
来源:托福 发布时间:2021-04-26 点击:

1. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并把字母序号填入相应位置。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)
A. chance   B. next   C. off   D. hard   E. by   F. Suddenly   G. Luckily   H. support   l. smiles   J. last   K. so   L. from It was a cold morning several years ago. My alarm clock had just gone(1)________ but I was having trouble getting out of bed. My Dad died a few weeks ago and I found myself just going through a(2)________ time filled with sadness. I didn't feel ready to go on without him.  My Dad had been my hero. He had worked so hard all of his life to(3)________ the family. He sometimes shouted at me, but he had kind and gentle(4)________ most of the time. I always knew that he loved me. He had been raised in an old way,(5)________ he raised us that way, too. I couldn't remember ever being hugged by him after I reached a certain age. As time went(6)________, his own health began to quickly fail and within a few months brain cancer(癌症)took him away from us. I was just thinking that I hadn't given him my(7)________ hug. I sighed(叹气)and got out of my bed. I turned on the lights and walked into the hallway(走廊). Then I saw my son, walking down the hall to meet me.(8)________, he opened his arms and gave me a hug. And just as he did that I heard my Dad's voice deep inside of me say, “Joey, this hug is(9)________ me!“ I cried and smiled at the same time. Life can seem very long but it may be short, too. Never miss the(10)________ to love. And always keep your heart and arms open for a hug!  2. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Last summer, I went on a trip to Beijing with my parents. We(1)________(have)a great time there. On the last day, my parents and I went back to the hotel by bus. We arrived(2)________ the bus station at the last minute. I felt very happy to get on the bus. But just after I got on, both the(3)________(door)closed—before my parents could get on the bus. I was very(4)________(worry)and started shouting. A woman came up to help. I told her my parents didn't get on the bus. Then she asked, “(5)________ do you live?“ “I don't know the exact place because I am a(6)________(visit),“ I said. She thought for a while and got(7)________ idea, “You can get down at the next stop and wait for your parents there.“ She got off with(8)________(I)together and made a call to my parents. (9)________(lucky), the next bus arrived with my parents. My parents thanked the woman for her(10)________(kind). It was quite a day that I would never forget. 3. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A small act of kindness sometimes may make a great(1)________(different)! I still remember that my teacher asked(2)________(I)to help Bob with his math two months ago. It was my(3)________(one)time to be a teacher and I felt a little nervous. I'm not good at math myself,(4)________ I went over the textbook and did lots of exercises. As(5)________ result, I could work out some difficult problems that I couldn't understand before by myself. Then, I(6)________(begin)to spend my free time studying with Bob.(7)________ my help, he made great progress in math. After that, I realize that helping others(8)________(be)not only good for people, but influences myself(9)________(deep). If we give our love to others, the world will be more wonderful. I think “rose presented, smell remained“ is the(10)________(good)description to help others. 4. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。  When throwing away rubbish, do you know(1)________ bin it should go in? Have you ever(2)________(notice)the differently-colored rubbish bins on the street? Some of you might not be able to answer the questions. However, it's actually quite(3)________(importance)to know how to sort(分类)
your rubbish. Not(4)________(know)how to sort rubbish can make it(5)________(hard)to save energy and protect the environment. If you don't sort your rubbish,(6)________ of it will be buried(埋)together. It can take up large areas of ground that could have been used for(7)________(plant)trees. Shanghai is the first city(8)________(put)rubbish-sorting into practice in China. Shanghai government has asked all the people who live there to sort rubbish into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. “Wet“ rubbish is also known as “household“ rubbish. It is what people produce every day(9)________ they eat or drink. “It is the thing you don't want but pigs can eat“, Guangzhou Daily explained. Paper, metal, glass and other things that can be recused are recyclable rubbish. Harmful rubbish includes things like medicine, batteries and so on. Finally, any rubbish that is not wet,(10)________(recycle)or harmful will go in the dry rubbish bin.  5. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯。每个单词限用一次。

