
来源:实践技能 发布时间:2020-08-15 点击:


 五是作为领导干部要按照党的方针、政策、路线,发扬不畏艰苦、奋力拼搏、克己奉公、甘于奉献的精神,办一些事情都要勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗、量力而行,把有限的财力、物力用在经济发展上,在工作和生活中坚持杜绝讲排场、比阔气的不良现象。第五、加强制度建设,严格依法行政胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大报告中指出:“坚持国家一切权力属于人民,从各个层次、各个领域扩大公民有序政治参与,最广泛地动员和组织人民依法管理国家事务和社会事务、管理经济和文化事业”。结合价格认证、价格鉴证、复核裁定、车物定损、“双认定”行政许可、药品备案等工作实际,一是要坚持集体决定决策制度。所有重大决策,都要在深入调查研究、广泛听取意见、按规定要求集体讨论决定,杜绝行政决策中擅权、专断和滥用权力的现象发生,真正做到按制度和程序决策、科学民主决策。二是要严格依法行政,提高行政效能。简化办事流程、规范办事程序、公开办事规定。三是推进依法行政工作,完善机制和制度,确保权力在阳光下运行,做到权责清晰、行为规范、程序严密、运行公开、制约有效、监督有力。五是畅通监督投诉渠道,对群众反映的问题,认真核实处理,及时发现和解决存在的问题,有效防治“懒、散、庸、拖、贪”等现象。六是严格依法行政,坚持做到有权必有责,用权受监督,侵权要赔偿。总之,通过这次警示教育,再一次警示我们,对加强党内监督刻不容缓,并且任重道远。千里江堤,溃于蚁穴。不论是工作或是生活,我们一定要从每件小事做起,树立良好的习惯。只有防微杜渐、警钟长鸣,做到自重、自省、自警、自励,认真算好经济、名誉、家庭、亲情、自由、健康“六笔帐”,才会耐得住寂寞、抗得住诱惑、顶得住歪风、经得起考验,才能把人民赋予的权力用得好、用得正。近日,我院组织观看了警示教育电视片《贪欲之害》,做为一名老党员心潮澎湃、感慨良多。片中以纪实手法披露了大量近年来省内外领导干部的违纪违法事实, 这些腐败官员多具有辉煌的过去,也曾有艰苦奋斗的过程,但当他们成为掌握实权的中、高层领导干部后,个人欲望膨胀,在贪欲的驱使下人格发生扭曲,革命意志和理想信念发生动摇,丧失了共产党员的先进性,并最终走向了腐败。他们因个人贪利给国家造成巨大损失,也严重影响了我们党在人民群众中的形象和威信。纵观这些反面典型,他们由国家干部成为人民的罪人,究其根源是:观念错误,权力异化,把党和人民赋予的权利当作自己的东西。贪婪成性,手中的权力就是他们敛财的法宝。中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。但是他手中的权力却蜕变为祸国殃民、实现个人私欲的工具;为了自己的利益,置国家利益不顾,中饱私囊。职务犯罪有一共同点,法制观念淡薄,特权思想严重是其共性。而不正常乃至畸形的心理状态无疑是他们堕落的“源动力”。短短几年收受贿赂的根源,就是人生观的迷失和价值观的倾斜。当一个人认为人生的目的和意义就是追求享乐,把对权力的追逐和对金钱的挥霍当作目标时,就会借权力牟私,借权力生财,成为权力的寄生虫。人格的失衡和品德的低下,助长了其贪婪自私,以至恶招损术层出不穷,搜刮民脂民膏,坑害国家,无所不用其极。针对上述问题,我认为要防止腐败,需做到以下几方面:一是始终坚持政治理论学习,坚定理想信念,始终坚持为人民服务的宗旨。作为一名共产党员,要严格执行中央上下的各项规定,要廉洁从政,全心全意为人民服务。为政之德,首当“清廉”,要做到一身正气,两袖清风,短时间可能很容易,长时间就要不断自我提醒,自我反省,自我激励,需要做到警钟长鸣。只有不断完善和提高自己,才能确保高质量地完成好党交给的工作任务,才能更好地保证自身的廉洁清正。二、是加强学习,保持良好工作作风和生活作风。学习是基础,定期有组织或自觉的加强从政道德学习、党的优良传统和作风、党纪条规和国家法律法规学习,是每个要求进步的党员所应该做到的。作为一名共产党员,只有定期进行政治学习,自己的思想才能得到进步,但这种学习不能只是走过场,不能空喊口号,而是要静下心来认真学习,认真研读,而要自觉自愿的落实到自己的平时工作当中去,在日常生活中,保持良好的生活作风。我要做到从这一系列案件中吸取教训,举一反三,警钟长鸣,在思想上要求进步,反对贪图享受,树立正确的人身观和事业观,牢记为人民服务的宗旨,努力做好本职工作,恪尽职守。我将以此警示自己,牢牢树立执政为民、廉政为民的思想观念,做到常思贪欲之害,常怀律己之心,常除非分之想,常漠公仆本色,常修为官之德,真正做到上不负党,下不负民。在6月24日上午,全校教职工统一在多媒体教室观看党风廉政警示片《莫伸手》。记录了晋城煤化工公司原党委书记、董事长、总经理薛荣因受贿、挪用公款落马的事实,揭示领导干部要慎权、慎行、慎独、慎微的为官之道。从观看的警示教育片中的几位领导人由堕落走向腐败中具有几个共同点:世界观、人生观、价值观严重扭曲;忽视政治理论学习,放松对自己的思想改造;不能正确对待手中的权力,忘记了全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨。通过观看警示教育片《莫伸手》,使我深感反腐倡廉教育对中国共产党员的重要性,共产党员在工作生活中应该从以下方面严格要求自己:一、要始终坚持中国共产党的信念。从腐败分子发展的轨迹来看,他们并不是一直都在腐败,有的也曾经是我党的“好同志”,并且为我党的事业发展奋斗过,兢兢业业地工作过,但随着客观条件的变化,面对各种诱惑,在心理及其矛盾的心态下迈出了可怕的第一次,加上自身“免疫力”逐渐下降,于是不断陷于堕落。这个从小到大、从轻到重、从一时的闪念到不能自拔的过程,也是一个共产党员变质的过程,我们每一个党员干部在任何时候都不能忘了自己的信念和追求,“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,免得“一失足成千古恨”。要严于律己,以苦为乐,以奉献为荣,做一个道德高尚的人,以良好的人格力量去影响和带动周围的干部群众。二、要树立正确的权力观。私心和贪欲是万恶之源,私欲与权力的结合必然导致腐败。一个共产党员如果放任了对私欲的控制,就会失去了对权力的驾驭,“莫伸手,伸手必被捉”。然而,现实中有不少领导干部背弃了党的宗旨,把自己当成群众的主人,把职务当成享乐的资本,把权力当成私欲的工具,以致超越职权,滥用权力,权力观发生了扭曲和变异,权力的行使发生了偏差和错位。每个党员都必须树立正确的权力观,立党为公,执政为民。强化“公仆”意识,牢记权力是人民给的,权力意味着责任,更大的权力意味着更大的责任。所有党员干部必须真正代表人民掌好权、用好权,而绝不允许以权谋私。三、要讲民主坚持原则。每一位共产党员,在任何情况下都要讲民主,也要坚持原则,不为利诱,做到台上台下一个样,人前人后一个样。不能把自己当作一名特殊的党员,而凌驾于组织之上,不接受监督。应该能听进不同的意见,接受来自各个方面的批评意见。要增强党性原则,强化民主集中制意识,确保权力行使不偏离正确方向,讨论问题讲民主,决策问题讲程序,执行决议讲原则。始终站在人民的群众的立场上想问题、办事情。四、要加强学习,提高素质。从腐败分子的变质过程来看,大多数人是因为放松了学习,放松了做为一名中国共产党应该自觉学习的要求,逐渐地忘记了党的教诲,抛弃了共产党的理想信念,世界观蜕变,人生观扭曲,价值观失衡,陷入拜金主义、享乐主义和极端主义的泥坑。我们每一位共产党员,只有通过不断学习,牢固树立正确的马克思主义世界观、人生观、价值观,树立正确的权力观、地位观、利益观,才能自觉抵制和消除滋生腐败的各种不良影响,自觉抵制各种腐朽思想的侵蚀。这段时间以来,参加了全局组织的多次警示教育片的观看,对于腐败分子的腐败行为,使自己真正在思想上受到了震憾和教育。看着这些人,哪一个过去不是热血方刚、踌躇满志的同志,而今天却成为阶下囚,这就是因为他们在这改革开放深入进行的重要时期,也是社会转型阶段,没有时刻进行理想信念的修养,加强作风建设,导致理想信念动摇,丧失党性原则,宗旨观念淡薄,把权力当成谋取私利的资本,拜金主义、享乐主义占据头脑,价值观发生偏离,堕落为犯罪分子。