的目的和意义 1 1.2 变速器的发展 1 1.3变速器的设计要求 3 1.4设计内容与思路 3 1.4.1设计内容 3 1.4.2设计思路 4 1.5本章小结 4 第2章 变速器的整体结构方案设计 5 2.1变速器传动机构的型式选择与结构分析 5 2.1.1变速器传动方案的比较 5 2.1.2倒档的布置方案 6 2.2本章小结 7 第3章 变速器主要参数的选择与齿轮设计 9 3.1变速器主要参数的选择 9 3.1.1档位数和传动比 9 3.1.2中心距 10 3.1.3齿轮模数 11 3.1.4压力角α、螺旋角β和齿宽b 12 3.1.5齿轮的变位系数 13 3.2各档传动比及其齿轮齿数的确定 13 3.2.1确定一档齿轮的齿数 13 3.2.2确定常啮合齿轮副的齿数 14 3.2.3确定其他档位的齿数 15 3.2.4确定倒档齿轮的齿数 15 3.2.5确定齿轮轮齿尺寸 15 3.3本章小结 16 第4章 变速器齿轮的强度计算与材料选择 17 4.1齿轮的主要失效形式 17 4.2齿轮的强度计算及材料接触应力 17 4.2.1齿轮弯曲强度计算 17 4.2.2齿轮材料接触应力 19 4.3本章小结 21 第5章 变速器轴的设计与校核 22 5.1变速器轴的结构和尺寸 22 5.1.1轴的结构 22 5.1.2轴的尺寸 22 5.2轴的校核 23 5.2.1第一轴的强度与刚度校核 23 5.2.2第二轴的强度与刚度校核 24 5.3本章小结 26 第6章 变速器同步器与操纵机构的设计 27 6.1同步器设计 27 6.1.1同步器的工作原理 27 6.1.2同步环主要参数的确定 28 6.2变速器的操纵机构 30 6.2.1操纵机构的功用 30 6.2.2操纵机构的设计要求 31 6.2.3变速器的换档位置 32 6.3本章小结 32 第7章 轴承的选用与寿命计算 33 7.1 第一轴轴承选用与计算 33 7.2第二轴轴承选用与计算 33 7.3本章小结 34 结 论 41 致 谢 42 参考文献 43 第1章 绪论 1.1 本设计的目的和意义 随着我国汽车工业不断的壮大,以及汽车行业持续快速的发展,如何设计出经济实惠,工作可靠,性能优良汽车已经是当前汽车设计者的紧迫问题。为了发挥发动机的最佳性能,就必须有一套传动效率高,维修保养成本低,能够带来驾驶乐趣变速装置,来协调发动机的转速和车轮的实际行驶速度。


1.2 变速器的发展 在汽车变速箱100多年的历史中,主要经历了从手动到自动的发展过程。目前世界上使用最多的汽车变速器为手动变速器(MT)、自动变速器(AT)、手自一体变速器(AMT)、无级变速器(CVT)、双离合变速器(DCT)五种型式。

(1)手动变速器(MT) 手动变速器(Manual Transmission)采用齿轮组,每档的齿轮组的齿数是固定的,所以各档的变速比是个定值。曾有人断言,繁琐的驾驶操作等缺点,阻碍了汽车高速发展的步伐,手动变速器会在不久被淘汰,从事物发展的角度来说,这话确实有道理。但是从目前市场的需求和适用角度来看,手动变速器不会过早的离开。首先,从商用车的特性上来说,手动变速器的功用是其他变速器所不能替代的。其次,对于老司机和大部分男士司机来说,他们的最爱还是手动变速器。第三,随着生活水平的不断提高现在轿车已经进入了家庭,对于普通工薪阶级的老百姓来说,经济型轿车最为合适,手动变速器以其自身的性价比配套于经济型轿车厂家,而且经济适用型轿车的销量一直在车市名列前茅。




DCT结合了手动变速器的燃油经济性和自动变速器的舒适性,它是从传统的手动变速器演变而来,目前代表变速器的最高技术。双离合变速器(Dual Clutch Transmission) DCT有别于一般的自动变速器系统,它基于手动变速器而又不是自动变速器,除了拥有手动变速器的灵活性及自动变速器的舒适性外,还能提供无间断的动力输出。而传统的手动变速器使用一台离合器,当换挡时,驾驶员须踩下离合器踏板,使不同挡的齿轮做出啮合动作,而动力就在换挡期间出现间断,令输出表现有所断续。

针对中国变速器市场发展趋势,Global Insight的亚洲区技术分析师段诚武博士阐述了几点自己的见解:




1.3变速器的设计要求 (1)应保证汽车具有高的动力性和经济性指标。在汽车整体设计时,根据汽车载重量、发动机参数及汽车使用要求,选择合理的变速器挡数及传动比,来满足这一要求。





1.4设计内容与思路 1.4.1设计内容 1、齿轮主要参数的选择设计与校核计算 2、齿轮轴的设计与校核计算 3、同步器的设计计算 4、轴承的选择设计与校核计算 5、用CATIA软件进行三维建模 1.4.2设计思路 查看变速器相关资料,理解变速器的结构组成与工作原理,先对变速器进行整体布置,包括整体的传动方案和倒档的布置。其次次变速器中的齿轮和轴进行设计计算,只要确定了齿轮和轴的尺寸就可以用CAD进行草图的绘制,在此基础上对同步器进行设计计算,进一步完善草图。对各个部分进行校核计算,查看其尺寸是否满足使用要求,如果不正确可以对其进行修改。着重分析同步器和操纵机构的工作原理,对其进行细化处理,并出一张的操纵机构图纸。当CAD二维图纸绘制完成后,用CATIA软件进行三维建模,并仿真运动,立体结构能更直观的把变速器呈现出来,也能把内部机构的配合看的更清楚。

1.5本章小结 本章对变速器的发展历史和未来的方向进行了初步了解,我还是对手动变速器的未来比较乐观,因为它有巨大的市场。本章还明确了该设计的目的和意义,设计会严格按照目的去做,保证了不会偏离方向。变速器的设计要求是需要严格遵守的,因为这直接关系到变速器的安全性和舒适性;

第2章 变速器的整体结构方案设计 2.1变速器传动机构的型式选择与结构分析 变速器的种类很多,按其传动比的改变方式可以分为有级、无级和综合式的。有级变速器按根据前进档档数的不同,可以分为三、四、五档和多档变速器;

2.1.1变速器传动方案的比较 图2-3是三轴式五档变速器传动方案。它们的共同特点是:变速器第一轴和第二轴的轴线在同一直线上,经啮合套将它们连接得到直接档。使用直接档,变速器的齿轮和轴承及中间轴均不承载,发动机转矩经变速器第一轴和第二轴直接输出,此时变速器的传动效率高,可达90%以上,噪声低,齿轮和轴承的磨损减少因为直接档的利用率高于其它档位,因而提高了变速器的使用寿命;