serious  place  a  she  save  because  on  what  easy  spend Justin is a 16-year-old boy. He is thinking about how to(1)________ his money during winter vacation. He has(2)________ up about 300 dollars already. He plans to buy(3)________ computer with his money but he also wants to go skating with his friends. He can't do both(4)________ he doesn't have enough money. What should Justin do? We are often in these kinds of situations. You want to see a concert(5)________ Saturday, but it is also your mother's birthday and you do not want to let(6)________ down. In this case, you don't have enough time to go to both(7)________. You must make a decision. You must think about(8)________ should be done first. You must consider the following questions(9)________. After you've answered these questions, it may be much(10)________ for you to decide what to do. So the next time you must make a decision, remember to prioritize(优先考虑).  6. 根据短文内容,用方框中的单词或其恰当形式填空,每词只用一次。

note   like   study   ask   relaxed   friend   your   practice   homework   understand   work Lots of kids dislike homework. They think they(1)________ at school all day, and they shouldn't have to do it at home, too. They should(2)________ and have fun, play sports, go out and play with(3)________ and do all the relaxing things after a hard day at school. But(4)________ does have its “up-side(优势)“—you can(5)________ what you have learned. You can learn things you need to know by heart. You can learn how to work by(6)________. How to do homework? Write down your homework. And make a(7)________ of when you have to hand it in. If you don't(8)________ something, ask the teacher before you go home. Have a good study area—not where there is a TV or music. Make a homework timetable(时间表). Put down all the things you do after school. Do your(9)________ on your own. It's OK(10)________ mom or dad for help. If you can do your homework(11)________ this, you will have a good grade and be a good student. 7. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确的形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空填一词,每词限用一次。

over  and  because  close  also  borrow  run  read  be  three My town is very small. There are a few hundred people living here. There is a river(1)________ through our town. An old bridge is(2)________ it. On the main(主要的)street there(3)________ a hotel, a supermarket, a clothes shop, a hospital(4)________ a bus station. Our school is(5)________ on the street. It is(6)________ to a bookstore, so it is very easy for me to buy books. On the(7)________ crossing, there is a library. Many children love(8)________ books there. I often(9)________ books from it. I like living in the town(10)________ it is clean and quiet. 8. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。

These days talent shows are getting more and more popular. Most young people like Super Brain(《最强大脑》)shown on Jiangsu TV. It(1)________(start)to be on shown in January, 2014. It encourages teenagers(2)________(find)their own special talent. Many extraordinarily(非凡地)talented people can(3)________(see)on it from time to time. No matter(4)________ you are, how old you are and even where you are(5)________, you can take part in it. It's really an exciting and attractive program. It's well worth watching. You can(6)________(easy)find many talented people here. Sometimes you can't believe your own eyes while you are watching. You can't imagine how they can have such unbelievable abilities. Not only are the production team but also its host is(7)________(usual). So far they(8)________(make)more great shows for us. I believe this great scientific show(9)________(become)more and more successful in the future. Do you have any interest in(10)________(take)part in it if you are allowed to? 9. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

happy   because   begin   wonderful   basketball teacher   game   playground   classroom   usual My name is Li Fang and I'm a student. My school is very big and beautiful. I'm very(1)________ in the school. I(2)________ get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises on the(3)________. At 6:40, I have my breakfast. After breakfast, I often read English in the(4)________. We have six classes every day. The first class(5)________ at 7:50 a.m. I like all the subjects,(6)________ my teachers can make the classes interesting. My favorite class is English. I think it's helpful for me to learn it well. After class, I always play ball(7)________ with my friends. We play(8)________, soccer, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. I like my lessons, my friends and my(9)________. In a word, I love my school. My school life is(10)________ isn't it?  10.  阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

perfect   have   along   none   look   that   happy   miss   it   good Once, a circle lost a piece of its own. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around, looking for its(1)________ piece. But because it was not complete, it could only roll(滚)very slowly. It enjoyed the flowers and the sunshine(2)________ the way. It talked with worms. It found lots of different pieces, but(3)________ of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on(4)________ for the lost piece. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit(5)________. The circle put the piece into(6)________. It could be whole with nothing lost. It was so happy and began to roll. As it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to see flowers or talk to worms. It realized how different the world was when it rolled so quickly. It felt so sad(7)________ it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled very slowly. Sometimes we lose something when we are perfect. A man who(8)________ everything is poor in some ways. He will never have hopes, dreams or something(9)________. He will never know someone loves him or someone is giving him something he has always wanted or never had. We couldn't be perfect. But we must be brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, kind enough to share(10)________ with others and clever enough to know there is enough love around us and then we can always have a wonderful time in our life. 参考答案 1. 【答案】 C,D,H,I,K,E,J,F,L,A 【解答】 (1)C 考查介词。根据上文It was a cold morning several years ago.“几年前的一个寒冷的早晨。”以及下文but I was having trouble getting out of bed.“但是我起床有点困难。”可知,此处表示我的闹钟刚响。固定短语go off (闹钟)响起,进行。故填C。

