
来源:实践技能 发布时间:2020-08-18 点击:


  (一)代位求偿权的含义  保险代位求偿权又称权益转让,是保险法中古老而独具特色的一项制度。它是指保险人在补偿被保险人的损失后,如第三人对保险事故的发生或保险标的损失负有赔偿责任的,保险人有权在其已经承担的保险补偿金额范围内向第三人追偿,而被保险人必须将向第三人追偿的权利转让给保险人。《中华人民共和国保险法》(以下简称《保险法》)第45条及《中华人民共和国海商法》(以下简称《海商法》)第252条,均有关于保险代位求偿权的规定。但这些规定中,保险人与被保险人的权利义务不甚明确,例如,因第三人的责任导致保险事故发生时,被保险人能否直接请求保险方补偿,还是必须先向第三人索赔?亦或有自由选择权?保险代位权如何移转于保险人?何时移转于保险人?保险人行使代位权产生的利益是否应当首先弥补被保险人的损失?被保险人对第三人的处分行为是否影响保险人的代位权?对这些问题,无论是立法上、理论上,还是实践中均存在模糊认识,保险合同的规定也不尽协调。可以说,这一问题是我国保险法所存在的最大问题之一,也是司法实践中迫切需要解决的问题。本文拟对保险代位权制度略陈管见,以求教大方。

  (二)保险代位求偿权的本质  保险合同为转移风险合同,被保险人在保险事故发生后,因保险标的遭受损害而产生损失,可向保险方请求保险补偿。此补偿请求权是基于保险合同的有偿性而产生的,是被保险人缴纳保险费之对价的必然结果。保险补偿以不超过被保险人的实际损失为限,此乃保险补偿之基本原则。然若保险标的是因归责于第三人的原因而受到损失,被保险人依法有权向第三人请求损害赔偿。于是,被保险人同时享有保险补偿请求权和损害赔偿请求权,行使的结果将使其就同一损失获得双重补偿,既有悖保险宗旨,又容易滋生道德危险。为解决这一冲突,保险法创设了代位求偿权制度,规定保险人于履行保险补偿义务后,在不损害被保险人利益的前提下,可代位行使被保险人对第三人的赔偿请求权。各国保险法均有保险代位求偿权制度的规定。




  二、保险代位求偿权的性质  (一)保险代位求偿权与合同法中债权人代位权  保险代位求偿权与合同法中的债权人代位权,两者相同之处表现为:第一,权利均来源于法律的直接规定,属于法定权利,当事人不得依约定而改变之;第二,权利的义务主体均为第三人。保险代位求偿权是向对保险事故发生具有法律责任的第三者行使,合同代位权是向债务人之债务人,即次债务人主张;第三,代位权是在两个具有关联性的债权之上产生的一种新的债权。代位求偿权与基础债权既相互牵连,又相互独立。


  (二)保险代位求偿权与债权让与  合同关系中,债权人发生变更,称为债权让与。即不改变债的内容,债权人将其债权移转于第三人享有。《合同法》第79条规定:“债权人可以将合同权利全部或者部分转让给第三人。”保险代位权中,保险人因支付保险金取得原来由被保险人享有的债权,全部支付享有全部债权,部分支付享有部分债权。被保险人将债权转让及时通知第三人后,原债权人的处分行为以及债务人向原债权人的履行行为均不发生法律效力。《保险法》第46条第2款规定:“保险人向被保险人赔偿保险金后,被保险人未经保险人同意放弃对第三者请求赔偿的权利的,该行为无效”。保险代位求偿权从其性质而言,应属于债的让与情形。

  (三)保险代位求偿权法律关系的特征  保险代位求偿权基于两项权利而成立,即被保险人对保险人的补偿请求权和被保险人对第三人的赔偿请求权。保险人因对被保险人的保险补偿而取得代位权的资格,同时又因被保险人对第三人的债权而取得了向第三人主张的权利,但由于第三人仅对被保险人负有债务,故当保险人向其提出主张时,必须履行了相应的债权转让手续,第三人方可向保险人履行债务。这里,保险代位求偿权实际上是在前两项基础权利上产生的一种新的民事权利,这三项权利分别存在,但相互牵连。



