
来源:加拿大留学 发布时间:2021-02-06 点击:

 “学生为中心”教学例析 襄樊五中

  盛晓华 一. 目的动机 以“学生为中心”的教学模式的特点是:教学过程中教师与学生之间应保持双向交流,学生之间应保持有组织有分工的相互交往,学生是活动的主体,教师是促进学生间交往的特派员、主持人。我认为创建“以学生为中心”的教学模式的目的有以下几个方面。

 1. 明确教师的角色,教师是合作者、鼓励者和引导者,强调学生的主体作用,力争让每一位学生努力在学习过程中成为自己学习的主人。

 2. 重视学生的需求,既要考虑他们将来对英语的需求,也要考虑他们日常学习过程中的需求,确保学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。



 二. 过程展示

  下面我将以 Senior Book I(A) 中的 Unit 8: Sports 中的 Reading 部分为例,展示如何在课本上实现 Students’ center 的教学。

 Step I. Revision 1.Greet the whole class as usual. 2. Ask some questions about the Olympic Games. ① How often are the Olympic Games held? (Show picture 1: the venue of the Olympic Games) ②How many gold medals did the Chinese team get in Athens Olympic Games? (Show picture 2: Chinese athletes standing on the winner’s platform with the five-star flag rising up) ③Who has got the heaviest gold medal in the 28th Athens Olympic Games? (Show picture 3: Liu Xiang) ④Why do people say that China won another great competition in 2001? (Show picture 4: beautiful Beijing and the sign of the 2008 Olympic Games) ⑤ What is the Olympic motto?

 (Show picture 5: the big words “Faster ,Higher, Stronger” after the student’s answer.) Step II. Pre-reading Now let’s talk about your favorite sport and something about the Olympic Games. (The students will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will discuss one question. 3 minutes later, one student of each group will answer it.) 1. Which sport event(s) do you like to watch most? Why? 2. Is it important to win in a sports match? Why or why not? 3. Are the Olympic Games important to our society? Why or why not? 4. Why do athletes from so many countries want to take past in the Olympic Games? Step III. While—reading 1. Now let’s learn about the further information about the Olympics. Please read the text and then answer the questions on the screen.(Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help the students

 to form a good habit of reading.) ①Do the Summer Olympics and the winter Olympics happen at the same time? ②What were the old Olympic Games like? ③How many different events are there in the 27th Olympic Games/ Give some examples. ④What does the Olympic motto mean? ⑤What’s the competition, which is not for a medal? 2. Read the text silently.3 minutes later, we will sum up every paragraph in one sentence. Para 1: The Olympic Games are held every four years. Para 2: Something about the old Olympic Games. Para 3: Something about the modern Olympic Games and the 27th Olympic Games Para 4: The Olympic motto. Para 5: The preparation for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing. 3. We have done some reading about the text. Now please tell us the general idea of the text. The reading gives a brief summary of the history of the Olympic Games and its development over the years. It also emphasizes the spirit of the Games and describes China’s success in recent Olympic Games. Step IV. Post-reading. Now please listen to the tape. After that, finish the exercises in the Post-reading. 1. True or false sentences.

 2. Answer some questions.

 3. Advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Olympics. Step V. Homework. 1. Recite the last paragraph of the text. 2. Preparations: Language study and practising. 三. 过程简析 以上的教学过程中,充分体现了以学生为中心的课堂结构。

 1.Revision 部分, 设计了五个问题,采用图片展示法,一下子将学生的注意力吸引到“奥运”这个主题上,激发了学生的兴趣。

 2. Pre—reading 部分,设计了四个问题,采用分组讨论法,一方面提高学生对体育活动的正确认识,另一方面引导学生理解奥运会的重要性和奥运会所倡导的体育精神,从而培养了学生的开放性思维能力,课堂气氛一下子活跃了起来。

 3.While—reading 部分,旨在要求学生养成良好的阅读习惯,根据文章设计了五个关于“奥运”的问题,让学生在短时间里去捕捉文章的信息,同时要求学生弄清全文的脉落和对其进行归纳总结,使此时课堂上学生的活动达到了一个高潮。

 4.Post—reading 部分设计了三类问题,前两类是针对文章的理解,评价学生对文章理解的程度,第三类问题具有很大的灵活性和开放性,旨在培养学生辨证地、客观地分析问题的能力以及更高水准的英语语言表达能力,再一次将学生的活动掀起了一个高潮。

 5.Homework 部分,一是对所学内容的加深巩固,再就是预习新内容,进一步指导学生做学习的主人。

 四. 教学感悟 通过这节课的学习,我深深体会了以学生为主体、教师为主导的教学理念的重要性 。课堂上,学生由原来被动接受知识转变为主动自主地学习知识,学生可养成自觉动手、动脑的好习惯。这种讲授分法既能激发学生的学习热情,调动学生学习知识的积极性、主动性和创造性,还能够将老师从满堂灌的重负中彻底解脱出来,给予学生自主学习的极大空间。



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