(2)D 考查形容词。根据空后的time为名词可知,空处应为形容词。根据“My Dad died a few weeks ago我爸爸几周前去世了”可知,此处表示作者正经历着一段充满悲伤的艰难时期,所以此处应为hard。故填D。

(3)H 考查动词。根据He had worked so hard all of his life以及空后的family可知,此处表示他一生都在努力工作来支撑这个家。即此处应为动词support。故填H。

(4)I 考查名词的数。根据空前的gentle为形容词可知,空处应为名词。结合所给单词可知,I微笑,符合语境。表示大多数时间他总是挂着一抹友好的、温和的微笑。故填I。

(5)K 考查连词。根据空前He had been raised in an old way“他是按传统方式长大的”以及空后he raised us that way, too“他也这种方式抚养我们”,可知,前后为因果关系,前因后果,所以此处应为so。故填K。

(6)E 考查介词。固定短语:as time goes by时间流逝。故填E。

(7)J 考查形容词。根据空后的hug为名词,可知,空处应为形容词。根据上文within a few months brain cancer(癌症)took him away from us并结合所给单词可知,J“最后的”符合语境。表示我只是在想我没有给他最后一个拥抱。故填J。

(8)F 考查副词。分析句子可知,空处作状语修饰整个句子,所以空处应为副词。根据空后的he opened his arms and gave me a hug“他张开双臂给了我一个拥抱”可知,此处应为“突然”,即空处应为suddenly。故填F。

(9)L 考查介词。根据I heard my Dad's voice deep inside of me say可推知,此处表示这个拥抱来自我。即此处应为介词from。故填L。

(10)A 考查名词。分析句子可知,空处作动词miss的宾语,所以空处应为名词。根据语境并结合所给单词可知,此处表示永远不要错过去爱的机会。故填A。  2. 【答案】 (1)had,(2)at,(3)doors,(4)worried,(5)Where,(6)visitor,(7)an,(8)me,(9)Luckily,(10)kindness 【解答】 (1)had 考查一般过去时。根据上文I went on a trip to Beijing with my parents.我和父母去北京旅行。可知,此处描述的是过去发生的事情,时态用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填had。

(2)at 考查介词。arrive是不及物动词,接地点时要有介词。arrive at后接“小地点”,arrive in后接“大地点”。本句话中,the bus station公交站是“小地点”,故填at。

(3)doors 考查可数名词的复数。空处在句中作主语,应填一个名词。空处前的both意为“两者都……”,后接可数名词复数。故答案为doors。

(4)worried 考查形容词。空处在句中作表语,应填一个形容词。worry是动词,意为担心,变为形容词有两种,worried意为感到担心的;

(5)Where 考查地点副词。根据下文回答I don't know the exact place.我不知道具体地点。可知,空处是对地点进行提问,应用where进行提问。位于句首,首字母大写。故填Where。

(6)visitor 考查可数名词的单数。空前有不定冠词a修饰,因此空处应填可数名词单数。visit是动词,意为参观,变为名词是visitor。故填visitor。

(7)an 考查不定冠词。空处位于可数名词单数idea前,且此处表示泛指“一个主意”,应填不定冠词,idea是元音音素开头,get an idea是固定搭配,意为想到一个主意。故填an。

(8)me 考查人称代词。空处在句中作宾语,因此空处应使用人称代词的宾格形式,故填me。

(9)Luckily 考查副词。空处位于句首,用逗号隔开,修饰整个句子,因此应填一个副词。所给词lucky是形容词,意为幸运的,变为副词luckily,位于句首,首字母大写。故填Luckily。

(10)kindness 考查不可数名词。空处前的her为形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,因此空处应填一个名词。kind是形容词,意为“友好的”,变为名词是kindness。故填kindness。