  保险代位求偿权法律关系的内容是指保险人作为代位权人向第三人所主张的权利内容,以及第三人应向保险人履行的义务。保险人代位求偿权的范围既要受保险人给付补偿金额的限制,又要受被保险人对第三人请求金额的限制。保险代位求偿权既然为债权让与性质,就应该适用债的让与规则,在保险代位权关系中,第三人负有债的履行义务。同时,第三人对被保险人的抗辩同样可以延续对抗保险人。三、保险代位求偿权的行使要件  保险代位权的行使要件是保险代位权制度的核心内容之一,对此,我国保险法已有明确规定,现从理论分析的角度对其作如下评述。

  (一)被保险人对第三人须有赔偿请求权  被保险人对第三人有赔偿请求权是保险人行使代位求偿权的先决条件。若被保险人对第三人无赔偿请求权,皮之不存,毛将不附,保险代位权自无以成立。此赔偿请求权既包括由第三人的侵权行为而产生,亦包括由合同关系而产生,如因运送人的违约行为造成保险标的损失,保险人履行补偿责任后可请求责任方予以赔偿;不仅包括因第三人的不法行为而成立,也包括因第三人的适法行为而成立。只要保险人对被保险人应负保险赔偿责任的原因与被保险人对第三人损害赔偿请求权之原因相同,保险人均可向第三人行使代位权。被保险人向第三人行使请求权的基础并不限于因侵权行为而产生的损害赔偿请求权,对债务不履行的损害赔偿请求权、不当得利返还请求权、所有物返还请求权、占有物返还请求权等均可。

  保险代位求偿权的义务主体为负有赔偿责任的第三人。第三人应泛指保险合同当事人以外的所有人,不仅包括自然人,也包括法人及非法人团体。为了使被保险人所领受保险金能获得实益,若被请求之第三人为与被保险人有经济上或生计上之利害关系者,应禁止保险人对其行使代位权,此为各国保险法之通例。《保险法》第47条明确规定,保险人不得对被保险人的家庭成员或者其他组成人员行使代位请求赔偿的权利。这是因为家庭成员或其他组成人员互负扶养义务,互享扶养权利,在经济上存在利害与共之关系,若保险人向被保险人给付之后,基于代位权向其家庭成员请求返还,无异于向左手为保险给付后,又自右手请求返还,保险人所为保险给付之功能大受折损。故法律上将“家庭成员或其他组成人员”视为被保险人。但为了防止道德危险,若损失是由被保险人家庭成员或其他组成人员故意行为造成保险事故的,保险人仍得行使代位权。此为保险代位权例外之例外。否则,无异怂恿为恶,于法不容。《保险法》第47条赋予了保险人在被保险人家庭成员或其他组成人员故意行为造成保险 事故情况下行使代位求偿的权利。

  (二)保险人已对被保险人给付保险金  保险代位权的权利主体为保险人,向被保险人给付保险金是保险人取得代位权的代价,若无此代价付出,则不得享有保险代位权。保险事故发生后,在保险人对被保险人给付保险金之前,被保险人享有向第三人的赔偿请求权仍未移转于保险人,保险人无权主张,以避免被保险人因损失赔偿请求权已移转而无法向第三人求偿。从理论上讲,若保险人尚未对被保险人给付即可行使代位权,则可能导致保险人尚未为保险给付,但已自第三人处获得赔偿,成为无给付而获赔偿之获利者;另一方面,被保险人因未获赔偿,而产生未得先失,有失公平。[4]故保险人须给付保险金之后,方能取得代位权。

  保险代位权既非成立于保险合同生效时,也非成立于保险事故发生时,而只能成立于保险人给付保险金之后。保险实务中,保险人在保险金给付前要求被保险人签发“权益 转让书”,并作为保险人理赔的必经程序。然而“权益转让书”仅有保险人取得保险代位权之证据效力,是否取得及何时取得应以保险人给付保险金为唯一判断依据。保险人支付保险赔偿金后,即使被保险人拒绝签署,保险人也享有代位求偿权;反之,如果保险人未给付保险补偿金,即便被保险人签署了“权益转让书”,其保险代位权仍不成立。法律规定保险代位权以保险给付为前提,并没有要求被保险人须有让与意思表示或授权。