图2-3 以上各种方案中,凡采用常啮合齿轮传动的档位,其换档方式可以用同步器或啮合套来实现。同一变速器中,有的档位用同步器换档,有的档位用啮合套换档,那么一定是档位高的用同步器换档,档位低的用啮合套换档。



2.1.2倒档的布置方案 常见的倒档结构方案有以下几种:







图2-4 综合考虑,本次设计采用图2-4f所示方案的倒档换档方式。

2.2本章小结 本章分析比较了变速器传动机构形式和结构,着重分析了动力布置形式和倒档形式。经过分析和与别的结构进行对比,明确了动力传递路线,可以更合理的布置各个档位的,选取了传动更加简单可靠的倒档布置方式,为后面的设计计算打下了基础。

第3章 变速器主要参数的选择与齿轮设计 本设计是根据 Polo 2011款劲取 1.6 MT实酷版而开展的,设计中所采用的相关参数均来源于此种车型,如表3-1所示:
表3-1 主减速比 3.16 最大扭矩 155Nm/3750rpm 最高时速 188km/h 最大功率 77kw/5000rpm 轮胎型号 185/60R15 发动机型号 EA111 整备质量 1155Kg 3.1变速器主要参数的选择 3.1.1档位数和传动比 为了降低油耗,提高燃油利用率,变速器的档数应该适当增加。目前,乘用车一般用4--5个档位的变速器。本设计也采用5个档位。


汽车爬陡坡时车速不高,空气阻力可忽略,则最大驱动力用于克服轮胎与路面间的滚动阻力及爬坡阻力。故有 (3-1)
则由最大爬坡度要求的变速器Ⅰ档传动比 (3-2)
式中 m——汽车总质量;

g ——重力加速度;

ψmax ——道路最大阻力系数;

rr ——驱动轮的滚动半径;

Temax ——发动机最大转矩;


η ——汽车传动系的传动效率。

根据驱动车轮与路面的附着条件 求得的变速器I档传动比为:
式中 G2——汽车满载静止于水平路面时驱动桥给路面的载荷;

φ ——路面的附着系数,计算时取φ=0.5--0.6。

由已知条件:满载质量 1530kg;

根据公式(3-3)可得:igI =3.48。

(3-4) 由已知条件:


3.1.2中心距 中心距对变速器的尺寸及质量有直接影响,所选的中心距、应能保证齿轮的强度。三轴式变速器的中心距A,可根据对已有变速器的统计而得出的经验公式进行初选。

式中K A ——中心距系数,对轿车取K A =8.9~9.3(取9.2);

TI max ——变速器处于一档时,输出轴的输出扭矩:
TI max=Te max igI η =517.8N﹒m 故可得出初始中心距A=73.88mm。

3.1.3齿轮模数 齿轮模数选取的一般原则:






建议用下列各式选取齿轮模数,第一轴常啮合斜齿轮的法向模数mn (3-7)

一档直齿轮及倒档齿轮的模数m mm (3-8)

表3-2渐开线齿轮的标准模数m (摘自GB/T1357-1987)mm 第一系列 1 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 第二系列 1.75 2.25 2.75(3.25)3.5(3.75)4.5 5.5(6.5)
7 9 注:优先采用第一系列,括号内的模数尽可能不用 由上可得:
3.1.4压力角α、螺旋角β和齿宽b 压力角较小时,重合度大,传动平稳,噪声低;



直齿 b=(4.5--7.5)m,mm 斜齿 b=(6.5--8.5),mm 第一轴常啮合齿轮副齿宽的系数值可取大一些,使接触线长度增加,接触应力降低,以提高传动的平稳性和齿轮寿命。

m=2.6 得:常啮合齿轮齿宽取20mm,2、3、5、档齿轮齿宽取17.5mm,倒档和一档齿轮齿宽取13mm。

3.1.5齿轮的变位系数 变位齿轮主要有两类:高度变位和角度变位。高度变位齿轮副的一对啮合齿轮的变位系数的和为零。高度变位可增加小齿轮的齿根强度,使它达到和大齿轮强度想接近的程度。高度变位齿轮副的缺点是不能同时增加一对齿轮的强度,也很难降低噪声。角度变位齿轮副的变位系数之和不等于零。角度变位可获得良好的啮合性能及传动质量指标,故采用得较多。

变位系数的选择原则 :




3.2各档传动比及其齿轮齿数的确定 3.2.1确定一档齿轮的齿数 已知一档动比:
其中 A =73.88mm,m =3;



3.2.2确定常啮合齿轮副的齿数 由式(3-8)求出常啮合齿轮的传动比 (3-11)
而常啮合齿轮的中心距与一档齿轮的中心距相等,且斜齿轮中心距 (3-12)


可计算出一档实际传动比为,实际螺旋角= 3.2.3确定其他档位的齿数 二档传动比 (3-14)

按同样的方法可分别计算出:三档齿轮 ;

3.2.4确定倒档齿轮的齿数 取Z=22, A= (3-16)
得Z+Z=58,分配Z=17,Z=40, 倒挡轴与中间轴的中心距=50.7mm 为了防止干涉,11、12齿轮齿顶圆保持0.5mm以上间隙 则有,d=90.6mm 3.2.5确定齿轮轮齿尺寸 齿顶高:, 斜齿轮齿顶高为2.5mm,直齿轮齿顶高为2.6mm 齿根高:, 斜齿轮齿根高为3.1mm,直齿轮齿根高为3.25mm 3.3本章小结 本章对变速器齿轮的主要参数进行了设计计算,确定了齿轮的模数、齿数、压力角,斜齿轮的螺旋角等。齿轮参数的确定为后来的CATIA参数化建模提供了依据,可以利用渐开线画法进行三维制图,也为草图的绘制确定了分度圆的直径。

第4章 变速器齿轮的强度计算与材料选择 4.1齿轮的主要失效形式 齿轮的主要失效形式有:轮齿的折断、齿面点蚀、齿面磨损、齿面胶合和塑性形变。

4.2齿轮的强度计算及材料接触应力 与其他机械设备使用的变速器比较,不同用途汽车的变速器齿轮使用条件仍是相似的。此外,汽车变速器齿轮所用的材料、热处理方法、加工方法、精度等级、支撑方式也基本一致。如汽车变速器齿轮用低碳合金钢制造,采用剃齿或齿轮精加工,齿轮表面采用渗碳淬火热处理工艺,齿轮精度不低于7级。因此,比用于计算通用齿轮强度公式更为简化一些的计算公式来计算汽车齿轮,同样、可以获得较为准确的结果。在这里所选择的齿轮材料为40Cr。