观看结束后,结合自身工作实际,对存在的这些社会问题,下面谈谈自己的看法和观点。这些反面典型,在他强取豪夺完成由腐而败的进程中,为什么会一路畅通,即使怨声载道仍能稳坐“科长”、“处长”和“局长”的宝座呢?这些不能不引起我们的深思。深挖其根源有如下几点:一、执法观念严重错误,权力异化,把党和人民赋予权利当作自己的东西。对于腐败分子而言,手中的权力就是他们敛财、“称霸”的“法宝”。那么权力的本质是什么?权力因何而生,又应为谁而用?《中华人民共和国宪法》第二条规定:中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。但是手中的权力却蜕变为强取豪夺、祸国殃民、实现个人私欲的工具;为了小单位的利益随意执法,置国家利益不顾,而肥了自己。权力的异化有内外两方面因素。从自身来看,职务犯罪有一共同点,即虽然犯罪人级别不尽相同,但法制观念淡薄,特权思想严重是其共性。而不正常乃至畸形的心理状态无疑是他们堕落的“源动力”。当一个人认为人生的目的和意义就是追求享乐,把对权力的追逐和对金钱的挥霍当作目标时,就会借权力牟私,借权力生财,成为权力的寄生虫。人格的失衡和品德的低下,助长了其贪婪自私和鲜廉寡耻,以至恶招损术层出不穷,搜刮民脂民膏,坑害国家,无所不用其极。二、缺乏执法监督机制、体制漏洞,民主建设形同虚设,出现利用手中职权为所欲为,以个人意识代替法律。从外部环境分析,这十几年正是我国改革开放深入进行的重要时期,也是社会转型阶段。新旧体制转轨,两种体制并存,思想意识形态多元化是这一时期的特点。体制上漏洞为犯罪提供了空间和土壤,市场经济的负面效应,促使一部分公职人员对自己手中的权力产生了错误认识。从制度层面看,我们的一些制度缺失,或者虽然存在但是形同虚设,也是犯罪的重要原因。虽然党和国家采取了多种措施予以遏制,但是收效仍然不很明显。从法制层面来看,“绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败”。从深层次看,是社会法律意识的缺失和法律的不完善。因为前者的缺失使人们不懂得、不善于用法律来保护自己,唯有妥协;制度的缺失,则导致无法可依,对霸权的滋生横行无能为力,为权钱交易留下空隙。社会法律意识的提高是防腐拒败的基础,务必长抓不懈;现有的法律规范更多的是关注和惩罚已然的职务犯罪,对职务犯罪的预防性立法远远不够。立法的欠缺和法律监督权限设置上的结构性缺陷,也给现阶段预防职务犯罪的司法实践带来了困惑。针对上述问题,我们认为要防止腐败,需作到以下几方面:一是始终坚持政治理论学习,坚定理想信念。作为党员,只有不断完善和提高自己,才能确保高质量地完成好党交给的工作任务,才能更好地保证自身的廉洁清正。因此自己将坚持经常性的深入学习和钻研,进一步提高自身的政策水平和理论水平。在学习中,将理论与实际相结合,将反面案例与正面教育相结合,注重学习效果,提高自身的思想觉悟和道德水准。同时,自己要按照党的要求,严格要求自己,防微杜渐,确保不出任何违法违纪问题。二是始终坚持为人民服务的宗旨。要做到全心全意为人民服务,完成好党交给的各项工作任务,最根本的就是要正确处理好个人利益与党和人民利益的关系,在任何时候都要把党和人民利益放在首位。要时刻注意树立警醒意识,在大是大非面前坚持正确立场和态度,自觉维护党和人民的利益。进一步加强世界观的改造,用马克思唯物主义的观点去判断、检验是非功过。正确行使党和人民赋予的权力,心系组织重托,心系群众冷暖。在世界观、人生观和价值观上进行自我批评和自我教育,牢固树立“为人民服务”的思想,端正思想作风,提升思想境界,切实做到为民、务实、清廉。三是始终坚持执行党的各项廉政建设规章制度。这些腐败分之地下场警示我们:在社会主义中国,法律面前没有特殊公民,党纪面前没有特殊党员。一个党员干部,不管地位多高,权力多大,只要违法乱纪,终究逃不脱党纪国法的严厉制裁,以身试法者必亡。通过警示教育,我深刻地认识到反腐倡廉的任务艰巨性,认识到建立教育、制度、监督并重的惩处和预防腐败体系的紧迫性。因此,作为党员,必须积极维护党纪国法的严肃性,既用宪法和法律约束自己,也用党章和党的纪律规范自己,以实际行动带动党风和社会风气的进一步好转。特别要严格遵守廉洁自律的有关规定,耐得住艰苦,管得住小节,挡得住诱惑,做一个清清白白的人。因此,我们要从警示教育片中吸取教训,做到举一反三,警钟长鸣,牢记党的宗旨,做好本职工作,恪尽职守,全心全意为人民服务。党的光辉形象靠党员的共同努力来增彩,党的利益需要我们大家来共同维护。我将以此警示自己,防微杜渐,警钟长鸣,牢牢树立勤政为民、廉政为民的思想观念,真正做到上不负党,下不负民,为实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标作出新的更大的贡献。1月20日上午,全市领导干部在宾馆礼堂集体观看警示教育片,片子中的段义和、韩桂芬、马德等高级领导干部由人民的公仆,一下子蜕变成了人民的罪人,看后令人震撼,发人深省。看看他们的成长经历,无不是从小家境贫寒,吃尽苦头,是党和人民把他们培养成大学生,党的高级干部。本来他们应该好好工作,将精力和智慧奉献给党的事业和人民的事业,但却恰恰相反,他们辜负了党和人民的期望,半路上调了队,落得个可耻可悲的下场。纵观他们的犯罪经历,我认为主要有以下原因:一、世界观改造不彻底。他们都身居高位,握有重权,替别人说话办事只是张口之劳,得到的却是优厚的回报,钱花不了,东西用不完。他们都成了一些不法之徒用糖衣裹着的炮弹的袭击目标,而且一旦击中便稀里哗啦不可收拾。为什么能这样?按他们自己的说法就是人生观、价值观、世界观没有改造好,平时很少学习,即便学了也是应付公事,根本没有装进脑子里去。久而久之,便犯了迷糊,再也脑子不清醒了,以至于在违法犯罪的道路上越走越远,根本不按照党说的去做了,不去履行全心全意为人民服务的宗旨了。二、没有了党和人民的监督。他们个个高高在上,为所欲为,根本不要别人的监督,甚至把人民的监督看成是对自己的不信任,拒绝监督。他们替别人办事就得收钱,收东西。第一次都说是很害怕,但有了第一次就有了第二次、第三次,习以为常了。他们自以为神不知鬼不觉,做得很跷。他们在一个部门负责,把这个部门当成自己的私有财产,愿意怎么干就怎么干,可以卖官鬻爵,可以为亲朋好友无原则的办事,可以对着下级大呼小叫,当奴才来用。他们认为他们就是老大,谁也管不了。所以,别人想监督也被他们的淫威给吓住了。三、他们心存侥幸。片子中的这些人做梦也想不到会有东窗事发那一天,现在后悔也来不及了。铁窗内的痛哭流涕,声声忏悔,说什么都晚了。世界上没有卖后悔药的。正如陈毅写的一首诗“手莫伸,伸手必被捉;党和人民在监督,法网恢恢难逃脱!”作为一名领导干部,在新的历史条件下,更应该以党员干部的标准严格要求自己,努力学习,刻苦改造世界观、人生观和价值观,在其位,谋其政,全心全意为人民谋利益,廉洁自律,警钟长鸣,战战兢兢,如履薄冰。要日三省吾身,对着党章找差距,找出差距定措施,自觉向党组织汇报思想,按照党的要求去做,自觉接受党和人民的监督,做无愧于党和人民的人。时刻牢记,在位置上要想什么,干什么,身后留下些什么?不该要的不要,不该去的地方不去,不该吃的别吃,不该办的事情别办。努力做一个新时期合格的党员干部。