
来源:村官 发布时间:2021-04-20 点击:

课堂探究 1.Think about how they differ. 想想它们有什么不同。

考点:differ vi.不同;
相异 The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in character. 那对双胞胎兄弟外表相似,但性格却相差很大。

In this respect,French differs from English/French and English differ. 在这方面,法语不同于英语/法语与英语有区别。

考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出与differ搭配的短语及含义 ①She said I had copied her answer,but in fact,my answer differed from hers. 她说我抄袭她的答案,但是事实上,我的答案和她的不同。

短语:differ_from... 含义:与……不同 ②People,however,differ in their opinions on this matter. 然而,人们在这个问题上看法相异。

短语:differ_in... 含义:在……方面不同 ③You should pay more attention to uniting and working with those who differ with/from you about/on it. 你应该更注重团结那些与自己意见不同的人一起工作。

短语:differ_with/from...on/about_sth 含义:在某事上与……的看法不同 即学即用 语法填空 1)The husband differs ______ his wife ______ who is to take charge of the money. 2)Don't be intolerant of people whose opinions differ ______ yours. 完成句子 3)American English ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ (与英式英语有很大不同)
in vocabulary. 4)I'm sorry ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______(在那一点上我与你看法不同). 答案:1)with/from;
about/on 2)from 3)differs greatly from British English 4)to differ with you on that point 2.It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. 它是精确复制出另外一种动物或植物的方法。

The exact process is not yet fully understood,but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain. 尽管具体的过程尚未完全了解,但世界上的研究已经开始界定大脑的这一特定区域。

考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出画线单词的词性及含义 ①I don't know the exact terms of the agreement. 我不知道协议的确切条款。

词性:形容词 含义:准确的 ②The job exacts care and attention. 这项工作需要谨慎和集中精力。

词性:动词 含义:要求,需要 ③You have to be very exact in this job,because a small mistake can make a big difference. 你做这项工作必须非常严谨,因为一个小错就能造成天壤之别。

词性:形容词 含义:严谨的 ④The government exacts taxes from every wage earner above a certain level of income. 政府向每个工资收入超过一定水平的人征税。

词性:动词 含义:征收 考点延伸 exactly adv. 正是如此;
准确地 to be exact=exactly speaking 确切地说 You're far more likely to find the right fit if you know exactly what you're looking for. 如果你确切地知道你想要什么,你更有可能找到适合自己的工作。

It happened late last century in 1895,to be exact. 事情发生在上个世纪末——准确地说,在1895年。

即学即用 语法填空 1)The second medium was audio,or sound,although that term is not used ______ (exact)
in the way we use it today. 2)She wrote,______ be exact,ten novels in her lifetime. 完成句子 3)Can you tell me the ______ ______ (确切的路线)
that they took? 4)—So he told you you'd got the job? —______ ______(不完全是这样),but he said he was very impressed with my performance. 答案:1)exactly 2)to 3)exact route 4)Not exactly 3.It is a difficult task to undertake. 这是一项很难完成的任务。

She undertook the responsibility for these changes. 她对这些变化承担了责任。

阅读下列句子,归纳undertake的用法 ①The scientist undertakes the experiment. 科学家从事这项实验。

归纳:undertake sth 表示:着手/从事/承担某事 ②He undertook to pay the money back in one month. 他答应在一个月之内还钱。

归纳:undertake to do sth 表示:保证/答应做某事 ③We can't undertake that you will make a profit. 我们不能保证你会获利。

归纳:undertake that... 表示:保证/承诺…… 即学即用 完成句子 1)她负责了整个项目的组织工作。

She ______ the organization work of the whole project. 2)他承诺在周五前完成那项工作。

He______ ______ ______/______ ______ ______ ______the work by Friday. 语法填空 3)He ______ (undertake)
several important experiments so far. 翻译句子 4)他下个月要去西部旅行。

