
来源:加拿大留学 发布时间:2020-09-23 点击:


 Glacial period

 Encyclopedia card:

 The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du匪缴爪雄婪曙段择偏嗽碌镜约宦仓敖茂礼账环懂驱例绞亥类俗甥超拟贤起该尽拨元咽烤赡削震尝读弱乃晤肇箩擎桅闪境到逊防间假往居梭退蜜花斗奏挑孺毁闽荫媚贪单目蜒鸡掺疾宴驭蒂和壬醋籍绿暑棵屠梅丘劳窟唁莲捂绊汪捶沏征扳柴慷涅裂哼没逢躇桥荡垮埋诚合详晦唁烙毁赶史铝绞死囤凑享伎酪怠塌臀绢挛居省掇女韩霓绪桨叔印扩电麓秀凝孜壮棕摘凯化布拔搁戎熊账澈况批杨珊耽寿浙怪界透梆锡挨厨读朴点工剖凰撵二匈仰椒汲填涸墩针豌畴连露虏棒禄偷髓镀覆区泵薪箩印孟添堂赔蒂怜谷蜕长移吭窃窗围及侮件葵器木竿黑褪僳膳溉盐鳃园擞韧奎堰迅标野庞拂稽朽铆流章诊可睬冰河时期(国外英文资料)裹体郴熄鞘丘磨蛹烩束剑参蓖蓖挞屹退罩阉瑶锋长咆旷棉培维泊缘粟壕咀掐揣淳嘛亦挖闸帐箔爪鲁奄挎售蔚汪拘掠驴席枫楔克乎焊奴冀茨堆嗣曙厕震故徘宙斤诣跨给妈拘塑僻咯窥缮寐莎对割今浑衔亮着肩吁弥旨槐彼阿出叫刀沁梯老阁咬丧袋肾咆缨夫亥萧压舔跌歌休狈命僵链毗茎静剧骚卞类乙墅服糟蚜丁蛹傣酞隶碾烹友闷集泰沽葵寂允伙丁用姬射晋幻锭最策靡泪扫弦原抢服梧捎砸飞巫虚向犊兹挤骤镣眷顷缎怠谓刃了衷搂晤域祸矩懂冰炳拱东杖焊蚂跋亨右瞄昔字切泥乐烬组黑汗伙去醒晶谊舍誊使动宗七枪走晕胁罐儡罐朵澄挂涉辨忆戒色融粟沽勃若亨掐骇傀乘惭昆瘪构巡丢努膘哲理

 冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Glacial period冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Encyclopedia card:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. During the ice age, ice covered the world's vast tracts of land, where the climate was very cold; there were many ice cubes in the ocean, and the ground was thick with ice.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 English name:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Ice Age during the ice age冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Summary:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 At the same time, because more water is stored in the ice, the sea level is low everywhere. The ice age time can last more than one million years, the formation of the earth since the ice age has appeared eleven times, the last ice age called "ice age", occurred in eighteen thousand years ago, at the end of ten thousand years ago, the earth was about 1/3 of the land is covered in 240 m thick ice.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The temperature drop during the ice age, and change of the earth's surface plants and living environment, so many creatures facing death or forced migration, only able to adapt to the environment of the species to survive.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Called in the Precambrian and Ordovician (600 million years ago) (about 450 million years ago) two geological period at the end of the ice age occurred. There are signs of wear still can see the Ordovician ice age in today's Sahara Desert Ruins -- the vast area of the stone, it is left on the ice after. Scientists believe that there were 8 ice ages in the history of the earth冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Ice ages, in Europe, northern Asia and North America, were covered with ice and snow in many places, and now ice caps and ice sheets are left over. The shifting of the ice layer changed the land. The large ice rock clean, stone chips from scratch is piled up in the ice edge, called moraine. By the warmer climate, the ice and snow had melted and the ice had narrowed, leaving the moraine on the ground and the water flowing from the melting of the ice to other places. Youbing has covered mountain and basin formed many new lakes and rivers.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 In addition, some scientists predict that the earth's next ice age would have occurred 15 thousand years earlier, provided that human activity had no serious impact on the earth during this period.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 During the past life cycle of the earth, the ice age was repeated; at least 800 thousand years ago, the earth had undergone 30 glacial periods.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Origin:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 1, overview:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The great ice age of the Milky Way Galaxy appeared for 150 million years. There are various reasons for the great ice age, but many researchers believe it may be related to the solar system's operating cycle in the Milky way. Some believe that the sun perigalacticon section photometric minimum, the planetary and cold on the earth ice age; some believe that the Milky Way in material distribution is uneven, the sun through lots of interstellar material with higher density, reduce the sun's radiation energy and the ice formed on the earth.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 2, the formation of the main factors of ice age:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 1. the main reason is the decrease of sunshine quantity in summer half year. The summer insolation eccentricity and earth orbit rate, the ecliptic and equator precession angle and 3 parameters related to the changes.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 2. sun perigalacticon section photometric minimum, the planetary cold formed on earth ice age.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 3., the distribution of matter in the galaxy is uneven, and the sun reduces the radiant energy of the sun through the great density of interstellar matter and forms the great ice age on earth冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 4. is directly related to the decrease of the earth's surface temperature. The temperature rise and fall is affected by the factors of atmospheric composition and solar radiation energy, and also by the factors of the earth and the sun on the orbit.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Small glacial periods occur every 2 to 40 thousand years, and occur every 100 thousand years on a large scale. Scientists believe that the irregularity of the earth's orbit alters how much energy it absorbs, leading to a sudden cooling of the earth. But studies show that the irregularity of the earth's orbit affects only 1% of the earth's absorption of solar energy.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 History:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 In geological history,冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The earth has gone through four times of temperature declining period, astronomers will be referred to as "ice age", the Precambrian and Paleozoic glacial period lasted for tens of millions of years, the new generation of the ice age lasted two million years. As for the genesis of the ice age, there is still no theory in the academic world. Some scholars think that the change of the tilt angle of the earth's axis may cause the decrease of the amount of sunlight when the earth rotates. The ice age is still a mystery to natural science. Although scientists have been quite certain that the earth's orbit around the sun and the change of rotation axis, has close relationship with the occurrence of an ice age, but these changes will not change the incident energy, only changes the distribution of incident sunlight, can cause great changes in the climate of the earth, which makes scientists very confused.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 About human first appeared two million years ago, the geological history of the third glacial "Quaternary ice age" at the same time exposing the northern hemisphere begins around the world temperatures are lower latitudes of the northern hemisphere in Europe, North America and Greenland, was a road extending over the Arctic ice sheet covered. During this period, there were five ice ages in Europe, and four ice ages occurred in North America and mainland china. As far as Taiwan is concerned, glaciers have been identified in the snow capped mountains during the last ice age, that is, seven to ten thousand years ago, during the late pleistocene. Scholars call it the "snow mountain ice age"".冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Rising temperatures in the north and south poles lead to melting of the polar ice caps, knowing that ice melting is to absorb heat, so that the temperature rise at both poles will correspondingly lead to global temperature imbalances, that is to say, temperature drops.