
来源:医生招聘 发布时间:2020-09-06 点击:



  电子商务通常是指是在地球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。英文名Electronic Commerce,简称EC。


  B2B模式,Business to Business-企业对企业,例子:阿里巴巴、慧聪网等。

  B2C模式,Business to Customer-企业对个人,例子:天猫、京东、亚马逊,当当等。

  C2C模式,Customer to Customer-个人对个人,例子:ebay,淘宝,拍拍,易趣等。


  SEM:Search Engine Marketing的缩写,意即搜索引擎营销。

  EDM:Electronic Direct Marketing的缩写,就是电子邮件营销。

  CPS:Cost Per Sales的缩写即销售分成。

  CPA : Cost Per Action,每次动作成本,即根据每个访问者对网络广告所采取的行动收费的定价模式。对于用户行动有特别的定义,包括形成一次交易、获得一个注册用户、或者对网 ? ?络广告的一次点击等。

  CPM:(Cost Per Mille,或者Cost Per Thousand;Cost Per Impressions) 每千人成本。

  CPC:(Cost Per Click;Cost Per Thousand Click-Through) 每点击成本。

  ROI:Return On Investment的缩写,投资报酬率。

  SEO:Search Engine Optimization的缩写,搜索引擎优化。

  转化率:Conversion Rate的缩写,是指访问某一网站访客中,转化的访客占全部访客的比例。

  UV:Unique Vister的缩写,独立访客。



  二跳率:二跳率,由99click最先提出,网站页面展开后,用户在页面上产生的首次点击被称为 “二跳”,二跳的次数即为”二跳量”。二跳量与浏览量的比值称为页面的二跳率。


  人均访问页面: PV总和除以IP,即可获得每个人平均访问的页面数量。至少人均访问页面需要超过10个以上,才算是优质的用户。














  1.访问页面:网络推广的访问者访问 5个页面以上才是有效流量。访问10个页面以上是高质量的流量,访问2个以下页面是垃圾流量。




 ? ?5.动销率:商品动销率计算公式为:商品动销率=动销品种数 ÷ 门店经营总品种数*100% 。













 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task

 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task

 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task

推荐访问:供销电商电子商务平台 术语 大全 商专

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