  (三)保险代位求偿权范围以保险补偿金为限  保险代位权属于法定债权,其权利范围受被保险人向第三人享有的赔偿请求权的限制,无须赘述。是否受保险人的补偿金额限制,我国法律规定并不统一,学者认识也有分歧。依《保险法》第45条规定,保险人须在赔偿金额范围内代位行使被保险人对第三者请求赔偿的权利。然《海商法》第254条第2款规定:“保险人从第三人取得的赔偿超过其支付的保险赔偿的,超过部分应当返还给被保险人。”依此可以得出:保险人的代位权范围可不受赔偿金额限制。只不过当其获得的赔偿数额超过其支付的补偿金额时,须将超过部分返还给被保险人。


  (四)保险人原则上应以被保险人的名义行使  保险人行使代位权是以自己的名义还是以被保险人的名义,各国法律均无明确规定。




  (五)被保险人优先受偿原则及适用  保险事故发生后,若第三人对损害负有赔偿责任时,保险人依合同给付保险赔偿后,可就其给付范围内向第三人请求赔偿。但在不足额保险或限额赔偿责任保险中,保险人的赔偿数额不能完全补偿被保险人所受损失,被保险人对第三人仍享有赔偿请求权。此时若第三人的清偿能力不足或依法所负赔偿额少于被保险人的损失,则被保险人赔偿请求权与保险人的代位求偿权发生冲突,孰先孰后,利益关切。许多国家明确规定应优先保护被保险人的受偿权,即于被保险人获得全部清偿前,保险人不得行使代位权,学理上称之为“被保险人优先原则”。