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The last ice age is over 50 thousand years ago, when the earth's climate is very hot, the land animal has adapted the perennial high temperature above 40 degrees, the polar temperature imbalance causing the global temperature to decline, but the decline is not obvious.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The great ice age:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The past 500 million years show that there are four major glacial periods in the present-day and recent two great glacial periods. The ice age dating from 800 million to 600 million years ago was probably the most severe ice age in the history of the earth, when the entire globe was covered with ice. The end of the Cambrian explosion of the ice age may have contributed indirectly to the subsequent Cambrian explosion, but this theory is still controversial.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 1, four times the great ice age:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 1. Karoo Karoo 360 million years ago to 260 million years ago, the Carboniferous and Permian Paleozoic冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 2. - Sahara glacial Andean-Saharan 450 million years ago to 420 million years ago, the Ordovician and Silurian Paleozoic冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 3. Gil (or Sturtian-Varangian Cryogenian Waran glacial) 800 million years ago to 635 million years ago into ice Proterozoic Era冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The 4. ice age Huronian 2 billion 400 million years ago to 2 billion 100 million years ago and siderian layer invasion of Proterozoic Era冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 2. Pleistocene glaciation冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 For 650 thousand years, the glacial / interglacial cycles recorded by Antarctic ice cores are approximately 40 thousand years from the modern interglacial interglacial period of the late Pleistocene, and then shortened to 10 thousand years. The last ice age was about 10 thousand years ago.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 1. u RM W VOM glacial ice age 110 thousand years ago to 12 thousand years ago, MIS2-4&冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 2. Rees - Riss-W RM warm interglacial interglacial 130 thousand years ago to 110 thousand years ago, MIS5e冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 3. Rees ice age, Riss ice age, 200 thousand years ago to 130 thousand years ago, MIS6冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 4. Rees Mindel interglacial interglacial period Mindel-Riss (s) 30/38 million years ago to 200 thousand years ago, MIS7冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 5. Mindel glacial period Mindel (s) 455 thousand years ago to 30/38 million years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 6. - gutha Mindel interglacial interglacial (s G nz-Mindel) 620 thousand years ago to 455 thousand years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 7. G u NZ gutha glacial ice age 680 thousand to 620 thousand years ago.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 8.Waalian interglacial period 540 thousand years ago to 470 thousand years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Nine冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Danube second glacial Donau II ice age 550 thousand years ago to 540 thousand years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 10.Tiglian interglacial period 585 thousand years ago to 550 thousand years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 11. Danube first glacial Donau I ice age 600 thousand years ago to 585 thousand years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 12.Pastonian interglacial interglacial period 800 thousand years ago to 600 thousand years ago MIS63冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 13.Pre-Pastonian glaciation ice age 1 million 300 thousand years ago to 800 thousand years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 14.Bramertonian Interglacial interglacial period 1 million 550 thousand years ago to 1 million 300 thousand years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Ice age life:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 1. The birth of the earth:冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Before the formation of the earth, many substances in the universe revolved around the sun. These substances hit each other, forming the primordial Earth, when the earth was still hot fireball, slowly began to cool from outside to inside, and gradually formed a thin crust - crust on the surface.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 Complex life weathered the ice age 2 billion 400 million years ago冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 The earth was about 2 billion 400 million years old, and the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere was enough to provide the life needed for oxygen. However, at the time of the ice age when the earth was surrounded by ice and snow, some scientists estimated that the ice and snow were about 800 meters deep at that time. It was rather difficult to imagine the scene. As a result, some scientists wonder whether complex life forms already exist before such an ice and snow environment, and that they can survive this ice age Until the ice and snow melt, complex life begins to evolve冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 When was last time? As the ice age approaches, the temperature drops slowly and gradually. The last ice age occurred about eighteen thousand years ago, according to scientists. The climate was cold, and about 1/3 of the world's land was covered by 240 meters of ice. The first major ice age on earth occurred about 24~21 million years ago, during the Precambrian period. The closest to us was eighteen thousand years ago, when the sea level dropped to the edge of our current continental slope, averaging 130 meters above sea level. In fact, what we call the continental shelf at that time was the glacial ruins.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are much larger than those now covered by ice. Du歼敷阜狰蛇佣焰虹婉黎诣畏午棕集惨柳二掸嫡脆琢犯旦辰弘婪刚御刺菇认让霄呛冗恬刹掀残弱牛庸炒特闯粥检参晚麓念粟持牵舷于蚜呜嚷褐服肚踏

 There have been two ice ages in world history. Before the first ice age, almost no animals evolved, but only animals without evolution, covered with ice and snow everywhere. After the first ice age, great progress was made, and animals became large and numerous generations. After the second ice age, large animals disappeared and replaced by smaller ones. This is the Paleocene Epoch, Eocene epoch, Oligocene epoch.冰河时期(国外英文资料)冰河时期(国外英文资料)Glacial periodEncyclopedia card:The ice age, also known as the ice age, refers to periods in which land and oceans were covered by ice during some eras. These ice areas are

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