
来源:高一 发布时间:2020-09-21 点击:

  在基层党务工作者培训班上的讲话 同志们: 今天,**市**年基层党务工作者培训班正式开班了。这次培训班的主要任务是:进一步提高基层党务工作者的整体素质,提升党务工作者的业务能力和水平,增强抓好党务工作的责任心和使命感,贯彻落实好自治区、地区基层组织建


 一、提高认识,增强抓好基层组织建设工作的责任感 基层党组织是党在社会基层组织中的战斗堡垒,是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,是党联系各族群众的桥梁和纽带。党的十六届四中、五中全会指出,“加强党的执政能力建设,要以加强党的基层组织和党员队伍建设为基础”,要用科学发展观统领各项工作,始终保持党的先进性。自治区、地区和市委组织工作会议明确要求,要切实加强基层党组织建设。我们只有把基层组织建设抓实抓细抓出成效,党组织就有了感召力、凝聚力和战斗力,才能更好地带领干部群众执行党的路线方针政策,才能正确地贯彻市委工作意图,完成本单位、本部门的工作任务,推动全市各项工作向前发展。在座的各位同志是全市基层党的工作的中坚力量,是基层组织日常工作的重要领导者和组织者,是搞好基层组织建设工作的关键因素。基层组织建设工作的好坏,与党务工作者是否敬业和称职直接相关。基层党组织凝聚力、战斗力强不强,能否充分发挥战斗堡垒作用,不仅直接影响我市党的先进性建设,而且事关全市经济和社会发展的全局,影响着“科教兴市、工业强市”的全局。我市开展“三级联创”活动以来,市、乡、村基层组织建设得到了加强,被自治区评为基层组织建设先进县。要进一步提升我市党的建设“三级联创”活动成果,我们肩负的责任更大,担子更重,任务更加艰巨。党的十六届五中全会以后,新形势下基层组织建设面临着许多新情况、新问题,特别是乡镇党委换届选举后,全市党务工作者队伍人事变更较大,急需更新知识和提高业务技能。为确保全市党建工作和基层在组织建设深入有效开展,市委组织部决定举办这期基层党务工作培训班。这是我们在今年乡镇党委换届以来,首次举办的基层党务工作者培训班。组织部相关科室干部紧扣业务实际准备了专题讲座,针对加强基层组织建设的具体工作进行辅导、讨论和交流活动。为此,同志们要自觉加强自身政治素质、思想素质、业务素质和能力素质建设,做到身、责、心“三到位”,切实担负起本单位党建工作的组织、领导和协调责任,紧紧把握全市工作大局,紧密结合本单位的中心工作任务,卓有成效地开展基层组织建设工作。

 二、认真履行职责,下大力抓好基层党组织建设 基层组织建设工作是一门科学,做好这项工作,需要我们认真学习,熟练掌握基本知识,练好内功,并在此基础上,认认真真地按照基层组织工作制度扎扎实实地开展好各项工作。当前,全市基层组织建设工作的重点是:坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,用科学发展观统领各项工作,紧紧围绕建设社会主义新农村、构建和谐**这个目标,研究新情况,解决新问题,探索新路子,不断提高基层党组织领导发展、推动工作、服务各族群众的能力,充分发挥基层党员的先锋模范作用,体现党的先进性。


 三、积极稳妥地推进基层民主政治建设,进一步密切党群干群关系 一 要进一步完善政务公开和财务公开制度,落实各项要求,保障群众的民主权利。二要毫不松懈地抓好先进性教育活动深化和巩固扩大整改成果工作,把解决群众反映强烈的突出问题作为改进干部作风、进一步密切党群干群关系的切入点和落脚点。要从群众最盼的问题干起,从群众最怨的问题抓起,要着力解决好与各族群众生产生活息息相关的基础设施、医疗卫生、子女上学、



 四、市、乡、村“联动”,巩固和深化基层组织建设“三级联创”活动成果 一要充分发挥城乡、市直与社区党组织“结对共建”的作用,抓好各类活动“载体”的创建巩固工作,不断提高我市基层组织建设的整体水平;二要大力宣传推广那些能很好地发挥党支部、党小组和党员作用的好经验和好做法;三要进一步完善和巩固保持共产党员先进性长效机制,创新发挥党员先进性的联动途径;四要强化“领导抓、抓领导”的基层组织建设保障措施;五要认真做好下半年基层组织建设示范乡镇、示范村队的推荐、评选和表彰工作,切实发挥示范带动作用。

 五、几点具体要求 这次培训班,只有三天时间,为使大家在有限的时间内真正做到学有所获,学以致用,我向同志们提几点具体要求:一是要掌握正确的方法,解放思想,勤于思考,理论联系实际,探索创新;二是要严格遵守纪律,全身心投入到学习中去,积极谋划好下半年的工作;三是要营造良好的学习氛围,互相交流经验,取长补短,共同提高。



 work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, "top leaders" personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on "deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound" three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the people's letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter "three meet" increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the "strike hard" campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the "broken case, fled, chasing fugitives" concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of "what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of" rogue "and" Pi "word color belt"To catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the" strike hard "principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, we must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to" homicide cases must be broken "work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance people's sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesn't happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted "Falun Gong" illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put "Falun Gong" illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large "Falun Gong" nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the "Falun Gong" diehards. Step, to increase the intensity of the trial. Keep up with the related measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence. To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation. Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures. Next departments at all levels should conscientiously , relying on community and

 work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, "top leaders" personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on "deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound" three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the people's letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter "three meet" increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the "strike hard" campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the "broken case, fled, chasing fugitives" concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of "what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of" rogue "and" Pi "word color belt"To catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the" strike hard "principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, we must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to" homicide cases must be broken "work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance people's sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesn't happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted "Falun Gong" illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put "Falun Gong" illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large "Falun Gong" nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the "Falun Gong" diehards. Step, to increase the intensity of the trial. Keep up with the related measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence. To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation. Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures. Next departments at all levels should conscientiously , relying on community and2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 2 / 1

 work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, "top leaders" personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on "deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound" three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the people's letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter "three meet" increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the "strike hard" campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the "broken case, fled, chasing fugitives" concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of "what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of" rogue "and" Pi "word color belt"To catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the" strike hard "principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, we must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to" homicide cases must be broken "work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance people's sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesn't happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted "Falun Gong" illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put "Falun Gong" illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large "Falun Gong" nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the "Falun Gong" diehards. Step, to increase the intensity of the trial. Keep up with the related measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence. To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation. Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures. Next departments at all levels should conscientiously , relying on community and

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