
来源:高二 发布时间:2021-04-11 点击:

仁爱英语八年级上完成句子专练 完成下列句子。每小题1分。


I must finish the work _______ _______ _______ __________. 2.xx因xx而闻名。

Hangzhou ________ __________ __________ the West Lake. 3.这个男人正处在危险中,我们必须打120求助。

The man is _____ ________. We must call 120 for help. 4.—你为什么不给他打个电话 —我想和他面对面谈谈这件事。

—Why don’t you call him—I want to talk with him about it _______ ______________. 5.孩子们年纪足够大了,能照顾自己了。

The children are old enough to ____________ themselves. 6.这些游客还需要另外三个房间居住。

These visitors need ________ _______ rooms to live in. 7.他们在乡村里过着幸福的生活。

They are ___________________ in the countryside. 8.你知道那起事故中有多少人失去生命吗 Do you know how many people ___________ in the accident 9.现在最重要的是事情是保持冷静。

The most important thing is to __________ ________now. 10.我们怎么做才能远离疾病 What should we do to __________ ________diseases 11.我们的手在我们的日常生活中起重要作用。

Our hands ____________ ________ in our everyday life. 12.他们在考虑是否应该去南方工作。

They’re ____________ whether they should go to work in the south. 13.—他们是如何过上幸福生活的 —通过卖苹果。

—How do they _______ ______ ________ ________ —By selling apples. 14.你爸爸应该远离烟酒。

Your father should ______ _______ _______ cigarettes and wine. 15.你能帮助我查出火车什么时候到站吗 Can you help me ______ _______ when the train get to the station 16.杰克坐在教室的中间。

Jack sits ______ ______ ______ _____ the classroom. 17.你介意看完这个节目后关掉电视吗 Would you mind __________ ________ the TV after watching this program 18.现在保持冷静是最重要的事情。

___________ _________ is the most important thing now. 19.下雨的时候,记得远离电线。

When it rains, remember to _____________ ________ power lines. 20.昨天我家失火了。我打119求救。My house caught fire yesterday. I _______ 119 ________ ________. 21.你愿意和谁一起分享你的快乐呢 Who would you like to ________ your happiness ________ 22.xx的弟弟既喜欢游泳又喜欢xx。

Mary’s brother likes ___________ swimming __________ skating. 23.学校图书馆有成千上万的关于科学的书。

There are ________ ________ books about science in the school library. 24.现在互联网在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。

TheInternet___________ _________ _________inoureverydaylifenow. 25.你能为三十人提供住的地方吗 Can you __________places to live _________ thirty people 26.我们将有一个十天的假期。

We will have ________ ________ _________. 27.这座xx因各种各样的美食而闻名。

This city _________ ________ ________ all kinds of delicious food. 28.你空闲时间喜欢做什么 What do you like doing _____ ______ _______ _____ 29.喝杯开水吧。它能让你暖和起来。

Have a glass of boiled water. It will ________ _______ ______. 30.这周末为什么不一起爬山呢 ________ _________ climb mountains together this weekend 31.我们必须尽快解决这个问题。

We must ________ ________ as soon as possible. 32.我不同意你的观点。

I don’t _______ ________ you. 33.汤姆个子太矮了,够不到桌子上的书。

Tom is _______ short ______ get the books on the table. 34.这个故事发生在二十世纪早期。

This story happened in the ______ ________. 35.我们周一早晨去看电影了。

We went to the theater ______ ________. 36.这首歌很受年轻人欢迎。

This song ______ _______young people. 37.昨天晚上他在剧场欣赏了一场音乐会。

He enjoyed a concert _______ _______ _________last night. 38.—你们什么时候能完成这项工作 —很难说。

—When will you finish the work —_______ ________ _______ ________. 39.多么甜的蛋糕啊! ________ _________ cakes! 40.摇滚音乐不是我的最爱,但我不介意它。

________ is not my favorite, but I ________ ________ it. 41.我喜爱集邮。I love __________ ___________. 42.我爷爷空闲时间经常听音乐。

Mygrandfatheroftenlistenstomusic_________ _________ _____ 43.李先生是个足球迷,他对看足球比赛很感兴趣。

Mr. Li is a football fan. He________ _________ ________ watching footballgames. 44.我妹妹喜欢步行上学。

My sister ________ _________ _________ walking to school. 45.比起游泳,xx叔叔更喜欢爬山。

Uncle Wang _________ ___________to swimming. 46.这些图片代表什么 What do these pictures ________ _________. 47.不要让灯一直开着。

Don’t leave the lights on ________ ________ _______. 48.为了保持健康,我们每天都做运动。

We do exercise every day to ______ ________. 49.我妈妈做饭的时候,经常要我帮她一把。

Mymotheroftenasksmeto______ ________ _______whensheiscooking. 50.学生们都站起来为他们的队加油。

The students all stood up and _________ ________ their teams. 51.如果安(Ann)不在家,你可以给她留言。