 (一)它缩小了保险代位权的适用范围。在我国保险理论界认为,由于保险代位追偿原则是损失补偿原则派生出来的权利,是对损失补偿原则的补充和完善,所以代位追偿原则与损失补偿原则只适用于各种财产保险,而不适用于人身保险。其原因在于人身保险的标的是无法估价的人的生命和身体机能,因而不存在由于第三者的赔偿而使被保险人或收益人获得额外利益的问题。所以如果发生第三者侵权行为导致人身伤害,被保险人可以获得多方面的赔偿而无需权益转让,保险人也无权代位追偿。在这种理论支撑下,我国保险法把代位求偿权放在财产保险合同中,并且在人身保险合同中明文规定人身保险不适用代位求偿权(参见《新保险法》第68条),于是代位求偿权成了财产保险合同所特有的制度,完全排斥其在人身保险合同中的适用。然而,随着现代保险业的发展,国际上新的险种的诞生,这种完全排斥在人身保险合同中的适用的立法已经受到挑战,正如英国著名保险法学者克拉克先生指出:“传统的分类还会继续起作用:生命险和事故险一般不视作补偿险。医疗费用保险和失能保险却被认为补偿保险。……如果合同有规定将诉权转让给承保人,那可以说,事故险在这个意义上是允许代位的。”从世界上各个国家的立法来看,代位求偿权并非完全排斥在人身保险合同中的适用之外,其在人身保险中的适用,有两种立法模式,即法定代位权和约定代位权。如《澳门商法典》人身保险的一般规定第1030条规定:“人身保险合同中,保险人做出给付后不得代位取得被保险人因保险事故而生之对第三人之权利。上款之规定不适用于在第三人所造成之意外事故中保险人所承担之医疗及住院开支。”《意大利民法典》的损害保险第1916条第四款关于保险人的代位权规定:“……本条规定亦适用于工伤事故和偶发灾害的保险。”这里,第三人所造成之意外事故保险和工伤事故、偶发灾害的保险是法定可以适用保险代位权的。此外,在当今德国的保险理论和实务中一般认为,保险代位权对于依照损害补偿原则为给付的意外伤害保险或者健康保险具有是有适用价值。对于约定代位权,如《韩国商法》人身保险的通则第729条规定:“保险人不得代位行使因保险事故所致的保险合同人或者保险受益人对第三人的权利。但是,在签订伤害保险合同的情形下,若当事人之间另有约定,保险人可以在不损害被保险人的权利的范围内代位行使该项权利。”在美国部分州对于健康保险和意外伤害保险原则上没有保险代位权的适用,但法院对于当事人扩大适用范围的合同自由采取了更加宽容的态度,因此健康保险或者意外伤害保险合同约定有代位权的,可以适用约定(conventional)代位权,这种做法为美国多数法院认同。因此,对于意外伤害保险和健康保险等这些“第三领域”的保险“难为其缺乏损失补偿的功能,不使其适用保险代位权亦缺乏令人信服的理由。”因此我国新保险法对于保险代位权的适用范围的限制并非明智之举,应当赋予上述保险合同当事人以约定保险代位权。如此规定,既符合保险法理,又同国际保险立法接轨。(二)从代位求偿权的行使上来看,笔者认为,被保险人的债权因保险人的给付得以实现,然而,被保险人与第三者之间的债权债务关系并不因此而消灭,仅仅是权利义务主体发生了变更,即保险人应替代原债权人(被保险人)而成为新的债权人,债的内容与客体未发生任何变更。因此,原来被保险人对第三者的债权债务关系经保险人赔偿后成为保险人与第三者间的债权债务关系。在新的法律关系中,第三者仍是债务人,若其不自觉履行赔偿义务,保险人可依法向人民法院起诉请求保护。因此,从债权转让角度出发,保险人必须是以自己的名义才能行使代位求偿权。2000年7月1日实施的《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》第94条率先做出了规定:“保险人行使代位请求赔偿的权利时,被保险人未向造成保险事故的第三人提起诉讼的,保险人应当以自己的名义向该第三人提起诉讼。”然而《中华人民共和国海商法》、《中华人民共和国保险法》(含修正案)并没有做出具体规定,因此,保险人应该以何人的名义行使代位求偿权,仍然是不确定的。鉴于此,笔者建议修改保险法的规定,确定保险人以自己的名义行使代位求偿权。另外,《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》也明确规定,对于保险人的其它行使代位求偿权的方式,如仲裁、调解、协商等,保险人也应当以自己的名义来行使代位求偿权。(三)对于代位求偿权的取得方式的规定不甚合理。保险人如何取得代位求偿权?世界各国的立法有不同的主张,但归结起来主要有两种观点:一是“当然代位主义”,即保险人的代位求偿权的取得以保险人向被保险人履行保险合同中规定的赔偿义务为先决条件,只要保险人履行了向被保险人赔偿的义务后即自动取得代位求偿权;二是“请求代位主义”,即在保险人履行向被保险人赔偿的义务后并不立即取得代位求偿权,还须有被保险人履行将其享有的向第三人的损害赔偿请求权转让给保险人这一行为。我国采用的是“当然代位主义”,实行“当然代位主义”能使保险人理赔后立即且必然取得代位求偿权,但这种方式使得第三人履行赔偿义务没有依据,不知道向谁履行义务。在同时存在既应向保险人支付损害赔偿额又应向投保人或被保险人负有赔偿义务的情况下,第三人应向保险人履行多少赔偿额义务亦不清楚,“请求代位主义”正能克服“当然代位主义”的上述弊端。因此,我国应采用的是“请求代位主义”。参 考 文 献  1、江朝国:《保险法论文集》,台湾瑞兴图书股份有限公司,1997.  2、刘宗荣:《保险法》,三民书局股份有限公司,1995.  3、秦道夫:《保险法论》,机械工业出版社,2000.  4、江朝国:《保险法基础理论》,中国政法大学出版社,2002.  5、邹海林:《保险法》,人民法院出版社,1998.  6、邢海宝:《海事诉讼特别程序研究》,法律出版社,2002.  7、郑玉波:《保险法论》,三民书局股份有限公司,1978.  8、佟强:《代位权制度研究,《中国法学》,2002,(2). 9史尚宽:《债法总论》,中国政法大学出版社,2000.Trade union work systemTrade union work systemThe staff and workers' CongressChapter I General principlesThe first is to protect my company workers democratic management power, full of enthusiasm and creativity of employees, wisdom run company, this regulation is formulated.Second public companies in the implementation of the board of directors general manager responsibility system under the leadership of the building at the same time, must establish and improve the system of workers' Congress and other democratic management systems, security barrier and play the role of trade union organizations and representatives of the employees table in consideration of the major decision-making enterprises, supervision and supervision of administrative leadership, power and role of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and so on.Third the trade union committee of the enterprise is the work of the staff and workers' Congress, and is responsible for the daily work of the staff and workers' Congress.Fourth the staff and workers' Congress shall accept the ideological and political leadership of the Party committee, and shall exercise its functions and powers within the limits prescribed by law.Article fifth the staff and workers' Congress shall actively support the general manager to exercise the authority of the management and decision making and the unified command of the production activities.Sixth of workers' Congress of democratic centralism.Second chapter of authorityArticle seventh the staff and workers' Congress shall exercise the following functions and powers::A general manager, to listen to and consider the science about the company's operating principles, long-term long-term planning, the annual plan, the basic construction plan, major technological transformation and technology introduction plan, staff training plan, its own funds allocation and use of the program, and put forward opinions and suggestions, and make a resolution on the implementation of the scheme.Two, consider the company's salary adjustment through the program, the labor protection measures programs, incentives and other important regulatory rules and regulations.Three, to consider the use of the program, the welfare of the staff and workers' welfare programs and other major issues related to the lives of the workers and staff.Four, evaluation and supervision of leading cadres at all levels of the company, and put forward suggestions on punishment and the appointment.In five, the workers' Congress meeting, can by the general manager on behalf of the government, the chairman of the trade union staff representatives signed the system of equal consultation and collective contract, for the common goal for the development of the company, each other is to assume the obligation to ensure the implementation.Staff representative of the third chapterEighth employees of the company in accordance with the law to enjoy political rights were elected as representatives