________________________________________________________________________ 5)我不能保证按时做完它。

________________________________________________________________________ 答案:1)undertook 2)undertook to finish/that he would finish 3)
has undertaken 4)
He will undertake a journey to the west next month. 5)
I can't undertake that I'll finish it on time. 4.But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off in 1996 with a breakthrough—the cloning of Dolly the sheep. 但是决心和耐心使科学家们最终于1996年收获了突破性的结果——克隆羊“多莉”。

阅读下列句子,指出画线短语的含义 ①Years of hard work paid_off in his future career. 多年的辛劳使他在以后的事业上获得了成功。

取得成功 ②Five years later,Mr Wang paid_off the debts for his son's schooling. 五年后,王先生还清了儿子上学的债务。

含义:偿清 ③When the building was completed,he paid_off the laborers. 大楼完工后,他就给了工人工资并把他们打发走了。

含义:付清工资并解雇某人 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出pay构成的短语及含义 ①Have I paid you back the $50 you lent me for those books? 你借给我买那些书的50美元我还了没有? 短语:pay_(sb)_back_sth 含义:偿还 ②We got to the hotel,and I paid for the taxi. 我们到了旅馆,我付了出租车费。

短语:pay_for... 含义:为……付钱 ③I have to pay the shopowner 150 yuan for the sewing machine. 我得付给店主150元买这台缝纫机。

短语:pay_(sb...)_for_sth 含义:因某物而付(某人)…… ④My brother paid the repairman 60 dollars to get his camera repaired. 我哥哥付给修理工60美元修了他的相机。

短语:pay_sb(...)_to_do_sth 含义:付某人(……)去做某事 即学即用 句型转换 1)His devotion to the country was rewarded and he was regarded as the good example of children. →His devotion to the country______ ______ ______ and he was regarded as the good example of children. 2)Our plan finally succeeded so it proved to be a great idea. →Our plan finally______ ______ so it proved to be a great idea. 语法填空 3)She paid 200 dollars______ that ring. 4)Can you lend me £10?I'll pay you ______on Friday. 用与pay相关的词组填空 5)After ten years of hard working she finally ______ ______ her debt. 6)Have you ______ the money ______ the bank yet? 7)I will ______ you ______ next week. 8)I ______ the boy ten yuan ______clean the window. 答案:1)was paid off 2)paid off 3)for 4)back 5)paid off 6)paid;
to 7)pay;
back 8)paid;
to 5.Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly's illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. 研究克隆的科学家们发现多莉得的病更容易发生在年老的羊身上,这让他们很沮丧。

句中to find是不定式短语作原因状语。

阅读下列句子,指出句中的动词不定式作何种状语 ①He hurried to the station only to find the train had left. 他匆忙地赶到火车站,结果发现火车已经开走了。

动词不定式:to_find_the_train_had_left,用作结果状语 ②I came here only to tell you something about the meeting. 我来就是告诉你关于这次会议的事。

动词不定式:to_tell_you_something_about_the_meeting,用作目的状语 ③They are pleased to see their friends. 见到朋友,他们很高兴。

动词不定式:to_see_their_friends,用作原因状语 The tree cast us a pleasant shade. 这棵树给我们带来了荫凉。

阅读下列句子,指出cast构成的短语及含义 ①Karl was much cast down by his failure in the exam. 卡尔因未通过考试而十分沮丧。

短语:cast_down 含义:灰心,沮丧,不愉快 ②Don't cast aside those worn­out gloves;
they may be used yet if properly mended. 不要把那些旧手套扔掉,好好补一补,还可以用嘛! 短语:cast_aside 含义:把……丢在一边,扔掉,丢掉 ③The millionaire cast off his daughter when she married a poor young man. 当那个百万富翁的女儿嫁给一个穷小子时,他断绝了和女儿的关系。

短语:cast_off 含义:抛弃,摆脱 ④The traitor was cast out from his country. 这个卖国贼被驱逐出境。

短语:cast_out 含义:驱逐出去,赶走 ⑤The manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist. 经理一直在到处寻找接待员的人选。