responsibilities, agricultural administrative system coordinated operation.The solution of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and when all the times, continue to promote rural reform and development.The relevant departments at all levels should further emancipate the mind, deepen the reform of reform, opening up.I go to tell the truth, do practical work, seek practical results, resolutely opposed the formalism and bureaucracy.Leading cadres at all levels should adhere to the right of the people, love the people, and work for the people.The ideological emancipation, adhere to reform and opening up, promote scientific development, promote social harmony.The construction of a faith, dedication dedication, skills, re conduct basic rural grassroots cadres.The comprehensive implementation through Scientific Outlook on Development, uplifting spirit, solid work, forge ahead, pioneering and innovative.I go to the solution to continue emancipating the mind to insist on the implementation of reform and opening, promote scientific development, promote social harmony.The construction of tourism personnel training, introduction, selection, use, management, assessment, evaluation, incentive mechanism and so on.The socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and Party construction has made new progress.I go Gaga more consciously implement to continue to emancipate the mind persist in reform and opening up, promote scientific development, promote social harmony.In the policy, the Ministry of finance work, put on the work of the whole Party cadres to embody in heavy strategic thinking.- adhere to education, system, supervision, reform, rectification rectification, combination of punishment, to promote rural village construction of punishing and preventing corruption.I go to expand the orderly participation, promote information disclosure, improve business negotiation procedure, strengthen the powers of supervision as the focus, and strengthen the building of grassroots political power.I go to the party construction has become the development of promoting science, led farmers to get rich, close ties with the masses, safeguard the stability of the strong strong core of leadership.The first priority to be more conscious, more firmly grasp the development of the party's affairs, more conscious, more firmly push to promote scientific development.- strengthen the unified leadership of the party committees, government together tube, comprehensive rural work department organization and coordination, relevant departments of agricultural and rural work leadership system and working mechanism.? In the revolution, construction and reform of each historical period, our Party firmly adhere to the basic principle of the Marx doctrine with the concrete practice of China, has always attached great importance to the end, seriously, to solve agriculture, rural and farmers problems.I go to the leadership construction as the focus, improve the party organization as the guarantee, level three, LIAN activities as the carrier, the construction of Party organization has become to promote scientific development, led farmers to get rich in close contact with the masses, strong leadership to maintain stability in rural areas.The majority of Party members, cadres should adhere to the right to use, for the people, love the people, and work for the people, concerned about the sufferings of the masses, listen to their whirring sound, on the wisdom of the masses, to tell the truth, do practical work, seek practical results, resolutely opposed the formalism, bureaucracy, efforts to create tangible in the performance.According to the construction of democracy and the rule of law, fair justice, honesty and friendship, full of life vitality, stability and order, and