3. 【答案】 (1)difference,(2)me,(3)first,(4)so,(5)a,(6)began,(7)With,(8)is,(9)deeply,(10)best 【解答】 (1)difference 考查名词。句意:一个小小的善举有时可能会产生巨大的影响。difference区别,不同,可数名词,make a difference有影响,起作用,固定短语,故填difference。

(2)me 考查代词。句意:我还记得两个月前老师让我帮助鲍勃学习数学。动词asked后边跟代词宾格作宾语,me我,宾格,故填me。

(3)first 考查序数词。句意:这是我第一次当老师,我感到有点紧张。第一次first time,故填first。

(4)so 考查连词。句意:我自己不擅长数学,所以我复习了课本,做了很多练习。根据句意可知,前后句之间是因果关系,用连词so连接。故填so。

(5)a 考查不定冠词。句意:因此,我可以解决一些困难的问题,我不能理解以前自己。as a result因此,固定短语,故填a。

(6)began 考查一般过去时。句意:于是,我开始在空闲时间和鲍勃一起学习。动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填began。

(7)With 考查介词。句意:在我的帮助下,他在数学方面取得了巨大进步。with one's help在某人的帮助下,介词短语,故填With。

(8)is 考查系动词。句意:在那之后,我意识到帮助别人不仅对别人有好处,而且深刻地影响了我自己。本段话用一般现在时,动名词短语helping others...作主语,系动词用单数形式,故填is。

(9)deeply 考查副词。句意:在那之后,我意识到帮助别人不仅对别人有好处,而且深刻地影响了我自己。副词修饰动词influence,deeply深深地,副词,故填deeply。

(10)best 考查形容词最高级。句意:我认为“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”是帮助他人的最好描述。the+最高级,这里用形容词good的最高级,故填best。

4. 【答案】 (1)which,(2)noticed,(3)important,(4)knowing,(5)harder,(6)all,(7)planting,(8)to put,(9)after,(10)recyclable 【解答】 (1)which 考查连接代词。空处作定语修饰名词bin,此处意为“哪个垃圾箱”,应用连接代词which“哪个”来引导宾语从句。故填which。

(2)noticed 考查现在完成时。空处作谓语,应填动词。根据句首的Have可知,句子的时态为现在完成时,结构为“have/has+过去分词”,提问时将have/has提前。notice的过去分词形式为noticed。故填noticed。

(3)important 考查形容词。空处被副词quite修饰,应填形容词。名词importance的形容词形式为important。故填important。

(4)knowing 考查动名词。空处应使用动名词在句中作主语。know的动名词形式为knowing。故填knowing。

(5)harder 考查形容词的比较级。句意:不知道如何垃圾分类会使节约能源和保护环境变得更加困难。make it+形容词“使某物……”,且此处表示“更困难的”,应填形容词比较级,hard的比较级为harder。故填harder。

(6)all 考查不定代词。空处作主语应填名词或代词。根据本句的together可知,此处是指全部的垃圾。故填all。

(7)planting 考查动名词。空处作介词for的宾语,应填动名词。plant的动名词形式为planting。故填planting。

(8)to put 考查动词不定式。此处修饰the first city,应使用动词不定式作后置定语。故填to put。

(9)after 考查时间介词。句意:它是在每天人们吃喝之后产生的。此处应用介词after表示“在……之后”。故填after。

(10)recyclable 考查形容词。空处与空前wet和空后的harmful为并列关系,应填形容词。recycle的形容词形式为recyclable。故填recyclable。

5. 【答案】 (1)spend,(2)saved,(3)a,(4)
because,(5)on,(6)her,(7)places,(8)what,(9)seriously,(10)easier 【解答】 (1)spend 考查动词不定式。根据后文介绍的He plans to buy(3)________ computer可知,此处是指他正在考虑如何花他的钱,spend符合题意。分析可知,此处是“疑问词+动词不定式”结构作介词about宾语,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形,故填spend。

(2)saved 考查过去分词。根据already“已经”可知,时态应该是现在完成时,结构是have/has+动词的过去分词。空前已有助动词has,空处应填过去分词。根据up about 300 dollars already及所给词可知,save符合题意,表示他已经积攒了300美元了。save的过去分词是saved。故填saved。

