
来源:软件设计师 发布时间:2019-01-15 点击:
英语资源网免费发布高中英语作文:难忘的一件事情 An Unforgettable Thing,更多高中英语作文相关信息请访问英语资源网。

【导语】欢迎阅读大范文网为大家精心整理的高中英语作文:难忘的一件事情 An Unforgettable Thing!欢迎阅读学习!更多相关讯息请关注大范文网!

  I love English class so much, because learning English can bring me a bigger world. It is the key for me to see more about the world. This term, our school has hired a foreign teacher, which makes me so excited about the English class and I cherish every lesson. The foreign teacher’s name is Jane and she is from America. When Christmas came, she gave us a surprise. She brought the desserts that were made by herself to us. We enjoyed her homemade food and listened to the stories she told us about the coming Christmas. It was a special festival for me, which was the first time I spent this day with foreign friends. I knew the meaning of this festival and the great atmosphere. It is such an amazing moment and so unforgettable for me.   我非常喜欢英语课,因为学习英语能给我看到更大的世界,这是我更多地了解这个世界的关键。这学期,我们学校聘请了一名外籍教师,这让我对英语课感到非常兴奋,我珍惜每一堂课。外教的名字叫简,她来自美国。圣诞节来临的时候,她给了我们一个惊喜,她给我们带来了她自己制作的甜点。我们都很喜欢她自制的食物,听她讲述圣诞节即将来临的故事。对我来说,这是一个特别的节日,这是我第一次和外国朋友在一起。我了解了这个节日的意义和热闹的氛围。这是如此美妙的时刻,令我难以忘怀。

推荐访问:高中英语作文:难忘的一件事情 an Unforgettable Thing 一件难忘的事英语作文 难忘的一件事高中作文
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