
来源:初三 发布时间:2021-03-19 点击:

第12组 stone 英音:/stəʊn/美音:/ston/ 1. n. 头, 块, 子 2. 矿, 料 3. 宝 时 态: stoned, stoning, stones  名 词: stoner 词组 | 习惯用语 stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地;
一点一滴地 facing stone 饰面石材;
面层石 struvite stone 鸟粪石 loose stone 松动的石头; 裸石(珠宝行业术语); standing stone 孤赏石 stone column 石柱 stone veneer 石料砌面 rhin stone 烫石 stone bridge 石桥 amazon stone [矿物] 天河石;
亚马孙石 网络短语: stoning 石刑; 磨刀; 河床铺石; 抛石护床工; Stone's 石头记 Stones 滚石乐队; 四通利方; 石材纹理; 斯通斯; Rosetta Stone Stone 罗赛塔石碑语言学习软件 Stone Stone Tablet 石碣 granite stone stone cutting 石材切割 philosophers' stone philosopher's stone 见“哲人石 crushed stone & block stone 块石碎石 carved stone stone inscription 石刻 英语例句库 1.III.silicate mineral contain iron, include olive stone, black column stone, common picrite etc. 1.三、含铁硅酸盐矿物:有橄榄石、黑榴石、十字石、黑柱石、普通辉石等。

2.A diamond is a precious stone. 2.金刚钻是一种宝石。

3.His name was incised on the stone. 3.他的名字刻在了石头上。

4.Wood is often painted to imitate stone. 4.木头常涂上油漆冒充石头。

5.He was killed by a heavy stone. 5.他被一块大石头砸死了。

6.The lunar stone is different from earth's. 6.月球的石头和地球的不同。

7.The patio was made of stone slabs. 7.这天井是用石板铺砌而成的。

8.Pry up that stone with a pickax. 8.用鹤嘴镐把那块石头撬起来。

9.There is a scorpion under every stone. 9.每块石头下都会有蝎子。

10.He skimmed little stones over a lake. 10.他抛掷小石片, 使之掠过湖面。

11.Stephen was stoned to death in Jerusalem. 11.斯蒂芬是在耶路撒冷被用石头砸死的。

12.The stone is hard to the touch. 12.这石头很硬。

13.I stubbed my toe against a stone. 13.我的脚趾戳在一块石头上。

14.The crowd hailed stones upon the thief. 14.群众对小偷大扔石头。

15.They blocked the entrance with big stones. 15.他们用大石块堵住了入口。

16.Than unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time. 16.远胜过那被时光涂脏的石头。

17.The stone stairway was covered with lichen. 17.那石级长满了地衣。

18.The boy discharged a stone from a sling. 18.这个男孩用弹弓射石头。

19.The sun reflected dully off the stone walls. 19.阳光朦胧地反射到石墙上。

20.The magic sword was embedded in the stone. 20.魔剑牢牢嵌在石头里。

21.A river rolls the stones along its bed. 21.河水把河床里的石头冲得翻滚而下。

22.There is no give in a stone floor. 22.石头铺的地面毫无弹性。

23.The cruel boy threw stones at the frogs. 23.那个残忍的男孩用石头投掷青蛙。

24.The artisan can cut stones into various shapes. 24.这工匠能把石头雕成各种形状。

25.I bumped my head into a low stone. 25.我的头撞到了一块石头。

26.She has a four-carat stone in her ring. 26.她的戒指镶有一颗四克拉的宝石。

27.The nails in his boots grated on the stones. 27.他靴子上的钉子在石头上发出嘎嘎声。

28.Donald hefted a stone jar of whisky into position. 28.唐纳德搬起装威士忌的石罐,把它放好。

29.Last night I got stoned out of my mind. 29.昨晚我烂醉如泥,不省人事。

30.There is a mass of stones in the yard. 30.院子里堆放着一大堆石头。

31.I found the truant throwing stones in the river. 31.我发现那个逃课的学生在往河里扔石子。

32.And you.What's up with you dating this grungy-ass stoner? 32.|还有你,你的那个恶心的家伙.臭屁斯托纳. 33.This stone axe is a relic of ancient times. 33.这石斧是古代的遗物。

34.Chockstone - Rock or stone tightly wedged in a crack. 34.紧密地楔入岩缝的岩石。

35.Primitive man made himself primitive tools from stones and bones. 35.原始人用石块和骨头做原始的工具。

36.Bringing a sarsen stone to Stonehenge requires years of planning. 36.把岩石带到巨石阵是需要常年的计划的. 37.There was a big heap of stones in the road. 37.路上有一大堆石头。

38.These upright stones are the vestiges of some ancient religion. 38.这些竖立的石头是某种古代宗教的遗迹。

39.He carved the stone into the figure of a man. 39.他用那块石头雕成人形。

40.Luckily the kidney stone passed before she had to be hospitalized. 40.幸好这个肾结石在她必须住院之前化掉了 41.Vs-Si one stone with a GIA certificate Fancy Vivid Orangy Yellow. 41.钻石 说明 A lovely pair of matched round fancy vivid yellow. 42.The stone was lifted by means of a rope and pulley. 42.这块大石是用绳子和滑轮给吊起来的。

43.Knives can be sharpened by grinding them against a rough stone. 43.刀能在一块粗石上磨快。

44.The police left no stone unturned to look for the child. 44.警察千方百计地去寻找孩子。

45.Her face was contorted with pain due to the gallbladder stones. 45.胆结石使她痛得脸都变了样。

46.Taishe--the Imperial Temple for the Good of Land or the Pelorus Stone? 46.— A Discussion on the Feature of Luojingshi of Yangling Mausoleum (罗经石乎?太社乎? 47.He flung a stone at the sparrows,he missed,scaring all the sparrows away. 47.他投石子打麻雀,没有击中,把麻雀都吓飞了。

48.I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on a paving stone. 48.我的一只鞋跟偶然擦到了铺路石。

49.Arches are built of wood, stone, brick or any other building material. 49.拱门是用木料、石块、砖头或其他建筑材料建成的。

50.The natives used to hammer the metal into arrowheads, using heavy stones. 50.土著人以前总是用沉重的石头把这种金属锤打成箭头。

51.Crystal capacitors, dories, power stones, and psionic tattoos are always psionic items. 51.灵容、灵杖、灵能石和灵纹总是灵能物品。

52.The vower disavowed the vowels. The towboat is stowed with bestowed stone. 52.宣誓者否认这些元音字母。拖船上堆满了赠与的石头。

53.But the stone walls keep the farmer's cows from joining his neighbor's cows. 53.但是石头墙使这家农民的母牛不会加入到邻居的牛群中去。

54.Pick over the lentils carefully in case there are any stones among them. 54.把这些豆子里的沙粒挑出去。

55.Of, relating to, or characteristic of the very beginning of the Stone Age;Eolithic. 55.原石器时代的石器时代开端的,与其有关的或有其特征的;

56.Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did. 56.过去寡妇是不允许重新嫁人的,否则,就要被乱石砸死。

57.That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields. 57.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。

58.To evaluate the clinical effects of treatment of submucosal uretero-vesical stones with transurethral cystoscope. 58.摘要 目的:探讨经尿道膀胱镜处理输尿管壁内部结石的临床治疗效果。

59.The police left no stone unturned in their efforts to find the little girl. 59.警方不遗余力地寻找那个小女孩。

60.A human being was put inside, with a coverlid of stone on top.This exists. 60.当年却有人把一个活生生的人安置在那里,上面再盖上一块石板


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