(3)a 考查不定冠词。此处泛指“一台电脑”,computer是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以应用不定冠词a。故填a。

(4)because 考查表因果的连词。分析可知,He can't do both“他不能两者兼得”及he doesn't have enough money“他没有足够的钱”之间为因果关系,前为果,后为因,所以此处应用because引导原因状语从句,故填because。

(5)on 考查时间介词。根据Saturday可知,具体某一天前用介词on。故填on。

(6)her 考查人称代词。根据but it is also your mother's birthday可知,此处是指不想让妈妈失望,此处代指妈妈,应用she。空处作let的宾语,应用she的宾格形式her。故填her。

(7)places 考查可数名词复数。空处作介词to的宾语,根据go to可知,应是去某个地方,结合所给词可知,名词place符合题意,place为可数名词,由both可知,此处应该用复数形式places,故填places。

(8)what 考查连接代词。分析可知 ,此句应为含有宾语从句的复合句,空处引导宾语从句,作介词think about的宾语,且空处在从句中作主语,应用连接代词what,故填what。

(9)seriously 考查副词。分析句子可知,此句主谓宾结构完整,空处应作状语。根据前文所述难以取舍的局面可知,此处应是指要认真思考以下问题。结合所给词可知,serious符合题意。其副词形式为seriously,作状语修饰动词consider。故填seriously。

(10)easier 考查形容词比较级。空处作表语应用形容词。根据So the next time you must make a decision, remember to prioritize(优先考虑).可知,此处是指当你回答了这些问题后,决定做什么或许会更容易。easy符合题意,结合空前的much及语境可知,此处应用easy的比较级easier。故填easier。

6. 【答案】 (1)study,(2)relax,(3)friends,(4)homework,(5)practice,(6)yourself,(7)note,(8)understand,(9)work,(10)to ask ,(11)like 【解答】 (1)study 考查一般现在时和动词。根据空后的at school all day可知,应是他们整天都在学校学习,即此处应为动词study。根据语境可知,此处是在说明一般事实,所以本句时态为一般现在时。因主语they为复数,所以此处应为动词原形。故填study。

(2)relax 考查动词。根据上文他们整天在学校学习,以及空后的and have fun, play sports, go out可知,此处表示他们应该放松,即空处应为动词relax。因空前的should为情态动词,所以空处应为动词原形。故填relax。

(3)friends 考查可数名词复数。根据空前的play with并结合所给单词可知,此处表示和朋友一起玩,即空处应为可数名词friend。因空前无冠词或其他限制词修饰,所以空处应为名词复数。故填friends。

(4)homework 考查不可数名词。根据下文介绍家庭作业的优势可知,此时应是“家庭作业有它的优势”,即空处应为homework,为不可数名词。故填homework。

(5)practice 考查动词。根据语境并结合所给单词可知,此处表示你可以练习你已经学的(内容),即此处应为动词practice。根据空前的can为情态动词,可知,此处应为动词原形。故填practice。

(6)yourself 考查代词。根据语境可知,此处表示你可以自学如何工作。固定搭配by oneself独自。主语为you,应使用对应的反身代词yourself。故填yourself。

(7)note 考查可数名词单数。根据语境可知,此处表示做笔记(记下)你什么时候要交。make a note作笔记,为固定短语。故填note。

(8)understand 考查动词。根据下半句ask the teacher before you go home“回家前问老师”可知,此处表示如果你不理解某事,即空处应为动词understand。助动词don't后跟动词原形。故填understand。

(9)work 考查不可数名词。根据空前的your为形容词性物主代词,所以空处应为名词。根据上文Make a homework timetable(时间表). Put down all the things you do after school.可知,此处表示你自己做你的任务。结合所给单词可知,不可数名词work“工作,任务”符合语境。故填work。

(10)to ask 考查动词不定式。根据空后的for help可知,此处表示向妈妈或爸爸寻求帮助。固定搭配ask sb. for help寻求某人的帮助。即空处应为动词ask。固定句型it is+adj.+to do sth.做某事是……的。所以此处应为动词不定式to ask。故填to ask。

(11)like 考查介词。根据语境可知,此处表示如果你能像这样做你的家庭作业,你会有一个好成绩并成为一个好学生。即此处应为介词like,表示“像”。故填like。