4.2.1齿轮弯曲强度计算 (1)直齿轮弯曲应力 (4-1)
式中 ——弯曲应力(MPa);





b ——齿宽(mm), t ——端面齿距(mm);

y ——齿形系数,如图4-1所示。

图4-1 齿形系数图 当处于一档时,中间轴上的计算扭矩为:
可求得 =139500N 故由可以得出;
再将所得出的数据代入式(4-1)可得 当计算载荷取作用到变速器第一轴上的最大扭矩时,一档直齿轮的弯曲应力在400--850MPa之间。

(2)斜齿轮弯曲应力 (4-3)
式中 为重合度影响系数,取2.0;

根据斜齿轮参数计算公式可得出:=5370.1N 齿轮8的齿数z=22,可查表(4-1)得:。





4.2.2齿轮材料接触应力 齿轮接触应力 (4-5)

F ——齿面上的法向力(N),;




E ——齿轮材料的弹性模量(MPa),查资料可取;

B ——齿轮接触的实际宽度;



表4-1 齿轮 /MPa 渗碳齿轮 液体碳氮共渗齿轮 一档和倒档 1900-2000 950-1000 常啮合齿轮和高档 1300-1400 650-700 通过计算可以得出各档齿轮的接触应力分别如下:
三档:=1191.5MPa 五档:=1239.7MPa 对照上表4-1可知,所设计变速器齿轮的接触应力基本符合要求。

4.3本章小结 本章分析了齿轮的主要失效形式,并对所设计的齿轮进行了强度和接触应力的计算,通过计算发现齿轮符合设计要求,能够保证使用要求。齿轮的校核计算时非常关键的一步,因为它可以检测以前的选取和计算正确与否,防止最后更多错误的产生。

第5章 变速器轴的设计与校核 5.1变速器轴的结构和尺寸 5.1.1轴的结构 第一轴通常和齿轮做成一体,前端大都支撑在飞轮内腔的轴承上,其轴径根据前轴承内径确定。该轴承不承受轴向力,轴的轴向定位一般由后轴承用卡环和轴承盖实现。第一轴长度由离合器的轴向尺寸确定,而花键尺寸应与离合器从动盘毂的内花键统一考虑。第一轴如图5-1所示:
图5-1 变速器第一轴 中间轴分为旋转轴式和固定轴式。本设计采用的是旋转轴式传动方案。由于一档和倒档齿轮较小,通常和中间轴做成一体,而高档齿轮则分别用键固定在轴上,以便齿轮磨损后更换。

5.1.2轴的尺寸 变速器轴的确定和尺寸,主要依据结构布置上的要求并考虑加工工艺和装配工艺要求而定。在草图设计时,由齿轮、换档部件的工作位置和尺寸可初步确定轴的长度。而轴的直径可参考同类汽车变速器轴的尺寸选定,也可由下列经验 第一轴和中间轴:
式中——发动机的最大扭矩,N·m 为保证设计的合理性,轴的强度与刚度应有一定的协调关系。因此,轴的直径d与轴的长度L的关系可按下式选取:


5.2轴的校核 由变速器结构布置考虑到加工和装配而确定的轴的尺寸,一般来说强度是足够的,仅对其危险断面进行验算即可。对于本设计的变速器来说,在设计的过程中,轴的强度和刚度都留有一定的余量,所以,在进行校核时只需要校核一档处即可;

5.2.1第一轴的强度与刚度校核 因为第一轴在运转的过程中,所受的弯矩很小,可以忽略,可以认为其只受扭矩。此中情况下,轴的扭矩强度条件公式为: (5-3)
式中 ——扭转切应力,MPa;

T ——轴所受的扭矩,N·mm;


P ——轴传递的功率,kw;

d ——计算截面处轴的直径,mm;

[] ——许用扭转切应力,MPa。

其中P =77kw,n =5000r/min,d =30mm;

式中 T ——轴所受的扭矩,N·mm;

G ——轴的材料的剪切弹性模量,MPa,对于钢材,G =8.1MPa;



5.2.2第二轴的强度与刚度校核 (1)轴的强度校核 计算用的齿轮啮合的圆周力、径向力及轴向力可按下式求出:
式中 ——至计算齿轮的传动比,此处为一档传动比3.48;

d ——计算齿轮的节圆直径为101.4mm;





图5-3 危险截面受力分析 水平面:(160+83)=83 ,可得出=1527.2N;

可求出 =5723.6N 垂直面所受力矩:。


得M= 则在弯矩和转矩联合作用下的轴应力(MPa):

(2)轴的刚度校核 第二轴在垂直面内的挠度和在水平面内的挠度可分别按下式计算:
式中 ——齿轮齿宽中间平面上的径向力(N),这里等于;


E ——弹性模量(MPa),(MPa);

I ——惯性矩(),,d为轴的直径();

a、b ——为齿轮坐上的作用力距支座A、B的距离();

L ——支座之间的距离()。

将数值代入式(5-11)和(5-12)得:, 。


5.3本章小结 本章对变速器的轴进行了设计计算,第一轴通常和齿轮做成一体,中间轴选用旋转式的,而且低档位齿轮和轴做成一体,高档齿轮用键与轴连接传递扭矩;

第6章 变速器同步器与操纵机构的设计 6.1同步器设计 在前面已经说明,本设计所采用的同步器类型为锁环式同步器,其结构如下图6-1所示:
图6-1 锁环式同步器 1、9-变速器齿轮 2-滚针轴承 3、8-结合齿圈 4、7-锁环(同步环)
5-弹簧 6-定位销 10-花键毂 11-结合套 6.1.1同步器的工作原理 如图6-2,此类同步器的工作原理是:换档时,沿轴向作用在啮合套上的换档力,推啮合套并带动定位销和锁环移动,直至锁环锥面与被接合齿轮上的锥面接触为止。之后,因作用在锥面上的法向力与两锥面之间存在角速度差,致使在锥面上作用有摩擦力矩,它使锁环相对啮合套和滑块转过一个角度,并滑块予以定位。接下来,啮合套的齿端与锁环齿端的锁止面接触(图6-2b),使啮合套的移动受阻,同步器在锁止状态,换档的第一阶段结束。换档力将锁环继续压靠在锥面上,并使摩擦力矩增大,与此同时在锁止面处作用有与之方向相反的拨环力矩。齿轮与锁环的角速度逐渐靠近,在角速度相等的瞬间,同步过程结束,完成换档过程的第二阶段工作。之后,摩擦力矩随之消失,而拨环力矩使锁环回位,两锁止面分开,同步器解除锁止状态,接合套上的接合齿在换档力的作用下通过锁环去与齿轮上的接合齿啮合(图6-2d),完成同步换档。