harmony between man and nature of the socialist harmonious society will be required to correctly handle the contradictions among the people under the new situation, solve the serious concern, the people most directly, the most realistic interests.That I worry we must be prepared, enhanced sense of urgency, and always maintain the Marxism of Marx, the meaning of socialist China characteristics, faith in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Xing; must quit arrogance and rashness, hard work, keep in mind the socialist primary stage of the basic national conditions, for the party and the people's cause of unremitting efforts sure; to study hard, work hard, do not continue to create a stand the practice, people and history of test results; and must strengthen the unity of the overall situation, and consciously maintaining the unity of the whole party, the party to maintain close ties with the masses, Gong Gong solid people of all nationalities unity.The need to consolidate and strengthen the fundamental position of agriculture industry, has always been to solve the problem of population Shishijiyi priority rule in Ampang must safeguard the rights and interests of farmers; and has always been to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the majority of farmers in rural areas as well all the work of the starting point and end point; we must continue to emancipate and the development of rural social productivity, has always been to reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force for rural development; must urban and rural economic and social development, it has always been the focus on building a new type of city workers and peasants, the relationship between urban and rural areas as a major strategy to accelerate the modernization of the rural work; we must adhere to the party tube, beginning Finally to strengthen and improve the party's leadership of the rural work as a political guarantee for promoting the development of rural reform.Economy classThe change in speed, change the kitchen, lavatories, changing circle.The rural land ownership, registration, certification work.The promotion of agricultural production, farmers income, rural prosperity and prosperity.The development of conservation agriculture industry, circular agriculture, ecological agriculture.The cultivation of culture, understand technology, new farmers will operate.The health and improve the rural collective funds, assets and resources management system.The establishment of set management, financing, construction in one of the main business.The industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization step to speed up the pace.The firm confidence, calm observation, multi pronged approach, the effective effect on.The stability of the sown area of product, optimize breed structure, improve the production yield level.The force of China's economic strength, comprehensive national strength and international status significantly improved.The transformation of the development concept of pronouncing, innovating the mode of development, improve the development quality.The building of regional, national character, strong participation tourism brand.The last of China's overall has entered the industry promoting agriculture development stage, to the city with the township.The agriculture, rural areas, farmers, relationship between the party and the country's development of the whole country.The health and improve the agricultural subsidy system, expand the range, improve the standard and perfect way.The law to protect farmers contracted land soil possession, use, income and other rights.