7. 【答案】 (1)running,(2)over,(3)is,(4)and,(5)also,(6)close,(7)third,(8)reading,(9)borrow,(10)because 【解答】 (1)running 考查现在分词。分析可知,此处表示“有一条河流经我们城镇”,结合选项可知,run符合题意。本句已有be动词is,所以此处应用run的非谓语形式,a river与run之间为主动关系,所以此处应用run的现在分词形式作a river的补足语。there be sth doing sth“有……正在做……”。故填running。

(2)over 考查介词。空后的it指的是前文提及的河,结合常识可知,桥应是在河的正上方,应用介词over。故填over。

(3)is 考查一般现在时及主谓一致。此句陈述客观事实,时态为一般现在时。分析可知,此句为there be句型,空处应填be动词,there be句型中be动词的数应遵循“就近原则”,空后a hotel为单数名词,所以be动词应用is。故填is。

(4)and 考查连词。分析可知,a hospital和a bus station之间为并列关系,所以此处应使用表并列的连词and。故填and。

(5)also 考查副词。根据上文On the main(主要的)street there...可知,上文介绍了街上有很多建筑,此处又提及学校在这条街上,所以此处应是指“我们学校也在这条街上”,also符合题意。故填also。

(6)close 考查形容词短语。根据so it is very easy for me to buy books.可知,此处应是指学校靠近一家书店,close符合题意。固定搭配:be close to“接近”。故填close。

(7)third 考查序数词。空前为定冠词the,空后crossing为“十字路口”,结合所给词可知,数词three的序数词third符合题意,表示“第三个十字路口”。故填third。

(8)reading 考查动名词。根据前文there is a library及空后的books“书”,可知此处应是指“读书”,read符合题意,love doing sth.“喜欢做某事”,所以此处应用read的动名词形式。故填reading。

(9)borrow 考查一般现在时及主谓一致。空后的it指的是前文提及的图书馆,所以此处应是指从图书馆借书,borrow符合题意。结合often可知,时态为一般现在时,主语为第一人称I,谓语动词用原形。故填borrow。

(10)because 考查连词。分析可知,空前I like living in the town“我喜欢居住在城镇”及空后it is clean and quiet“它既干净又安静”之间为因果关系,前为果,后为因,所以此处应用表原因的连词because。故填because。

8. 【答案】 (1)started,(2)to find,(3)be seen,(4)who,(5)from,(6)easily,(7)unusual,(8)have made,(9)will become,(10)taking 【解答】 (1)started 考查一般过去时。句意:2014年1月它开始上映。根据时间状语“in January, 2014”可知此处为一般过去时,填动词的过去式,故填started。

(2)to find 考查动词不定式。句意:它鼓励青少年发现自己的特殊天赋。encourage sb to do sth,鼓励某人做某事,固定搭配,故填to find。

(3)be seen 考查情态动词的被动语态。句意:很多非常有天赋的人可以不时地在上面被看到。结合句意,有天赋的人在电视上是能被看见的,用被动语态,情态动词后面加动词原形,故填be seen。

(4)who 考查固定搭配。句意:不管你是谁。no matter who不管是谁,故填who。

(5)from 考查介词。句意:不管你来自哪里。结合句意,空处表示来自,应用介词from,故填from。

(6)easily 考查副词。句意:你很容易在这里找到很多有天赋的人。副词修饰动词find,表示“容易地”,故填easily。

(7)unusual 考查形容词。句意:不仅是制作团队,而且它的主办方也是与众不同的。结合句意,空处表示与众不同的,故填unusual。

(8)have made 考查现在完成时。句意:到目前为止,他们为我们制作了更多精彩的节目。根据“so far”可知此处为现在完成时,主语是they,助动词用have,故填have made。

(9)will become 考查一般将来时。句意:我相信这个伟大的科学展览将来会变得越来越成功。结合句意,空处表示将会变得,用一般将来时,故填will become。

(10)taking 考查动名词。句意:如果你被允许的话,你有兴趣参加吗?be interested in doing sth,in是介词,后面用动名词,故填taking。

9. 【答案】 (1)happy,(2)usually,(3)playground,(4)classroom,(5)begins,(6)because,(7)games,(8)basketball,(9)teachers,(10)wonderful 【解答】 (1)happy 考查形容词。句意:我在学校非常开心。空处作表语,且被副词very修饰,应填入名词,此处表示一种作者的感受,应是happy“开心的”,形容词,故填happy。