图6-2 锁环同步器工作原理 6.1.2同步环主要参数的确定 (1)同步环锥面上的螺纹槽 如果螺纹槽螺线的顶部设计得窄些,则刮去存在于摩擦锥面之间的油膜效果好。但顶部宽度过窄会影响接触面压强,使磨损加快。试验还证明:螺纹的齿顶宽对摩擦因数的影响很大,摩擦因数随齿顶的磨损而降低,换挡费力,故齿顶宽不易过大。螺纹槽设计得大些,可使被刮下来的油存于螺纹之间的间隙中,但螺距增大又会使接触面减少,增加磨损速度。图6-3a中给出的尺寸适用于轻、中型汽车;

图6-3 同步器螺纹槽形式 (2)锥面半锥角 摩擦锥面半锥角越小,摩擦力矩越大。但过小则摩擦锥面将产生自锁现象,避免自锁的条件是tan。一般=6°~8°。=6°时,摩擦力矩较大,但在锥面的表面粗糙度控制不严时,则有粘着和咬住的倾向;


(3)摩擦锥面平均半径R R设计得越大,则摩擦力矩越大。R往往受结构限制,包括变速器中心距及相关零件的尺寸和布置的限制,以及R取大以后还会影响到同步环径向厚度尺寸要取小的约束,故不能取大。原则上是在可能的条件下,尽可能将R取大些。


(4)锥面工作长度b (6-1)

(5)同步环径向厚度 与摩擦锥面平均半径一样,同步环的径向厚度要受机构布置上的限制,包括变速器中心距及相关零件特别是锥面平均半径和布置上的限制,不宜取很厚,但是同步环的径向厚度必须保证同步环有足够的强度。



(6)锁止角 锁止角选取的正确,可以保证只有在换档的两个部分之间角速度差达到零值才能进行换档。影响锁止角选取的因素,主要有摩擦因数、擦锥面的平均半径R、锁止面平均半径和锥面半锥角。已有结构的锁止角在26°~46°范围内变化。


(7)同步时间t 同步器工作时,要连接的两个部分达到同步的时间越短越好。除去同步器的结构尺寸,转动惯量对同步时间有影响以外,变速器输入轴,输出轴的角速度差及作用在同步器摩擦锥面上的轴向力,均对同步时间有影响。轴向力大,同步时间减少。而轴向力与作用在变速杆手柄上的力有关,不同车型要求作用到手柄上的力也不相同。为此,同步时间与车型有关,计算时可在下属范围内选取:对轿车变速器高档取0.15~0.30s,低档取0.50~0.80s;

6.2变速器的操纵机构 6.2.1操纵机构的功用 变速器操纵机构的功用是保证各档齿轮、啮合套或同步器移动规定的距离,以获得要求的档位,而且又不允许同时挂两个档位。

6.2.2操纵机构的设计要求 (1)要有锁止装置,包括自锁、互锁和倒档锁。




图6-4 变速器自锁与互锁结构 1-自锁钢球 2-自锁弹簧 3-变速器盖4-互锁钢球 5-互锁销 6-拨叉轴 (2)要使换档动作轻便、省力,以减轻驾驶员的疲劳强度。


6.2.3变速器的换档位置 设计操纵机构首先要确定换档位置。换档位置的确定主要从换档方便考虑。为此应该注意以下三点:
(1)按换档次序来排列 ;



图6-5 换档位置图 6.3本章小结 本章对同步器的基本结构和工作原理进行了分析,并对同步器的参数进行了选取,包括螺纹槽的个数与宽度、半锥角、摩擦锥面平均半径等。还了解了变速器操纵机构的作用和设计要求,必须包括自锁、互锁和倒档锁,这样才能保证操作省力,不容易挂错档位。

第7章 轴承的选用与寿命计算 7.1 第一轴轴承选用与计算 1、初选轴承型号 由工作条件和轴颈直径初选一轴轴承型号6306,转速=5000r/min 2、计算轴承当量动载荷 (7-1)
查表得e=0.38。,查表得X=0.56、Y=1.15 当量动载荷:
=4831.7N (7-4)
3、计算轴承的基本额定寿命 轴承的基本额定寿命:(为寿命指数,对球轴承=3);


7.2第二轴轴承选用与计算 1、初选轴承型号 由工作条件和轴颈直径初选二轴轴承型号6305,转速=5000r/min 2、计算轴承当量动载荷 (7-6)
查表得e=0.44。,查表得X=0.56、Y=1.00 当量动载荷:
=8628.5N (7-9)
3、计算轴承的基本额定寿命 轴承的基本额定寿命:

7.3本章小结 本章对变速器轴承进行了选用和校核,轴承是变速器的重要组成部分,保证了齿轮和轴的旋转运动。本章主要对轴承的寿命进行校核,因为变速器的转速非常高,因此需要根据变速器整体的布置进行合适轴承的选择,保证其整体使用寿命。

第8章 8.1 CATIA软件简介 CATIA V5软件是法国Dassault公司于1975年开发的一套完整的3D CAD/CAM/CAE 一体化软件。它的内容涵盖了产品概念设计、工业设计、三维建模、分析计算、动态模拟与仿真、工程图的生成、生产加工成产品的全过程,其中还包括了大量的电缆和管道布线、各种模具设计与分析、人机交换等实用模块。CATIA V5 不但能保证企业内部设计部门之间的协同设计功能而且还可以提供企业整个集团的设计流程和端对端的解决方案。CATIA V5 大量应用于航空航天、汽车及摩托车行业、机械、电子、家电与3C产业、NC加工等领域。

由于其功能强大而完美,CATIA V5 已经成为三维CAD/CAM领域的一面旗帜和争相遵从的准则,特别是在航空航天、汽车及摩托车领域。CATIA V5 不仅给用户提供了详细的解决方案,而且具有先进的开发性、集成性和灵活性。其主要功能有:三维几何图形设计、二维工程蓝图绘制、复杂空间曲面设计与验证、三维计算机辅助加工制造、加工轨迹模拟、机构设计及运动分析、标准零件管理。