of the employees of cocoa.Article 99 the employees' representatives to the department room or the basic level branch as a unit, directly elected by the workers. The operators, technical personnel and management personnel, leading cadres and young workers, female workers have accounted for a certain proportion, the company and the Department of leadership cadres of the general staff to do the total number of deputies to 55 points.Tenth employees on behalf of the Ministry or the basic unit of the Department of the unit is a single unit of the delegation, elected head..Eleventh staff representatives for implementation of the permanent system of election, once every two years, may be re elected. The election of representatives of the employees table unit employees, elected units and workers have the right to supervise and replace the withdrawal of representatives of the staff and workers units.The rights and obligations of the representatives of the twelfth staff and workers:A table, in the staff representative meeting, have the right to vote, to be elected in voting and voting rights. The right to execute executive Congress resolutions and proposal to implement the situation to be checked.Two, on behalf of workers should work hard to improve their own quality, on behalf of the legitimate interests of workers, and truthfully reflect the opinions and demands of the masses of workers, law-abiding model good books work.Three, on behalf of the staff and workers to exercise democratic rights, any organization and individual shall not suppress obstruction and strike retaliation.The fourth chapter organization systemThe thirteenth generation of workers congress delegation chairman presided over the meeting discussion, the members of the presidium shall, operators, managers and technicians. Our company middle-level cadres, including workers, technical personnel, management staff should be more than half.The fourteenth section of the workers' Congress held once a year at least for each meeting, there must be 33 points more than two staff representatives attend the seats. In case of major matters by the general manager, the labor union of the company more than 1/3 staff or staff representatives proposal may convene the meeting. The workers' Congress elections held and resolutions must be approved by all workers represented by more than half.Twenty-fifth of the workers congress around increase and enhance the vitality of enterprises, promote the technology step by step, improve economic efficiency, for enterprise management, an important problem of distribution system and workers life and fix the issue. Staff and workers congress decided in its position within the scope of authority, without consent shall not be modified by the workers' Congress change.Table sixteenth employee representative congress is not in session, the need for temporary solutionAn important question by trade unions called post head meeting of representatives of the staff and workers, and consultation with the down of a workers' congress report confirmed. Head meeting may participate in according to the meeting invited the leadership of the company and other relevant personnel.The fifth chapter of the staff and workers' Congress and the trade unionSeventeenth work as a staff representative of the general assembly of the work of the organization, to undertake the following work:First, the organization of staff and workers elected representatives.Two, the collection of workers on behalf of the major issues of the proposal, presided over the work of representatives of the general assembly of the preparatory work and the organization of the meeting.Three, presided over the meeting of representatives of the staff and workers on behalf of the meeting.Four, the organization of specialized teams to investigate and research, to make recommendations to the workers' Congress, inspection and supervision and supervision of the implementation of the resolution of the general assembly, the implementation of the staff and workers to implement the resolution of the General Assembly on behalf of workers.Five, to the staff and workers into the democratic management of publicity and education, the organization of staff and workers on behalf of the learning policy, business and management knowledge, improve the quality of the staff representatives.Six, accept and deal with the complaints and suggestions of representatives of the staff and workers, maintenance of the legitimate rights and interests of workers.Seven, the organization of democratic management of its other work.The sixth chapter of the Department of the room, the team's democratic managementAccording to the specific circumstances, the eighteenth department may take the form of the employees' Congress or the employee's representative office to exercise democratic management power in the affairs of the authority of the Department.Nineteenth teams and groups of democratic management, by the workers directly participate in the team's trade union leaders and workers under the auspices of the activities carried out under the auspices of the team building by the trade union leader to assist the squad leader.The seventh chapter supplementary provisionsArticle twentieth the company's trade unions shall be responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.Article twenty-first of the regulations issued from the date of promulgation.Trade union workOne, promote the party's road line, principles, policies, the