- promote economic development, improve people's lives is always the central task of the China.- ensure that this base farmland is not reduced, the use does not change, the quality is improved.The construction of full coverage, comprehensive, social service system. The Czech high poopThe establishment of government support, multi party participation, rural credit loan guarantee mechanism of market operation.The formation of East and interaction, complementary advantages, mutual promotion and promote common development of the new pattern.I go to uphold and improve the "governor rice bag", in charge of the system, "food basket" the mayor is responsible for the system.The promoting agricultural technology integration, labor process machine, production and management of information technology.The increase of the old revolutionary base areas, minority areas, areas, poor areas development support.The whole city urban and rural social management, promote the reform of the household registration system and relax the small city settled conditions.That the majority of farmers with education, employment, medical care, medical, and housing.The development to help the old, disabled, save the orphans alone, poor relief, as the focus of social welfare and charity.The guides farmers orderly employment, encourage farmers to encourage employment, entrepreneurship support agricultural migrant workers.I go to carry out thorough and wide coverage, basic, multi-level, sustainable principle, accelerate the establishment of rural social security system.There must be in accordance with high yield, high-quality, efficient, ecological, safety requirements, accelerate the transformation of agricultural development mode change.The rapid construction of stable supply, reserves sufficient, effective adjustment, efficient operation of the food safety guarantee system.The real effective implementation of agricultural production, acquisition, processing, storage and transportation, quality safety supervision and responsibility of each link of sales.Allow the farmers to subcontract, lease, exchange, transfer, share cooperation and other forms of flow circulation of land contract and management rights.? To clear objectives, to develop planning, increase investment, focus on the overall strength of the relationship between the Department of the overall situation, the impact of long-term major events.The construction of production development, well-off life wide, rural civilization, clean village, new socialist countryside village and democratic management.According to the step by step, is about to land, intensive development, reasonable arrangement of distribution principle, promote the urbanization healthy development.There must have a clear goal, and planning, increase investment, focus in the power of good relations overall, long-term effects of long event.I go to market demand, technological innovation as a means, quality and efficiency as the goal, to build a modern agricultural industrial system.The reasonable arrangement of county towns, agricultural farmland protection, industrial agglomeration, village distribution, ecological conservation and space layout.According to the individual contributions, collective body grants, requires a combination