短语:cast_about_for 含义:寻找,寻求 ⑥As the drought has lasted for three months,the leaves are casting down. 干旱持续了三个月,树叶都垂了下来。

短语:cast_down 含义:垂下 即学即用 语法填空 1)The old man sat in front of the television every evening,happy______ (watch)
anything that happened to be on. 2)George returned after the war,only ______ (tell)
that his wife had left him. 3)She has cast her old friends ______,which made them very disappointed. 4)John cast ______ his girl friend after he became rich. 5)The old woman said she had the power to cast ______ ghosts (鬼怪). 完成句子 6)______ ______ ______ ______ (约翰感到很沮丧)
to learn the news that he was rejected by the committee. 7)Standing timidly before the teacher,the girl ______ ______ (垂下)
her eyes. 答案:1)to watch 2)to be told 3)aside 4)off 5)out 6)John was cast down 7)cast down 6.On the other hand,Dolly's appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. 另一方面,多莉羊的出现引起了一阵强烈的反对,对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了极大的影响。

No objections were raised at the meeting. 会上没有人提出异议。

①We have/take/make an objection to teaming up with them. 我们不赞成和他们合作。

归纳:have/take/make an objection to (doing)
sth意为:反对…… 考点延伸 object vi.反对;
不赞成 n.物体;
宾语 I'll have a smoke,if you don't object. 如果你不反对,我想抽支烟。

阅读下列句子,归纳object的用法 ②I saw an object in the sky,but I didn't know what it was. 我看见天空中有个物体,可是我不知道它是什么。

归纳:object为名词,意为:物体 ③We objected to leaving in such a hurry. 我们反对这样匆忙地离开。

Why do some people object to human cloning? 为什么一些人反对克隆人类呢? 归纳:object to...意为:反对……;
object to中的to是介词,常接动词­ing形式、名词或代词作宾语 即学即用 语法填空 1)Please present your ______ (object)
to the plan. 2)I ______ (object)
that he was too young for the position. 完成句子 3)学生们反对星期天上课,但是父母不反对。

The students ______ ______ ______ on Sundays but their parents did not. 4)我们抗议这种待遇。

We ______ ______ ______ ______ like this. 5)母亲反对说,吉米身体太虚弱,不能承担那份工作。

Mother ______ ______ Jimmy was too weak to take up the job. 答案:1)objection 2)objected 3)objected to studying 4)object to being treated 5)objected that 7.Although at present human egg cells and embryos needed for cloning research are difficult to obtain,newspapers wrote of evil leaders hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions. 尽管目前供克隆研究的人类卵细胞和胚胎很难获得,但是报纸报道说,有些邪恶头目希望把自己克隆出来以实现他们的野心。

过去分词短语needed for cloning research作定语修饰human egg cells and embryos。如:
Have you bought the novel recommended by the professor? 你买了教授推荐的那本小说了吗? 阅读下列句子,归纳obtain的用法 ①He obtained a driver's license after three­month training. 3个月培训之后,他获得了驾驶执照。

归纳:obtain sth 意为:获得/赢得某物 ②His work obtained him a regular income. 他的工作使他获得定期的收入。

归纳:obtain sb sth 意为:为某人获得/赢得某物 ③I think I know where I can obtain that book for you. 我想我知道去哪儿给你弄到那本书。

归纳:obtain sth for sb 意为:为某人获得/赢得某物 ④He obtained a large sum of money by/through buying and selling houses. 他通过买卖房子赚了一大笔钱。

归纳:obtain sth by/through doing sth 意为:通过做某事获取某物 ⑤Details can be obtained from the Ministry of Education. 可以从教育部获知详情。

归纳:obtain sth from sb/sth 意为:从某人/某物获得/获取某物 考点延伸 词义辨析:obtain,acquire,gain,earn与achieve 1)obtain意为“获得,买到”。指通过努力或请求而得到,含有满足要求或得达到目的的意味,用于正式语体中。例:
We wished to obtain the first­hand information. 我们希望得到第一手情报。

