
来源:空姐招聘 发布时间:2019-01-11 点击:
英语资源网免费发布大学英语作文:实用的选修课 The Practical Optional Class,更多大学英语作文相关信息请访问英语资源网。

【导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。大范文网整理了大学英语作文:实用的选修课 The Practical Optional Class,一起来看看吧!

In college, every student needs to take optional classes to get enough credits. Compared to the major, optional class is much more funny and close to the life. Such as how to keep healthy and business manners. More and more students tend to choose the class that is practical.

Recently, it has been reported that the optional class about sex education was finished being chosen by students in five seconds. Another class about how to lose weight also very popular. The optional class is not for getting credits for students, but they want to learn something useful, which will be a great help in solving problems.

In America, the students need to take the optional class before they go to college. The class is very practical, which can teach them all kinds of skills, such as swimming. The optional class that is opened to students should be more interesting and can pass them the ability to settle life issues. The need of students is the standard for the class. The purpose of education is to cultivate students to be independent and the ability to solve problem.

推荐访问:大学英语作文:实用的选修课 the Practical Optional Class 关于选修课的英语作文 大学生选修课英语作文
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