You can ________ _______ _____ ___________ if sheisn’tin. 52.你叫你爸爸戒烟了吗 Did you tell your father to _______ _______smoking 53.我可以借这本字典多长时间 _________ __________ may I _______ this dictionary 54.我父母不在家,所以我不得不照顾我的弟弟。

Myparentsaren’tathome,soIhaveto_______ _______ ______mylittlebrother. 55.迈克生病了,他想请一天假。

Mike is ill. He wants to _______ ________ ______ _________ ________. 56.你能告诉我做运动前怎样热身吗 Can you tell me how to __________ before doing exercise 57.这些狗很危险。请告诉孩子们远离它们。

Thesedogsareverydangerous.Pleasetellthechildrento______ ______them. 58.如果你经常去拥挤的地方,你可能会生病。

You may get ill if you often go to ________ ________. 59.那个人一直在公共汽车上讲话

The man was talking ________ ________ ________ on the bus. 60.明天我们将去参观动物园而不是在教室上课。

We’llvisitthezoo_________ ________havingclassesintheclassroomtomorrow. 61.他白天睡觉,晚上工作。

He sleeps ________ ________ ______ and works at night. 62.你经常在晚饭后散步吗 Do you often ________ ________ _______ after dinner 63.喝足够的水可以帮你走过这片沙漠。

_________ _________ ________ can help you go through the desert. 64.不要把我的照片给别人看。

Don’t _______my photos ________other people. 65.我妈妈告诉我不要在xx下看书。

My mother told me not to read _________ ___________. 66.医生告诉她不要吃太多的糖果。

The doctor told her not to have _____________. 67.日日夜夜玩电脑游戏对我们不好。

Playing computer games _______ __________is bad for us. 68.他现在什么也不想说。

He doesn’t _______ _________ saying anything now. 69.你为什么不躺下好好休息呢 Why don’t you _______ ________ and have a good rest 70.你能告诉我正确的刷牙方法吗 Can you tell me the right way to _______ ________ 71.xx我们去动物园看大象好吗 ______ ______ go to see the elephants in the zoo this afternoon 72.你准备参加运动会吗 Are you going to ________ _______ ______ the sports meet 73.昨天妈妈生病了,我不得不自己做饭。

I had to cook myself because my mother ______ ________ yesterday. 74.这本书你读完后我可以借一下吗 Can I borrow the after you _ 75.我xx后不想当邮递员。

I’m not going to be a postman when I _________. 76.你知道是谁发明了电脑吗 Do you know who ________ the ________ 77.把篮球扔给你妹妹。

_________ the basketball ________ your sister. 78.有三个人在那间房里。

There are ________ _______ in the room. 79.迈克昨天生病了。

Mike ________ ________ yesterday. 80.你介意我打开窗户吗 _________ _______ _________if I open the window 81.当你xx后,你想做什么 What are you going to be when you ____ 82.在空闲时间,汤姆喜欢和他的同学一起去滑冰。

Tom likes to _______________ with his classmates in his free time. 83.上个周末,孩子们在公园玩得很开心。

Last ____________, the kids had __________ in the park. 84.林丹和姚明都是著名的运动员。Lin Dan and Yao Ming are both _________ ___________. 85.我认为这不是一个坏主意。

I don’t think it is a _______________. 86.你经常和你的朋友在网上聊天吗 Do you often _____________ your friends on the Internet 87.你应该把英语学得和数学一样好。

You should learn English _________ _______ math. 88.上周末我帮妈妈做了一些清洁工作。

I helped my mom _______ _________ __________ last weekend. 89.我爷爷通常在晚饭后遛狗。

My grandfather usually ________ ________ ________ after dinner. 90.你知道这周末谁举办演唱会吗 Do you know who is going to __________ ________this weekend 91.你介意向xx道个歉吗 Would you mind ________ _________ _______Mr. Li 92.不要对我大声喊,我没有做错什么。

Don’t _________ ________ me. I did nothing wrong. 93.你们不在时,不用为孩子们担心。

Don’t ________ ________ the children while you are away. 94.这个女孩没有完成作业,老师生她的气了。

Thegirldidn’tfinishherhomeworkandherteacher_______________________her. 95.妈妈告诉我不要乱扔书本。

My mom told me not to _________ my books _________. 96.他们是周五上午到达xx的。

They ________ ________ Beijing on Friday morning. 97.等他一回来,我就把这件事告诉他。

___________ _________ he comes back, I will tell him about it. 98.咱们不坐公共汽车而是步行去图书馆怎么样 How about going to the library on foot ____________ by bus 99.去年莉莉的妈妈迫使她做了很多阅读。

Last year, Lily’s mother __________ Lily _________ much reading. 100.詹妮不仅喜欢唱歌,而且喜欢跳舞。

Jenny likes _________ _________ singing ________ ______ dancing.


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