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  中国商业计划书案例网this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantangthis end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang中国商业计划书案例网

 this end, Hong Haiquan Nanxun home decided to temporary shelters, but just the Nanxun, Japanese xuanfu class traitors of Nanxun from Divisional Investigation Team, sent to flood home visits. Forced Hong Haiquan to zhenze, temporary residence his father's tea shop. In April, agreed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Hong Haiquan defected to anti-Japanese base area of southern Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the KMT brewing for the second wave of anti-communist, Wujiang County political team was withdrawn, replaced by youth team. Zhuang Shaozhen published before the new identity was removed from post of Captain of the County's political team. Communists jindapeng managed to serve as captain of the youth team, County political group of the original officers transferred to the youth team, saved the revolutionary forces. In March or April 1941, jiuguojun entered the Tomb, hunt for Communists. Zhuang Shaozhen into rural activities were arrested. Thanks to Zhuang Shaozhen terrain at night while the enemy unprepared after the wit to get away, to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. 2, and CPC Central Committee special section system April 1938, CPC Central Committee special section in Shanghai of intelligence head Xu Qiang, and plateau delegate in second times domestic revolutionary war period joined CPC, and had participate in had Northeast anti-Japanese volunteer, has in Beijing, and Shanghai, to engaged in party of intelligence work of Shandong province Yixian people Li Yu autumn (and name Chen xiantang第三章 市场分析3.1 目标市场定位本项目目标市场群体目前前期定位于高校学生群体,经营校园生活服务类O2O平台,主营高校夜宵市场;后期则跟随学生流动轨迹,将目标人群扩展至中高端企业员工和社区居民人群,主要经营区域生活服务类O2O平台。3.2 目标人群特征分析3.2.1高校学生网络普及率高本项目前期主要针对高校人数,后期逐渐扩散至办公企业人群和社区人群。移动互联网的普及和消费人群的年轻化,据中国互联网络信息中心发布的《第35次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2014年12月,我国网民以10-39岁年龄段为主要群体,比例合计达到78.1% 。其中20-29岁年龄段的网民占比最高,达31.5%。

 图3-1 网民年龄结构总图

 图3-2 10-39岁网民年龄结构图3.2.2高校学生网络使用率高网民中学生群体的占比最高,为23.8%,其次为个体户/自由职业者,比例为22.3%,企业/公司的管理人员和一般职员占比合计达到17.0% 。高校学生成为网络用户中最为活跃人群之一。

 图3-3 网民职业分布结构图3.2.3小额便利消费频率高,消费需求具有延续性优势高校学生年轻群体密度高,网购消费频次远高于其他年龄段群体,是消费类O2O理想用户群体;由于高校学生对价格有较高的敏感性,随时随地的小额便利消费成为主流场景之一,消费习惯基本形成出高频、碎片化的懒人需求特征,便利消费需求具有延续性发展优势。3.2.4学生夜宵需求旺盛由于大部分学校食堂限时运营,导致一大部分因为复习功课,搞学生活动、上晚课或上自习或宅在寝室里的学生人群感到饥饿时,不得不到校外购买食品,既占用较大时间也带来一定的食品安全隐患;即使知道存在这样的问题,中国所有高校门口的小摊小贩却几乎能一直营业到凌晨两三点,可以说是高校一道标准“风景线”。这也充分说明了高校学生旺盛的夜宵需求。3.2.5 高校便利消费习惯易延续不同于校园社交网络,校园交易网络渗入过后,更易培养用户使用习惯,并有较大几率在其离校后保留交易习惯,为项目将来更为广阔的市场延伸奠定了良好的客户资源基础。3.2.6物流服务需求旺盛且质量要求较高作为年轻群体,对消费服务的质量有较高的要求。对于价值较低但消费频率较高的便利性消费用品,高校学生也希望得到快速方便的服务。3.2.7乐于分享、发现新事物据《第35次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,与其他群体相比,青少年群体的网络舆论表达意愿更强烈,其中10-19岁网民网上发言积极性最高,有50.2%的比例;其次是20-29岁的网民群体,有46.6%的比例。