8.2变速器的软件设计 8.2.1齿轮的建模 (1)选择“文件”à“新建”命令,在“类型列表”中选择“Part”à“确定”à“启用混合设计”à“确定” (2)进入“创成式外形设计”à“f(x)”进入公示编辑界面,如图8-1 图8-1 然后对齿轮进行参数化设计,编辑公示如图8-2 图8-2 (3)选择XY平面à“草绘”à创建4个圆,编辑公示使其半径分别为d/2、da/2、db/2、df/2。如图8-3 图8-3 (4)单击“规则”à新建规则Xà编辑公式 XX=db/2*cos(PI/2*t)+db/2*PI/2*t*sin(PI/2*t)à 重复上述步骤编辑公式 Y=db/2*sin(PI/2*t)-db/2*PI/2*t*cos(PI/2*t)à创建点如图8-4 图8-4 图8-5 图8-6 à“样条曲线”链接各个点à“提取”分度圆à“相交”à“平面”参考相交的点和Z轴à“平面”角度和法线(角度=360deg/(4*z))à“提取”分度圆à“外插延伸”à“对称”如图8-5 (5)“提取”齿顶圆à进入XY平面à“投影”齿顶圆、齿根圆、样条曲线à倒角pfà“投影”另一面如图8-6à“旋转”(角度=asin(2*b*tan(beta)/d))à“多截面曲面”à“厚曲面”à“阵列”如图8-7 图8-7 8.2.2变速器的装配 先选择输入轴作为一个固定件,然后使用“相合约束”、“偏移约束”、“接触约束”等命令对齿轮、同步器等零部件进行装配约束。装配完 成状态如图8-8 图8-8 8.2.3变速器的仿真 (1)新建“机构1”à创建“齿轮接头”如图8-9à创建“刚性”把可以固连的零件连在一起,如图8-10 (2)创建“机构2”à创建“柱块”接头,如图8-11à按照以上步骤再创建其它2个档位的接头,如图8-12 图8-9 图8-11 图8-10 图8-12 8.3本章小结:

结 论 本次设计的是汽车变速器部分。变速器是车辆不可或缺的一部分,其中机械式变速箱设计发展到今天,其技术已经成熟,但对于我们即将踏出校门的学生来说,其中的设计理念还是很值得我们去探讨和学习的。



致 谢 转眼间,大学四年很快就要结束了。而作为大学生活的最后一个环节—毕业设计,经过近12周的紧张准备,也将接近尾声。在这次毕业设计中,我不但巩固了以前所学的知识,并从中学到了很多新的东西,尤其是《汽车设计》和《汽车理论》这两门课程。在这里,我向那些在这四年里给于过我巨大帮助的老师和同学们表示衷心的感谢,正是他们的帮忙才让我得以圆满的完成四年的学业和最后的毕业设计。



参考文献 [1] 刘惟信. 汽车设计[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2001 [2] 郭新华.汽车构造[M].北京:高等教育出版社.2004 [3] 余志生.汽车理论[M].北京:机械工业出版社.2010 [4] 过学迅/邓亚东.汽车设计[M].北京:人民交通出版社.2008 [5] 王黎钦/陈铁鸣.机械设计[M].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社.2008 [6] 孙恒/陈作模/葛文杰.机械原理[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社.2006 [7] 张景田/季雅娟/丁建梅.画法几何及机械制图[M].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社.2005 [8] 刘品/李哲.机械精度设计与检测基础[M].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社.2009 [9] 王宝玺/贾庆祥.汽车制造工艺学[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社.2007 [10] 江洪/李仲兴/陆利锋.CATIA基础教程[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社.2005 [11] 施建/胡建杰.CATIA造型设计项目案例解析. 北京:清华大学出版社,2010 [12] Hans-Hermann Braess, Ulrich Seiffert. Handbook of Automotive Engineering. SAE International, 2004 [13] James D.Halderman, Chase D.Mitchell. Automotive technology: principle, diagnosis, and service. Pearson Education lnc. 2004. 一个短期课程 自动变速器 由查尔斯奥法里 现代自动变速器是迄今为止,在今天的汽车最复杂的机械部件。自动变速器包括机械系统,液压系统,电气系统和计算机控制的所有完美的结合在一起,几乎没有什么问题。本文将帮助您了解里面的这些技术奇迹和修复他们当他们失败的时候去什么概念。






________________________________________ 传输是什么? 变速器是连接到后面的引擎,将发动机动力传递到驱动轮的装置。汽车发动机处于最佳状态,在一定的转速运行(转每分钟)的范围和它传输的工作以确保动力传递给驱动轮的同时保持该范围内的发动机。它是通过不同的齿轮组合。在第一轮,发动机将关系到驱动轮的速度更快,而在高速运转的发动机,即使是蛇王的汽车可能会超过70英里的。除了不同的前进档,变速器也有一个中立的立场断开发动机与驱动轮,反向,使驱动轮向相反的方向转让你回来了。最后,有停车位。在这个位置,闩锁机制(不像门上的锁舌锁定)插入输出轴的槽,锁驱动轮和阻止转动,从而防止汽车移动。



传输是什么? 变速器是连接到后面的引擎,将发动机动力传递到驱动轮的装置。汽车发动机处于最佳状态,在一定的转速运行(转每分钟)的范围和它传输的工作以确保动力传递给驱动轮的同时保持该范围内的发动机。它是通过不同的齿轮组合。在第一轮,发动机将关系到驱动轮的速度更快,而在高速运转的发动机,即使是蛇王的汽车可能会超过70英里的。除了不同的前进档,变速器也有一个中立的立场断开发动机与驱动轮,反向,使驱动轮向相反的方向转让你回来了。最后,有停车位。在这个位置,闩锁机制(不像门上的锁舌锁定)插入输出轴的槽,锁驱动轮和阻止转动,从而防止汽车移动。





________________________________________ 传动部件 现代自动变速器是由设计,在一个巧妙的机械交响乐团一起工作的许多部件和系统,液压和电气技术,经过多年的发展,在许多机械倾向的人认为是一种艺术形式。我们尝试使用简单的,通用的解释来描述这些系统,但是,由于一些复杂的组件,您可能需要使用一些可视化的操作。







行星齿轮组 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,变速器通常是结合形成所谓的最终驱动桥。在一个前轮驱动的汽车发动机通常是安装在车侧与跨桥塞在它所面临的汽车后部的发动机侧。前车轴是直接连接到驱动桥和提供电力的前轮。在这个例子中,功率流从发动机,通过液力变矩器到一个大型链条将动力通过一个180度的转向传动是沿侧发动机。从那里,权力是经由传输到最后的驱动器,这是分裂,通过传动轴传递给两个前轮。


________________________________________ 传动部件 现代自动变速器是由设计,在一个巧妙的机械交响乐团一起工作的许多部件和系统,液压和电气技术,经过多年的发展,在许多机械倾向的人认为是一种艺术形式。我们尝试使用简单的,通用的解释来描述这些系统,但是,由于一些复杂的组件,您可能需要使用一些可视化的操作。







行星齿轮组 自动变速器包括许多不同的齿轮组合。在一个手动变速箱齿轮沿轴向滑动,当你移动换挡杆从一个位置到另一个,从事各种大小齿轮的要求,提供正确的传动比。然而在自动变速器中,齿轮,不移动,并保持啮合。这是通过行星齿轮组完成。