implementation of the higher level of union spirit, under the leadership of the Party committee and the completion of the work of the task.Two, strengthen democratic management, do a good job of the staff and workers' Congress held preparatory, and closing work, do not hold regular workers delegation head of the meeting, to ensure the smooth flow of the main channel of democracy.Three, adhere to the "22" maintenance of unity, do a good job in the labor dispute mediation work, the protection of the specific interests of the masses of the protection of the masses of workers from invasion.Four, strengthen the source participation, actively participate in the company's various policy strategies, measures to develop, and supervise the implementation of the line, reflecting the wishes of the majority of workers and requirements.Five, the organization of workers to carry out labor competition, to make reasonable proposals, small leather, small inventions to create a living activity, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the production of workers.Six, to carry out the "warm and warm project" activities for the workers to run everything, practical things, to help solve the difficult life, do a good job of mutual assistance insurance and staff and workers to study and research work.Seven, establish and perfect the trade unions at all levels, achieve organization system network, fixed regularly held congress, a good new member of the development and transfer of work.Eight, establish and improve the levels of female workers organization, coordination of relevant departments to do a good job of female female workers "four period", play essential role of female workers into the sky, to promote the development of production, protect the legitimate rights and interests of women workers are not infringed.Nine, the group organized the staff to carry out health, education and teaching in music, small and diverse cultural and sports activities, active corporate cultural life, and strive to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise.Ten, to strengthen the financial management of the union, according to the trade union funds on time, to develop the use of the labor union funds budget, reasonable expenses, and do a good job in the collection and use of union dues.Union membership management systemArticle 1 this regulation is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the articles of association of China's trade union, and with the company's actual situation.Second who meet the conditions for membership in the Union constitution and the provisions of the China < >, has signed a labor contract with the company staff can apply to join into the union.Third apply for unionized workers, shall I put out the application, and the Chinese National Federation of trade unions shall fill in "application form" and "trade union membership registration form", by the union approval group and grass-roots trade union audit, is a member of the union. Its membership from the union committee approved the date since.Fourth trade union members should actively participate in the activities of the union, the right to exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations, and timely payment of contributions.Fifth members will be free to go back. Members of the withdrawal will be written application, through the trade union group, approved by the labor union committee, from the day of withdrawal will stop paying their dues.Sixth members do not have the proper reason to continue for 6 months without payment of membership dues, do not participate in the processing will organize life, education refused to correct, should be regarded as automatic withdrawal.Article 77 where serious crimes and criminal sanctions by members of trade unions, by the Committee for discussion and decision, dismissed its membership.The relationship between the eighth members of the organization changes with the change of labor relations, the labor relations of the members change, the relationship between the members of the human relations with me to transfer, with the membership card to transfer.Ninth to master company membership, every month 25 days before this grass-roots trade unions shall fill in "grass-roots union members report > union office reported to the company, requirements in a timely manner, digital true and reliable.Tenth such as the management of the members of the lost Dangdang, causing unnecessary labor disputes, etc., will be held responsible for the relevant personnel.Eleventh handle refund formalities will have workers, and apply for membership, allowing it to re apply for the admission procedures.Twelfth members retired, retired, laid-off, insurable retained membership. Membership retention period from dues. Members maintain membership, no longer have the right to vote and to be elected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. In addition to enjoy the insurance benefits, the same treatment will no longer enjoy membership.Thirteenth the Ordinance shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation, and the right to interpret it shall be in the company's trade union committee.Union chairman job dutiesOne, in the company Party branch and the superior trade union under the leadership of the trade union committee, presided over this unit is responsible for the daily work. The trade union work plan, regular arrangement, examination, summing up the work, and timely reporting to the Party branch and trade unions.Two, the