of government subsidies, the establishment of new rural social endowment insurance system for the old.The gradually realize migrant workers labor remuneration, children's education, public health, housing, and urban residents enjoy the same treatment.The form is conducive to the protection of arable land, water, forest, grassland, wetland, and natural resources and agricultural species resources incentive mechanism.According to the service of farmers, and freedom, equal rights, democratic management, support agricultural farmer cooperatives to accelerate development.According to the property rights, use control system, economical and intensive, the original principle of strict management, further improve the rural land management system.I go to speed up the implementation of grain food production, increase farmers' income, enhance financial coordination, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of local farmers all sorts of grain, to catch food.The agricultural foundation is still weak, the need to strengthen the development of rural areas still lag behind; and most in need of support; farmers income is difficult, the need to speed up.Transfer of the right to land contractual management, shall not change the nature of collective ownership of land, shall not change the land use, shall not harm the interests of farmers' land contract.The product of hundreds of millions of farmers greatly mobilized the enthusiasm, the great liberation and development of rural social productivity, greatly improving the farmers' material and cultural life.I go to establish a fair, just, inclusive and orderly, the new international financial order rank direction, adhere to a comprehensive, are balanced, progressive, principle of effectiveness.The search for new selling points, refined provided a new theme, the development of new products, design new line, add new contents to the Pearl River Delta, Gong consolidate the traditional market, the development of long triangle in emerging markets.The grain grain production, farmers income, farmland protection, environmental governance, harmony and stability as a special place assessment is an important content of the leadership of the county class team performance.I go to speed up the establishment of commercial finance, financial cooperation, the combination of policy finance, capital adequacy, function perfect, perfect service, safe operation of the rural financial system.The innovation system mechanism, strengthen the agricultural infrastructure, increase farmers income, protect the rights and interests of farmers, promoting rural harmony, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of farmers, initiative, and creativity.The great practice of reform and development of the rural development, Yiyiwan greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers, and the development of the great liberation of productive forces in rural areas, farmers very greatly improve the material and cultural life.The hard truth is to adhere to the development, adhere to grasp the development of the party in governing and rejuvenating the country first, adhere to the economic construction as the center, adhere to the development and reform of methods to solve the problems in the forward.The Chinese will continue to promote the construction of the sustainable development of the world economy, inclusive and orderly in the international financial system, a fair and reasonable