一种方式,该系统可应用的一个例子是连接到齿圈发动机的输入轴连接,行星架与输出轴,并锁定太阳齿轮,使它不能动。在这种情况下,当我们转动齿圈,行星将“走”着太阳轮(这 是固定)导致行星架转动输出轴在同一方向的输入轴,但速度较慢的速度,导致齿轮减速(类似汽车的第一齿轮)。


右边的图显示上述简单的系统将在一个实际的传输。输入轴连接到环形齿轮(蓝色),输出轴与行星架(绿色)和单向离合器 单向离合器(也被称为“斜撑离合器)是一种装置,将允许一个组件如环形齿轮转一个方向而不是在其他。这种效果是一样的自行车,在踏板将车轮向前蹬踏,但将自旋自由时,后蹬。


乐队 一种带是一种摩擦材料的内表面的钢表带。该带的一端固定在变速器壳体上,另一端连接到伺服。在适当的时间,液压油被送到伺服压力收紧带在滚筒停止滚筒转动下。

液力变矩器 在自动变速器,液力变矩器以标准换档车辆离合器的地方。它的存在是为了让发动机继续运行,当车辆停止时。液力变矩器的原理就像一扇是插入吹向另一个的风扇。如果你抓住拔掉风扇叶片,你可以把它举行,但只要你放手,它就会开始加速,直到它接近风扇转速的动力。与液力变矩器不同的是,而不是使用空气,它使用油或传动液,更精确。

液力变矩器是一种形装置的大炸圈饼(10“至15”的直径),安装在发动机与变速器之间的。它由三个内部元素一起发射功率的传输。变矩器的三个要素是泵,涡轮,和定子。泵直接安装的转换器壳体依次是直接连接到发动机的曲轴和发动机转速转。涡轮机内的房屋和直接连接到传输提供动力以驱动车辆的输入轴。定子安装在单向离合器使它可以自由旋转在一个方向而不是其他的。三种元素各有鳍安装在他们正是直接通过变矩器的油流 在发动机运转时,传动液进入泵部分,是由离心力向外推,直至使其转动的涡轮。流体不断循环运动回到定子涡轮中心。如果涡轮速度低于泵,液体会与定子的定子翅片,推到单向离合器的前接触并阻止它旋转。停止与定子,液体由叶轮重新泵在“帮助”的角度提供扭矩增加。由于涡轮速度赶上泵,流体开始攻击静子叶片造成定子在同一方向转动泵和涡轮背面。随着速度的增加,这三个要素开始转向在大约相同的速度。

年代以来,为了提高燃油经济性,变矩器配备了锁止离合器(未显示),锁定为涡轮泵的车辆速度达到约45 - 50英里。这是锁定计算机控制,通常不会进行,除非是在第三或第四齿轮传动。