implementation of the implementation of the party's line, principles, policies, adhere to the production and operation of enterprises as the center of the heart and to democratic management as the focus, play the essential role of working mechanism of the Congress, the comprehensive carry out the activities of trade unions.Three, the implementation of democratic centralism principle, chaired by members of the general assembly or a member of Congress, trade union committee, democracy, brainstorming, the trade unions do to promote the harmonious development of enterprises and employees, the stability and unity of the home of workers.Four, support the work of enterprise administration, to participate in the development of the enterprise planning, reform and innovation and life and other important work to discuss the work, and actively put forward reasonable proposals.Five, do the preparatory work of the Congress, to complete the work of the congress delegate support.Six, pay attention to listen to the opinions and requirements of the majority of members, in a timely manner to the Party branch and the administrative counter reflection, the maintenance of the rights and interests of workers and the vital interests of the enterprise administrative staff to help improve the welfare of workers.Seven, the organization to carry out health and physical and mental health of the culture and entertainment, sports activities.Eight, responsible for the scope of trade unions in the political learning, assessment, awarding work.Nine, to assist the female staff members will do a good job of female staff and workers, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of female workers.Ten, assist enterprises in the relevant aspects of the association, do a good job in the work of retired workers and their families.Eleven, the examination and approval of trade union funds.Twelve, timely completion of the party organization and the work of the superior union arrangement.Detailed rules for the implementation of the regulations of the staff and workers' CongressChapter I General ProvisionsThe first one according to the People's Republic of China constitution in < > and < theconsolidation industrial workers congress during the People's Republic of China regulations cases of industrial enterprises owned by the "spirit, the regulations implementing rules are formulated.The second company employee representative congress is the basic form of democratic management of the enterprise, is the right agency workers to exercise their democratic management. The main work is the trade union committee organization of the staff and workers' Congress, responsible for the daily work of the workers' Congress.Third employees in the company under the leadership of Party branch, to implement the party's line, principles and policies of needles, and state laws and regulations, correctly handle the state, collective, individual interests of the three, in the law within the prescribed scope of authority.Article 44 the Congress shall actively support the general manager of the company to exercise the management decision and the unified command of production, scientific research activities authority.Fifth to establish and improve the system of workers' Congress and other democratic management systems, security and play the role of trade union organizations and representatives of the staff and workers to review the major decision of enterprises in the trial supervision, administrative leadership, role and rights to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and so on.Article 66 The Congress implement democratic centralism in the system.Second chapter of authorityThe Seventh Congress exercised the following powersFirst, the right to consider proposalsListen to the general manager of the regular work report; review; business policy, long-term long-term planning, the annual plan; basic construction plan; major technical transformation scheme;; employee training plan; financial budget is put forward opinions and suggestions; gold funds allocation and use case.Two, the review of the consent or vetoThe salary adjustment scheme of the enterprise; the bonus scheme; the labor protection measures; the reward measures for the employees and the important rules and regulations of the enterprise are reviewed.Three, to consider the right to decide:For workers Fulili fund; workers housing allocation; other important matters relating to workers Living welfare review will be decided.Four, appraisal, supervision powerLeading cadres at all levels of supervision, regular review, general manager of the office should fulfill the duties and objectives of supervision, the layers of cadres to the general manager of science can be put forward to praise, reward, punishment, promotion or group of criticism, dismissed suggestions.Five, the right to democratic electionsAccording to the superior department in charge of the deployment of the competent authorities or the approval of the higher authorities, the staff representatives of the people's democratic recommendation or the election of enterprise administrative leadership, and the election results reported to the competent authorities for approval.The Eighth Congress will be the taskFirst, the party and government departments to do a good job of the "two" civilization, the workers of the ideological, discipline and professional ethics education.Two, Congress should support

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