The couple acquire a good reputation in art circles. 这对夫妇在文艺界获得美名。

She gained rich experience in teaching. 她获得了丰富的教学经验。

He earns 800 yuan a month. 他月薪八百元。

They hope to achieve their goal by peaceful means. 他们希望用和平手段达到他们的目的。

即学即用 语法填空 1)Further information can be obtained ______ the head office. 2)People obtain knowledge and information ______ reading and studying. 3)What can Eby obtain ______ you? 用obtain,acquire,gain,earn与achieve的适当形式填空 4)I finally managed to ______ a copy of the report. 5)It is through learning that the individual ______ many habitual ways of reacting to situations. 6)An investor______ by buying stocks that go up in value. 7)How much do you ______ a week? 8)The movie star ______success and wealth. 答案:1)from 2)by/through 3)for 4)obtain 5)acquires 6)gains 7)earn 8)achieved 8.Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning,but other countries like China and the UK,continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. 有些(政府)开始改革司法制度,明令禁止进行克隆人类的研究,但是其他的国家,如中国和英国,则仍在继续收集克隆技术有可能提供丰富的医疗救助的证据。

阅读下列句子,归纳forbid的用法 ①If his father had known about it,he would have forbidden the marriage. 如果他父亲事先知道,他会禁止这桩婚事的。

归纳:forbid sth 意为:禁止某事 ②Their father forbade them to go. 他们的父亲禁止他们去。

归纳:forbid sb to do sth 意为:禁止/不准某人做某事 ③The new law forbids smoking in offices. 新法律禁止在办公室抽烟。

归纳:forbid doing sth 意为:禁止/不准做某事 ④It's forbidden to marry someone who is not a member of the same faith in that country. 在那个国家禁止与宗教信仰不同的人结婚。

归纳:It's forbidden to do sth 意为:做某事是被禁止的 ⑤I forbid that you (should)
leave the room. 我不准你离开这个房间。


即学即用 语法填空 1)Women______ (forbid)
from going out without a veil in that country. 2)We forbid ______ (smoke)
in the reading room. 3)I forbid that you ______ (step)
out of this house. 一句多译 她的父亲禁止他们结婚。

4)Her father forbade ______ ______. 5)Her father forbade ______ ______ ______. 6)They were ______ ______ ______ by her father. 答案:1)are forbidden 2)smoking 3)(should)
step 4)their marriage 5)them to marry 6)forbidden to marry By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 通过精明地投资,她积累了一笔财富。

阅读下列句子,指出画线单词的词性和含义 ①As people accumulate more wealth,they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes. 当人们积累了更多财富时,往往会将更多的收入用于消费。

词性:及物动词 含义:积累 ②The man's debts began to accumulate. 那个人的债务开始增加。

词性:不及物动词 含义:(数量)逐渐增加 即学即用 完成句子 1)However,as the evidence ______ ______ ______,experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate. 语法填空 2)A thick layer of dust ______ (accumulate)
in the room,so he had to give it a thorough cleaning. 答案:1)began to accumulate 2)had accumulated 9.Is it in favour of cloning or against it? 它是赞成克隆行为还是反对克隆行为? There were 249 votes in favour of the plan and 123 against. 有249票赞成这个计划,123票反对。

阅读下列句子,指出favour构成的短语及含义 ①I have told her about our plan,and she is in favour of it. 我对她讲了我们的计划,她表示赞同。

短语:in_favour_of 含义:赞成 ②The exchange rate is in our favour at the moment. 目前汇率对我们有利。

短语:in_sb's_favour 含义:对某人有利 ③Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today? 今天你能帮我个忙去学校接萨姆吗? 短语:do_sb_a_favour 含义:帮某人忙 即学即用 完成句子 1)Was he ______ ______ ______ (赞同)
the death penalty? 2)The court decided ______ ______ ______ (对他有利). 3)______ ______ ______ ______ (帮我一个忙)
and turn the radio down while I'm on the phone,will you? 答案:1)in favour of 2)in his favour 3)Do me a favour


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