international trade system, a fair and effective global development system.I go to the construction of a new socialist countryside as a strategic task to take the road of Ren, modern agricultural modernization Chinese characteristics as the basic direction, and to speed up the formation of a new pattern of urban and rural economic and social development integration as a fundamental requirement.In the revolution, construction and Reform in every historical period, our party adhere to the basic principle of the Marx doctrine with the concrete practice of China, has always been high attention, seriously, to solve the solution of agriculture, rural and farmer problems.The agriculture is the world, strategic industry stability in China people, no agricultural modernization is no national modernization, no rural prosperity and stability there is no national country's prosperity and stability, no comprehensive well-off farmers no national people well-off Kang.I go to ensure national food security, promote the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure adjustment, accelerate the innovation of agricultural science and technology, and strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, the establishment of new agricultural social service system, and promote the sustainable development of agriculture and agriculture to expand opening to the outside world.That should adapt to the agricultural scale, precision, facilities and other requirements, accelerate the development of multi-functional, intelligent, and economic agricultural equipment preparation facilities, focus in the field work, facilities cultivation, aquaculture, intensive processing, storage and transportation and other aspects of preservation has made new progress.The more attention to strengthen and improve macro-control, more attention as reform and opening up and promoting independent innovation, and pay more attention to the adjustment of economic structure and improve the quality of development, pay more attention to saving resources and protect the environment, improve people's livelihood as more attention and promote social harmony.The "11th Five-Year" period, will have to maintain stable and rapid economic development, we must accelerate the transformation of economic growth mode, we must improve the ability of independent innovation, and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas must, must strengthen the construction of harmonious society, we must continue to deepen reform and opening up.? In order to accelerate the construction of public service mechanism based on cooperative economic organizations as the base, leading enterprises as the backbone, other social forces as supplement, public services and business services combined, special special services and integrated services to coordinate the new agricultural social service system.The past five years of reform and opening up and the comprehensive construction of a well-off society to have significant progress in five years, is the social production forces and overall national strength significantly increased in 55 years, is the all-round development of social undertakings and people get more affordable for five years, is China's international standing and influence is not definitely improved for five years.I go to speed up the transformation of agricultural development, promote agricultural scientific and technological progress and innovation, strengthen the material and technical equipment of agricultural industry, agricultural industry system, improve land productivity, resource utilization, labor productivity, enhance the anti risk ability of agriculture, international competition ability, the ability of sustainable development.