
来源:高二 发布时间:2020-09-13 点击:



 合 同 书







 甲方: (以下简称甲方)

 乙方: (以下简称乙方)


 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》, 结合国家和厦门市有关法律、法规,经双方充分协商一致,签订本合同并严肃履行。


 1. 乙方负责在合同有效期内定期对 的消防设施进行检测维修保养。

 2. 检测维修保养内容包括(自行选择):




















































 4. 检测维修保养期内系统如出现故障,甲方应及时通知乙方,乙方接到甲方通知后应立即到场查看测试,并及时消除故障,确保建筑消防设施正常运行。存在一般故障的,乙方必须在接到维保要求后 小时内到场维护保养;存在严重故障的,乙方必须在接到紧急维保要求后 小时内到场维护保养.。

 乙方应保证其检测维修保养的系统符合本合同规定的标准,因乙方原因质量达不到 合同规定标准,乙方在合理的期限内无偿返工。





 维修保养时间自 年 月 日开始,至 年 月 日结束,有效期 个月。



 每店每年维保费用共计 RMB: 元

 合同费用共计 RMB: 元



 (1)合同签订 工作日内,甲方支付乙方合同款的 %,即RMB: 元,合同期结束后 工作日内甲方付清 %余款即RMB: 元。



 任何一方违约应按照国家有关法律规定承担违约责任并赔偿对方损失。在履行合同时双方如发生争议,应本着友好协商的原则解决,协商不成,可通过( )方式解决。










 甲方:(签章) 乙方:(签章)


 单位负责人: 法定代表人:

 联系电话: 委托代理人:

 设备安全管理员: 联系电话:

 联系电话: 24小时急修电话:

 传真电话: 传真电话:

 邮政编码: 邮政编码:

 日期: 年 月 日 开户银行:


  日期: 年 月 日





 序号 维保内容 数量 维保周期 1 火灾自动报警及消防联动系统 1套  2 自动喷淋灭火系统 1套 3 消火栓灭火系统 1套 4 消防广播系统 1套 5 消防专用电话系统 1套  6 消防防排烟系统  1套  7 应急照明及疏散指示 1套  8 消防通道 1套  9 灭火器器具 1套  10 ·····     11     12     13     14       15       16       17       18       备注:该表附维保合同后面

 individual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, please carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact person: Chen Tel: 0531(total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process

 individual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, please carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact person: Chen Tel: 0531(total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process1

 individual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, please carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact person: Chen Tel: 0531(total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process

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