液压系统 液压系统是一个复杂的通道和管发送传输流体压力的传动与液力变矩器的所有部件在迷宫。在左边的图是从3速自动从60年代的一个简单的。新系统更复杂,结合计算机电气元件。传动液用于多项用途,包括:变速控制,一般润滑和冷却变速器。不像发动机,主要采用油润滑,一个传输功能的各个方面的压力下,依赖于不断提供的液体。这是不同于人类的循环系统(液体甚至是红色)甚至几分钟的操作时,有一个缺乏的压力可能是有害的或传输的生活甚至是致命的。为了保持变速器在正常工作温度,流体的一部分是通过一到两个钢管专用室THA派 A Short Course on Automatic Transmissions by Charles Ofria The modern automatic transmission is by far, the most complicated mechanical component in today's automobile.  Automatic transmissions contain mechanical systems, hydraulic systems, electrical systems and computer controls, all working together in perfect harmony which goes virtually unnoticed until there is a problem. This article will help you understand the concepts behind what goes on inside these technological marvels and what goes into repairing them when they fail. This article is broken down into five sections: · What is a transmission breaks down in the simplest terms what the purpose of a transmission is. · Transmission Components describes the general principals behind each system in simple terms to help you understand how an automatic transmission works. · Spotting problems before they get worse shows what to look for to prevent a minor problem from becoming major.  · Maintenance talks about preventative maintenance that everyone should know about.   · Transmission repairs describes the types of repairs that are typically performed on transmissions from minor adjustments to complete overhauls.    What is a transmission? The transmission is a device that is connected to the back of the engine and sends the power from the engine to the drive wheels.  An automobile engine runs at its best at a certain RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) range and it is the transmission's job to make sure that the power is delivered to the wheels while keeping the engine within that range.  It does this through various gear combinations. In first gear, the engine turns much faster in relation to the drive wheels, while in high gear the engine is loafing even though the car may be going in excess of 70 MPH.  In addition to the various forward gears, a transmission also has a neutral position which disconnects the engine from the drive wheels, and reverse, which causes the drive wheels to turn in the opposite direction allowing you to back up.  Finally, there is the Park position.  In this position, a latch mechanism (not unlike a deadbolt lock on a door) is inserted into a slot in the output shaft to lock the drive wheels and keep them from turning, thereby preventing the vehicle from rolling. There are two basic types of automatic transmissions based on whether the vehicle is rear wheel drive or front wheel drive.    On a rear wheel drive car, the transmission is usually mounted to the back of the engine and is located under the hump in the center of the floorboard alongside the gas pedal position.  A drive shaft connects the rear of the transmission to the final drive which is located in the rear axle and is used to send power to the rear wheels.  Power flow on this system is simple and straight forward going from the engine, through the torque converter, then through the transmission and drive shaft until it reaches the final drive where it is split and sent to the two rear wheels.  On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. The engine on a front wheel drive car is usually mounted sideways in the car with the transaxle tucked under it on the side of the engine facing the rear of the car.  Front axles are connected directly to the transaxle and provide power to the front wheels. In this example, power flows from the engine, through the torque converter to a large chain that sends the power through a 180 degree turn to the transmission that is along side the engine.  From there, the power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles.  There are a number of other arrangements including front drive vehicles where the engine is mounted front to back instead of sideways and there are other systems that drive all four wheels but the two systems described here are by far the most popular. A much less popular rear drive arrangement has the transmission mounted directly to the final drive at the rear and is connected by a drive shaft to the torque converter which is still mounted on the engine. This system is found on the new Corvette and is used in order to balance the weight evenly between the front and rear wheels for improved performance and handling.  Another rear drive system mounts everything, the engine, transmission and final drive in the rear.  This rear engine arrangement is popular on the Porsche. Transmission Components The modern automatic transmission consists of many components and systems that are designed to work together in a symphony of clever mechanical, hydraulic and electrical technology that has evolved over the years into what many mechanically inclined individuals consider to be an art form.  We try to use simple, generic explanations where possible to describe these systems but, due to the complexity of some of these components, you may have to use some mental gymnastics to visualize their operation. The main components that make up an automatic transmission include: · Planetary Gear Sets which are the mechanical systems that provides the various forward gear ratios as well as reverse. · The Hydraulic System which uses a special transmission fluid sent under pressure by an Oil Pump through the Valve Body to control the Clutches and the Bands in order to control the planetary gear sets. · Seals and Gaskets are used to keep the oil where it is supposed to be and prevent it from leaking out.  · The Torque Converter which acts like a clutch to allow the vehicle to come to a stop in gear while the engine is still running. · The Governor and the Modulator or Throttle Cable that monitor speed and throttle position in order to determine when to shift. · On newer vehicles, shift points are controlled by Computer which directs electrical solenoids to shift oil flow to the appropriate component at the right instant. Planetary Gear Sets Automatic transmissions contain many gears in various combinations.  In a manual transmission, gears slide along shafts as you move the shift lever from one position to another, engaging various sized gears as required in order to provide the correct gear ratio. In an automatic transmission, however, the gears are never physically moved and are always engaged to the same gears.  This is accomplished through the use of planetary gear sets.  The basic planetary gear set consists of a sun gear, a ring gear and two or more planet gears, all remaining in constant mesh.  The planet gears are connected to each other through a common carrier which allows the gears to spin on shafts called “pinions“ which are attached to the carrier. One example of a way that this system can be used is by connecting the ring gear to the input shaft coming from the engine, connecting the planet carrier to the output shaft, and locking the sun gear so that it can't move.  In this scenario, when we turn the ring gear, the planets will “walk“ along the sun gear (which is held stationary) causing the planet carrier to turn the output shaft in the same direction as the input shaft but at a slower speed causing gear reduction (similar to a car in first gear).  If we unlock the sun gear and lock any two elements together, this will cause all three elements to turn at the same speed so that the output shaft will turn at the same rate of speed as the input shaft. This is like a car that is in third or high gear. Another way that we can use a Planetary gear set is by locking the planet carrier from moving, then applying power to the ring gear which will cause the sun gear to turn in the opposite direction giving us reverse gear. The illustration on the right shows how the simple system described above would look in an actual transmission. The input shaft is connected to the ring gear (Blue), The Output shaft is connected to the planet carrier (Green) which is also connected to a “Multi-disk“ clutch pack. The sun gear is connected to a drum (yellow) which is also connected to the other half of the clutch pack.  Surrounding the outside of the drum is a band (red) that can be tightened around the drum when required to prevent the drum with the attached sun gear from turning. The clutch pack is used, in this instance, to lock the planet carrier with the sun gear forcing both to turn at the same speed. If both the clutch pack and the band were released, the system would be in neutral.  Turning the input shaft would turn the planet gears against the sun gear, but since nothing is holding the sun gear, it will just spin free and have no effect on the output shaft. To place the unit in first gear, the band is applied to hold the sun gear from moving.  To shift from first to high gear, the band is released and the clutch is applied causing the output shaft to turn at the same speed as the input shaft. Many more combinations are possible using two or more planetary sets connected in various ways to provide the different forward speeds and reverse that are found in modern automatic transmissions. Some of the clever gear arrangements found in four and now, five, six and even seven and eight-speed automatics are complex enough to make a technically astute lay person's head spin trying to understand the flow of power through the transmission as it shifts from first gear through top gear while the vehicle accelerates to highway speed.  On modern vehicles (mid '80s to the present), the vehicle's computer monitors and controls these shifts so that they are almost imperceptible. Clutch Packs  A clutch pack consists of alternating disks that fit inside a clutch drum. Half of the disks are steel and have splines that fit into groves on the inside of the drum.  The other half have a friction material bonded to their surface and have splines on the inside edge that fit groves on the outer surface of the adjoining hub.  There is a piston inside the drum that is activated by oil pressure at the appropriate time to squeeze the clutch pack together so that the two components become locked and turn as one. One-Way Clutch A one-way clutch (also known as a “sprag“ clutch) is a device that will allow a component such as ring gear to turn freely in one direction but not in the other. This effect is just like that of a bicycle, where the pedals will turn the wheel when pedaling forward, but will spin free when pedaling backward.  A common place where a one-way clutch is used is in first gear when the shifter is in the drive position. When you begin to accelerate from a stop, the transmission starts out in first gear. But have you ever noticed what happens if you release the gas while it is still in first gear?  The vehicle continues to coast as if you were in neutral. Now, shift into Low gear instead of Drive.  When you let go of the gas in this case, you will feel the engine slow you down just like a standard shift car. The reason for this is that in Drive, a one-way clutch is used whereas in Low, a clutch pack or a band is used. Bands A band is a steel strap with friction material bonded to the inside surface.  One end of the band is anchored against the transmission case while the other end is connected to a servo.  At the appropriate time hydraulic oil is sent to the servo under pressure to tighten the band around the drum to stop the drum from turning.  