
来源:高二 发布时间:2020-10-21 点击:


  导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《美国的宠物文化双语阅读》的内容,具体内容:在美国养宠物的人很多,由此形成的宠物文化也十分特别,下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家阅读!美国的宠物文化原文:americans love pets. and it s ...



 americans love pets. and it s not just puppy love, either. many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. sometimes they spice up their pets lives with entertaining videos and amusing toys. if they have an eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish clothes. for special occasions, they can use canine perfume to make their dogs smell well. you might say americans treat their pets like they treat their children-sometimes even better.

 there are more households with pets than those with children in america. at least 43 percent of u.s. homes have pets of some sort. exotic creatures, such as monkeys, snakes and even wolves, find a home with some americans. more common pets include tropical fish, mice and birds. but the all-time favorites are cats and dogs, even at the white house. the bushes dog, spot, has replaced the clintons

 cat, socks, as reigning first pet. americans sometimes have strong feelings about whether dogs or cats make better pets. "dog people" and "cat people" often enjoy friendly rivalries.

 beneath the furry luxuries, there lies a basic american belief:

 pets have a right to be treated well. at least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in america. these provide care and adoption services for homeless and abused animals. veterinarians can give animals an incredible level of medical care for an incredible price. to pay for the high-tech health care, people can buy health insurance for their pets. and when it s time to say good-bye, owners can bury their pets in a respectable pet cemetery.

 pets are as basic to american culture as hot dogs or apple pie. to americans, pets are not just property, but a part of the family. after all, pets are people,too.



 有宠物的家庭比有孩子的家庭还多。至少 43%的美国家庭养有不同种类



 在宠物奢华享受的背后,其实存在着美国人的一种基本信念:宠物有权受到善待。美国至少有 75 个动物福利组织,他们为流离失所以及受到虐待的动物提供照顾与领养服务。兽医给动物提供的医疗护理好得令人难以置信——价格自然极其昂贵。




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