- adhere to industry nurturing agriculture, city support rural and less take free policy, institutional innovation, and strengthen the foundation of agriculture, increase farmer income, safeguard the rights and interests of farmers, promoting agricultural rural harmony, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, the people's initiative, creativity, promote rural economic and social good and and fast development.Only to put the solution of agriculture, rural areas and farmers to ask questions as the priority among priorities, and adhere to the basic position of agriculture, adhere to the socialist market economy reform direction, adhere to the road of agricultural modernization Chinese characteristics, adhere to the protection of peasants' material interests and democratic rights Lili, in order to liberate and develop rural social solutions productivity.That must be in accordance with high yield, high quality, efficient, ecological, safety requirements, accelerate the transformation of agricultural development, and promote the progress of agricultural science and technology and innovation, strengthen the agricultural material and technical equipment, health and improve the agricultural industrial system, improve the rate of land, resource utilization, labor productivity, enhance the anti risk ability of agriculture and the international competition ability, sustainable development ability.Fan Wenwen: all kinds of documents writing parallel sentences highlightsYibin city part evolved from Highway urban road, only road; it from plain City Road junction, often design does not match, caused a decline in capacity and traffic chaos. Direct contact channel between the lack of network layout for a group significantly affectedresponsibilities, agricultural administrative system coordinated operation.The solution of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and when all the times, continue to promote rural reform and development.The relevant departments at all levels should further emancipate the mind, deepen the reform of reform, opening up.I go to tell the truth, do practical work, seek practical results, resolutely opposed the formalism and bureaucracy.Leading cadres at all levels should adhere to the right of the people, love the people, and work for the people.The ideological emancipation, adhere to reform and opening up, promote scientific development, promote social harmony.The construction of a faith, dedication dedication, skills, re conduct basic rural grassroots cadres.The comprehensive implementation through Scientific Outlook on Development, uplifting spirit, solid work, forge ahead, pioneering and innovative.I go to the solution to continue emancipating the mind to insist on the implementation of reform and opening, promote scientific development, promote social harmony.The construction of tourism personnel training, introduction, selection, use, management, assessment, evaluation, incentive mechanism and so on.The socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and Party construction has made new progress.I go Gaga more consciously implement t

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