 图3-4 活跃度年龄分布图该项数据表明高校群体对新鲜事物有较高的接受能力,并乐于分享和扩散,这对新项目有较大的促进推广作用。3.3 市场分析3.3.1 市场容量分析本项目初期主要面向高校在校学生,培养一定的用户消费习惯和规模基础后,逐渐顺延开发办公写字楼以及区域O2O便利服务市场。1.高校群体消费情况目前全国高校共计2198所,共有在校大学生约2500万,据《2014年中国大学生消费行为与品牌认知调查报告》显示,40%的受访大学生每月消费支出在501元-1000元之间,每月消费在1001元-1500元之间的占37%,每月消费在1501元-2000元、2001元-2500元以及2500元以上较高消费水平的分别占11.4%、3.7%和3.9%,仅有4%的受访大学生每月消费处于500元及以下的较低消费水平。据以上数据估算可得,高校学生人均月均消费1100左右。

 图3-5 高校消费结构图2.高校学生消费类型在众多消费类型中,饮食消费比例最高,为52.7%,其次为日用品、衣物和社交娱乐支出。

 图3-6 高校消费类型结构图因此仅高校市场是一个千亿级别的高质量高容量的市场,加上办公和社区,这将是一个发展前景良好的巨型市场。3.3.2 市场竞争分析1.本地生活服务类O2O市场增长速度快据相关数据显示,2014年中国电子商务市场交易规模12.3万亿元,增长21.3%,2014年电子商务市场细分行业结构中,B2B电子商务合计占比超过七成,在线旅游交易规模与本地生活服务O2O市场占比与2013年相比均有不同程度的提升,未来几年也将保持20%以上的复合增长率,O2O将成为电子商务市场中发展最快的细分领域之一,2014年本地生活服务O2O市场规模已达2350亿。

 图3-7电子商务结构图2.生活服务类O2O市场竞争小如今O2O服务早已渗透了我们生活的方方面面,从最早的初级应用团购业务到近年最活跃的打车和餐饮业务,越来越多的消费者认可这一类型电子商务。本项目属于O2O市场,目前最火的业态为打车和餐饮市场。生活服务类O2O市场需要较高的渗入度、本土化程度和关系网,是资金雄厚的大头企业如阿里、美团、苏宁等巨头们薄弱领域,凭其广阔的市场,为广大中小创业者提供了具有较低的进入门槛、较高投资价值特征的黄金发展空间。3.本项目目标市场分析本项目前期属于校园O2O便利生活服务市场,竞争对手主要为宅米和59store;后期则为社区生活服务类O2O平台,竞争对手主要包括社区001,鲜蜂网,500mi等平台,目前尚未形成具有垄断地位的企业,均处于快速成长期,市场发展空间尚足。本项目为第一家专营高校学生夜宵的校园生活服务类O2O平台,拥有较为宽松的市场氛围,但是同属于高校生活服务提供者市场的竞争者宅米和59store也包括夜宵市场,具有一定的影响力;59store主攻高校在线便利商店,提供高校吃喝用类商品,定位于校园生活服务类O2O平台,目前覆盖范围为上海、杭州、南京和北京高校;目前开通夜猫超市,5元起送,5分钟送达。宅米稍晚于59store上线,但发展迅速,除高校市场以外,远期准备进军白领和社区市场,定位为社区生活服务类O2O平台,目前覆盖地域范围为上海、杭州、南京高校。目前开通夜猫超市,0元起送,5分钟送达。表3-1 校园“夜”生活服务O2O市场竞争对手情况

 3.3 市场分析结论高校学生群体因其生活、消费特征和优势,为校园生活服务类O2O平台提供了广阔的市场空间,市场规模可达千亿,容量巨大,又因需要较高的渗入度、本土化程度和关系网络,资金雄厚的大型企业暂无法有效形成竞争优势,为广大创业者提供了绝佳成长时机和广阔空间。目前,大部分社区生活服务类O2O平台企业均处于快速成长期,但集中分布于沿海等一线城市;特别是高校市场,目前只覆盖了北京、上海、杭州、南京等校区,覆盖范围较窄,因此全国高校市场空间广阔,具有较高的开发价值。

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