
来源:职称计算机 发布时间:2020-10-15 点击:


  尊敬的 xx 高尔夫别墅业主/住、租户:


 为进一步递升服务小区作业的水准与质量,为小区创造出更整洁的公共环境之宗旨,我们在经与小区业主委员会共同考核和认真议决后,就原合同到期后的小区保洁服务作业的委托,继续实施了以招投标形式再行比较与择选。在经过"招标"、"走访"、"评标"、"答辩"及"现场试样"等五个环节的认真测试及综合评估后,自 2006 年 10 月 16 日起已由"xx 设施管理服务(上海)有限公司"接聘并实施了本小区的现场保洁服务作业。(包括可接受小区各位业户们的有偿委托服务)。


 阁下若有任何疑问,可致电本管理处,电话号码:54221661 或 64014953(英语热线)


 x 高尔夫别墅物业管理处

 2006 年 11 月 21 日

 Notice about "Hong Run" company replace to provide service of cleaning

 Dear Owners and Tenant:

 To improve the cleaning service quality and enhance your living environment,the owners"committee has decide to use an open tendering procedure to find a new cleaning service company for the community.

 The open tendering procedure involved five steps of : 1) public tendering; 2)visiting the new company; 3)evaluating offered service; 4)questioning and answering; 5)on-site review.

 We are happy to inform you that a new cleaning company "OaiSi Hong Run Establishment Management Service Co.,LTD(SH)"has been selected and has started the service since Oct.16th,2006. Hong Run will also provide paid cleaning service upon individual owners"/tenants" request as previous set up with the management.

 We will conitinue to provide supervision and coordination with Hong Run to ensure that the all the owners" tenants" interests are properly served.

 you have any question,please contact us .Telephone Number :54221661 or 64014953(English Hotline)

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