Torque Converter On automatic transmissions, the torque converter takes the place of the clutch found on standard shift vehicles.  It is there to allow the engine to continue running when the vehicle comes to a stop.  The principle behind a torque converter is like taking a fan that is plugged into the wall and blowing air into another fan which is unplugged.  If you grab the blade on the unplugged fan, you are able to hold it from turning but as soon as you let go, it will begin to speed up until it comes close to the speed of the powered fan.  The difference with a torque converter is that instead of using air, it uses oil or transmission fluid, to be more precise. A torque converter is a large doughnut shaped device (10“ to 15“ in diameter) that is mounted between the engine and the transmission.  It consists of three internal elements that work together to transmit power to the transmission.  The three elements of the torque converter are the Pump, the Turbine, and the Stator.  The pump is mounted directly to the converter housing which in turn is bolted directly to the engine's crankshaft and turns at engine speed.  The turbine is inside the housing and is connected directly to the input shaft of the transmission providing power to move the vehicle.  The stator is mounted to a one-way clutch so that it can spin freely in one direction but not in the other. Each of the three elements have fins mounted in them to precisely direct the flow of oil through the converter  With the engine running, transmission fluid is pulled into the pump section and is pushed outward by centrifugal force until it reaches the turbine section which starts it turning.  The fluid continues in a circular motion back towards the center of the turbine where it enters the stator. If the turbine is moving considerably slower than the pump, the fluid will make contact with the front of the stator fins which push the stator into the one way clutch and prevent it from turning. With the stator stopped, the fluid is directed by the stator fins to re-enter the pump at a “helping“ angle providing a torque increase.   As the speed of the turbine catches up with the pump, the fluid starts hitting the stator blades on the back-side causing the stator to turn in the same direction as the pump and turbine.  As the speed increases, all three elements begin to turn at approximately the same speed.   Since the '80s, in order to improve fuel economy, torque converters have been equipped with a lockup clutch (not shown) which locks the turbine to the pump as the vehicle speed reaches approximately 45 - 50 MPH.  This lockup is controlled by computer and usually won't engage unless the transmission is in 3rd or 4th gear. Hydraulic System  The Hydraulic system is a complex maze of passages and tubes that sends transmission fluid under pressure to all parts of the transmission and torque converter.  The diagram at left is a simple one from a 3-speed automatic from the '60s.  The newer systems are much more complex and are combined with computerized electrical components.  Transmission fluid serves a number of purposes including: shift control, general lubrication and transmission cooling.  Unlike the engine, which uses oil primarily for lubrication, every aspect of a transmission's functions is dependant on a constant supply of fluid under pressure.  This is not unlike the human circulatory system (the fluid is even red) where even a few minutes of operation when there is a lack of pressure can be harmful or even fatal to the life of the transmission.    In order to keep the transmission at normal operating temperature, a portion of the fluid is sent through one of two steel tubes to a special chamber that is submerged in anti-freeze in the radiator. Fluid passing through this chamber is cooled and then returned to the transmission through the other steel tube.  A typical transmission has an average of ten quarts of fluid between the transmission, torque converter, and cooler tank.  In fact, most of the components of a transmission are constantly submerged in fluid including the clutch packs and bands.  The friction surfaces on these parts are designed to operate properly only when they are submerged in oil. Oil Pump The transmission oil pump (not to be confused with the pump element inside the torque converter) is responsible for producing all the oil pressure that is required in the transmission.  The oil pump is mounted to the front of the transmission case and is directly connected to a flange on the torque converter housing.  Since the torque converter housing is directly connected to the engine crankshaft, the pump will produce pressure whenever the engine is running as long as there is a sufficient amount of transmission fluid available. The oil enters the pump through a filter that is located at the bottom of the transmission oil pan and travels up a pickup tube directly to the oil pump. The oil is then sent, under pressure to the pressure regulator, the valve body and the rest of the components, as required. Valve Body  The valve body is the control center of the automatic transmission.  It contains a maze of channels and passages that direct hydraulic fluid to the numerous valves which then activate the appropriate clutch pack or band servo to smoothly shift to the appropriate gear for each driving situation.  Each of the many valves in the valve body has a specific purpose and is named for that function. For example the 2-3 shift valve activates the 2nd gear to 3rd gear up-shift or the 3-2 shift timing valve which determines when a downshift should occur. The most important valve, and the one that you have direct control over is the manual valve.  The manual valve is directly connected to the gear shift handle and covers and uncovers various passages depending on what position the gear shift is placed in.  When you place the gear shift in Drive, for instance, the manual valve directs fluid to the clutch pack(s) that activates 1st gear. It also sets up to monitor vehicle speed and throttle position so that it can determine the optimal time and the force for the 1 - 2 shift.  On computer controlled transmissions, you will also have electrical solenoids that are mounted in the valve body to direct fluid to the appropriate clutch packs or bands under computer control to more precisely control shift points. Computer Controls The computer uses sensors on the engine and  transmission to detect such things as throttle position, vehicle speed, engine speed, engine load, brake pedal position, etc. to control exact shift points as well as how soft or firm the shift should be.  Once the computer receives this information, it then sends signals to a solenoid pack inside the transmission.  The solenoid pack contains several electrically controlled solenoids that redirect the fluid to the appropriate clutch pack or servo in order to control shifting. Computerized transmissions even learn your driving style and constantly adapt to it so that every shift is timed precisely when you would need it. Because of computer controls, sports models are coming out with the ability to take manual control of the transmission as though it were a stick shift, allowing the driver to select gears manually.  This is accomplished on some cars by passing the shift lever through a special gate, then tapping it in one direction or the other in order to up-shift or down-shift at will.  The computer monitors this activity to make sure that the driver does not select a gear that could over speed the engine and damage it. Another advantage to these “smart“ transmissions is that they have a self diagnostic mode which can detect a problem early on and warn you with an indicator light on the dash.  A technician can then plug test equipment in and retrieve a list of trouble codes that will help pinpoint where the problem is. Governor,  Vacuum Modulator,  Throttle Cable These three components are important in the non-computerized transmissions. They provide the inputs that tell the transmission when to shift.  The Governor is connected to the output shaft and regulates hydraulic pressure based on vehicle speed. It accomplishes this using centrifugal force to spin a pair of hinged weights against pull-back springs.  As the weights pull further out against the springs, more oil pressure is allowed past the governor to act on the shift valves that are in the valve body which then signal the appropriate shifts. Of course, vehicle speed is not the only thing that controls when a transmission should shift, the load that the engine is under is also important.  The more loads you place on the engine, the longer the transmission will hold a gear before shifting to the next one. There are two types of devices that serve the purpose of monitoring the engine load: the Throttle Cable and the Vacuum Modulator.  A transmission will use one or the other but generally not both of these devices.  Each works in a different way to monitor engine load.  The Throttle Cable simply monitors the position of the gas pedal through a cable that runs from the gas pedal to the throttle valve in the valve body.   The Vacuum Modulator monitors engine vacuum by a rubber vacuum hose which is connected to the engine.  Engine vacuum reacts very accurately to engine load with high vacuum produced when the engine is under light load and diminishing down to zero vacuums when the engine is under a heavy load.  The modulator is attached to the outside of the transmission case and has a shaft which passes through the case and attaches to the throttle valve in the valve body.  When an engine is under a light load or no load, high vacuum acts on the modulator which moves the throttle valve in one direction to allow the transmission to shift early and soft.  As the engine load increases, vacuum is diminished which moves the valve in the other direction causing the transmission to shift later and more firmly. Seals and Gaskets An automatic transmission has many seals and gaskets to control the flow of hydraulic fluid and to keep it from leaking out.  There are two main external seals: the front seal and the rear seal. The front seal seals the point where the torque converter mounts to the transmission case. This seal allows fluid to freely move from the converter to the transmission but keeps the fluid from leaking out.  The rear seal keeps fluid from leaking past the output shaft. A seal is usually made of rubber (similar to the rubber in a windshield wiper blade) and is used to keep oil from leaking past a moving part such as a spinning shaft. In some cases, the rubber is assisted by a spring that holds the rubber in close contact with the spinning shaft.  A gasket is a type of seal used to seal two stationary parts that are fastened together. Some common gasket materials are: paper, cork, rubber, silicone and soft metal. Aside from the main seals, there are also a number of other seals and gaskets that vary from transmission to transmission. A common example is the rubber O-ring that seals the shaft for the shift control lever.  This is the shaft that you move when you manipulate the gear shifter.  Another example that is common to most transmissions is the oil pan gasket.  In fact, seals are required anywhere that a device needs to pass through the transmission case with each one being a potential source for leaks.


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