(2)usually 考查副词。句意:我通常在早上6:15起床。空处作状语,应填入副词,表示自己“通常”在早上6:15起床,usually“通常”,副词,故填usually。

(3)playground 考查名词。句意:然后我在操场上做早操。根据do morning exercises可知,应是在操场上做早操。on the playground“在操场”,故填playground。

(4)classroom 考查名词。句意:早饭后,我在教室里读英语。根据read English可知,应是在教室里读英语,in the classroom“在教室里”,故填classroom。

(5)begins 考查动词的第三人称单数。句意:第一节课在早上7:50开始。空处缺少谓语动词,根据句意并结合所给词可知,空处表示“开始”,主语The first class为第三人称单数,谓语动词也应用第三热称单数,故填begins。

(6)because 考查连词。句意:我喜欢所有的科目,因为我的老师们能让课堂很有趣。根据句意可知,空前空后为因果关系,前面为果,后面为因,所以用表因果的连词because“因为”,故填because。

(7)games 考查可数名词复数。句意:课后,我常常和我的朋友们一起玩球类游戏。根据空前play ball可知,空处应为game“游戏”,根据下文可知球类游戏不止一种,所以此处应用复数形式,故填games。

(8)basketball 考查名词。句意:我们打篮球、踢足球、打排球、打乒乓球等等。根据上句可知,作者常在课后和朋友们玩球类游戏,此处举例都玩什么球类,basketball“篮球”符合语境,故填basketball。

(9)teachers 考查可数名词复数。句意:我喜欢我的课程、我的朋友们和我的老师们。本文作者是在介绍自己的学校生活,且上文提到了作者的老师,所以此处应为作者喜欢自己的老师们,teacher“老师”,应用其复数形式,故填teachers。

(10)wonderful 考查形容词。句意:我的学校生活是精彩的,对吗?空处位于be动词后,作表语,应填入形容词。根据上句In a word, I love my school.可知,作者认为自己的学校生活是精彩的,故填wonderful。

10. 【答案】 (1)missing,(2)along,(3)none,(4)looking,(5)perfectly,(6)itself,(7)that,(8)has,(9)better,(10)happiness 【解答】 (1)missing 考查形容词。空格处是用来修饰名词piece的,可知应用形容词。根据Once, a circle lost a piece of its own. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around, looking for...可知是想要找到丢失的那一部分,这里用形容词missing“失踪的,缺少的”。故填missing。

(2)along 考查介词。根据it could only roll(滚)very slowly. It enjoyed the flowers and the sunshine可知是在沿路欣赏,可知应用along the road沿路。故应填along。

(3)none 考查不定代词。根据It found lots of different pieces, but...其中but表示转折,可知虽然找到许多不同的,但是没有一个合适。故填none。

(4)looking 考查动名词。结合keep on doing sth坚持做某事,固定用法,可知用动名词作宾语。故填looking。

(5)perfectly 考查副词。空处是用来修饰动词fit,可知用副词,根据It could be whole with nothing lost可知是找到了,所以此处应为完全吻合,非常适合。perfectly完全地。故填perfectly。

(6)itself 考查反身代词。结合上文Then one day the circle found a piece...是说找到了适合的那一块,圆盘将那一块放在自己的身上,可知这里用反身代词。故填itself。

(7)that 考查固定句型。根据前面的so sad可知此处为so...that...句型。意为如此……以至于……。故填that。

(8)has 考查动词第三人称单数。这里是在说客观事实用一般现在时,have“有”表人与物/人,物与物之间存在的“所有;
所属”的关系,故用have,who作为关系词引导定语从句,修饰先行词a man,属于第三人称单数形式,定语从句的谓语动词与先行词一致,可知应用has。

(9)better 考查形容词比较级。根据上文A man who has everything is poor in some ways, He will never have hopes, dreams or something...可知是一个拥有一切的人不会有希望,梦想或者更好的东西,这里是表示更好,可知应用比较级better。故填better。

(10)happiness 考查名词。根据上文But we must be brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, kind enough to share...是说友好地与人分享快乐幸福。故填happiness。


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